92 resultados para Eigenstates


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Highly excited eigenstates of atoms and ions with open f shell are chaotic superpositions of thousands, or even millions, of Hartree-Fock determinant states. The interaction between dielectronic and multielectronic configurations leads to the broadening of dielectronic recombination resonances and relative enhancement of photon emission due to opening of thousands of radiative decay channels. The radiative yield is close to 100% for electron energy <1 eV and rapidly decreases for higher energies due to opening of many autoionization channels. The same mechanism predicts suppression of photoionization and relative enhancement of the Raman scattering. Results of our calculations of the recombination rate are in agreement with the experimental data for W20+ and Au25+.


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Bosons interacting repulsively on a lattice with a flat lowest band energy dispersion may, at sufficiently small filling factors, enter into a Wigner-crystal-like phase. This phase is a consequence of the dispersionless nature of the system, which in turn implies the occurrence of single-particle localized eigenstates. We investigate one of these systems-the sawtooth lattice-filled with strongly repulsive bosons at filling factors infinitesimally above the critical point where the crystal phase is no longer the ground state. We find, in the hard-core limit, that the crystal retains its structure in all but one of its cells, where it is broken. The broken cell corresponds to an exotic kind of repulsively bound state, which becomes delocalized. We investigate the excitation spectrum of the system analytically and find that the bound state behaves as a single particle hopping on an effective lattice with reduced periodicity, and is therefore gapless. Thus, the addition of a single particle to a flat-band system at critical filling is found to be enough to make kinetic behavior manifest.


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Effective collision strengths for the 10 astrophysically important fine-structure forbidden transitions among the 4So, 2Do and 2Po levels in the 3s23p3 configuration of Cl III are presented. The calculation employs the multichannel R-matrix method to compute the electron-impact excitation collision strengths in a close-coupling expansion, which incorporates the lowest 23 LS target eigenstates of Cl III. These states are formed from the 3s23p3, 3s3p4, 3s23p23d and 3s23p24s configurations. The Maxwellian-averaged effective collision strengths are presented graphically for all 10 fine-structure transitions over a wide range of electron temperatures appropriate for astrophysical applications [log T(K) = 3.3 - log T(K) = 5.9]. Comparisons are made with the earlier seven-state close-coupling calculation of Butler & Zeippen, and in general excellent agreement is found in the low-temperature region where a comparison is possible [log T(K) = 3.3 - log T(K) = 4.7]. However, discrepancies of up to 30 per cent are found to occur for the forbidden transitions which involve the 4So ground state level, particularly for the lowest temperatures considered. At the higher temperatures, the present data are the only reliable results currently available.


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Effective collision strengths for electron-impact excitation of the N-like ion S x are calculated in the close-coupling approximation using the multichannel R-matrix method. Specific attention is given to the 10 astrophysically important fine-structure forbidden transitions among the 4SO, 2Do and 2Po levels in the 2s22p3 ground configuration. The total (e- + ion) wavefunction is expanded in terms of the 11 lowest LS eigenstates of S x, and each eigenstate is represented by extensive configuration-interaction wavefunctions. The collision strengths obtained are thermally averaged over a Maxwellian distribution of velocities, for all 10 fine-structure transitions, over the range of electron temperatures log T(K) = 4.6-6.7 (the range appropriate for astrophysical applications). The present effective collision strengths are the only results currently available for these fine-structure transition rates.


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Effective collision strengths for electron-impact excitation of the N-like ion NeIV are calculated in the close-coupling approximation using the multichannel R-matrix method. Specific attention is given to the 10 astrophysically important fine-structure forbidden transitions among the 4So, 2Do and 2Po levels in the 2s22p3 ground-state configuration. The expansion of the total wavefunction incorporates the lowest 11 LS eigenstates of NeIV, consisting of eight n = 2 terms with configurations 2s22p3, 2s2p4 and 2p5, together with three n = 3 states of configuration 2s22p23s. We present in graphical form the effective collision strengths obtained by thermally averaging the collision strengths over a Maxwellian distribution of velocities, for all 10 fine-structure transitions, over the range of electron temperatures log T(K) = 3.6 to log T(K) = 6.1 (the range appropriate for astrophysical applications). Comparisons are made with the earlier, less sophisticated close-coupling calculation of Giles, and excellent agreement is found in the limited temperature region where a comparison is possible [log T(K) = 3.7 to log 7(K) = 4.3]. At higher temperatures the present data are the only reliable results currently available.


