981 resultados para Ely, Ezra Stiles, 1786-1861.


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Eguíluz, Federico; Merino, Raquel; Olsen, Vickie; Pajares, Eterio; Santamaría, José Miguel (eds.)


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This paper includes information about the Pribilof Islands since their discovery by Russia in 1786 and the population of northern fur seals, Cailorhinus ursinus, that return there each summer to bear young and to breed. Russia exterminated the native population of sea Oilers, Enhydra lulris, here and nearly subjected the northern fur seal to the same fate before providing proper protection. The northern fur seal was twice more exposed to extinction following the purchase of Alaska and the Pribilof Islands by the United States in 1867. Excessive harvesting was stopped as a result of strict management by the United States of the animals while on land and a treaty between Japan, Russia, Great Britain (for Canada), and the United States that provided needed protection at sea. In 1941, Japan abrogated this treaty which was replaced by a provisional agreement between Canada and the United States that protected the fur seals in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Japan, the U.S.S.R., Canada, and the United States again insured the survival of these animals with ratification in 1957 of the "Interim Convention on the Conservation of North Pacific Fur Seals," which is still in force. Under the auspices of this Convention, the United States launched an unprecedented manipulation of the resource through controlled removal during 1956-68 of over 300,000 females considered surplus. The biological rationale for the reduction was that production of fewer pups would result in a higher pregnancy rate and increased survival, which would, in turn, produce a sustained annual harvest of 55,000-60,000 males and 10,000-30,000 females. Predicted results did not occur. The herd reduction program instead coincided with the beginning of a decline in the number of males available for harvest. Suspected but unproven causes were changes in the toll normally accounted for by predation, disease, adverse weather, and hookworms. Depletion of the animals' food supply by foreign fishing Heets and the entanglement of fur seals in trawl webbing and other debris discarded at sea became a prime suspect in altering the average annual harvest of males on the Pribilof Islands from 71,500 (1940-56) to 40,000 (1957-59) to 36,000 (1960) to 82,000 (1961) and to 27,347 (1972-81). Thus was born the concept of a research control area for fur seals, which was agreed upon by members of the Convention in 1973 and instituted by the United States on St. George Island beginning in 1974. All commercial harvesting of fur seals was stopped on St. George Island and intensive behavioral studies were begun on the now unharvested population as it responds to the moratorium and attempts to reach its natural ceiling. The results of these and other studies here and on St. Paul Island are expected to eventually permit a comparison between the dynamics of unharvested and harvested populations, which should in turn permit more precise management of fur seals as nations continue to exploit the marine resources of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. (PDF file contains 32 pages.)


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Shell dimensions (length, height, width) and shell volume were evaluated as estimators of growth for Polymesoda erosa in northern Australia. Each parameter was a good estimator when applied to live weight (r2 values of 76-96 percent), but not to soft tissue weight (wet, dry, or ash-free dry weight) (r2 values of 13-32 percent). The b value for shell volume to weight relationship of clams collected during the dry season (June to October) was signifi cantly different than for those collected in the wet season (February to April).


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The jinjiang oyster Crassostrea rivularis [Gould, 1861. Descriptions of Shells collected in the North Pacific Exploring Expedition under Captains Ringgold and Rodgers. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 8 (April) 33-40] is one of the most important and best-known oysters in China. Based on the color of its flesh, two forms of C rivularis are recognized and referred to as the "white meat" and 11 red meat" oysters. The classification of white and red forms of this species has been a subject of confusion and debate in China. To clarify the taxonomic status of the two forms of C. rivularis, we collected and analyzed oysters from five locations along China's coast using both morphological characters and DNA sequences from mitochondrial 16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase 1, and the nuclear 28S rRNA genes. Oysters were classified as white or red forms according to their morphological characteristics and then subjected to DNA sequencing. Both morphological and DNA sequence data suggest that the red and white oysters are two separate species. Phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences obtained in this study and existing sequences of reference species show that the red oyster is the same species as C. ariakensis Wakiya [1929. Japanese food oysters. Jpn. J. Zool. 2, 359-367.], albeit the red oysters from north and south China are genetically distinctive. The white oyster is the same species as a newly described species from Hong Kong, C. hongkongensis Lam and Morton [2003. Mitochondrial DNA and identification of a new species of Crassostrea (Bivalvia: Ostreidae) cultured for centuries in the Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong, China. Aqua. 228, 1-13]. Although the name C. rivularis has seniority over C. ariakensis and C. hongkongensis, the original description of Ostrea rivularis by Gould [1861] does not fit shell characteristics of either the red or the white oysters. We propose that the name of C. rivularis Gould [1861] should be suspended, the red oyster should take the name C. ariakensis, and the white oyster should take the name C. hongkongensis. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This examines the workings of the Irish Poor Law in the town of Ballymoney, Co. Antrim, during the period between the end of the Great Famine and Partition. It focuses both on those who administered and those who used the poor law and argues that for the former it provided an important route into local politics and for the latter it represented a crucial strand in the limited strategies for survival open to them. It also demonstrates the impact that local political outlook had on both the administration and the experience of poor relief.


