717 resultados para Employee Health and Wellbeing


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In 2012/13 the Western Health Improvement Team invested over �4 million in a range of initiatives to address health and social wellbeing improvement and target inequalities.The range of initiatives access over 170 projects, which includes a mix of regular commissioning work and innovative development work testing new ideas. Over 250,000 individuals and groups were direct beneficiaries of the programmes; however, previous evaluations have demonstrated that the cascade effect of these initiatives was at least threefold.This comprehensive report outlines the broad range of activities and initiatives that the Western Health Improvement Team has supported during 2012/2013.


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These five directories list the names, numbers and web addresses (where applicable) of organisations that offer services to help improve mental health and emotional wellbeing. Where possible, additional information has also been provided, such as email addresses and contact details within each Health and Social Care Trust area.


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Työyhteisön sosiaalinen pääoma ja työntekijöiden terveys Monien tutkimusten mukaan sosiaalinen pääoma vaikuttaa terveyteen. Vaikka työssä käyvä väestönosa on merkittävän osan valveillaoloajastaan työyhteisössä, siellä kertyvää sosiaalista pääomaa on toistaiseksi tutkittu vähän. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin työyhteisön sosiaalisen pääoman ja kuntatyöntekijöiden terveyden välistä yhteyttä pitkittäisasetelmassa hyödyntäen Kuntasektorin henkilöstön seurantatutkimuksen aineistoa vuosilta 2000–2005. Yhteensä 48592 kuntatyöntekijää vastasi kyselyyn vuosina 2000–02 (vastausprosentti 68 %). Heistä 35914 (77 %) osallistui myös seurantatutkimukseen vuosina 2004–05. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin kyselyyn perustuva työyhteisön sosiaalisen pääoman mittausmenetelmä. Työntekijän omaan arvioon perustuvan sosiaalisen pääoman lisäksi mitattiin työyhteisön sosiaalista pääomaa käyttämällä samassa työyhteisössä työskentelevien muiden työntekijöiden keskimääräistä arviota sosiaalisesta pääomasta. Terveyttä mitattiin kysymyksellä koetusta terveydestä. Masennusta arvioitiin sekä kysymällä lääkärin toteamasta masennuksesta että masennuslääkeostoilla Kelan lääkerekistereistä. Analyyseihin otettiin mukaan vain ne kuntatyöntekijät, jotka olivat lähtötilanteissa terveitä eli kokivat terveytensä hyväksi tai heillä ei ollut aiempaa diagnosoitua tai lääkehoitoa vaatinutta masennusta. Tulosten analysointiin käytettiin monitasomallinnusta. Tulokset vakioitiin sosiodemografisten tekijöiden ja terveyskäyttäytymisen suhteen. Neljän vuoden seurannassa sekä jatkuvasti vähäinen että vähenevä yksilön sosiaalinen pääoma työssä lisäsi riskiä koetun terveyden heikkenemiseen niillä kuntatyöntekijöillä, jotka eivät vaihtaneet työpaikkaa seurannan aikana ja jotka seurannan alussa kokivat terveytensä hyväksi. Tulos ei selittynyt sosiodemografisilla tekijöillä tai terveyskäyttäytymisen eroilla. Tuloksen merkittävyyttä tuki havainto, että myös työtoverien arvioon perustuva sosiaalinen pääoma ennusti oman terveyden huononemista seuranta-aikana. Niillä työntekijöillä, jotka työskentelivät sellaisissa työyhteisöissä, joissa koko seurannan ajan oli vähiten sosiaalista pääomaa, oli lähes 1.3 -kertainen riski terveyden heikentymiseen. Vähäinen omaan arvioon perustuva sosiaalinen pääoma työssä ennusti myös masennuksen ilmaantuvuutta lähtötilanteessa ei-masentuneilla lähes neljän vuoden seurannassa. Matalaan sosiaaliseen pääomaan liittyi 20–50 % suurempi todennäköisyys sairastua masennukseen seurannan aikana niin itseraportoidun lääkärin totea-man masennuksen kuin masennuslääkeostojen perusteella. Tätä tulosta ei kuitenkaan pystytty toistamaan käyttämällä oman arvion sijasta työtoverien arviota työyhteisön sosiaalisesta pääomasta. Tutkimusta sosiaalisen pääoman vaikutusta masennuksen ilmaantumiseen jatkettiin selvittämällä miten sosiaalisen pääoman eri ulottuvuudet vaikuttivat masennuksen ilmaantumiseen. Tulosten mukaan sosiaalisen pääoman vertikaalinen komponentti (työntekijöiden ja esimiesten välinen luottamus, vastavuoroisuus ja jaetut arvot ja normit, jotka edesauttavat yhteistyötä) sekä horisontaalinen komponentti (työntekijöiden välisissä suhteissa yhteistyöstä, luottamuksesta ja vastavuoroisuudesta syntyvä sosiaalinen pääoma) vaikuttivat itsenäisesti masennusriskiin. Tutkimuksen perusteella korkea työyhteisön sosiaalinen pääoma saattaa vaikuttaa edullisesti työntekijöiden terveyteen. Jos näin on, olisi tärkeää edistää työyhteisöjen sosiaalista pääomaa ja kannustaa sellaiseen toimintaan, joka lisää suvaitsevaisuutta, luottamusta ja vastavuoroisuutta sekä työntekijöiden kesken että työntekijöiden ja esimiesten välillä.


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Julkaisumaa: Bangladesh


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During the latest decade Somali-born women with experiences of long-lasting war followed by migration have increasingly encountered Swedish maternity care, where antenatal care midwives are assigned to ask questions about exposure to violence. The overall aim in this thesis was to gain deeper understanding of Somali-born women’s wellbeing and needs during the parallel transitions of migration to Sweden and childbearing, focusing on maternity healthcare encounters and violence. Data were obtained from medical records (paper I), qualitative interviews with Somali-born women (II, III) and Swedish antenatal care midwives (IV). Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used. Compared to pregnancies of Swedish-born women, Somali-born women’s pregnancies demonstrated later booking and less visits to antenatal care, more maternal morbidity but less psychiatric treatment, less medical pain relief during delivery and more emergency caesarean sections and small-for-gestational-age infants (I). Political violence with broken societal structures before migration contributed to up-rootedness, limited healthcare and absent state-based support to women subjected to violence, which reinforced reliance on social networks, own endurance and faith in Somalia (II). After migration, sources of wellbeing were a pragmatic “moving-on” approach including faith and motherhood, combined with social coherence. Lawful rights for women were appreciated but could concurrently risk creating power tensions in partner relationships. Generally, the Somali-born women associated the midwife more with providing medical care than with overall wellbeing or concerns about violence, but new societal resources were parallel incorporated with known resources (III). Midwives strived for woman-centered approaches beyond ethnicity and culture in care encounters, with language, social gaps and divergent views on violence as potential barriers in violence inquiry. Somali-born women’s strength and contentment were highlighted, and ongoing violence seldom encountered according to the midwives experiences (IV). Pragmatism including “moving on” combined with support from family and social networks, indicate capability to cope with violence and migration-related stress. However, this must be balanced against potential unspoken needs at individual level in care encounters.With trustful relationships, optimized interaction and networking with local Somali communities and across professions, the antenatal midwife can have a “bridging-function” in balancing between dual societies and contribute to healthy transitions in the new society.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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In the last decades we have seen a growing interest in research into children's own experiences and understandings of health and illness. This development, we would argue, is much stimulated by the sociology of childhood which has drawn our attention to how children as a social group are placed and perceived within the structure of society, and within inter-generational relations, as well as how children are social agents and co-constructors of their social world. Drawing on this tradition, we here address some cross-cutting themes that we think are important to further the study of child health: situating children within health policy, drawing attention to practices around children's health and well-being and a focus on children as health actors. The paper contributes to a critical analysis of child health policy and notions of child health and normality, pointing to theoretical and empirical research potential for the sociology of children's health and illness.


