991 resultados para Engineering Physics


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Investigations of two-dimensional electron systems (2DES) have been achieved with two model experimental systems, covering two distinct, non-overlapping regimes of the 2DES phase diagram, namely the quantum liquid phase in semiconducting heterostructures and the classical phases observed in electrons confined above the surface of liquid helium. Multielectron bubbles in liquid helium offer an exciting possibility to bridge this gap in the phase diagram, as well as to study the properties of electrons on curved flexible surfaces. However, this approach has been limited because all experimental studies have so far been transient in nature. Here we demonstrate that it is possible to trap and manipulate multielectron bubbles in a conventional Paul trap for several hundreds of milliseconds, enabling reliable measurements of their physical properties and thereby gaining valuable insight to various aspects of curved 2DES that were previously unexplored.


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Dendrimers are highly branched polymeric nanoparticles whose structure and topology, largely, have determined their efficacy in a wide range of studies performed so far. An area of immense interest is their potential as drug and gene delivery vectors. Realizing this potential, depending on the nature of cell surface-dendrimer interactions, here we report controlled model membrane penetration and reorganization, using a model supported lipid bilayer and poly(ether imine) (PETIM) dendrimers of two generations. By systematically varying the areal density of the lipid bilayers, we provide a microscopic insight, through a combination of high resolution scattering, atomic force microscopy and atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, into the mechanism of PETIM dendrimer membrane penetration, pore formation and membrane re-organization induced by such interactions. Our work represents the first systematic observation of a regular barrel-like membrane spanning pore formation by dendrimers, tunable through lipid bilayer packing, without membrane disruption.


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Molecular dynamics simulations of bilayers in a surfactant/co-surfactant/water system with explicit solvent molecules show formation of topologically distinct gel phases depending upon the bilayer composition. At low temperatures, the bilayers transform from the tilted gel phase, L beta', to the one dimensional (1D) rippled, P beta' phase as the surfactant concentration is increased. More interestingly, we observe a two dimensional (2D) square phase at higher surfactant concentration which, upon heating, transforms to the gel L beta' phase. The thickness modulations in the 1D rippled and square phases are asymmetric in two surfactant leaflets and the bilayer thickness varies by a factor of similar to 2 between maximum and minimum. The 1D ripple consists of a thinner interdigitated region of smaller extent alternating with a thicker non-interdigitated region. The 2D ripple phase is made up of two superimposed square lattices of maximum and minimum thicknesses with molecules of high tilt forming a square lattice translated from the lattice formed with the thickness minima. Using Voronoi diagrams we analyze the intricate interplay between the area-per-head-group, height modulations and chain tilt for the different ripple symmetries. Our simulations indicate that composition plays an important role in controlling the formation of low temperature gel phase symmetries and rippling accommodates the increased area-per-head-group of the surfactant molecules.


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Codoping with Cu and Mo is shown to have a synergistic effect on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2. The enhancement in activity is observed only if the synthesis route results in TiO2 in which (Cu, Mo) codopants are forced into the TiO2 lattice. Using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Cu and Mo are shown to be present in the +2 and +6 oxidation states, respectively. A systematic study of the ternary system shows that TiO2 containing 6 mol % CuO and 1.5 mol % MoO3 is the most active ternary composition. Ab initio calculations show that codoping of TiO2 using (Mo, Cu) introduces levels above the valence band, and below the conduction band, resulting in a significant reduction in the band gap (similar to 0.8 eV). However, codoping also introduces deep defect states, which can have a deleterious impact on photoactivity. This helps rationalize the narrow compositional window over which the enhancement in photocatalytic activity is observed.


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Enhancement of localized electric field near metal (plasmonic) nanostructures can have various interesting applications in sensing, imaging, photovoltage generation etc., for which significant efforts are aimed towards developing plasmonic systems with well designed and large electromagnetic response. In this paper, we discuss the wafer scale fabrication and optical characterization of a unique three dimensional plasmonic material. The near field enhancement in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum obtained in these structures (order of 106), is close to the fundamental limit that can be obtained in this and similar EM field enhancement schemes. The large near field enhancement has been reflected in a huge Raman signal of graphene layer in close proximity to the plasmonic system, which has been validated with FEM simulations. We have integrated graphene photodetectors with this material to obtain record photovoltage generation, with responsivity as high as A/W. As far as we know, this is the highest sensitivity obtained in any plasmonic-graphene hybrid photodetection system till date.


