991 resultados para Electrical equipment industry


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Establishing of export operations is the key to the competitiveness for all producing companies in high-tech industry. Distribution partnerships between exporting producer and local distributors of relevant foreign market are utilized by SMEs to gain cost-efficiency of operation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the Swiss market of outdoor lighting solutions and propose distribution channels for the case of company C2 SmartLight Ltd. The literature framework consists of three main parts: description of distribution channels for business products, the selection process of the distributor and management of the distributors. The empirical part of this study composed of the observation of Swiss lighting market, highlighting key customers, trends of energy efficiency and key industry players of the lighting market. The aim was to identify potential distribution channels, which reach the target customer groups and identify the market opportunity. Secondly, the data was collected through semi-structured phone interviews. The company, which operates in outdoor lighting business and has an established distributor in Switzerland, was interviewed and used as a benchmark. As a result of this research the market opportunity for distribution of C2 SmartLight products was identified based on potential customers and market need. C2 SmartLight Ltd. should establish a connection with wholesalers that distribute easy to handle and store electrical equipment. The results of this study can be used by other SME companies, operating in a similar field of economy, for selection of distributors.


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Photovoltaic Thermal/Hybrid collectors are an emerging technology that combines PV and solar thermal collectors by producing heat and electricity simultaneously. In this paper, the electrical performance evaluation of a low concentrating PVT collector was done through two testing parts: power comparison and performance ratio testing. For the performance ratio testing, it is required to identify and measure the factors affecting the performance ratio on a low concentrating PVT collector. Factors such as PV cell configuration, collector acceptance angle, flow rate, tracking the sun, temperature dependence and diffuse to irradiance ratio. Solarus low concentrating PVT collector V12 was tested at Dalarna University in Sweden using the electrical equipment at the solar laboratory. The PV testing has showed differences between the two receivers. Back2 was producing 1.8 energy output more than Back1 throughout the day. Front1 and Front2 were almost the same output performance. Performance tests showed that the cell configuration for Receiver2 with cells grouping (6- 32-32-6) has proved to have a better performance ratio when to it comes to minimizing the shading effect leading to more output power throughout the day because of lowering the mismatch losses. Different factors were measured and presented in this thesis in chapter 5. With the current design, it has been obtained a peak power at STC of 107W per receiver. The solar cells have an electrical efficiency of approximately 19% while the maximum measured electrical efficiency for the collector was approximately 18 % per active cell area, in addition to a temperature coefficient of -0.53%/ ˚C. Finally a recommendation was done to help Solarus AB to know how much the electrical performance is affected during variable ambient condition and be able to use the results for analyzing and introducing new modification if needed.


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In wood processing industries, which use electrical equipment in the production process, in most cases these are badly scaled or operate under inadequate conditions, resulting directly in industrial energy efficiency, which proves important because besides having technological innovation, also with practices and policies, aims to decrease power consumption. So in a wiring project should take into account the variables that influence energy efficiency. Thus this work has been reviewed and subsequently calculated some of these variables, such as active power, power factor and demand for the entire industry (global) and also for specific equipment, the chipper. The network analysis was performed in a wood processing industry in the city of Taquarivaí - SP, and evaluated these variables with a network analyzer and also by analysis on energy bills, which were found in both analysis levels below those found in literature. These factors are due to poor design, improper use, storage of equipment or even by characteristic of the production process, ie, the equipment running on empty because of the volatility of production


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The search for new energy models arises as a necessity to have a sustainable power supply. The inclusion of distributed generation sources (DG) allows to reduce the cost of facilities, increase the security of the grid or alleviate problems of congestion through the redistribution of power flows. In remote microgrids it is needed in a particular way a safe and reliable supply, which can cover the demand for a low cost; due to this, distributed generation is an alternative that is being widely introduced in these grids. But the remote microgrids are especially weak grids because of their small size, low voltage level, reduced network mesh and distribution lines with a high ratio R/X. This ratio affects the coupling between grid voltages and phase shifts, and stability becomes an issue of greater importance than in interconnected systems. To ensure the appropriate behavior of generation sources inserted in remote microgrids -and, in general, any electrical equipment-, it is essential to have devices for testing and certification. These devices must, not only faithfully reproduce disturbances occurring in remote microgrids, but also to behave against the equipment under test (EUT) as a real weak grid. This also makes the device commercially competitive. To meet these objectives and based on the aforementioned, it has been designed, built and tested a voltage disturbances generator, in order to provide a simple, versatile, full and easily scalable device to manufacturers and laboratories in the sector.


