962 resultados para Emotional exhaustion


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Objetivos: Determinar la relación existente entre presencia de síndrome de burnout y niveles de estrés, así como la asociación con variables sociodemográficas y laborales, en médicos estudiantes de salud ocupacional en una universidad en la ciudad de Bogotá. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal con una muestra de 21 médicos estudiantes de salud ocupacional. Se aplicaron 3 cuestionarios: 1)Escala de valoración de Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), 2) El cuestionario para la evaluación del estrés tercera versión, que hace parte de la Batería para la Evaluación de Factores de Riesgo Psicosocial del Ministerio de la Protección Social de la República de Colombia y 3) Encuesta sociodemográfica diseñada exclusivamente para este estudio. El análisis estadístico fue de dos tipos: descriptivo e inferencial entre la asociación de los resultados de los diferentes cuestionarios y entre éstos y los datos sociodemográficos explorados. Para la realización de este análisis se utilizó el programa estadístico PASW Statistics 18 y para la comparación se utilizó la prueba de Chi-Cuadrado de Pearson con ajuste con test de Fischer y se consideró significancia estadística con una p<0,05. Resultados: Según el género el 85,7% corresponde a mujeres mientras el 14,3% a hombres. El rango de edad se encuentra entre 26 y 52 años con una media de 34,3 años; el grupo de edad más numeroso fue el de 30 a 40 años con un 57,1%. Se identifica algún grado de burnout en el 47,6% de los participantes de los cuales un 66,7% presentan agotamiento emocional, un 47,6% despersonalización y un 14,3% baja realización personal en el trabajo. Se encuentran niveles de estrés que requieren intervención (niveles medio, alto, muy alto) en una proporción del 76,2%. Se encontró relación estadísticamente significativa entre las siguientes variables: Despersonalización y Tipo de cargo, Nivel de estrés y presencia de Síndrome de burnout, Nivel de estrés y Agotamiento Emocional y en Nivel de estrés y Despersonalización. Conclusiones: En los médicos evaluados en el estudio se encontró relación directa entre niveles altos de estrés y presencia de síndrome de burnout en las dimensiones Despersonalización y Agotamiento Emocional. En médicos asistenciales se encontró una mayor proporción de síntomas de Despersonalización, a diferencia de los médicos con cargos directivos. No se encontró asociación entre otras variables sociodemográficas y presencia de Síndrome de burnout y estrés.


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El trabajador del área de la salud se encuentra sometido a altos niveles de exigencia que pueden generarle un profundo y progresivo desgaste, lo que a su vez le produce bajo rendimiento tanto cognitivo como laboral. Lo anterior se conoce como el síndrome de Burnout. Objetivo: Identificar y describir la prevalencia de Burnout en el personal asistencial de urgencias de una Clínica Universitaria de tercer nivel y los factores asociados. Metodología: Es un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se aplicaron dos cuestionarios: uno de datos generales y el cuestionario de Burnout de Maslach validado internacionalmente en sus tres componentes: agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y realización personal. Los datos se analizaron mediante dos modelos: uno epidemiológico y otro clínico. Resultados: Se encontró un riesgo intermedio a alto de Burnout en toda la muestra con una alta realización personal. En las personas casadas o con hijos y en los trabajadores con jornadas rotatorias se evidencia un bajo agotamiento emocional. Por el contrario, el personal de enfermería profesional y quienes se encuentran cursando otros estudios presentan un alto agotamiento emocional. El género, el tener otro trabajo y el manejo de estudiantes, no modifican la presentación del cuadro. Conclusiones: Se identificaron como factores protectores contra el síndrome de Burnout el estar casado, tener hijos y las jornadas de trabajo rotatorias con post turnos reparadores. Se encontraron como factores facilitadores del síndrome estar cursando otros estudios y pertenecer al personal de enfermería profesional.


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Objetivo. Identificar la relación entre estrés laboral y el Síndrome de Agotamiento por el Trabajo o Síndrome de Burnout en personal que labora en una empresa de seguridad. Metodología. Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo transversal obteniendo una muestra por conveniencia, recolectando datos de individuos que se incluyeron de manera voluntaria. Se aplicaron dos escalas: para la valoración del estrés se aplicó la Escala de Estrés Percibido PSS de Cohen, Kamarak y Mermelstein, y la escala de Maslach para identificar el desarrollo del Síndrome de Burnout en la población estudiada, por medio de encuestas. Resultados. Se observó una mediana de 7 puntos en la subescala de agotamiento emocional, 6.5 en despersonalización (0-23) y una mediana de 38 puntos en realización personal (9-49). Escala de estrés percibido con un valor mediano de 26.5 puntos (rango entre 14 y 49). Se obtuvo además, un 26,3% en nivel medio de agotamiento emocional; un 12,5% mostro una alta despersonalización; y un 2,5% presentó una baja realización personal. Conclusiones. Se encontró relación de manifestaciones del síndrome de agotamiento en el trabajo con el estrés laboral y algunas variables estudiadas. Se sugiere para futuras investigaciones tener una población heterogénea para evaluar las variables de género, cargo y jornada laboral.


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Antecedentes: Los factores de Riesgo psicosocial según la resolución 2646 de 2008 “comprenden los aspectos intralaborales, extralaborales o externos a la organización y las condiciones individuales o características intrínsecas al trabajador, los cuales en una interrelación dinámica, mediante percepciones y experiencias, influirían en la salud y el desempeño de las personas”. El objetivo del estudio es establecer la prevalencia de factores de riesgo psicosocial y la asociación existente en la población trabajadora del área administrativa y asistencial, en una empresa del sector salud nivel II, Yopal, 2014 Materiales y método: Se diseñó un estudio de corte transversal para establecer la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo psicosocial en una población de 92 trabajadores del área administrativa (50) y asistencial (42) en una empresa del sector salud nivel II en Yopal, por medio de la batería de Riesgo Psicosocial del Ministerio de la Protección Social. Resultados: Se realizó un análisis multivariado, se puede afirmar con un nivel de confianza del 95% que en la población de estudio, la prevalencia de riesgo intralaboral en la población administrativa está entre el 9,5% y 34,5% y en los trabajadores del área asistencial entre el 9,7% y el 37,9%. El riesgo extralaboral en el área administrativa está entre el 4,8% y el 27,2%, en el área asistencial la prevalencia está entre el 1,5% y el 19,5%. La prevalencia de Riesgo de Estrés se encuentra en la población administrativa entre el 29,2% y el 58,8% y en el área asistencial entre el 17,9% y el 48,8%. Se encontró una asociación (p = 0,007) entre estado civil y riesgo intralaboral en la población asistencial, entre tipo de vivienda y nivel de estres (p= 0,003) en la población administrativa, y entre número de personas a cargo económicamente y riesgo extralaboral (p=0,004) en el área asistencial. Discusión: La prevalencia de riesgo psicosocial es evidente en las dos áreas de trabajo tanto administrativos como asistenciales, sin embargo se encuentra una prevalencia mayor de riesgo en el área asistencial en la dimensión exigencias del rol dado a un incremento en la responsabilidad y tiempo extra que se debe realizar para el desarrollo de tareas y su cumplimiento ante el rol desempeñado; los resultados permiten implementar programas de vigilancia epidemiológica que permitan mitigar y controlar los hallazgos en este estudio.


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Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia del Síndrome de Burnout en personal de los servicios de urgencias en una institución prestadora de servicios de salud de baja complejidad de Neiva. Antecedentes: El Síndrome de Burnout es una respuesta inadecuada al estrés laboral crónico cuyas características principales son: altos niveles de agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y baja realización personal. La prevalencia a nivel mundial de este síndrome en personal de salud varía entre 2,2% y 69,2%. Método: estudio de corte transversal. A una muestra de 90 trabajadores (médicos, enfermeras y auxiliares de enfermería) en una Empresa Social del Estado de baja complejidad de la ciudad de Neiva se le aplicó cuestionario auto administrado compuesto por dos instrumentos validados (Maslach Burnout Inventory y la Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Trabajo del Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo). Resultados: La prevalencia de Síndrome de Burnout fue 3,3% (n=3) (niveles elevados en las tres características simultáneamente); 11,1% (n=10) de agotamiento emocional, 20% (n=18) despersonalización y 10% (n=9) baja realización personal. No se encontraron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas entre las condiciones de empleo y trabajo con el Síndrome en mención. Conclusión: Laborar en servicios de urgencias confrontan al trabajador a exigencias para el cumplimiento de su tarea, así como también a relaciones sociales estresantes. Factores como el grado de autonomía y de control, el apoyo social en el trabajo, asociado a relaciones personales positivas y una alta funcionalidad familiar podrían mediar como protectores o moduladores del Síndrome de Burnout.