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This letter is from General Henry William Harrington to Colonel Calvin Spencer.


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Utredningen "Servicenivå för Östra Nylands kollektivtrafik" är en fortsättning till Nylands ELY-centrals förstudie om bestämning av kollektivtrafikens servicenivå på Nylands ELY-centrals område, nr 29/2010. Enligt förstudiet blev definieringsarbetet för kollektivtrafikens servicenivå på Nylands ELY-centrals område delat upp för att förverkligas i sju helheter som baserar sig på regionbiljettområden. Det blev sju rapporter om definieringsarbetet av vilka denna som rör Östra Nyland är en. Utredningen är en del av processen där ELY-centralen i samarbete med kommuner, behöriga myndigheter, landskapsförbund och trafikidkare förberedde Nylands ELY-centrals bestämmelse över bestyrkning av kollektivtrafikens servicenivå enligt lagen om kollektivtrafik. ELY-centralen bestyrkte med sitt beslut i december 2011 den åsyftade servicenivån enligt utredningen för åren 2012 - 2016. I utredningen har man beskrivit både den nutida och den åsyftade servicenivån som sträcker sig till år 2016. I huvudsak har man gjort beskrivningen som förbindelsestreckanalys. De valda förbindelsestreckorna har klassificerats enligt trafikens kvantitativa och kvalitativa faktorer i sex klasser: konkurrensnivå, lockande nivå, medelnivå, grundservicenivå, miniminivå och lagstadgad nivå. Som viktigaste klassificeringsfaktorer användes trafikeringstid och turantal. I klassificeringen har Trafikverkets anvisning nr 15/2011 tillämpats.


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Utredningen "Servicenivå för Västra Nylands kollektivtrafik" är en fortsättning till Nylands ELY-centrals förstudie om bestämning av kollektivtrafikens servicenivå på Nylands ELY-centrals område, nr 29/2010. Enligt förstudiet blev definieringsarbetet för kollektivtrafikens servicenivå på Nylands ELY-centrals område delat upp för att förverkligas i sju helheter som baserar sig på regionbiljettområden. Det blev sju rapporter om definieringsarbetet av vilka denna som rör Västra Nyland är en. Utredningen är en del av processen där ELY-centralen i samarbete med kommuner, behöriga myndigheter, landskapsförbund och trafikidkare förberedde Nylands ELY-centrals bestämmelse över bestyrkning av kollektivtrafikens servicenivå enligt lagen om kollektivtrafik. ELY-centralen bestyrkte med sitt beslut i december 2011 den åsyftade servicenivån enligt utredningen för åren 2012 - 2016. I utredningen har man beskrivit både den nutida och den åsyftade servicenivån som sträcker sig till år 2016. I huvudsak har man gjort beskrivningen som förbindelsestreckanalys. De valda förbindelsestreckorna har klassificerats enligt trafikens kvantitativa och kvalitativa faktorer i sex klasser: konkurrensnivå, lockande nivå, medelnivå, grundservicenivå, miniminivå och lagstadgad nivå. Som viktigaste klassificeringsfaktorer användes trafikeringstid och turantal. I klassificeringen har Trafikverkets anvisning nr 15/2011 tillämpats.