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The present study examined the effects of work control and job demands on employee adjustment and work performance using a multidimensional measure of work control (assessing levels of task control, decision control and work scheduling control). It was proposed that the negative effects of job demands and employee adjustment would be moderated by high levels of task control. It was also proposed that there would be evidence of main effects of both job demands and work control (particularly task-related levels of control) on employee adjustment. To test these predictions, a study of 135 university employees holding administrative positions was undertaken. Methodological improvements over previous research included the use of both self-reported adjustment measures and supervisor ratings of work performance as outcome variables, and the assessment of the predictor and outcome measures at different points in time (self-reported adjustment was assessed at both Times 1 and 2). The results revealed some support for the proposal that the effects of job demands would be buffered by high levels of task control, but not more peripheral aspects of work control. There were also significant main effects of task control on job satisfaction.


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Objective: To examine the extent to which suicidal ideation and suicide attempts are predictive of service use. Design and setting: The National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing considered service utilisation in relation to self-reported mental health problems. Service utilisation was inquired of in relation to hospital-based care (including both specialist mental health and general care settings), as well as consultations with a range of health professionals (both specialist and non-specialist mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists and general practitioners) on an outpatient basis. Participants: Secondary analysis of self-report data from 10 641 randomly selected Australian adults who participated in the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing in 1997. The key predictor variables were reported suicidal ideation and suicide attempts over the past 12 months. Main outcome measures: Use of services for mental health problems (past 12 months). Results: When considered in isolation, individuals reporting suicidal ideation were more likely to make use of at least one type of service for mental health problems than non-suicidal individuals (OR, 17.3; 95% Cl, 13.2-22.6), and individuals reporting suicide attempts were even more likely to do so (OR, 32.3; 95% CI, 9.0-115.4). In the case of suicidal ideation, this effect remained significant after controlling for a range of potential confounders. For suicide attempts, the effect of mental health service use was no longer significant after other variables were taken into account. Conclusions: Suicidal individuals are likely to make use of services, and a high proportion of suicides may be preventable through appropriate healthcare system responses.


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Background. Recent major epidemiological studies have adopted increasingly multidimensional approaches to assessment. Several of these have included some assessment of perceived need for mental health care. The Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, conducted in 1997, included a particularly detailed examination of this construct, with an instrument with demonstrated reliability and validity. Methods. A clustered probability sample of 10641 Australians responded to the field questionnaire for this survey, including questions on perceived need either where there had been service utilization, or where a disorder was detected by administration of sections of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. The confidentialized unit record file generated from the survey was analysed for determinants of perceived need. Results. Perceived need is increased in females, in people in the middle years of adulthood, and in those who have affective disorders or co-morbidity. Effects of diagnosis and disability can account for most of the differences in gender specific rates. With correction for these effects through regression, there is less perceived need for social interventions and possibly more for counselling in females; disability is confirmed as strongly positively associated with perceived need, as are the presence of affective disorders or co-morbidity. Conclusions. The findings of this study underscore the imperative for mental health services to be attentive and responsive to consumer perceived need. The substantial majority of people who are significantly disabled by mental health problems are among those who see themselves as having such needs.


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Objective: The Assessing Cost-Effectiveness - Mental Health (ACE-MH) study aims to assess from a health sector perspective, whether there are options for change that could improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Australia's current mental health services by directing available resources toward 'best practice' cost-effective services. Method: The use of standardized evaluation methods addresses the reservations expressed by many economists about the simplistic use of League Tables based on economic studies confounded by differences in methods, context and setting. The cost-effectiveness ratio for each intervention is calculated using economic and epidemiological data. This includes systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials for efficacy, the Australian Surveys of Mental Health and Wellbeing for current practice and a combination of trials and longitudinal studies for adherence. The cost-effectiveness ratios are presented as cost (A$) per disability-adjusted life year (DALY) saved with a 95% uncertainty interval based on Monte Carlo simulation modelling. An assessment of interventions on 'second filter' criteria ('equity', 'strength of evidence', 'feasibility' and 'acceptability to stakeholders') allows broader concepts of 'benefit' to be taken into account, as well as factors that might influence policy judgements in addition to cost-effectiveness ratios. Conclusions: The main limitation of the study is in the translation of the effect size from trials into a change in the DALY disability weight, which required the use of newly developed methods. While comparisons within disorders are valid, comparisons across disorders should be made with caution. A series of articles is planned to present the results.