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We report on the tunable photoluminescence characteristics of porous ZnO microsheets fabricated within 1-5 min of microwave irradiation in the presence of a capping agent such as citric acid, and mixture of citric acid with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). The UV emission intensity reduces to 60% and visible emission increases tenfold when the molar concentration of citric acid is doubled. Further diminution of the intensity of UV emission (25%) is observed when PVP is mixed with citric acid. The addition of nitrogen donor ligands to the parent precursor leads to a red shift in the visible luminescence. The deep level emission covers the entire visible spectrum and gives an impression of white light emission from these ZnO samples. The detailed luminescence mechanism of our ZnO samples is described with the help of a band diagram constructed by using the theoretical models that describe the formation energy of the defect energy levels within the energy band structure. Oxygen vacancies play the key role in the variation of the green luminescence in the ZnO microsheets. Our research findings provide an insight that it is possible to retain the microstructure and simultaneously introduce defects into ZnO. The growth of the ZnO microsheets may be due to the self assembly of the fine sheets formed during the initial stage of nucleation.


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There is considerable interest in powering and maneuvering nanostructures remotely in fluidic media using noninvasive fuel-free methods, for which small homogeneous magnetic fields are ideally suited. Current strategies include helical propulsion of chiral nanostructures, cilia-like motion of flexible filaments, and surface assisted translation of asymmetric colloidal doublets and magnetic nanorods, in all of which the individual structures are moved in a particular direction that is completely tied to the characteristics of the driving fields. As we show in this paper, when we use appropriate magnetic field configurations and actuation time scales, it is possible to maneuver geometrically identical nanostructures in different directions, and subsequently position them at arbitrary locations with respect to each other. The method reported here requires proximity of the nanomotors to a solid surface, and could be useful in applications that require remote and independent control over individual components in microfluidic environments.


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Chiral metamaterials have recently gained attention due to their applicability in developing polarization devices and in the detection of chiral molecules. A common approach towards fabricating plasmonic chiral nanostructures has been decorating metallic nanoparticles on dielectric chiral scaffolds, such as a helix. This resulted in the generation of a large chiro-optical response over a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum. It has been shown previously that the optical tunability of these chiral metamaterials depends on the geometrical aspects of the overall structure, as well as the nature of the plasmonic constituents. In this study, we have investigated the role of the underlying dielectric scaffold with numerical simulations, and experimentally demonstrated that it is possible to enhance and engineer their chiro-plasmonic response significantly by choosing dielectric scaffolds of appropriate materials.


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From sensing perspective, smaller electromechanical devices, in general, are expected to be more responsive to the stimuli. This enhanced performance, however, is contingent upon the noise sources remaining unchanged and the onset of nonlinear behavior not being precipitated by miniaturization. In this paper, we study the effect of strain on the nonlinearities and dynamic range in graphene nanoresonators. The dynamic response and the onset of nonlinearity in these devices are sensitive both to the electrostatic field used to actuate the device and the strain. By tuning the strain of the device by two orders of magnitude, we observe an enhancement of 25 dB in the dynamic range leading to a mass resolution of 100 yoctogram. The increase in dynamic range in our devices is modeled as a combined effect of strain and partial cancellation of elastic and electrostatic nonlinearities. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Tin (II) sulphide (SnS), a direct band gap semiconductor compound, has recently received great attention due to its unique properties. Because of low cost, absence of toxicity, and good abundance in nature, it is becoming a candidate for future multifunctional devices particularly for light conversion applications. Although the current efficiencies are low, the cost-per-Watt is becoming competitive. At room temperature, SnS exhibits stable low-symmetric, double-layered orthorhombic crystal structure, having a = 0.4329, b = 1.1192, and c = 0.3984nm as lattice parameters. These layer-structured materials are of interest in various device applications due to the arrangement of structural lattice with cations and anions. The layers of cations are separated only by van der Waals forces that provide intrinsically chemically inert surface without dangling bonds and surface density of states. As a result, there is no Fermi level pinning at the surface of the semiconductor. This fact leads to considerably high chemical and environmental stability. Further, the electrical and optical properties of SnS can be easily tailored by modifying the growth conditions or doping with suitable dopants without disturbing its crystal structure.In the last few decades, SnS has been synthesized and studied in the form of single-crystals and thin-films. Most of the SnS single-crystals have been synthesized by Bridgeman technique, whereas thin films have been developed using different physical as well as chemical deposition techniques. The synthesis or development of SnS structures in different forms including single-crystals and thin films, and their unique properties are reviewed here. The observed physical and chemical properties of SnS emphasize that this material could has novel applications in optoelectronics including solar cell devices, sensors, batteries, and also in biomedical sciences. These aspects are also discussed.