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The multichannel R-matrix method is used to compute electron impact excitation collision strengths in Ar IV for all fine-structure transitions among the 4S°, 2D° and 2P° levels in the 3s 23p 3 ground configuration. Included in the expansion of the total wavefunction are the lowest 13 LS target eigenstates of Ar iv formed from the 3s 23p 3, 3s3p 4 and 3s 23p 23d configurations. The effective collision strengths, obtained by averaging the electron collision strengths over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities, are presented for all 10 fine-structure transitions over a wide range of electron temperatures of astrophysical interest (T e = 2000-100 000 K). Comparisons are made with an earlier 7-state close-coupling calculation by Zeippen, Butler & Le Bourlot, and significant differences are found to occur for many of the forbidden transitions considered, in particular those involving the 4S° ground state, where discrepancies of up to a factor of 3 are found in the low-temperature region. © 1997 RAS.


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Les modèles sur réseau comme ceux de la percolation, d’Ising et de Potts servent à décrire les transitions de phase en deux dimensions. La recherche de leur solution analytique passe par le calcul de la fonction de partition et la diagonalisation de matrices de transfert. Au point critique, ces modèles statistiques bidimensionnels sont invariants sous les transformations conformes et la construction de théories des champs conformes rationnelles, limites continues des modèles statistiques, permet un calcul de la fonction de partition au point critique. Plusieurs chercheurs pensent cependant que le paradigme des théories des champs conformes rationnelles peut être élargi pour inclure les modèles statistiques avec des matrices de transfert non diagonalisables. Ces modèles seraient alors décrits, dans la limite d’échelle, par des théories des champs logarithmiques et les représentations de l’algèbre de Virasoro intervenant dans la description des observables physiques seraient indécomposables. La matrice de transfert de boucles D_N(λ, u), un élément de l’algèbre de Temperley- Lieb, se manifeste dans les théories physiques à l’aide des représentations de connectivités ρ (link modules). L’espace vectoriel sur lequel agit cette représentation se décompose en secteurs étiquetés par un paramètre physique, le nombre d de défauts. L’action de cette représentation ne peut que diminuer ce nombre ou le laisser constant. La thèse est consacrée à l’identification de la structure de Jordan de D_N(λ, u) dans ces représentations. Le paramètre β = 2 cos λ = −(q + 1/q) fixe la théorie : β = 1 pour la percolation et √2 pour le modèle d’Ising, par exemple. Sur la géométrie du ruban, nous montrons que D_N(λ, u) possède les mêmes blocs de Jordan que F_N, son plus haut coefficient de Fourier. Nous étudions la non diagonalisabilité de F_N à l’aide des divergences de certaines composantes de ses vecteurs propres, qui apparaissent aux valeurs critiques de λ. Nous prouvons dans ρ(D_N(λ, u)) l’existence de cellules de Jordan intersectorielles, de rang 2 et couplant des secteurs d, d′ lorsque certaines contraintes sur λ, d, d′ et N sont satisfaites. Pour le modèle de polymères denses critique (β = 0) sur le ruban, les valeurs propres de ρ(D_N(λ, u)) étaient connues, mais les dégénérescences conjecturées. En construisant un isomorphisme entre les modules de connectivités et un sous-espace des modules de spins du modèle XXZ en q = i, nous prouvons cette conjecture. Nous montrons aussi que la restriction de l’hamiltonien de boucles à un secteur donné est diagonalisable et trouvons la forme de Jordan exacte de l’hamiltonien XX, non triviale pour N pair seulement. Enfin nous étudions la structure de Jordan de la matrice de transfert T_N(λ, ν) pour des conditions aux frontières périodiques. La matrice T_N(λ, ν) a des blocs de Jordan intrasectoriels et intersectoriels lorsque λ = πa/b, et a, b ∈ Z×. L’approche par F_N admet une généralisation qui permet de diagnostiquer des cellules intersectorielles dont le rang excède 2 dans certains cas et peut croître indéfiniment avec N. Pour les blocs de Jordan intrasectoriels, nous montrons que les représentations de connectivités sur le cylindre et celles du modèle XXZ sont isomorphes sauf pour certaines valeurs précises de q et du paramètre de torsion v. En utilisant le comportement de la transformation i_N^d dans un voisinage des valeurs critiques (q_c, v_c), nous construisons explicitement des vecteurs généralisés de Jordan de rang 2 et discutons l’existence de blocs de Jordan intrasectoriels de plus haut rang.


