988 resultados para Electromagnetic interference shielding materials
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo fazer um estudo sobre um sistema comunicação de dados, utilizando-se a rede elétrica existente entre equipamentos, como meio físico em um ambiente industrial inóspito. Nesse caso, foi implementado um piloto em uma refinaria de alumina, localizada em Barcarena no estado do Pará, em uma máquina móvel de empilhamento de bauxita, que possuía um sistema de comunicação de dados via rádio, no qual ocorriam muitas falhas de comunicação devido às interferências eletromagnéticas, RFI, etc. prejudicando o processo de produção da refinaria. Como alternativa, apresentar-se-á uma tecnologia menos susceptível a problema da interferência que permite melhorar o desempenho do sistema de comunicação entre equipamentos. Trata-se da tecnologia PLC - Power Line Communication- que é full-duplex e utiliza modulação OFDM, o que reduz o efeito indesejável de interferências. Na conclusão, foram feitos comentários pertinentes aos resultados obtidos e os esperados acerca da confiabilidade da tecnologia, bem como sua utilização para futuras aplicações, nas diversas áreas onde a mesma pode ser utilizada.
A interferência eletromagnética causada pela linha de energia elétrica afeta negativamente os sinais de instrumentos eletrônicos, especialmente aqueles com baixos níveis de amplitude. Este tipo de interferência é conhecida como interferência de modo comum. Existem muitos métodos e arquiteturas utilizadas para minimizar a influência deste fenômeno de interferência em instrumentos eletrônicos, o mais comum dos quais é a utilização de filtros rejeita banda. Este trabalho apresenta: a análise, desenvolvimento, protótipo e teste de uma nova arquitetura de filtro com característica reconfigurável para instrumentos biomédicos e medição de dados de fluxo em fluido de alta complexidade, com objetivo de reduzir a interferência de modo comum e preservar as componentes do sinal útil na mesma faixa de frequência do ruído, utilizando a técnica de equilíbrio dinâmico de impedância. Além disso, este trabalho pode ser usado em qualquer sistema de medição que também sofra interferência na frequência da linha de alimentação (50/60 Hz, no Brasil e na França, 60 Hz nos Estados Unidos da América). Os blocos de circuitos foram modelados matematicamente e a função de transferência global do circuito fechado foi gerada. Em seguida, o projeto foi descrito e simulado na língua VHDL_AMS e também em um software de simulação eletrônica, usando blocos de componentes discretos, com e sem realimentação. Após análise teórica dos resultados da simulação, um circuito protótipo foi construído e testado usando como entrada um sinal obtido a partir de eletrodos de ECG e Eletrodos Eletroresistivos. Os resultados experimentais do circuito condizem com os da simulação: uma redução de ruído de 98,7% foi obtida em simulações utilizando um sinal sinusoidal, e uma redução de 92% foi realizada utilizando eletrodos de ECG em testes experimentais. Os mesmos testes em eletrodos Eletroresistivos, obtendo o maior valor de 80,3% de redução (durante análise de 3 casos). Em ambos os casos, o sinal útil foi preservado. O método e a sua arquitetura pode ser aplicado para atenuar as interferências que ocorrem na mesma banda de frequência das componentes do sinal útil, preservando ao mesmo tempo estes sinais.
Cosmic radiation has been identi ed as one of the main hazard to crew, aircraft and sensitive equipments involved in long-term missions and even high-altitude commercial ights. Generally, shields are used in spatial units to avoid excessive exposure, by holding the incident radiation. Unfortunatelly, shielding in space is problematic, especially when high-energy cosmic particles are considered, due to the production of large number of secondary particles, mainly neutrons, protons and alpha particles, caused by spallation reactions and quasi-elastic processes of the corpuscular radiation with the shield. Good parameters for checking the secondary particle production at target material are diferential cross section and energy deposited in the shield. Addition experiments, some computer codes based on Monte Carlo method show themselves a suitable tool to calculate shield parameters, due to have evaluated nuclear data libraries implemented on the algorithm. In view of this, the aim of this work is determining the parameters evaluated in shielding materials, by using MCNPX code, who shows good agreement with experimental data from literature. Among the materials, Aluminium had lower emission and production of secondary particles
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are generally used to monitor hazardous events in inaccessible areas. Thus, on one hand, it is preferable to assure the adoption of the minimum transmission power in order to extend as much as possible the WSNs lifetime. On the other hand, it is crucial to guarantee that the transmitted data is correctly received by the other nodes. Thus, trading off power optimization and reliability insurance has become one of the most important concerns when dealing with modern systems based on WSN. In this context, we present a transmission power self-optimization (TPSO) technique for WSNs. The TPSO technique consists of an algorithm able to guarantee the connectivity as well as an equally high quality of service (QoS), concentrating on the WSNs efficiency (Ef), while optimizing the transmission power necessary for data communication. Thus, the main idea behind the proposed approach is to trade off WSNs Ef against energy consumption in an environment with inherent noise. Experimental results with different types of noise and electromagnetic interference (EMI) have been explored in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the TPSO technique.
