978 resultados para Electric load loss


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The need for high reliability and environmental concerns are making the underground networks the most appropriate choice of energy distribution. However, like any other system, underground distribution systems are not free of failures. In this context, this work presents an approach to study underground systems using computational tools by integrating the software PSCAD/EMTDC with artificial neural networks to assist fault location in power distribution systems. Targeted benefits include greater accuracy and reduced repair time. The results presented here shows the feasibility of the proposed approach. © 2012 IEEE.


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This paper presents efficient geometric parameterization techniques using the tangent and the trivial predictors for the continuation power flow, developed from observation of the trajectories of the load flow solution. The parameterization technique eliminates the Jacobian matrix singularity of load flow, and therefore all the consequent problems of ill-conditioning, by the addition of the line equations which pass through the points in the plane determined by the variables loading factor and the real power generated by the slack bus, two parameters with clear physical meaning. This paper also provides an automatic step size control around the maximum loading point. Thus, the resulting method enables not only the calculation of the maximum loading point, but also the complete tracing of P-V curves of electric power systems. The technique combines robustness with ease of understanding. The results to the IEEE 300-bus system and of large real systems show the effectiveness of the proposed method. © 2012 IEEE.


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This paper presents a distribution feeder simulation using VHDL-AMS, considering the standard IEEE 13 node test feeder admitted as an example. In an electronic spreadsheet all calculations are performed in order to develop the modeling in VHDL-AMS. The simulation results are compared in relation to the results from the well knowing MatLab/Simulink environment, in order to verify the feasibility of the VHDL-AMS modeling for a standard electrical distribution feeder, using the software SystemVision™. This paper aims to present the first major developments for a future Real-Time Digital Simulator applied to Electrical Power Distribution Systems. © 2012 IEEE.


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In this work, a mathematical model to analyze the impact of the installation and operation of dispersed generation units in power distribution systems is proposed. The main focus is to determine the trade-off between the reliability and operational costs of distribution networks when the operation of isolated areas is allowed. In order to increase the system operator revenue, an optimal power flow makes use of the different energy prices offered by the dispersed generation connected to the grid. Simultaneously, the type and location of the protective devices initially installed on the protection system are reconfigured in order to minimize the interruption and expenditure of adjusting the protection system to conditions imposed by the operation of dispersed units. The interruption cost regards the unsupplied energy to customers in secure systems but affected by the normal tripping of protective devices. Therefore, the tripping of fuses, reclosers, and overcurrent relays aims to protect the system against both temporary and permanent fault types. Additionally, in order to reduce the average duration of the system interruption experienced by customers, the isolated operation of dispersed generation is allowed by installing directional overcurrent relays with synchronized reclose capabilities. A 135-bus real distribution system is used in order to show the advantages of using the mathematical model proposed. © 1969-2012 IEEE.


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In the network reconfiguration context, the challenge nowadays is to improve the system in order to get intelligent systems that are able to monitor the network and produce refined information to support the operator decisions in real time, this because the network is wide, ramified and in some places difficult to access. The objective of this paper is to present the first results of the network reconfiguration algorithm that has been developed to CEMIG-D. The algorithm's main idea is to provide a new network configuration, after an event (fault or study case), based on an initial condition and aiming to minimize the affected load, considering the restrictions of load flow equations, maximum capacity of the lines as well as equipments and substations, voltage limits and system radial operation. Initial tests were made considering real data from the system, provided by CEMIG-D and it reveals very promising results. © 2013 IEEE.


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Feature selection has been actively pursued in the last years, since to find the most discriminative set of features can enhance the recognition rates and also to make feature extraction faster. In this paper, the propose a new feature selection called Binary Cuckoo Search, which is based on the behavior of cuckoo birds. The experiments were carried out in the context of theft detection in power distribution systems in two datasets obtained from a Brazilian electrical power company, and have demonstrated the robustness of the proposed technique against with several others nature-inspired optimization techniques. © 2013 IEEE.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Desenvolvemos a quantização do campo vetorial não massivo no espaço-tempo de Schwarzschild, e calculamos a potência irradiada por uma carga elétrica em órbita circular em torno de um objeto com massa M em ambos os espaços-tempos. Em Minkowski é encontrada a expressão analítica da potência irradiada utilizando teoria quântica de campos e assumindo gravitação newtoniana. O resultado obtido é equivalente ao resultado clássico, dado que o cálculo é realizado em nível de árvore. Dadas as dificuldades matemáticas encontradas ao se tentar obter soluções expressas em termos de funções especiais conhecidas, em Schwarzschild o problema é abordado de duas formas: solução analítica no limite de baixas freqüências, e resolução numérica. O primeiro caso serviu como cheque de consistência para o método numérico. Em Schwarzschild, o cálculo também é realizado utilizando teoria quântica de campos em nível de árvore, e a expressão da potência é encontrada analiticamente na aproximação de baixas freqüências e através de métodos numérico. Após a comparação dos resultados, concluímos que, para uma mesma velocidade angular de rotação da carga (medida por observadores estatísticos assintóticos), a potência irradiada em Minkowski é maior que a potência irradiada em Schwarzschild.


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Diversas atividades de planejamento e operação em sistemas de energia elétrica dependem do conhecimento antecipado e preciso da demanda de carga elétrica. Por este motivo, concessionárias de geração e distribuição de energia elétrica cada vez mais fazem uso de tecnologias de previsão de carga. Essas previsões podem ter um horizonte de curtíssimo, curto, médio ou longo prazo. Inúmeros métodos estatísticos vêm sendo utilizados para o problema de previsão. Todos estes métodos trabalham bem em condições normais, entretanto deixam a desejar em situações onde ocorrem mudanças inesperadas nos parâmetros do ambiente. Atualmente, técnicas baseadas em Inteligência Computacional vêm sendo apresentadas na literatura com resultados satisfatórios para o problema de previsão de carga. Considerando então a importância da previsão da carga elétrica para os sistemas de energia elétrica, neste trabalho, uma nova abordagem para o problema de previsão de carga via redes neurais Auto-Associativas e algoritmos genéticos é avaliada. Três modelos de previsão baseados em Inteligência Computacional são também apresentados tendo seus desempenhos avaliados e comparados com o sistema proposto. Com os resultados alcançados, pôde-se verificar que o modelo proposto se mostrou satisfatório para o problema de previsão, reforçando assim a aplicabilidade de metodologias de inteligência computacional para o problema de previsão de cargas.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS