907 resultados para Ensino de química
Scientific education has been passing by redefinitions, contestations and new contributions from the research on science teaching. One contribution is the idea of science and technology literacy, allowing the citizens not only knowing science but also understand aspects on the construction and motivation of scientific and technological research. In accordance with this idea, there is the Science-Technology-Society (STS) studies which, since the 1970s, has been contributing for science teaching and learning according to the comprehension of the relationships with society in the Western countries of the North. In Brazil, this approach began to gain projection from the 1990s when the first essays on the theme were published. Currently, there is a clear influence of this approach on the national curriculum guidelines, especially for the area of Natural Sciences, and also on the textbooks chosen by the High School National Program (Programa Nacional do Ensino Médio). However, there seems to be a gap in relation to the discussion on the specific curricular component seen in college on this approach. Thus, this study aims at adopting the approach STS, face to the preparation of complimentary educational material on acid and bases concepts studied in the course of General Chemistry of the Natural Sciences graduation program. To this end, it was performed a bibliographical research aiming at making the state-of-the-art in in these concepts in specific literature to science teaching. It is divided in two stages: systematic study (with sixteen journals chosen according to Qualis-Capes and an unsystematic study with direct search in databases and references in the papers of the systematic study. The studies had their content analyzed and the categories chosen a priori were the level of education, the acid-base theory adopted, and the strategy/theoretical frame of reference adopted. A second stage aimed at identifying attitudes and beliefs on STS (Science-Technology-Society) and CSE (Chemistry-Society-Environment) of students in the teacher and technologist training course in three diferent institutions: UTFPR, UFRN and IFRN. In this study, it was used two questionnaires, composed of a Likert scale, semantic differential scale and open questions. The quantitative data reliability was estimated through Cronbach’s alpha method, and tha data were treated according to classic statistics, using the mean as the centrality measures, and the mean deviation as dispersion. The qualitative data were treated according to the content analysis with categories taken from the reading of answers. In the third stage, it was analyzed the presence of STS and CSE content in chapters on acid and bases concepts of nine General Chemistry textbooks, frequently used in graduation programs in public institutions of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The results showed that there are few proposals of acid and bases teaching, and they are generally aimed at High School or at instrumentation for teaching courses, and no course for General Chemistry. The student’s attitudes and beliefs show the presence of a positivist point of view based on the concept of Science and Technology neutrality and the salvation of its mediation. The books analysis showed just a few content on STS and CSE are found in the studied chapters, and they are generally presented disjointedly in relation to the rest of the main text. In the end, as suggestion to solve the absence of proposals STS in General Chemistry books, as well as the student’s positivist attitudes, it was developed some educational material to be used in the course of General Chemistry at College. The material is structured to introduce a historical view of the concepts preparation, present the use of materials, the industrial and technological processes, and social and environmental consequences of this activities
Um dos objetivos centrais da escola atual é o de desenvolver nos alunos competências que lhes permitam adaptar-se à sociedade em constante transformação e não apenas a veiculação de conteúdos académicos. No entanto, vários estudos mostram que existem dificuldades na transferência das aprendizagens da sala de aula para o mundo real. Uma das razões apontadas é o facto de os conhecimentos de sala de aula não serem bem integrados com os conhecimentos anteriores do aluno. Para que ocorram aprendizagens significativas, torna-se, portanto, necessário que o professor leve em consideração, no planeamento de estratégias de ensino, os conhecimentos anteriores e expectativas dos alunos, as suas questões e ideias. Para que tal aconteça, é essencial que os alunos interajam com o professor, agindo como parceiros no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem, exprimindo as suas ideias, dúvidas e expectativas. Assim sendo, nesta investigação procurou-se aumentar a participação dos alunos através da criação de momentos que lhes permitissem explorar as suas ideias e escrever as suas questões. As ‘produções’ orais e escritas dos alunos foram objeto de reflexão e análise pela professora-investigadora, e levadas em consideração no planeamento das aulas subsequentes. Os dados foram recolhidos através de observação participante e não-participante, de anotações do investigador, de questões e respostas escritas pelos alunos, e da gravação áudio das interações orais das aulas. O método de investigação adotado foi o estudo de caso, sendo a investigação de carácter qualitativo. Pese as limitações do estudo no que diz respeito à dimensão da amostra, os resultados apontam no sentido de que as estratégias aplicadas estimularam a participação dos alunos. A comparação entre o número de questões escritas pelos alunos e o número de intervenções orais em algumas das aulas lecionadas revelou que o número de alunos que escreveram questões foi superior ao número de alunos que intervieram oralmente. Constatou-se, ainda, que nas aulas em que não existiu um momento exclusivamente dedicado a esta atividade, o número de questões escritas pelos alunos foi menor do que o obtido nas aulas em que aquele tempo foi disponibilizado. Estes dados sugerem que a criação de momentos de escrita de questões permite aumentar a participação dos alunos, o que foi já anteriormente defendido por vários autores. Também os momentos de trabalho em grupo constituíram um espaço importante para a exploração das ideias dos alunos, o que se tornou visível pela grande atividade dentro dos grupos, com apresentação de argumentos, construção conjunta de conhecimentos e, sobretudo, pela variedade de propostas que surgiram como forma de dar resposta a questões idênticas das fichas de trabalho. De facto, constatou-se que um maior número de alunos participava nas discussões em turma, quando estas se seguiam aos momentos de trabalho em grupo, do que quando eram realizadas após a exposição dos temas programáticos. Em suma, o que estas constatações sugerem é que a inclusão de momentos de trabalho autónomo, com a possibilidade de trocar ideias com os colegas, pode contribuir para aumentar a motivação dos alunos para intervir na aula. A recolha de questões forneceu informação acerca de falhas no conhecimento e dúvidas implícitas e explicitas na expressão escrita dos alunos, o que corrobora os resultados encontrados por outros estudos. Da mesma forma, a análise do discurso oral dos alunos e das suas respostas escritas constituiu uma fonte de informação importante relativamente àqueles aspetos. A reflexão sobre estas permitiu à professora-investigadora fazer ajustes e planear estratégias adequadas à melhoraria dos aspetos em que foram identificados problemas. O uso das ‘produções’ escritas e orais dos alunos para discussão em aulas posteriores constituiu uma forma de promover interações aluno-aluno, permitiu aceder às dúvidas de outros alunos, que se identificaram com as ideias expressas nas questões escritas, respostas escritas e manifestações orais dos seus colegas, e ajudou a integrar os alunos na gestão do processo de ensino e aprendizagem. No que diz respeito à tentativa de estimular os alunos a reformularem as suas respostas, o pedido explícito de reformulação parece aumentar a predisposição dos alunos para fazerem alterações, quando comparado com os casos em que esse pedido não existiu. Estes resultados sugerem que esta estratégia tem a potencialidade de favorecer a reflexão dos alunos sobre as suas próprias ideias. No final da dissertação, apresentam-se as limitações deste estudo e propõem-se sugestões para melhorar e aprofundar as estratégias implementadas.
Este relatório foi elaborado no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino de Física e Química para o 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e Secundário, e refere-se à Unidade Curricular Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), iniciada em setembro de 2011, na Escola E B 2,3 Dr. João de Brito Camacho em Almodôvar. A disciplina de PES decorreu sob orientação dos seguintes elementos: Orientadora Científica da Componente de Química (Professora Doutora Maria de Lurdes Cristiano), Orientadora Científica da Componente da Física (Professor Doutor Rui Guerra) e Orientadora Cooperante (Dr.ª Raquel Forca). Contempla o desenvolvimento de diferentes atividades letivas, nas Componentes de Química e de Física, aplicadas nas turmas do 8º e do 10º ano, este do curso Científico – Humanístico de Ciências e Tecnologias. A componente de Química foi lecionada de setembro de 2011 a janeiro de 2012, a componente de Física foi lecionada de fevereiro de 2012 a julho de 2012. A prática de ensino supervisionada, contou com um total de vinte e três aulas, catorze da componente de Química e nove da componente de Física. Durante o ano letivo foram realizadas diversas atividades/projetos, nomeadamente uma visita de estudo aos “Dias Abertos” do Instituto Superior Técnico, onde os alunos para além de participarem em diversos workshops, puderam ainda assistir a diversas palestras sobre temas relacionados com a Física. O estagiário participou nas atividades do Plano Anual, dinamizando o projeto do Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental (LIP), designado por Radiação e Ambiente onde os alunos realizaram tarefas de investigação sobre os efeitos da radiação. Participou também no projeto financiado pela Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian “Podíamos ler mais”, que envolveu a leitura de obras de divulgação científica e contou com um contato via skype com autores como David Bodanis e Michaell Guillian. A entrevista a estes autores foi realizada no “II Encontro aqui há ciência, arte e palavras” que contou ainda com palestras de divulgação científica por parte dos orientadores deste estágio e pelo Professor Doutor Paulo Crawford do departamento de Física da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. Este projeto foi convidado pelo Plano Nacional de Leitura a representar o mesmo na Futurália 2012. Os alunos dinamizaram um workshop intitulado “Livros sem resistência” onde apresentaram as experiências que leram nas obras inerentes a este projeto. O Relatório de Estágio compreende seis capítulos, referências bibliográficas e apêndices. No capítulo I é feita uma introdução onde são apresentados os objetivos do trabalho, as unidades de Física e de Química focadas e a metodologia seguida. No capítulo II é efetuado o enquadramento geral, do qual faz parte uma descrição das condições de trabalho, da turma, alvo da prática de ensino supervisionada e das disciplinas / turmas da responsabilidade da Orientadora Cooperante. O capítulo III (Química – 8º e 10º ano) e o capítulo IV (Física – 8º e 10ºano) contêm a análise da bibliografia oficial associada, as planificações, as metodologias, os instrumentos de avaliação e as atividades extracurriculares realizadas. No capítulo V o mestrando dá a conhecer os projetos que foram realizados, presentes no Plano Anual de Atividades. O capítulo VI e último, proporciona uma análise reflexiva de todo o trabalho desenvolvido, associada a sugestões futuras, eventualmente mais eficazes para a aprendizagem da Física e da Química, pelos alunos.
Dissertação de mestrado, Ensino no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário (Física e Química), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral implantar um programa de produção mais limpa e prevenção à poluição na disciplina de análise química do curso técnico de química de escola de nível médio. O foco do estudo foi análise química quantitativa por métodos clássicos de volumetria e gravimetria, desenvolvido com 3 turmas de alunos. Para isto, a literatura foi revisada, buscando-se os conceitos de Produção mais Limpa (PML), good housekeeping, Prevenção à Poluição (P2), Planos Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs), Constituição Federal e Estadual e implicações de assuntos ambientais e de segurança no ensino da química. A seguir efetuou-se um plano de trabalho e realizou-se a implementa-ção de medidas. Foram estabelecidas como medidas a minimização de reagentes, insumos e resíduos, a reutilização e reciclagem dos mesmos e a conscientização dos alunos sobre sua responsabilidade ambiental em 2 turmas de alunos, mantendo-se a outra como turma controle. Para avaliação de resultados foram usados indicadores quantitativos e qualitativos como quantidades de reagentes, insumos (água potável, detergente e papel toalha) e resí-duos, análise estatística dos resultados analíticos através teste Q, teste F, teste de t student e coeficiente de variação, análise de custos e postura dos estudantes frente a assuntos ambi-entais medidos através de suas atitudes. Os resultados mostraram que houve redução de 50% de reagentes, 55% de insumos, 50% de compostos químicos nos resíduos destinados para a estação de tratamento de efluentes em um volume 31% menor, superando as expec-tativas. Não houve diferença significativa nos resultados analíticos encontrados. A postura dos estudantes mostrou o nível de conscientização esperado. Verificou-se que, com as de-vidas adaptações, é possível aplicar um programa de produção mais limpa e prevenção à poluição em análise química e também em outras disciplinas.
Objetivando analisar, do ponto de vista epistemológico e histórico, o ensino de Química no Brasil, selecionamos 107 de livros didáticos adotados nas três séries do segundo grau, de 1931 a 1990. Como referencial teórico utilizamos a epistemologia de Gaston Bachelard, havendo destaque para a categoria obstáculo epistemológico, compreendido como os entraves, inerentes ao próprio conhecimento científico, que bloqueiam a compreensão e o desenvolvimento da ciência. Dentre os diferentes tipos de obstáculos destacamos o animismo, o realismo, o substancialismo e o verbalismo. Procuramos não apenas identificar exemplos desses obstáculos, e dos equívocos que provocam nos mais diferentes assuntos, como discutir o porquê do surgimento dos mesmos. Concluímos haver inverso de objetivos entre o período até meados da década de 60 - marcada pela inovação educacional - e o período posterior. No primeiro período há evidências de obstáculos epistemológicos oriundos da própria concepção de ciência vigente, ainda marcada por referenciais pré-cientificistas. No período posterior, especialmente apÓs 68, há proliferação ainda maior das metáforas realistas e animistas, devido ao fato de serem utilizadas enquanto estratégia pedagógica frente aos assuntos de maior abstraçao. Na ansia de tornar fácil a inerente dificuldade da ciência, construindo a ponte entre o conhecimento comum e o conhecimento cientifico, tao criticada por Bachelard, procede-se a divulgação da não-ciência e do irracional, obstaculizando o aprendizado da química.
Nesta Dissertações discutimos - com base na epistemologia de Bachelard - os problemas mais gerais que cercam atualmente o ensino das ciências físicas (química e física) no segundo grau. Tivemos por meta examinar o papel cumprido pelas diversas correntes filosóficas que, a partir da modernidade, influenciaram amplamente a cultura científica, destacando as consequências mais significativas para o ensino da Química e da física. Para melhor compreender esses reflexos, fizemos também uma pesquisa de campo junto aos professores de química e física Que lecionam no município do Rio de Janeiro. A partir daí foi possível evidenciar a situação de fragilidade do ensino secundário de tais ciências e propor alternativas para a modificação desse Quadro tão negativo.
The purpose of this work is to approach and understand the Social Representations (SR) (MOSCOVICI, 2003) about Physics and Chemistry from people who are major in these courses, as well as their Social Representations about teaching . We took as principle that approaching these representations it would be possible to relate their symbolic contents, in order to show how people who are following the first segments of bachelor degree courses in Physics and Chemistry become teachers, taking into account a psychosocial view. Two source of data was used during this research: Free-association Technique FA (ABRIC, 1994); and Multiple Classification Procedure (MCP) (ROAZZI, 1995). The analytical treatment of the collected data from FA was done according to the proposition of Grize, Vergés and Silem (1987 apud ABRIC, 1994, p. 66). MCP data were analyzed through MSA (Multidimensional Scalogram Analysis) and SSA (Singular Spectrum Analysis) methods associated with the Facet Theory (BILSKY, 2003). The discourses of MCP discussing groups at the moment of explanations were studied by Content Analysis as it was proposed by Bardin (1977) and Franco (2005). Indicative of an approach to the relations with knowledge (CHARLOT, 2000), the connections which aroused from the analyses showed that the group of future majors in Physics thought that this scientific field was based on a rationalist conception, influencing the idealization sense of the phenomena to be explained by Physics. Thus, Physics as school content started to require the student of the fundamental and high school to think abstractly as a cognitive skill of learning. The identifying elements observed in the relations between SR about Physics and Teaching aroused from the antagonism between future majors and their teacher, as well as from the speculation between their fundamental and high school students and themselves, mainly when they had to face the act of teaching due to the obstacles imposed by the own educational system, and by the weakness of the initial preparation. The group of future majors in Chemistry, through its discourses, showed these relations when they conceived empiricist Chemistry and said that teaching was the way of transmission of this knowledge, and didactics of Chemistry teaching was the direction to learning through pedagogic methods in order to lead the students to discoveries. The psychosocial contents which were built and showed from the symbolic relations in the studied SR achieved the relation of identity. This relation revealed identifying elements for these people, resulting from the traffic between their condition as students of Chemistry, and as teachers regarding their work, what placed the current relational contents in the teaching space, named as Knowledge changing and Adaptability . In order to study emerging questions in the discussing environment about formation and teaching professionalization, we focused the psychosocial view on this traffic and managed to observe epistemological practical and pedagogic obstacles that limited a configuration of the teaching work as a professional activity, especially from the particular conditions which led the relations of senses to Physics , Chemistry and Teaching ; and Chemistry and Physics as it was seen in this research. Generally speaking, we noted that these obstacles can denounce such obstacles concerning to the pedagogic doings which mainly impair the learning process of fundamental and high school students
It has been remarkable among the Science Teaching debates the necessity that students do not learn only theories, laws and concepts, but also develop skills which allows them to act towards a critical citizenship. Therefore, some of the skills for the natural sciences learning must be taught consciously, intentionally and in a planned way, as component of a basic competence. Studies of the last twenty years have shown that students and teachers have plenty of difficulties about skills development and, among several, the skill of interpreting Cartesian graphics, essential for the comprehension of Natural Science. In that sense, the development of that type of professional knowledge during the initial education of future Chemistry teachers has become strategic, not only because they need to know how to use it, but also because they need to know how to teach it. This research has as its general objective the organization, development and study of a process of formation of the skill of interpreting Cartesian graphics as part of the teachers professional knowledge. It has been accomplished through a formative experience with six undergraduate students of the Teaching Degree Course of Chemistry of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte), in Brazil. In order to develop that skill, we have used as reference P. Ya. Galperin s Theory of the Stepwise Formation of Mental Actions and Concepts and its following qualitative indicators: action form, degree of generalization, degree of consciousness, degree of independence and degree of solidness. The research, in a qualitative approach, has prioritized as instruments of data collecting the registering of the activities of the undergraduate students, the observation, the questionnaire and the diagnosis tests. At the first moment, a teaching framework has been planned for the development of the skill of interpreting Cartesian graphics based on the presupposed conceptions and steps of Galperin s Theory. At the second moment, the referred framework has been applied and the process of the skill formation has been studied. The results have shown the possibility of develop the skill conscious about the invariant operation system, with a high degree of generalization and internalized the operational invariant in the mental plane. The students have attested the contributions at that type of formative experience. The research reveals the importance of going deeper about the teaching comprehension of the individualities tied to the process of internalization, according to Galperin s Theory, when the update of abilities as part of the teaching professional knowledge is the issue
In this work it is presented a research developed in the initial training of teachers of the chemistry graduation course at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The intervention was realized in two classes in the context of a discipline in the curricular structure with nineteen undergraduate students of chemistry. The study utilizes characteristics of the qualitative approach and uses observation, questionnaires, interviews and examination papers. The experiment involved a sequence of activities fundamented on the Problem Solving (PS) teaching strategy to approach chemical concepts. The proposal was planned and organized according to the theoretical presupposition of the work developed by the authors of the Science Education in PS, of teaching experience and from the initial hypotheses of the research. The goal was that the future teachers could experience the strategy and advance to the new meanings. The themes addressed in the activities were the difference between exercises and problems, exercises turning into problems, the steps of problem solving and some implications of the teaching strategy for the work of the teacher. The results showed evidence that through a process of collective reflection, and from the difficulties experienced in the strategy practice, the undergraduates are introduced to new perspectives of reflection and action of teaching practice, and understanding some benefits of innovative proposals for the teaching of chemistry. It also showed that, although this theme is approached, in some moments of the graduation, the future teachers don‟t know when or how to realize activities in this perspective. From the aspects that rose in research we highlighted the difficulties in the problem solving steps, the use of the strategy in school and the knowledge and skills of the teacher for planning activities in Problem Solving
In distance learning degree in Chemistry in full of the Secretária de Educação a distância da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (SEDIS / UFRN). The teacher-tutor to establish the experimental subjects closer relationships with students, mediating the pedagogical actions that develop in the distance learning course, with a view to achieving the principles of autonomy and learning, contributing to the creation of learning environments collaborative, guided by affection.The article presents the results of an empirical research on affectivity in practice this tutorial experimental classes in higher distance education in the full degree course in Chemistry Polo Currais Novos/ RN, held between 2009 and 2010. The study is based on qualitative methodology, whose data were collected through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with 48 (forty eight) students involved in distance learning courses and selected in order to compose a group of subjects who showed variability, as guidelines that guide the sampling procedures in qualitative research. The results, based on category theory and empirical analysis of data from the interviews were supplemented by information obtained from participant observation which also served to guide the data collection of the corpus of this work. With the results we understand that there is clarity about what characterizes a loving relationship between those involved in the process of teaching and learning in experimental classes in high school chemistry Distance Education. Furthermore, it was also clear that the communication process in dialogic teaching and learning in higher distance education in chemistry at the trial need to mark out in balanced affective attitudes, the experimental error that value and respect the many possible construction of knowledge by movements social interaction of individual and collective
In distance learning degree in Chemistry in full of the Secretária de Educação a distância da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (SEDIS / UFRN). The teacher-tutor to establish the experimental subjects closer relationships with students, mediating the pedagogical actions that develop in the distance learning course, with a view to achieving the principles of autonomy and learning, contributing to the creation of learning environments collaborative, guided by affection.The article presents the results of an empirical research on affectivity in practice this tutorial experimental classes in higher distance education in the full degree course in Chemistry Polo Currais Novos/ RN, held between 2009 and 2010. The study is based on qualitative methodology, whose data were collected through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with 48 (forty eight) students involved in distance learning courses and selected in order to compose a group of subjects who showed variability, as guidelines that guide the sampling procedures in qualitative research. The results, based on category theory and empirical analysis of data from the interviews were supplemented by information obtained from participant observation which also served to guide the data collection of the corpus of this work. With the results we understand that there is clarity about what characterizes a loving relationship between those involved in the process of teaching and learning in experimental classes in high school chemistry Distance Education. Furthermore, it was also clear that the communication process in dialogic teaching and learning in higher distance education in chemistry at the trial need to mark out in balanced affective attitudes, the experimental error that value and respect the many possible construction of knowledge by movements social interaction of individual and collective
Educational games can work as a complementary tool in teaching and learning chemistry, playing an important role in the development of the students cognitive structures, familiarizing them with certain conceptual content, which may arouse interest in the study of such content. In this work, we made an analysis of organic chemistry textbooks recommended by Programa Nacional do Livro Didático 2012, for high school students in order to verify the existence of methodological proposals using educational games. From this analysis, we proposed an educational game to be developed for students on 3º year of high medium and undergraduate chemistry, that are in 1º semester of the course, which is constituted of a tray and 48 letters, which work various concepts concerning organic functions, such as: structural characteristics, physical properties, chemical and properties diverse of the compounds used for the confection of the letters. The game was applied to a class degree in chemistry, period 2012.1 to a Federal Education of Rio Grande do Norte and a group of students of the 3rd year of the state schools of Rio Grande do Norte, in the period the months of April and May 2012. The analysis of the performance of the game proposed was made using visual observations, photographic records and testimonials of students who participated in the games. The instrument used for the data collection was the student questionnaire, which was similar for both groups, differing only in the amount of questions, because one of them had one more question. During application of the game it was observed that it constitutes a dynamic strategy in the teaching and learning of chemistry concepts, given that students actively participated in the classes as well, demonstrated more motivation in the construction of concepts, furthermore, it was possible to observe evidence of other possibilities of the game. This could be verified through visual observations and testimonials at the end of each game, by reading the answers to the questionnaires
The aiming of this work is linked to chemical education, focusing organic chemistry classes of Chemical Engineering, Pharmacy and Zootechny graduate courses of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. For that, teaching-learning process related to basic chemical subjects which support the understanding of organic chemistry concepts was evaluated in a research period of two years. The education proposal linked to the theoretical content of the cited classes, pointed out the process of knowledge construction, in which educational commitment as well as dedication in the teaching-learning process was also valued. In that approach several didactic tools were applied, among them scientific articles were used as supplementary studies of the basic organic chemistry concepts and related. The acceptability of students, as well as their motivation, performance and learning process was justified by the data collection of the applied teaching methodology. The acceptability and commitment of the students facing this teaching interactive approach, which transversely contributed to the intellectual maturity growth of the students, as well their professional development, were evidenced by satisfactory obtained results that will be herein discussed
The use of analogies in high school is often useful for chemistry teaching, either on textbooks or by teachers in the classroom.This use is justified by the large number of abstract concepts that rules this course. Analogies are conceptualized by several authors, which converge on the idea that these are tools that seek a way to elucidate an unknown concept by comparing it to a familiar one, relating their similar and dissimilar features. An analysis on a survey of analogies found in high school chemistry textbooks and chemical equilibrium studies is performed in order to verify whether they are leading to misconceptions for their use by students and/or for their use by teachers in the classroom, or whether they promote a learning facilitation