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A new class of dendrimers, the poly(propyl ether imine) (PETIM) dendrimer, has been shown to be a novel hyperbranched polymer having potential applications as a drug delivery vehicle. Structure and dynamics of the amine terminated PETIM dendrimer and their changes with respect to the dendrimer generation are poorly understood. Since most drugs are hydrophobic in nature, the extent of hydrophobicity of the dendrimer core is related to its drug encapsulation and retention efficacy. In this study, we carry out fully atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to characterize the structure of PETIM (G2-G6) dendrimers in salt solution as a function of dendrimer generation at different protonation levels. Structural properties such as radius of gyration (R-g), radial density distribution, aspect ratio, and asphericity are calculated. In order to assess the hydrophilicity of the dendrimer, we compute the number of bound water molecules in the interior of dendrirner as well as the number of dendrimer-water hydrogen bonds. We conclude that PETIM dendrimers have relatively greater hydrophobicity and flexibility when compared with their extensively investigated PAMAM counterparts. Hence PETIM dendrimers are expected to have stronger interactions with lipid membranes as well as improved drug encapsulation and retention properties when compared with PAMAM dendrimers. We compute the root-mean-square fluctuation of dendrimers as well as their entropy to quantify the flexibility of the dendrimer. Finally we note that structural and solvation properties computed using force field parameters derived based on the CHARMM general purpose force field were in good quantitative agreement with those obtained using the generalized Amber force field (GAFF).


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We show that a film of a suspension of polymer grafted nanoparticles on a liquid substrate can be employed to create two-dimensional nanostructures with a remarkable variation in the pattern length scales. The presented experiments also reveal the emergence of concentration-dependent bimodal patterns as well as re-entrant behaviour that involves length scales due to dewetting and compositional instabilities. The experimental observations are explained through a gradient dynamics model consisting of coupled evolution equations for the height of the suspension film and the concentration of polymer. Using a Flory-Huggins free energy functional for the polymer solution, we show in a linear stability analysis that the thin film undergoes dewetting and/or compositional instabilities depending on the concentration of the polymer in the solution. We argue that the formation via `hierarchical self-assembly' of various functional nanostructures observed in different systems can be explained as resulting from such an interplay of instabilities.


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Grain boundaries (GBs) are undesired in large area layered 2D materials as they degrade the device quality and their electronic performance. Here we show that the grain boundaries in graphene which induce additional scattering of carriers in the conduction channel also act as an additional and strong source of electrical noise especially at the room temperature. From graphene field effect transistors consisting of single GB, we find that the electrical noise across the graphene GBs can be nearly 10 000 times larger than the noise from equivalent dimensions in single crystalline graphene. At high carrier densities (n), the noise magnitude across the GBs decreases as proportional to 1/n, suggesting Hooge-type mobility fluctuations, whereas at low n close to the Dirac point, the noise magnitude could be quantitatively described by the fluctuations in the number of propagating modes across the GB.