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Drawing on attitude theory, this study investigates the drivers of employees' expression of favorable opinions about their workplace. Despite its theoretical and managerial importance, the marketing literature largely ignores the topic. This study advances prior research by developing, and empirically testing, a conceptual framework of the relationship between workgroup support and favorable external representation of the workplace, mediated by emotional responses to this support. The present research investigates four new relationships: between workgroup support and emotional exhaustion, workgroup support and organizational commitment, workgroup support and job satisfaction, and emotional exhaustion and external representation of the workplace. Based on a sample of over 700 frontline service employees, this study finds that workgroup support affects favorable external representation of the workplace through various emotional responses (i.e., emotional exhaustion, organizational commitment and job satisfaction). In addition, the results identify employees' organizational commitment as the most important determinant of favorable external representation of the workplace, followed by job satisfaction and reduced emotional exhaustion. These results suggest that companies should develop practices that encourage workgroup support and organizational commitment to achieve favorable external representation of the workplace.


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Anchored in the service-dominant logic and service innovation literature, this study investigates the drivers of employee generation of ideas for service improvement (GISI). Employee GISI focuses on customer needs and providing the exact service wanted by customers. GISI should enhance competitive advantage and organizational success (cf. Berry et al. 2006; Wang and Netemeyer 2004). Despite its importance, there is little research on the idea generation stage of the service development process (Chai, Zhang, and Tan 2005). This study contributes to the service field by providing the first empirical evaluation of the drivers of GISI. It also investigates a new explanatory determinant of reading of customer needs, namely, perceived organizational support (POS), and an outcome of POS, in the form of emotional exhaustion. Results show that the major driver of GISI is reading of customer needs by employees followed by affective organizational commitment and job satisfaction. This research provides several new and important insights for service management practice by suggesting that special care should be put into selecting and recruiting employees who have the ability to read customer needs. Additionally, organizations should invest in creating work environments that encourage and reward the flow of ideas for service improvement


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Challenging behaviours may elicit negative emotional reactions and increase stress within care staff. The Leeds Attributional Coding System (LACS) was used to elicit spontaneous causal attributions of staff toward hypothetical clients with challenging behaviours. It was hypothesized that there would be relationships (1) between staff exposure to challenging behaviours and burnout, and (2) between staff cognitions and burnout. Using a cross-sectional correlational design, 41 care staff took part in a 10 minute interview about two vignettes depicting self-injurious behaviour. Staff also completed measures of demographic information and burnout. Participants made attributions toward self-injurious behaviour that were typically internal to the client, uncontrollable, unstable and specific.There was a significant association between number of clients cared for and emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment. Staff who made fewer stable attributions had higher levels of burnout. There were no other relationships found between staff cognition and burnout. The LACS can be successfully employed in this context, and may have some benefits over other methods. Future research is required to explore the relationship between cognition and burnout.


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Research findings support the idea that workload is a significant stressor associated with a variety of deleterious psychological reactions, including burnout, in several different samples of workers. A theoretical model is put forth in the present study in which workload is seen as contributing to distress and depression. Increasingly, organisations are experiencing changes as a result of extensive downsizing, restructuring, and merging. As a result of fiscal restraint, hospitals have been forced to merge, close, downsize, and restructure. Workloads have increased among hospital staff, particularly nurses. This study applies a theoretical model to the understanding of the impact of workload on nurses employed in hospitals experiencing downsizing, particularly on their distress, burnout, and depression. Respondents were 488 nurses who were employed in hospitals that were undergoing restructuring and in which units had already been closed as a result of restructuring. Results of structural equation modeling showed that the data partially fit the model and that workload contributed substantially to levels of depression through distress reactions. Further results showed that cynicism, anger, and emotional exhaustion significantly operationalised distress reactions. This study is unique theoretically in linking anger, cynicism, and emotional exhaustion in a single model that predicts distress levels from workload. The findings that anger, cynicism, and emotional exhaustion operationalised distress indicate the importance of studying patterns of negative reactions and their consequences for depression. Implications of the results are discussed for interventions that can be taken by organisations in order to reduce workloads.


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This paper aims to establish and illustrate the levels of awareness of work-life balance policies within the surveying profession in Australia and New Zealand. The culture and characteristics of the Australian and New Zealand work force are to be identified. The key aspects included in work-life balance policies are to be illustrated and the perceived benefits for the surveying profession are to be noted. The paper seeks to posit that it is vital to comprehend the levels of awareness of work-life balance issues within the surveying profession first, so that benchmarking may occur over time within the profession and second, that comparisons may be drawn with other professions.
Design/methodology/approach – There is a growing body of research into work-life balance and the built environment professions. Using a questionnaire survey of the whole RICS qualified surveying profession in Australia and New Zealand, this paper identifies the awareness of work-life balance benefits within the surveying profession.
Findings – This research provides evidence that awareness of the issues and options is unevenly spread amongst professional surveyors in the region. With shortages of professionals and an active economy the pressures on existing employees looks set to rise and therefore this is an area which needs to be benchmarked and revisited with a view to adopting best practice throughout the sector. The implications are that employers ignore work-life balance issues at their peril.
Practical implications – There is much to be learned from an increased understanding of work-life balance issues for professionals in the surveying discipline. The consequences of an imbalance between work and personal or family life is emotional exhaustion, cynicism and burnout. The consequences for employers or surveying firms are reduced effectiveness and profitability and increased employee turnover or churn.
– Leading on from Ellison's UK surveying profession study and Lingard and Francis's Australian civil engineering and construction industry studies, this paper seeks to raise awareness of the benefits of adopting work-life balance policies within surveying firms and to establish benchmarks of awareness within the Australian and New Zealand surveying profession.


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Background: It is well documented that doctors experience a high level of stress in their profession, and that this can lead to physical, psychological, and emotional harm, in particular, burnout. Overseas (especially in the UK and USA), research investigating the levels of stress, burnout, and associated psychiatric morbidity in health professionals, across many specialities, has been carried out with a view to prevention of these adverse outcomes.

Aims: To assess the level of burnout in a sample of New Zealand physicians, the associated work and personal characteristics, and the need for development of a support peer supervision or support system.

Methods: Questionnaires that measured a number of work and personal characteristics, including the Maslach Burnout Inventory, the General Health Questionnaire, and additional questions regarding mistakes, and need for support, were sent to 83 physicians in the Waikato and Bay of Plenty areas. Analysis involved descriptive statistics, with t-tests for comparison with other studies, Pearson Product-Moment correlations between variables and analysis of variance where appropriate.

Results: Of the 50 respondents, 28% experienced high levels of two or three aspects of burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, low personal accomplishment). Emotional exhaustion correlated with a greater need for support. Most respondents favoured a one-to-one support system.

: This study highlights the presence of significant workplace difficulties for physicians and the need to develop a preventative support system for the protection of physicians and the patients in their care.


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This paper aims to verify the Burnout´s possibilities of incidence, finding the creating dimensions and comparing with the socio-demographics characteristics of the researched professionals. This quantitative-descriptive search has a population of 197 workers of 23 nourishing companies in Rio Grande do Norte. This population is predominantly male, younger than 28 years old, single, relatively instructed (57,07% with complete high school) and having just started their current job since 79% of the interviewees are in the company less than six years. The AUDITORIA DO SISTEMA HUMANO (ASH) model, utilized for investigation and developed for the Spaniards Quijano and Navarro in 1999, has several dimensions about human resources management and the organizational effectiveness, but only makes part of the research in 19 questions Burnout referring. It was used factorial analyses with extraction method, varimax rotation and Kaiser normalization with the intuition to define the creating dimensions of the syndrome, they were evaluated with Cronbach Alpha coefficient after extraction. The dimensions found through the factorial analyses were: emotional exhaustion, physical exhaustion and vitality. The accumulated explanation value reached 65,30% of total variation. The data socio-demographics don t justify the syndrome appearance, because the T test and ANOVA showed irrelevant values. It has been also observed that the founded dimensions were different of the Maslach sociopsychological perspective (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low professional realization) allowing comparison with others researches and the possibility to develop new ones with workers from different assistance areas. These new researches are important, since the syndrome refers to chronic labor stress consequences and any professional is favorable to Burnout, harmful to the company as to the collaborators


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This research verifies the influence of the self-efficacy level on burnout syndrome incidence in relation to nursing professionals from private hospitals located in the Municipality of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte. The nature of the research was descriptive, and the used data analysis method was quantitative which was developed through SPSS computational package, version 17.0. The used instrument for the investigation was Maslach-Burnout Inventory (MBI), and the General Perceived Self-efficacy Scale (GPSES) was applied to a sample formed from 230 nursing professionals. The statistic techniques to data analysis were: frequency analysis; factor analysis; Cronbach.s alpha; Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test (KMO); Bartlett efericity test; percentual analysis; Spearman rank correlation analysis; and simple regression. The achieved factors from factor analysis of MBI were the same, taking into account the dimensions which Maslach initially suggested to the instrument (emotional exhaustion, lack of personal realization, and depersonalization). However, one highlights that the low internal consistence of the depersonalization dimension can occur from people.s difficulty (caused by cultural aspects) of assuming this attitude in their work environment. Through GSE, it was achieved a factor which confirmed the unidimensionality showed by the author of the instrument. In relation to the syndrome incidence, it was verified that about 50% of the researched sample presented burnout syndrome evidence. Referring to self-efficacy level, about 65% of the researched sample presented low level of self-efficacy, what can be explained by the work characteristics of these professionals. In relation to the self-efficacy influence on the Burnout syndrome, it was verified that self-efficacy can be one of the aspects which influences occupational stress chronification (burnout), mainly to the personal realization dimension. Therefore, the researched hospital organizations need reflect about their attitudes in respect to their professionals, since the numbers showed a dangerous tendency regarding a predisposition to burnout syndrome of their staff, what implies not only a significant amount of individuals who can present high levels of emotional exhaustion, lack of personal realization, and depersonalization, but also the fact that this group presents low level of self-efficacy


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Burnout is a psychological syndrome triggered in response to continuous exposure to interpersonal stressors. It is considered a multifactorial construct, which is commonly characterized by three dimensions: emotional exhaustion, dehumanization, and lack of personal accomplishment.This study aimed to verify if the three characteristics of burnout (exhaustion, lack of dehumanization and personal accomplishment) are present in people working as guides Tourism in Natal - RN. It is a descriptive and quantitative study. 109 subjects were surveyed. Data collection was done through the use of questionnaires, the instrument used was the characterization of the Burnout Scale (ECB) created and validated in Brazil by Trocoli and Tamayo (2000). In order to analyze data we used descriptive statistics, analysis of core measures, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, cluster analysis, multiple discriminant and Spearman correlation. Factor analysis identified four factors that explain 58.3% of the total variance. Those factors were named exhaustion, deception, avoidance, and dehumanization. The reliability of the instrument, as measured by Cronbach's Alpha was 0.918, which is considered excellent reliability. The 109 subjects were grouped into three cluster, which had the deception, avoidance, and dehumanization as discriminant. It is possible to conclude that the characteristics of burnout syndrome are present in the studied population where 19 people are on the high level of burnout, moderate in 32 and 56 in the light. The correlations between socio-demographic variables studied and the dimensions of burnout, were few and weak. The variable leave for health reasons in the study appeared to be related to feelings of exhaustion and avoidance behavior appeared related to younger individuals and who work only in the activity of Receptive Tourism Guide. Verification of the incidence of burnout in individuals surveyed suggest the need to adopt intervention strategies are individual, organizational and / or combined


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INTRODUÇÃO: Os distúrbios neurodegenerativos representam condições clínicas graves, por provocar declínio neuropsíquico. OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência dos distúrbios neuropsiquiátricos em pacientes com demência, em relação à sua locomoção (independentes vs. dependentes), e no que se refere ao desgaste emocional e à qualidade do sono dos cuidadores. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 34 sujeitos, assim divididos: dez pacientes independentes para locomoção e sete dependentes (cadeirantes); dez cuidadores dos pacientes independentes e sete cuidadores de pacientes dependentes. Os sujeitos foram avaliados no Ambulatório de Neuropsiquiatria da Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Para avaliar as funções cognitivas, utilizou-se o CAMCOOG; para quantificar frequência, intensidade e desgaste do cuidador, aplicou-se o Inventário Neuropsiquiátrico; e para mensurar as alterações do sono dos cuidadores, foi utilizado o Miniquestionário do Sono. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio dos testes U - Mann Whitney e índice de correlação de Spearman, ambos com 5% de significância. RESULTADOS: Com relação à prevalência dos distúrbios neuropsiquiátricos entre os pacientes, observou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos, especificamente no que se refere à irritabilidade (p < 0,05) e ao escore total dos distúrbios neuropsiquiátricos (p < 0,01). Também foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos de cuidadores, com relação às alterações do sono (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Idosos independentes para locomoção apresentam menor prevalência dos distúrbios neuropsiquiátricos, quando comparados a idosos dependentes de cadeira de rodas. A locomoção parece não influenciar no desgaste físico e emocional do cuidador, mas constitui uma variável relevante na qualidade do sono dos cuidadores de idosos com diagnóstico de demência vascular e mista.