967 resultados para Electricity distribution


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Há no senso comum a visão que disponibilidade de energia está associada à crescimento econômico, ou mesmo, com desenvolvimento local/regional. A questão a ser abordada neste artigo é a relação entre a expansão das redes de distribuição de energia elétrica e das demais redes logísticas com o desenvolvimento regional. Particularmente, relacionamos mudanças no tamanho das cidades e a evolução da estrutura de consumo de energia, tomadas como os principais indicadores dessa relação, de modo a entrever algumas tendências de reestruturação sócio-espacial no Sudeste do Pará. O resultado, porém, foi que, não obstante a expansão da rede de distribuição de energia elétrica, o problema da desigualdade permanece. Concluímos ainda que o desenvolvimento regional depende do grau de cobertura do território pelas redes logísticas, sem garantia, contudo, de que a emergência destas redes sejam acompanhadas por efeitos de descentralização e (re)estruturação das atividades econômica no Sudeste do Pará, em específico, e na Amazônia oriental, em geral.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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The expansion and maintenance of electricity distribution networks generates large amounts of waste, much of it in the form of discarded insulators that are not reused or recycled. This paper describes the results of tests on used and new ceramic and polymeric insulators to verify if their exposure to weathering justifies their replacement. In new and used ceramic insulators, properties such as contact angle, relative density, porosimetry, dilatometry and X-ray diffraction patterns showed no differences or the differences that were found could not be related to their use. The discarded ceramic material showed high thermal stability, an interesting characteristic for application as chamotte. It can also be reused to replace gravel used in substations. In polymeric insulators, thermogravimetry, differential scanning calorimetry and relative density test results suggest degradation of used material compared to new. This would justify their replacement and discard as waste, but they show little recycling potential.


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In 2004 two trading environment for contracts of purchase and of electricity energy were established, the Regulated Contracting Environment (RGE) and the Free Contracting Environment (FCE). In the first one, consumers can only buy their energy directly from local electricity distribution, and in the second one, consumers can choose their delivery, amount and type of energy that they will burn through bilateral contracts. Thus, before deciding to migrate to the FCE, it is necessary understanding the rules of marketing, the risk involved and the economic viability of the two markets so can determine which environment has more benefits to the consumer. This paper aims to offer tools to support takeover decision of potentially free costumers, who have the option to migrate to market in order to evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of each market. This paper has also considered the new rules of the third rate cycle, where consumers can opt for green tax. The methodology presented is based on calculations of spending with energy and the risk of flag in captive market and free market in one year


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Across the industry, regardless of the activity which is intended, the electricity distribution must meet the current and ever growing needs of the market, aiming at reliability and process efficiency. The energy must not only be available to ensure continuity of operation, but also to avoid the costs incurred due to deficiencies and failures. The tendency to migrate to intelligent systems is undeniable and this thesis will be analyzed the advantages that made this kind technology essential, focused on the analysis of the motor control center and as sturdy equipment fit to the concept of intelligent panels. The case study compares in a real scenario the acquisition of a system of low-voltage electrical panels comparing the cost to purchase the same set of panels made with and without the concept of intelligence


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The public consultation n° 018/2014, for review the Module 8 of Procedures of Electricity Distribution (PRODIST), conducted by National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL), aims to improve the regulation of power quality, considering the phenomena harmonic distortion, voltage unbalance, voltage fluctuation and short term voltage variation. These regulatory changes impact in the way of analysis and treatment, of power quality disruption, by the electricity distribution. The developed work makes a study about the applications of these new regulatory requests and hopes to contribute with a better understanding. Through power quality measurements, in distribution substations, with different load profiles (industrial, urban and rural), was obtained a real view of the system, under the aspect of power quality, to evaluate the regulation adherence to the current version and proposed. In this case study, although being in accordance with the current methodology, happened a transgression of propose. With a comparative analysis, was possible to identify some phenomena that were more flexible in the proposed revision and others with more severe monitoring


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The objective of this work is to conduct a comparative study between the fuse key and the single-phase seccionalizador, which are protective equipment used in an electricity distribution networks. This study has also the purpose to reduce the number of electrical power breakdown. Distribution networks are not free from faults, disturbances and failures, then the occurrence of adversities on the network, which may be transient or permanent faults, results in the interruption of electric power. Thus, there are protective systems of distribution networks, which aims to ensure that the electric system continues to function. The incidence of transient faults in the distribution network of this electricity company was used to generate immediate shutdown of customers due to the bad use of fuses as protective equipment by the reclosers. With the use of the fuse switch in the distribution network, there was the immediate shutdown of customers, however, using the single-phase seccionalizador as protective equipment by the reclosers, there are three attempts to restart the electricity power. As the attempts to restart the electricity power are able to eliminate a transient fault, not causing shutdown of any costumer, with the implementation of single-phase sectionalizers to replace the fuses, the number of company shutdowns due to transient faults was reduced by 47.6%


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Across the industry, regardless of the activity which is intended, the electricity distribution must meet the current and ever growing needs of the market, aiming at reliability and process efficiency. The energy must not only be available to ensure continuity of operation, but also to avoid the costs incurred due to deficiencies and failures. The tendency to migrate to intelligent systems is undeniable and this thesis will be analyzed the advantages that made this kind technology essential, focused on the analysis of the motor control center and as sturdy equipment fit to the concept of intelligent panels. The case study compares in a real scenario the acquisition of a system of low-voltage electrical panels comparing the cost to purchase the same set of panels made with and without the concept of intelligence


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The public consultation n° 018/2014, for review the Module 8 of Procedures of Electricity Distribution (PRODIST), conducted by National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL), aims to improve the regulation of power quality, considering the phenomena harmonic distortion, voltage unbalance, voltage fluctuation and short term voltage variation. These regulatory changes impact in the way of analysis and treatment, of power quality disruption, by the electricity distribution. The developed work makes a study about the applications of these new regulatory requests and hopes to contribute with a better understanding. Through power quality measurements, in distribution substations, with different load profiles (industrial, urban and rural), was obtained a real view of the system, under the aspect of power quality, to evaluate the regulation adherence to the current version and proposed. In this case study, although being in accordance with the current methodology, happened a transgression of propose. With a comparative analysis, was possible to identify some phenomena that were more flexible in the proposed revision and others with more severe monitoring


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The objective of this work is to conduct a comparative study between the fuse key and the single-phase seccionalizador, which are protective equipment used in an electricity distribution networks. This study has also the purpose to reduce the number of electrical power breakdown. Distribution networks are not free from faults, disturbances and failures, then the occurrence of adversities on the network, which may be transient or permanent faults, results in the interruption of electric power. Thus, there are protective systems of distribution networks, which aims to ensure that the electric system continues to function. The incidence of transient faults in the distribution network of this electricity company was used to generate immediate shutdown of customers due to the bad use of fuses as protective equipment by the reclosers. With the use of the fuse switch in the distribution network, there was the immediate shutdown of customers, however, using the single-phase seccionalizador as protective equipment by the reclosers, there are three attempts to restart the electricity power. As the attempts to restart the electricity power are able to eliminate a transient fault, not causing shutdown of any costumer, with the implementation of single-phase sectionalizers to replace the fuses, the number of company shutdowns due to transient faults was reduced by 47.6%


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El desarrollo del Proyecto consiste, por una parte, en el estudio sobre la respuesta de los materiales piezoeléctricos como generadores de energía en un entorno acuoso que está sometido a variaciones de potencial y, por otra, en el estudio técnico y económico de un equipo basado en la utilización esta fuente de energía y su comercialización en el mercado energético. Esta energía es la que se obtiene de la fuerza de arrastre del agua al desplazarse a causa del movimiento ondulatorio de las olas y que el elemento al flexionar es capaz de transformar. El proyecto contempla a partir de modelos, el funcionamiento eléctrico y mecánico de un generador piezoeléctrico, el sistema de electrónica necesaria para su inserción optimizada en la red eléctrica. A partir de esto se desarrolla una instalación que puede adaptarse a los requerimientos del estudio previo. Empleando un modelo de relación técnica y económica se establece una conexión entre estas dos secciones para hacerse una idea de la rentabilidad económica de un equipo de este estilo a día de hoy. El propósito final, es el de estudiar un nuevo tipo de energía, y comenzar una línea que puede llevar a un lugar muy interesante del sector energético. ABSTRACT This Project presents an analysis on the performance of piezoelectric materials as energy producer in an aquatic environment subject to potential variations. Additionally, the Project contains a technical and an economic analysis on the equipment based on the use of this energy source, as well as its commercialization. Energy is obtained by the water drag force when it is moved by the wave’s movement and by its transformation by the piezoelectric material. The Project studies the electric and mechanic functioning of a piezoelectric generator and the necessary electronic system for its optimized insertion on the electricity distribution network. Based on this, it is developed a system that can be adapted to the previous study requirements. The use of a technical and economic relation model allows the establishment of a connection among them in order to estimate the economic profitability of such equipment nowadays. The final objective of this Project is analyzing a new source of energy, which could start a new investigation line that may lead the energetic sector to a very interesting future.


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La perspectiva del arquitecto en calidad ambiental, y salud en un contexto sostenible, se amplía al considerar las radiaciones electromagnéticas no ionizantes en el diseño arquitectónico. En ese sentido, además del confort higrotérmico, acústico, lumínico y de la calidad del aire, se podría considerar el confort electromagnético de un lugar. Dado que existe gran controversia en cuales han de ser los límites de exposición a radiaciones electromagnéticas no ionizantes, establezco como punto de referencia los valores límite más restrictivos, que son los recomendados por la norma SBM-2008, desarrollada por el Institut für Baubiologie & Oekologie Neubeuern (IBN)1. Se plantean como hipótesis que podemos modificar el entorno electromagnético con materiales de construcción y geometría; y que determinados trazados geométricos tienen la capacidad de reducir el impacto de los campos electromagnéticos sobre los organismos vivos. El objetivo consiste en demostrar experimentalmente que podemos trabajar sobre la calidad ambiental electromagnética de un espacio, a través de la elección de materiales de construcción y trazados geométricos, intentando demostrar que existe una relación causa - efecto entre ambos. La metodología plantea tres aproximaciones experimentales, cada una con un tipo de radiación electromagnética, pues se pretende abarcar las situaciones que comúnmente se pueden presentar en un entorno habitado, ya sea urbano o rural. La primera aproximación trata sobre las alteraciones del campo geomagnético natural (nT / m) provocadas por los materiales de construcción. Utilizo el geomagnetómetro BPM 2010, para realizar un ensayo con cuatro tipos de materiales de distinta procedencia: origen vegetal muy poco procesado (corcho aglomerado negro) y más procesado (OSB), origen derivado del petróleo (tablero rígido de poliuretano) y de origen mineral metálico (chapa minionda). De la lectura de los datos se observa relación causa-efecto entre los materiales de construcción estudiados y las modificaciones que pueden ejercer sobre el campo magnético de un lugar. A continuación se estudia el entorno de radiación electromagnética artificial a baja frecuencia (3 Hz a 3 kHz) y a alta frecuencia, (800 MHz a 10 GHz) en vivienda y en oficina utilizando unas geometrías concretas: las tarjetas de corrección de radiaciones. Estas tarjetas se ubican en paramentos verticales y horizontales de un espacio sometido a radiación propia de un entorno urbano. Se concluye que en una habitación inciden múltiples variables simultáneas muy difíciles de trabajar por separado y que aparentemente no se pueden identificar cambios significativos en las mediciones con y sin las tarjetas de corrección de radiaciones. A continuación estudio el entorno de radiación electromagnética artificial a baja frecuencia asociada a la red de distribución eléctrica. Para poder ver cómo este entorno electromagnético lo podemos modificar, utilizo las tarjetas de corrección de radiaciones ubicadas en relación directa con organismos vivos, por un lado germinados de semillas de haba mungo sometidas a campos electromagnéticos complejos a alta y baja frecuencia, propios de una oficina; y por otro lado germinados de semillas de haba mungo, sometidas a campos electromagnéticos puros a 50 Hz, sin influencias de radiación a alta frecuencia. Se concluye que se observa relación causa - efecto entre los trazados geométricos estudiados y su capacidad para reducir el impacto de los campos electromagnéticos a altas y bajas frecuencias sobre las semillas de haba mungo. También utilizo las tarjetas de corrección de radiaciones en un ensayo normalizado en el laboratorio de bioelectromagnetismo del Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, con células de neuroblastoma humano. Se concluye que se observa relación causa - efecto entre los trazados geométricos estudiados y su capacidad para reducir el impacto de los campos electromagnéticos de 50 Hz Y 100 μT sobre células de neuroblastoma humano y además disminuyen la velocidad de proliferación celular respecto del grupo de células de control. Finalmente se estudia el entorno de radiación electromagnética artificial a alta frecuencia, asociado a comunicaciones inalámbricas. Para ello realizo simulaciones con el software CST Studio, sobre las tarjetas de corrección de radiaciones a alta frecuencia. A la luz de los datos se observa relación causa - efecto entre el trazado geométrico estudiado y su capacidad para reducir radiaciones electromagnéticas de alta frecuencia. Se comprueba además que, las tarjetas de corrección de radiaciones disminuyen la intensidad de la radiación acercándose a los límites de exposición establecidos por el instituto de la biología de la construcción alemán, que podrían estar señalando los estándares de biocompatibilidad. ABSTRACT The perspective of the architect in environmental quality, and health in a sustainable context is extended to consider non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation in architectural design. In that sense, besides the hygrothermal, acoustic, lighting and air quality comfort, the electromagnetic comfort of an indoor space could be considered. There is still great controversy about which should be the limits of exposure to nonionizing electromagnetic radiation, as a benchmark, the more restrictive limits are considered, by the SBM- 2008 standard, developed by the Institut für Baubiologie & Oekologie Neubeuern (IBN). The hypotheses that arise are the following: the electromagnetic environment can be modified by using certain construction materials and geometry; and certain geometric design have the ability to reduce the impact of electromagnetic fields on living organisms. The aim is to demonstrate experimentally that we can work on electromagnetic environmental quality of a indoor space, by using certain construction materials and geometric design, trying to demonstrate a cause - effect relationship between them. The methodology raises three experimental approaches, each with a type of radiation, it is intend to cover situations commonly may occur in an inhabited environment, whether urban or rural. The first approach discusses the alteration of the natural magnetic field (nT / m) caused by the building materials. Geomagnetometre BPM 2010 is used for conducting a test with four types of materials from different sources: vegetable origin less processing (black agglomerate cork) and vegetable origin more processed (OSB), petroleum origin (rigid polyurethane board) and metallic origin (miniwave plate). It is observed across the data information that exist cause-effect relationship between the construction materials studied and the modifications that they can exercise on the magnetic field of a place. Then I study the environment of artificial electromagnetic radiation at low frequency (3 Hz to 3 kHz) and high frequency (800 MHz to 10 GHz) in housing and office, using some specific geometries: correcting radiation cards. These cards are placed in vertical and horizontal surfaces of an indoor space concerned by radiation. I conclude that an indoor space is affected by multiple simultaneous variables difficult to work separately and apparently it is not possible identify significant changes in measurements with and without correcting radiation cards. Then the artificial electromagnetic environment of low-frequency radiation associated with the electricity distribution network is studied. To see how the electromagnetic environment can be changed, correcting radiation cards are placed directly related to living organisms. On one hand, mung bean seeds subject to complex electromagnetic fields at low and high frequency, typical of an office; and on the other hand mung bean seeds, subjected to pure electromagnetic fields at 50 Hz, no influenced by high frequency radiation. It is observed that exist cause-effect relationship between the geometric design and their ability to reduce the impact of electromagnetic fields at high and low frequencies that arrives on on mung bean seeds. The correcting radiation cards were also used in a standard test in the bioelectromagnetics laboratory of Ramón y Cajal University Hospital, on human neuroblastoma cells. It is observed that exist cause-effect relationship between the geometric design and their ability to reduce the impact of electromagnetic fields at 50 Hz and 100 μT on human neuroblastoma cells and also decrease the rate of cell proliferation compared to the group of cells control. Finally the artificial electromagnetic radiation environment at high frequency associated with wireless communications was studied. Simulations with CST Study software were made to determine the behavior of correcting radiation cards in high-frequency. It is observed across the data information that exist causeeffect relationship between the geometric design and the ability to reduce the levels of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. It also checks that radiation correcting cards decrease the intensity of radiation approaching exposure limits established by Institut für Baubiologie & Oekologie Neubeuern (IBN), which could be signaling biocompatibility standards.