The electromagnetic interference between electronic systems or between their components influences the overall performance. It is important thus to model these interferences in order to optimize the position of the components of an electronic system. In this paper, a methodology to construct the equivalent model of magnetic field sources is proposed. It is based on the multipole expansion, and it represents the radiated emission of generic structures in a spherical reference frame. Experimental results for different kinds of sources are presented illustrating our method.
The electromagnetic interference between the electronic systems or their components influences the performance of the systems. For that reason, it is important to model these interferences in order to optimize the position of the systems or their components. In this paper, a method is proposed to construct the equivalent emission source models of systems. The proposed method is based on the multipolar expansion by representing the radiated emission of generic structures in a spherical reference (r, theta, phi). Some results are presented illustrating our method.
Topologies of motor drive systems are studied, aiming the reduction of common-mode (CM) currents. Initially, the aspects concerning the CM currents circulation are analysed. The reason of common-mode voltages generation, the circulating paths for the resulting CM currents and their effects are discussed. Then, a non-conventional drive system configuration is proposed in order to reduce the CM currents and their effects. This configuration comprehends a non-conventional inverter module wired to a motor with an unusual connection. The cables arrangement differs from the standard solution, too. The proposed topology is compared with other ones, like the active circuit for common-mode voltages compensation. The contribution of the configuration to the reduction of CM voltages and currents and their related interferences are evaluated, based on numerical simulations. Some results are presented and discussed regarding the suitability of the proposed configuration as a potential solution to reduce the CM currents effects, when the state of art and implementation cost of drives are taken into account.
En esta tesis doctoral se describe el trabajo de investigación enfocado al estudio y desarrollo de sensores de fibra óptica para la detección de presión, flujo y vibraciones en ductos ascendentes submarinos utilizados en la extracción y transporte de hidrocarburos, con el objetivo de aplicarlos en los campos de explotación de aguas profundas en el Golfo de México pertenecientes a la Industria Petrolera Mexicana. El trabajo se ha enfocado al estudio y desarrollo de sensores ópticos cuasi distribuidos y distribuidos. En especial se ha profundizado en el uso y aplicación de las redes de Bragg (FBG) y de reflectómetros ópticos en el dominio del tiempo sensible a la fase (φ-OTDR). Los sensores de fibra óptica son especialmente interesantes para estas aplicaciones por sus ventajosas características como su inmunidad a interferencias electromagnéticas, capacidad de multiplexado, fiabilidad para trabajar en ambientes hostiles, altas temperaturas, altas presiones, ambientes salino-corrosivos, etc. Además, la fibra óptica no solo es un medio sensor sino que puede usarse como medio de transmisión. Se ha realizado un estudio del estado del arte y las ventajas que presentan los sensores ópticos puntuales, cuasi-distribuidos y distribuidos con respecto a los sensores convencionales. Se han estudiado y descrito los interrogadores de redes de Bragg y se ha desarrollado un método de calibración útil para los interrogadores existentes en el mercado, consiguiendo incertidumbres en la medida de la longitud de onda menores de ± 88 nm e incertidumbres relativas (la mas interesante en el campo de los sensores) menores de ±3 pm. Centrándose en la aplicación de las redes de Bragg en la industria del petróleo, se ha realizado un estudio en detalle del comportamiento que presentan las FBGs en un amplio rango de temperaturas de -40 ºC a 500 oC. Como resultado de este estudio se han evaluado las diferencias en los coeficientes de temperatura en diversos tramos de mas mismas, así como para diferentes recubrimientos protectores. En especial se ha encontrado y evaluado las diferencias de los diferentes recubrimientos en el intervalo de temperaturas entre -40 ºC y 60 ºC. En el caso del intervalo de altas temperaturas, entre 100 ºC y 500 ºC, se ha medido y comprobado el cambio uniforme del coeficiente de temperatura en 1pm/ºC por cada 100 ºC de aumento de temperatura, en redes independientemente del fabricante de las mismas. Se ha aplicado las FBG a la medición de manera no intrusiva de la presión interna en una tubería y a la medición del caudal de un fluido en una tubería, por la medida de diferencia de presión entre dos puntos de la misma. Además se ha realizado un estudio de detección de vibraciones en tuberías con fluidos. Finalmente, se ha implementado un sistema de detección distribuida de vibraciones aplicable a la detección de intrusos en las proximidades de los ductos, mediante un φ-OTDR. En este sistema se ha estudiado el efecto negativo de la inestabilidad de modulación que limita la detección de vibraciones distribuidas, su sensibilidad y su alcance. ABSTRACT This thesis describes the research work focused for the study