64 resultados para Embu


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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The palm Euterpe edulis is one of the most exploited due the intense illegal extraction, which is very harmful because this species dies right after the cutting process. This study aimed to assess the palms' development as an enrichment plant in a forest fragment belonging to a Preservation Area and the Biosphere Reserve of the Green Belt of Sao Paulo State, in Embu das Artes city. The seeds were obtained from the Instituto Florestal, which follows all the regulations for seeds, in order to get seedlings with a high genetic variation. The seedlings were planted in two successional stages: secondary forest with low trees (SFLT) and secondary forest with medium trees (SFMT). The seedlings survival and growth were periodically assessed and the results were compared by the variance analysis. Both areas presented high rates of survival, which were superior comparing to other similar studies with Euterpe edulis. Despite the successional difference between the areas, the development of the seedlings did not show significant difference on the analysis of variance regarding leaf number, height growth, stem diameter and survival, except for plant height at 60 days after planting, when seedlings planted in SFLT reached higher height (21.38 cm) than when planted in SFMT (19.31 cm).


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Eggplant seeds germination can be slow and uneven, justifying the use of pre-germinative treatments to improve the performance of seed lots. One option of treatment is the controlled hydration of seeds by priming. In this way, this study aimed to evaluate the performance of eggplant seeds cv. Embu submitted to different methodologies of priming. The seeds used in the experiment were stored in cold chamber (15 degrees C and 55% RH) in paper bags. The research was carried out at Central Laboratory of Seeds/UFLA. The seeds were submitted to the priming in aerated solutions varying the following factors: temperature (15 degrees C and 25 degrees C), time (24, 48 and 72 hours) and solution (water, PEG, KNO3 and PEG+KNO3). Seeds were washed in running water and dried at 30 degrees C, until the return to the initial moisture content, around 10%. The variables analyzed were percentage of germination, percentage of emergence, speed index of emergence and electrical conductivity. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design, according to a factorial arrangement 2x3x4+1 (control - seeds without priming). The results showed that priming improves the vigour of eggplant seeds with no effect on viability; the priming in water or KNO3 is efficient to improve the seed vigour and priming in water or KNO3 may use temperature of 15 degrees C or 25 degrees C for 24, 48 or 72 hours.


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Background Longitudinal epidemiological studies involving child/adolescent mental health problems are scarce in developing countries, particularly in regions characterized by adverse living conditions. We examined the influence of psychosocial factors on the trajectory of child/adolescent mental health problems (CAMHP) over time. Methods A population-based sample of 6- to 13-year-olds with CAMHP was followed-up from 2002–2003 (Time 1/T1) to 2007–2008 (Time 2/T2), with 86 out of 124 eligible children/adolescents at T1 being reassessed at T2 (sample loss: 30.6%). Outcome: CAMHP at T2 according to the Child Behavior Checklist/CBCL’s total problem scale. Psychosocial factors: T1 variables (child/adolescent’s age, family socioeconomic status); trajectory of variables from T1 to T2 (child/adolescent exposure to severe physical punishment, mother exposure to severe physical marital violence, maternal anxiety/depression); and T2 variables (maternal education, child/adolescent’s social support and pro-social activities). Results Multivariate analysis identified two risk factors for child/adolescent MHP at T2: aggravation of child/adolescent physical punishment and aggravation of maternal anxiety/depression. Conclusions The current study shows the importance of considering child/adolescent physical punishment and maternal anxiety/depression in intervention models and mental health care policies.


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Structural differences such as abnormalities, damage and free spaces in seeds may affect germination. The aim of this study was to study the relationship between eggplant seed morphology and seed germination. Ten seed lots of the eggplant cultivar Embu were evaluated by X-ray image analysis and the germination test. Seed image analysis was performed by Image Pro Plus® software and the whole seed area and free space between the embryo and endosperm were measured. The internal seed area filled by the embryo and endosperm was calculated from the difference between the whole seed and free space areas. Based on these results and visual seed analysis, seeds were classified into three categories and information on germination was obtained for each one. X-ray image analysis provides a perfect view of the internal seed parts and for seed morphology studies. An increase in seed area filled by the endosperm and embryo does not improve seed germination. Mechanical seed damage and deteriorated tissues can adversely affect seed germination.


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Eggplant seeds germination can be slow and uneven, justifying the use of pre-germinative treatments to improve the performance of seed lots. One option of treatment is the controlled hydration of seeds by priming. In this way, this study aimed to evaluate the performance of eggplant seeds cv. Embu submitted to different methodologies of priming. The seeds used in the experiment were stored in cold chamber (15º C and 55% RH) in paper bags. The research was carried out at Central Laboratory of Seeds/UFLA. The seeds were submitted to the priming in aerated solutions varying the following factors: temperature (15º C and 25º C), time (24, 48 and 72 hours) and solution (water, PEG, KNO3 and PEG+KNO3). Seeds were washed in running water and dried at 30º C, until the return to the initial moisture content, around 10%. The variables analyzed were percentage of germination, percentage of emergence, speed index of emergence and electrical conductivity. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design, according to a factorial arrangement 2x3x4+1 (control - seeds without priming). The results showed that priming improves the vigour of eggplant seeds with no effect on viability; the priming in water or KNO3 is efficient to improve the seed vigour and priming in water or KNO3 may use temperature of 15º C or 25º C for 24, 48 or 72 hours.


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Os reservatórios urbanos estão suscetíveis a uma variedade de interferências antropogênicas que acarretam grande variabilidade espacial e temporal. Contudo, possuem uma dinâmica própria na qual o hidroclima e micro e macro-eventos meteorológicos atuam sobre os processos físicos, químicos e biológicos resultando em respostas particulares de cada corpo de água. No presente estudo a existência de padrões espaciais e temporais na formação de florescimentos de algas, cianobactérias e macrófitas no reservatório Guarapiranga, São Paulo, SP, foi avaliada por meio de experimento de curta escala de tempo durante o evento da entrada de uma frente fria. Foram amostrados 64 pontos em todo o reservatório, e o estudo intensivo de florescimento algal e de cianobactérias em dois ciclos nictemerais, em um ponto selecionado no reservatório. Um modelo tridimensional de hidrodinâmica foi aplicado ao estudo compartimentalizado dos tempos de residência e imagens de satélite foram analisadas para determinação de padrões temporais e espaciais durante períodos de tempo mais amplos. Os resultados revelaram que os períodos mais favoráveis ao surgimento de florescimentos de cianobactérias são geralmente os meses mais quentes, de dezembro e janeiro, ou aqueles em que ocorrem estratificações mais fortes como no fim do inverno, em julho, e após as primeiras chuvas nos meses de setembro e outubro. Existem padrões espaciais recorrentes na formação dos florescimentos, controlados em grande parte pela ação do vento, que no reservatório Guarapiranga é predominantemente nas direções leste e sudeste empurrando os florescimentos na direção da foz dos tributários Embu Mirim e Embu Guaçu e ocasionalmente na direção da foz do rio Parelheiros. As simulações hidrodinâmicas evidenciam as forçantes que determinam os padrões observados e reforçam a importância de se discretizarem os tempos de residência de diferentes compartimentos do reservatório. As séries temporais amplas permitiram a determinação da qualidade da água em cada região e fornecem subsídios para o futuro manejo do reservatório. Como esse comportamento não se restringe ao reservatório Guarapiranga, o tipo de modelagem aqui utilizada pode ser útil para obter informações importantes no processo de planejamento e seleção de medidas para o gerenciamento de reservatórios urbanos tropicais polimíticos, em geral.


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Home literacy environment explains between 12 and 18.5% of the variance of children’s language skills. Although most authors agree that children whose parents encourage them to read tend to develop better and earlier reading skills, some authors consider that the impact of family environment in reading skills is overvalued. Probably, other variables of parent–child relationship, like parenting styles, might be relevant for this field. Nevertheless, no previous studies on the effect of parenting styles in literacy have been found. To analyze the role of parenting styles in the reading processes of children. Children’s perceptions of parenting styles contribute significantly to the explanation of statistical variance of children’s reading processes. 110 children (67 boys and 43 girls), aged between 7 and 11 years (M=9.22 and SD = 1.14) from Portuguese schools answered to a socio-demographic questionnaire. To assess reading processes it was administered the Portuguese adaptation (Figueira et al. in press) of Bateria de Avaliação dos Processos Leitores-Revista (PROLEC-R). To assess the parenting styles Egna Minnen av Barndoms Uppfostran-parents (EMBU-P) and EMBU-C (children version) were administered. According to multiple hierarchical linear regressions, individual factors contribute to explain all reading tests of PROLEC-R, while family factors contribute to explain most of these tests. Regarding parenting styles, results evidence the explanatory power about grammatical structures, sentence comprehension and listening. Parenting styles have an important role in the explanation of higher reading processes (syntactic and semantic) but not in lexical processes, focused by main theories concerning dyslexia.