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Dentro del equipamiento que existen en los hospitales, se realizan muy diversas actuaciones para el correcto funcionamiento de los equipos que se destinan, tanto a medir sobre el paciente o para tratamiento sobre estos mismos, el abanico de equipos que existen es muy grande, sin contar con los que directamente se instalan o, más correctamente, se implantan en el paciente. Los hospitales tienen establecidas pautas de mantenimiento tanto correctivo como preventivo, también de verificación relativa a seguridad y, en algunos casos, acciones que van destinadas a comprobar las magnitudes en los equipos. Esto último no es lo normal, de hecho, en muchos casos, la mayoría, se desconoce cómo poder comprobar que las magnitudes de un equipo se pueden trazar a un patrón de medida nacional. La investigación se ha desarrollado para determinar, siendo algo que esta patente hasta en la normalización ISO, que no existen para muchos equipos principios establecidos para garantizar la trazabilidad metrológica da las magnitudes físicas en las que trabaja durante su vida útil. Debido a la amplitud de este campo, el desarrollo de investigación se ha llevado en un formato piramidal, desde las necesidades para poder llegar a un estudio concreto de equipos concretos (Termómetros Clínicos, Tensiómetros, Ultrasonidos y Onda Corta). Para llegar a estos se ha realizado un estudio de cómo se encuentra la trazabilidad metrológica en todo el espectro, desde la gestión hasta llegar a casos particulares. Estudiando la gran cantidad de documentación existente y llegando a determinar el campo de trabajo en la metrología hospitalaria, clasificando los equipos y determinando como se encuentran definidos los métodos que llevan a realidad la trazabilidad metrológica, en la normalización. Un grupo no muy trabajado de los equipos electromédicos son los que se encuentran dentro de los tratamientos de Rehabilitación de traumatología, siendo equipos de uso muy habitual en los centros de salud para las lesiones musculares y óseas. A este asunto se ha dedicado un esfuerzo extra, con un reporte histórico de su origen y en qué punto se encuentran ahora. Se han estudiado dentro de estos equipos los de tratamiento de ultrasonidos, de diatermia y onda corta, que son los más representativos de los equipos destinados a electro terapia, pero hay que tener en cuenta que hay campos que se han mencionado globalmente de la rehabilitación, como son la terapia o la biomecánica, de forma similar a otras tecnologías sanitarias de otras especialidades (radiología o análisis clínico). Hay, también, dentro de la terapia, todos esos tratamientos propios de gimnasio, como son poleas, pesas, mesas de masajes, balones, etc… Que su metrología es sencilla, son equipos que existen medios de comprobación de las magnitudes que utilizan por la existencia en otras actividades de la industria (balanzas, pesas, etc). La investigación realizada ha pretendido evaluar todo el global y llegar a casos concretos para determinar cómo está la situación. Llegando a desarrollar una clasificación de equipos y de normas, que permiten vislumbrar las necesidades metrológicas y permitiría establecer una Gestión de la Trazabilidad Metrológica, concluyendo en el estudio para los equipos que se han mencionado. ABSTRACT Within the equipment that exist in the hospitals, there are very diverse performances for the correct operation of the equipment that is intended both to measure on the patient or for treatment on these same, the range of equipment available is very large, without which directly are installed or, more correctly, are implanted in the patient. The hospitals have established patterns of maintenance both corrective and preventive, also of verification of security and, in some cases, actions which are intended to check the magnitudes in the equipment. This last is not normal, in fact, in many cases, the majority, it is not known as to be able to check that the magnitudes of a computer can be traced to a pattern of national measure. The research has been developed to determine, is something that this patent up to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), that do not exist for many teams established principles to ensure the metrological traceability gives the physical quantities in which they work during its useful life. Due to the breadth of this field, the development of research has been conducted in a pyramid format, from the needs to be able to reach a specific study of specific equipment (Clinical Thermometers, Tensiometers, Ultrasound, and Short Wave). To reach theme, has been carried out a study of how is the metrological traceability across the entire spectrum, from the management to individuals cases. Considering the large amount of existing documentation and arriving to determine the labor camp in the metrology hospital, sorting equipment and determining how are defined the methods that lead to reality the metrological traceability, in the standardization. A group not too worked for medical electrical equipment are found within the rehabilitation treatment of traumatology, being equipment of very common use in the health centers for muscle injuries and bone. In this matter has been dedicated an extra effort, with a report history of its origin and where they are now. We have studied within these teams about the treatment of ultrasound, diathermy, short wave, which are the most representative of the equipment that is destined to electro therapy, but it must be borne in mind that there are fields that have been mentioned globally of rehabilitation, as are the therapy or the biomechanics, similar to other health technologies from other specialties (radiology or clinical analysis). There is, also, within the therapy, all these treatments own gym, such as pulleys, weights, tables of massages, balls, etc… that its metrology is simple, are computers that there are means of verification of the magnitudes that used by the existence in other activities of the industry (scales, weights, etc). The research carried out has tried to assess the entire global and reach specific cases to determine the situation as it is. Arriving in the development of a classification of equipment and standards, which give us a glimpse of the metrological needs and establish a Management of the Metrological Traceability, concluding in the study for computers that have been mentioned.


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A função Manutenção é extremamente relevante para garantir o cumprimento do planejamento da produção de óleo e gás natural de uma unidade marítima de produção, pois impacta diretamente na eficácia do processo produtivo. Quando se trata de uma instalação offshore, a manutenção passa a ser ainda mais importante, pois falhas em equipamentos e sistemas industriais podem, além de causar perdas econômicas, causar graves acidentes às pessoas e ao meio ambiente. Gerir a manutenção de uma planta industrial flutuante, localizada a 300 quilômetros da costa, como no caso daquelas localizadas nos campos do pré-sal brasileiro, é uma tarefa que requer a aplicação das técnicas mais modernas de gerenciamento de manutenção e processos de trabalho ágeis e dinâmicos para garantir o suporte técnico adequado a partir de instalações localizadas em ambientes onshore. Neste contexto, esta tese tem como objetivo avaliar e propor uma metodologia para definição da estratégia de manutenção a ser implementada em novas unidades de produção de petróleo e gás natural destinadas a operar em ambiente offshore. Esta metodologia, pautada na manutenção centrada em confiabilidade, tem como objetivo garantir que a estratégia de manutenção, além de garantir a máxima disponibilidade e eficiência dos equipamentos e sistemas, também seja compatível com a filosofia das Operações Integradas, recentemente desenvolvida pela indústria norueguesa de exploração e produção de petróleo para otimizar a produção de seus campos que já estão em fase de amadurecimento. Dessa forma, este trabalho contribuirá para que, com base na metodologia proposta para definição da estratégia de manutenção, novas plataformas de petróleo e gás natural possam operar com ainda mais segurança e eficiência, garantindo o melhor aproveitamento possível das reservas de petróleo. Este trabalho inclui uma análise de custos simplificada para os estudos de caso propostos, não fazendo parte do escopo do trabalho uma análise de custos detalhada para toda instalação.


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Many different methods based on both planned inspection and health inspection for estimate of electrical equipment health are used. The estimation method of residual life of electric motors by their health in pulp and paper industry is considered.


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"October 1994."