and development of on optical fiber sensors for detecting pressure, flow and vibration in subsea pipes used in the extraction and transportation of hydrocarbons, in order to apply them in deepwater fields in the Gulf of Mexico belonging to the Mexican oil industry. The work has focused on the study and development of optical sensors distributed and quasi distributed. Especially was done on the use and application of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and optical reflectometers time domain phase sensitive (φ-OTDR). The optical fiber sensors especially are interesting for these applications for their advantageous characteristics such as immunity to electromagnetic interference, multiplexing capability, reliability to work in harsh environments, high temperatures, high pressures, corrosive saline environments, etc. Furthermore, the optical fiber is not only a sensor means it can be used as transmission medium. We have performed a study of the state of the art and the advantages offered by optical sensors point, quasi-distributed and distributed over conventional sensors. Have studied and described interrogators Bragg grating and has developed a calibration method for interrogators useful for the existing interrogators in the market, resulting uncertainty in the measurement of the wavelength of less than ± 0.17 nm and uncertainties (the more interesting in the field of sensors) less than ± 3 pm. Focusing on the application of the Bragg gratings in the oil industry, has been studied in detail the behavior of the FBGs in a wide range of temperatures from -40 °C to 500 oC. As a result of this study we have evaluated the difference in temperature coefficients over various sections of the same, as well as different protective coatings. In particular evaluated and found the differences coatings in the range of temperatures between -40 º C and 60 º C. For the high temperature range between 20 ° C and 500 ° C, has been measured and verified the uniform change of the temperature coefficient at 1pm / ° C for each 100 ° C increase in temperature, in networks regardless of manufacturer thereof. FBG is applied to the non-intrusive measurement of internal pressure in a pipeline and measuring flow of a fluid in a pipe, by measuring the pressure difference between two points thereof. Therefore, has also made a study of detecting vibrations in pipes with fluids. Finally, we have implemented a distributed sensing system vibration applied to intrusion detection in the vicinity of the pipelines, by φ-OTDR. In this system we have studied the negative effect of modulation instability limits the distributed vibration detection, sensitivity and scope.
Esta tesis que tiene por título "Contribución a los arrays de antenas activos en banda X", ha sido desarrollada por el estudiante de doctorado Gonzalo Expósito Domínguez, ingeniero de telecomunicación en el Grupo de Radiación del Departamento de Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones de la ETSI de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid bajo la dirección de los doctores Manuel Sierra Castañer y José Manuel Fernández González. Esta tesis contiene un profundo estudio del arte en materia de antenas activas en el campo de apuntamiento electrónico. Este estudio comprende desde los fundamentos de este tipo de antenas, problemas de operación y limitaciones hasta los sistemas actuales más avanzados. En ella se identifican las partes críticas en el diseño y posteriormente se llevan a la práctica con el diseño, simulación y construcción de un subarray de una antena integrada en el fuselaje de un avión para comunicaciones multimedia por satélite que funciona en banda X. El prototipo consta de una red de distribución multihaz de banda ancha y una antena planar. El objetivo de esta tesis es el de aplicar nuevas técnicas al diseño de antenas de apuntamiento electrónico. Es por eso que las contribuciones originales son la aplicación de barreras electromagnéticas entre elementos radiantes para reducir los acoplamientos mutuos en arrays de exploración electrónica y el diseño de redes desfasadoras sencillas en las que no son necesarios complejos desfasadores para antenas multihaz. Hasta la fecha, las barreras electromagnéticas, Electronic Band Gap (EBG), se construyen en sustratos de permitividad alta con el fin de aumentar el espacio disponible entre elementos radiantes y reducir el tamaño de estas estructuras. Sin embargo, la utilización de sustratos de alta permitividad aumenta la propagación por ondas de superficie y con ellas el acoplo mutuo. Utilizando sustratos multicapa y colocando la vía de las estructuras en su borde, en vez de en su centro, se consigue reducir el tamaño sin necesidad de usar sustratos de alta permitividad, reducir la eficiencia de radiación de la antena o aumentar la propagación por ondas de superficie. La última parte de la tesis se dedica a las redes conmutadoras y desfasadoras para antenas multihaz. El diseño de las redes de distribución para antenas son una parte crítica ya que se comportan como un atenuador a la entrada de la cadena receptora, modificando en gran medida la figura de ruido del sistema. Las pérdidas de un desfasador digital varían con el desfase introducido, por ese motivo es necesario caracterizar y calibrar los dispositivos correctamente. Los trabajos presentados en este manuscrito constan de un desfasador reflectivo con un conmutador doble serie paralelo para igualar las pérdidas de inserción en los dos estados y también un conmutador de una entrada y dos salidas cuyos puertos están adaptados en todo momento independientemente del camino del conmutador para evitar las reflexiones y fugas entre redes o elementos radiantes. El tomo finaliza con un resumen de las publicaciones en revistas científicas y ponencias en congresos, nacionales e internacionales, el marco de trabajo en el que se ha desarrollado, las colaboraciones que se han realizado y las líneas de investigación futuras. ABSTRACT This thesis was carried out in the Radiation Group of the Signals, Systems and Radiocomunications department of ETSI de Telecomunicación from Technical University of Madrid. Its title is "Contribution to active array antennas at X band" and it is developed by Gonzalo Expósito Domínguez, Electrical Engineer MsC. under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Manuel Sierra Castañer and Dr. José Manuel Fernández González. This thesis is focused on active antennas, specifically multibeam and electronic steering antenas. In the first part of the thesis a thorough description of the state of the art is presented. This study compiles the fundamentals of this antennas, operation problems and limits, up to the breakthrough applications. The critical design problems are described to use them eventually in the design, simulation and prototyping of an airborne steering array antenna for satellite communication at X band. The main objective of this thesis is to apply new techniques to the design of electronically steering antennas. Therefore the new original contributions are the application of Electromagnetic Band Gap materials (EBG) between radiating elements to reduce the mutual coupling when phase shift between elements exist and phase shifting networks where special characteristics are required. So far, the EBG structures have been constructed with high permitivity substrates in order to increase the available space between radiating elements and reduce the size of the structures. However, the surface wave propagation modes are enhanced and therefore the mutual coupling increases when high permitivity substrates are used. By using multilayered substrates and edge location via, the size is reduced meanwhile low permitivity substrates are used without reducing the radiation efficiency or enhancing the surface propagation modes. The last part of the thesis is focused on the phase shifting distribution networks for multibeam antennas. This is a critical part in the antenna design because the insertion loss in the distribution network behaves as an attenuator located in the first place in a receiver chain. The insertion loss will affect directly to the receiver noise figure and the insertion loss in a phase shifter vary with the phase shift. Therefore the devices must be well characterized and calibrated in order to obtain a properly operation. The work developed in this thesis are a reflective phase shifter with a series-shunt switch in order to make symmetrical the insertion loss for the two states and a complex Single Pole Double Through (SPDT) with matched ports in order to reduce the reflections and leakage between feeding networks and radiating elements. The end of this Ph D. dissertation concludes with a summary of the publications in national and international conferences and scientific journals, the collaborations carried out along the thesis and the future research lines.
We discuss light–heavy hole beats observed in transient optical experiments in GaAs quantum wells in terms of a free-boson coherent state model. This approach is compared with descriptions based on few-level representations. Results lead to an interpretation of the beats as due to classical electromagnetic interference. The boson picture correctly describes photon excitation of extended states and accounts for experiments involving coherent control of the exciton density and Rayleigh scattering beating.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
Opto-acoustic imaging (OAI) shows particular promise for in-vivo biomedical diagnostics. Its applications include cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and urogenital systems imaging. Opto-acoustic endoscopy (OAE) allows the imaging of body parts through cavities permitting entry. The critical parameter is the physical size of the device, allowing compatibility with current technology, while governing flexibility of the distal end of the endoscope based on the needs of the sensor. Polymer optical fibre (POF) presents a novel approach for endoscopic applications and has been positively discussed and compared in existing publications. A great advantage can be obtained for endoscopy due to a small size and array potential to provide discrete imaging speed improvements. Optical fibre exhibits numerous advantages over conventional piezo-electric transducers, such as immunity from electromagnetic interference and a higher resolution at small sizes. Furthermore, micro structured polymer optical fibres offer over 12 times the sensitivity of silica fibre. We present a polymer fibre Bragg grating ultrasound detector with a core diameter of 125 microns. We discuss the ultrasonic signals received and draw conclusions on the opportunities and challenges of applying this technology in biomedical applications.