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Eén van de meest voorkomende stoornissen bij kinderen is de angststoornis en gangbare behandelmethoden sluiten niet altijd goed aan bij deze groep. Om kinderen optimaal te kunnen begeleiden of te behandelen is inzicht in factoren die een rol spelen bij angst van belang. Het doel van dit onderzoek, uitgevoerd in het kader van de masterthesis Klinische Psychologie, is het vergroten van inzicht in de mate waarin ouderlijke controle en psychologische inflexibiliteit een rol spelen bij angst. Ouderlijke controle staat in dit verband voor de mate waarin ouders gedrag van hun kind begrenzen en reguleren en psychologische flexibiliteit voor de mate waarin kinderen in staat zijn adequaat en doelgericht te kunnen reageren. Eerder onderzoek laat een verband zien tussen angst en psychologische inflexibiliteit en tussen angst en ouderlijke controle. Ook zijn er aanwijzingen voor een verband tussen ouderlijke controle en psychologische inflexibiliteit. Onderzoeksresultaten met betrekking tot de interactie tussen deze drie variabelen bij kinderen in de basisschoolleeftijd ontbreken vooralsnog. In dit onderzoek, dat de vorm heeft van een survey en is uitgevoerd bij de jeugd-GGZ en bij basisscholen in Groningen en Friesland, wordt getracht deze onderlinge samenhang in beeld te brengen. Zesenveertig kinderen in de leeftijd van 8 tot en met 12 jaar, waarvan 11 met een gediagnosticeerde angststoornis, hebben de AFQ-Y, de SCAS en een vragenlijst gebaseerd op de EMBU-C ingevuld. Hiermee zijn respectievelijk de mate van psychologische flexibiliteit, de mate van angst en de mate van ouderlijke controle gemeten. Met behulp van t-toetsen is nagegaan of de scores op deze drie variabelen verschillen bij kinderen die zijn gediagnosticeerd met een angststoornis (klinische groep) en kinderen die niet zijn gediagnosticeerd met een angststoornis (controlegroep). Daarnaast is gekeken of meisjes en jongens verschillend scoorden op deze factoren. Verder is voor de totale groep met behulp van een correlatie- en regressieanalyse de samenhang tussen de variabelen onderzocht en nagegaan of er sprake was van een mediërend effect van psychologische flexibiliteit. Uit de resultaten kwam naar voren dat kinderen uit de klinische groep hoger scoorden op angst, ouderlijke controle en psychologische inflexibiliteit. Verder scoorden meisjes hoger op angst en jongens hoger op ouderlijke controle. Uit de correlatie– en regressie analyses bleek dat de mate van angst en de mate van psychologische inflexibiliteit hoger is naarmate er meer ouderlijke controle is en de mate van angst lager is naarmate de psychologische flexibiliteit hoger is. Daarnaast bleek psychologische flexibiliteit het verband tussen ouderlijke controle en angst te mediëren. Geconcludeerd kan worden dat psychologische flexibiliteit een zeer belangrijke rol speelt bij angst en bij angststoornissen en dat preventie en behandeling gericht op het vergroten van de psychologische flexibiliteit, de mate van angst bij kinderen kan verminderen.