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Melodic alarms proposed in the IEC 60601-1-8 standard for medical electrical equipment were tested for learnability and discriminability. Thirty-three non-anaesthetist participants learned the alarms over two sessions of practice, with or without mnemonics suggested in the standard. Fewer than 30% of participants could identify the alarms with 100% accuracy at the end of practice. Confusions persisted between pairs of alarms, especially if mnemonics were used during learning (p = 0.011). Participants responded faster (p < 0.00001) and more accurately (p = 0.002) to medium priority alarms than to high priority alarms, even though they rated the high priority alarms as sounding more urgent (p < 0.00001). Participants with at least 1 year of formal musical training identified the alarms more accurately (p = 0.0002) than musically untrained participants, and found the task easier overall (p < 0.00001). More intensive studies of the IEC 60601-1-8 alarms are needed for their effectiveness to be determined.


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In the last decade of the 19th and first decades of the 20th century there was a movement of capital and engineers from the central and northern Europe to the countries of southern Europe and other continents. Large companies sought to obtain concessions and establish branches in Portugal, favouring the circulation of technical knowledge and transfer of technology for Portuguese industry. Among the various examples of the representatives of foreign companies in Portugal we find Jayme da Costa Ltd. established in 1916 in Lisbon, which was a branch of the Swedish company ASEA, as well as STAAL, ATLAS DIESEL (Sweden), Landis & GYR (Switzerland), Electro Helios, etc.. Another example is EFACEC a company founded in 1948 in Porto, that was a partnership between the Portuguese company CUF – Companhia União Fabril, and ACEC – Ateliers de Constructions Électriques de Charleroi and a small entreprise Electro-Moderna Ldª. This enterprise started the industrial production of electric motors and transformers, and later on acquired a substantial share of the national production of electrical equipment. Using Estatística das Instalações Elétricas em Portugal (Statistics on Electrical Installations in Portugal) from 1928 until 1950 we can identify the foreign enterprises acting in the Portuguese market: Siemens, B.B.C, ASEA, Oerlikon, etc. We can also establish a relationship between the development of the electric network and the growth of production and consumption of electricity in the principal urban centres. Finally we see how foreign firms were a stimulus to the creation of national enterprises, especially those of small scale, in Portugal.


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The power transformer is a piece of electrical equipment that needs continuous monitoring and fast protection since it is very expensive and an essential element for a power system to perform effectively. The most common protection technique used is the percentage differential logic, which provides discrimination between an internal fault and different operating conditions. Unfortunately, there are some operating conditions of power transformers that can affect the protection behavior and the power system stability. This paper proposes the development of a new algorithm to improve the differential protection performance by using fuzzy logic and Clarke`s transform. An electrical power system was modeled using Alternative Transients Program (ATP) software to obtain the operational conditions and fault situations needed to test the algorithm developed. The results were compared to a commercial relay for validation, showing the advantages of the new method.


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The development of renewable energy sources and Distributed Generation (DG) of electricity is of main importance in the way towards a sustainable development. However, the management, in large scale, of these technologies is complicated because of the intermittency of primary resources (wind, sunshine, etc.) and small scale of some plants. The aggregation of DG plants gives place to a new concept: the Virtual Power Producer (VPP). VPPs can reinforce the importance of these generation technologies making them valuable in electricity markets. VPPs can ensure a secure, environmentally friendly generation and optimal management of heat, electricity and cold as well as optimal operation and maintenance of electrical equipment, including the sale of electricity in the energy market. For attaining these goals, there are important issues to deal with, such as reserve management strategies, strategies for bids formulation, the producers’ remuneration, and the producers’ characterization for coalition formation. This chapter presents the most important concepts related with renewable-based generation integration in electricity markets, using VPP paradigm. The presented case studies make use of two main computer applications:ViProd and MASCEM. ViProd simulates VPP operation, including the management of plants in operation. MASCEM is a multi-agent based electricity market simulator that supports the inclusion of VPPs in the players set.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial