68 resultados para Ensilage


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este trabalho foi realizado na Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, em Belém, Pará, (1º28´ S 48º27´ W de Greenwich), para avaliar o efeito de quatro níveis (0%, 15%, 30% e 45%) de concentrado, com subprodutos da agroindústria regional, em substituição à silagem de sorgo, no consumo voluntário e digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), energia bruta (EB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e fibra em detergente ácido (FDA). Foi realizado um ensaio metabólico, em 14 dias de adaptação e sete dias de período experimental, utilizando-se dezesseis ovinos, de cinco meses e média de 23 kg, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os dados foram analisados pelo software SAS. A inclusão de concentrado na dieta influenciou o consumo voluntário e a digestibilidade aparente de todos os nutrientes, sendo descrito por função quadrática. Constatou-se um aumento quadrático nos consumos aparentes da MS e MO, contudo, com aumento do nível de concentrado na ração, foram observadas diminuições significativas nos teores de FDN e FDA. Percentagens entre 30% e 45% de concentrado na dieta proporcionam melhores consumos e digestibilidades dos nutrientes, exceto de FDN e FDA. A utilização de concentrado na silagem de sorgo, o que proporciona maior disponibilidade de matéria seca na forragem e elevação do valor nutritivo da ração, é capaz de promover aumento da produtividade animal.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this study was to determine the effect of applying fibrolytic enzymes at ensiling, either alone or in combination with a ferulic acid esterase-producing bacterial silage inoculant, on the silage conservation characteristics and nutritive value of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L). Second-cut alfalfa (340 g DM/kg fresh crop) was harvested, wilted, chopped and sub-sampled into 24 batches. Samples were randomly allocated in triplicate to one of four enzyme product treatments supplying endoglucanases and xylanases: none (control), EN1, EN2, EN3; applied alone or in combination with a ferulic acid esterase-producing silage inoculant (FAEI). Treatments were arranged in a 4 x 2 factorial design. All enzyme treatments were applied at 2 ml enzyme product/kg herbage DM, and inoculant was applied at 1 x 10(5) cfu/g fresh herbage. Samples were packed into laboratory-scale silos and stored for 7, 27 or 70 days, and analysed for dry matter (DM) losses, aerobic stability, chemical composition and in vitro ruminal degradability. The use of enzymes did not affect (P>0.05) ensilage DM losses or lactic or acetic acid concentrations after 70 days of ensilage, compared to the control silage. Silage produced using EN1 had lesser neutral detergent fibre (aNDF, P=0.046) and acid detergent fibre (ADF; P=0.006) concentrations than control silage. However, no difference (P>0.05) was observed between the control silage and silage produced with EN1 for aNDF or ADF degradability (NDFD, ADFD). Silages produced with FAEI had greater DM losses (P=0.017) and pH (P<0.001) and lesser NDFD (P=0.019), ADFD (P=0.010) and proportion of lactic acid in the total fermentation products (P=0.006) after 70 days of ensilage, compared to uninoculated silages. The use of fibrolytic enzymes did not have a major effect on the ensilage fermentation of alfalfa, either ensiled alone or with an inoculant. No advantage in ruminal DM or fibre degradability was observed for silages produced with fibrolytic enzymes. The use of a ferulic acid esterase-producing inoculant alone did not improve the nutritive value of alfalfa silage, and did not promote any incremental effects when applied in combination with fibrolytic enzyme products. Crown Copyright (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The original idea of using a trench for the storing of ensilage seems to have been the outgrowth of the practice long used in several European countries of storing clover and beet tops in pits. Shortly after the World War, western Canada followed by Montana and North Dakota began to use the trench silo. In Nebraska the true trench silo made its appearance about 1925 or 1926. The trench silo as described in this circular, unless lined with some permanent material such as brick, concrete or stone, must be considered a temporary structure which will serve for a few years only and then must be discarded or rebuilt. In an emergency it will save a crop even though the farmer has little capital to expend other than his own labor.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of adding alkalis on the fermentative pattern, aerobic stability and nutritive value of the sugarcane silage. A completely randomized design with 6 additives in two concentrations (1 or 2%), plus a control group, totalizing 13 treatments [(6x2)+1] with four replications, was used. The additives were sodium hydroxide (NaOH), limestone (CaCO3), urea (CO(NH2)(2)), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), quicklime (CaO) and hydrated lime (Ca(OH)(2)). The material was ensiled in 52 laboratory silos using plastic buckets with 12 L of capacity. Silos were opened 60 days after ensiling, when organic acids concentration, aerobic stability and chemical composition were determined. The Relative Biological Efficiency (RBE) was calculated by the slope ratio method, using the data obtained from ratio between desirable and undesirable silage products, according to the equation: D/U ratio = [lactic/(ethanol + acetic + butyric)]. All additives affected dry matter, crude protein, acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber contents and buffering capacity. Except for urea and quicklime, all additives increased the in vitro dry matter digestibility. In general, these additives altered the fermentative pattern of sugarcane silage, inhibiting alcoholic fermentation and improving lactic acid production. The additive that showed the best RBE in relation to sodium hydroxide (100%) was limestone (89.4%). The RBE values of urea, sodium bicarbonate and hydrated lime were 49.2%, 47.7% and 34.3%, respectively.