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A literatura realça a importância do impacto do comportamento parental no desenvolvimento de ansiedade em crianças e adolescentes. Dado a pertinência do tema, o foco do presente estudo visa analisar o papel que a perceção dos adolescentes sobre os estilos educativos parentais tem sobre a manifestação de sintomatologia ansiosa. A amostra desta investigação envolveu 136 adolescentes do 3º ciclo do ensino básico, 48 rapazes e 88 raparigas com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 15 anos, com uma média de idades de 13,2 anos, recolhida no Colégio São Martinho em Coimbra. O protocolo de investigação incluiu os seguintes instrumentos de colheita de dados: Questionário Sociodemográfico, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC) e EMBU-A. Os resultados do estudo sugerem que os adolescentes mais velhos manifestam maior sintomatologia ansiosa, estatisticamente significativa ao nível da ansiedade-estado. No que respeita ao desempenho académico, são os adolescentes com elevado insucesso escolar que exteriorizam mais ansiedade-traço. Porém, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na manifestação da ansiedade dos adolescentes em função das variáveis género, posição na fratria e habilitações literárias dos pais. Por seu lado, em relação aos estilos educativos parentais, os jovens que têm maior insucesso escolar percecionam níveis elevados de sobreproteção da mãe, e de rejeição do pai e da mãe. Os adolescentes que têm um pai com mais baixo nível de escolaridade percecionam maior rejeição materna, e são os filhos de mães com menos habilitações literárias que sentem maior sobreproteção da mãe e rejeição do pai. Verificou-se, em particular, uma associação significativa entre a rejeição paterna e níveis mais elevados de sintomatologia ansiosa. O modelo preditivo avançado no estudo confirma que a rejeição paterna, em conjunto com a idade do adolescente, são bons preditores da sintomatologia ansiosa. Especificamente, a rejeição paterna é evidenciada como o melhor preditor da sintomatologia ansiosa, sendo o principal responsável pela manifestação de ansiedade nos adolescentes. Os resultados sugerem que a rejeição do pai desencadeia níveis elevados de sintomatologia ansiosa. Assim, este estudo permite concluir que a rejeição paterna é o estilo educativo parental que exerce maior influência na manifestação de ansiedade nos adolescentes. / The literature highlights the importance of the impact of parental behavior on the development of anxiety in children and adolescents. Given the relevance of the topic, the focus of this study is to analyze the role that the adolescents’ perception about parental rearing styles have on the manifestation of anxiety symptoms. The sample of this research involved 136 adolescents from the 3rd cycle of basic education, 48 boys and 88 girls aged between 12 and 15 years, with a mean age of 13,2 years, gathered in Colégio São Martinho in Coimbra. The investigation protocol included the following data collection instruments: Sociodemographic Questionnaire, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC) and the EMBU-A. The results of the study suggest that older adolescents show greater anxiety symptoms, statistically significant at the level of state anxiety. With regard to academic performance, are adolescents with high failure rates that externalize more trait anxiety. However, there were significant differences in the manifestation of anxiety in adolescents function of the variables gender, sibling position and educational background of the parents. For its part, in relation to parental rearing styles, young people who have higher academic failure perceive high levels of overprotection of the mother, and rejection of father and mother. Adolescents who have a father with the lowest educational level perceive greater maternal rejection, and are the children of mothers with less qualification who feel greater overprotection of the mother and father's rejection. There was, in particular, a significant association between paternal rejection and higher levels of anxiety symptoms. The predictive model advanced in the study confirms that parental rejection, together with the adolescents’ age, are good predictors of anxiety symptoms. Specifically, parental rejection is evidenced as the best predictor of anxiety symptoms, being primarily responsible for the manifestation of anxiety in adolescents. The results suggest that the father rejection triggers high levels of anxiety symptoms. Thus, this study shows that rejection is the paternal parental rearing style that has more influence on the manifestation of anxiety in adolescents.


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Introdução: A transmissão intergeracional dos estilos educativos parentais tem sido comprovada em diversos estudos, maioritariamente em estudos de famílias de duas gerações. Neste estudo, pretende-se analisar a transmissão intergeracional da perceção dos estilos educativos parentais em famílias compostas por três gerações, explorando as associações e eventuais padrões preditivos. Metodologia: Foi recolhida uma amostra de conveniência com 143 participantes, pertencentes a um subsistema de linhagem feminina, divididas em 3 gerações: G1/avó materna (n = 41; idade média = 74,8; DP = 6,26); G2/mãe (n = 41; idade média = 42,4; DP = 5,61); G3/filha (n = 41; idade média = 22,3; DP = 4,50). Todos os participantes preencheram um questionário sociodemográfico, contendo questões familiares e educacionais, e o EMBU – Memórias de Infância. Resultados: Verificaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as 3 gerações (Kruskal-Wallis) com G3 a distinguir-se significativamente de G1 e G2 quanto à perceção de Suporte Emocional (face à mãe e ao pai) e G3 a distinguir-se significativamente de G1 relativamente à perceção de Rejeição (por parte do pai). Correlações de Spearman revelaram diversas associações significativas entre as dimensões do EMBU – Memórias de Infância, entre a G1 e a G2. Não se encontraram associações significativas nas mesmas dimensões do instrumento entre a G2 e a G3. Regressões múltiplas demonstraram o papel preditivo do Suporte Emocional da G1 para a G2 (quando ambas respondem relativamente às suas mães e aos seus pais, respetivamente) e da Sobreproteção da G1 para a G2 (quando respondem ambas relativamente às suas mães). Conclusão/Discussão: Os resultados parecem apontar para a transmissão intergeracional da G1 para a G2 mas não da G2 para a G3. É possível também referir uma aparente descontinuidade da perceção de Suporte Emocional face à mãe e ao pai e perceção de Rejeição face ao pai. Os resultados deste estudo contribuem para a compreensão da transmissão e (des)continuidade intergeracional, neste caso da perceção de estilos educativos parentais, e do sistema familiar multigeracional em que ocorre.