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Nous investiguons dans ce travail la création d'échantillons permettant l'étude du comportement des polaritons excitoniques dans les matériaux semi-conducteurs organiques. Le couplage fort entre les états excités d'électrons et des photons impose la création de nouveaux états propres dans le milieu. Ces nouveaux états, les polaritons, ont un comportement bosonique et sont donc capables de se condenser dans un état fortement dégénéré. Une occupation massive de l'état fondamental permet l'étude de comportements explicables uniquement par la mécanique quantique. La démonstration, au niveau macroscopique, d'effets quantiques promet d'éclairer notre compréhension de la matière condensée. De plus, la forte localisation des excitons dans les milieux organiques permet la condensation des polaritons excitoniques organiques à des températures beaucoup plus hautes que dans les semi-conducteurs inorganiques. À terme, les échantillons proposés dans ce travail pourraient donc servir à observer une phase cohérente macroscopique à des températures facilement atteignables en laboratoire. Les cavités proposées sont des résonateurs Fabry-Perot ultraminces dans lesquels est inséré un cristal unique d'anthracène. Des miroirs diélectriques sont fabriqués par une compagnie externe. Une couche d'or de 60 nanomètres est ensuite déposée sur leur surface. Les miroirs sont ensuite mis en contact, or contre or, et compressés par 2,6 tonnes de pression. Cette pression soude la cavité et laisse des espaces vides entre les lignes d'or. Une molécule organique, l'anthracène, est ensuite insérée par capillarité dans la cavité et y est cristallisée par la suite. Dans leur état actuel, les cavités présentent des défauts majeurs quant à la planarité des miroirs et à l'uniformité des cristaux. Un protocole détaillé est présenté et commenté dans ce travail. Nous y proposons aussi quelques pistes pour régler les problèmes courants de l'appareil.


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The origin of magnetic coupling in KNiF3 and K2 NiF4 is studied by means of an ab initio cluster model approach. By a detailed study of the mapping between eigenstates of the exact nonrelativistic and spin model Hamiltonians it is possible to obtain the magnetic coupling constant J and to compare ab initio cluster-model values with those resulting from ab initio periodic Hartree-Fock calculations. This comparison shows that J is strongly determined by two-body interactions; this is a surprising and unexpected result. The importance of the ligands surrounding the basic metal-ligand-metal interacting unit is reexamined by using two different partitions and the constrained space orbital variation method of analysis. This decomposition enables us to show that this effect is basically environmental. Finally, dynamical electronic correlation effects have found to be critical in determining the final value of the magnetic coupling constant.


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Existence of collective effects in magnetic coupling in ionic solids is studied by mapping spin eigenstates of the Heisenberg and exact nonrelativistic Hamiltonians on cluster models representing KNiF3, K2NiF4, NiO, and La2CuO4. Ab initio techniques are used to estimate the Heisenberg constant J. For clusters with two magnetic centers, the values obtained are about the same for models having more magnetic centers. The absence of collective effects in J strongly suggests that magnetic interactions in this kind of ionic solids are genuinely local and entangle only the two magnetic centers involved.


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The state-resolved reaction probability of CH4 on Pt�110-�1�2 was measured as a function of CH4 translational energy for four vibrational eigenstates comprising different amounts of C-H stretch and bend excitation. Mode-specific reactivity is observed both between states from different polyads and between isoenergetic states belonging to the same polyad of CH4. For the stretch/bend combination states, the vibrational efficacy of reaction activation is observed to be higher than for either pure C-H stretching or pure bending states, demonstrating a concerted role of stretch and bend excitation in C-H bond scission. This concerted role, reflected by the nonadditivity of the vibrational efficacies, is consistent with transition state structures found by ab initio calculations and indicates that current dynamical models of CH4 chemisorption neglect an important degree of freedom by including only C-H stretching motion.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We combine the D0 measurement of the width difference between the light and heavy B-s(0) mass eigenstates and of the CP-violating mixing phase determined from the time-dependent angular distributions in the B-s(0)-> J/psi phi decays along with the charge asymmetry in semileptonic decays also measured with the D0 detector. With the additional constraint from the world average of the flavor-specific B-s(0) lifetime, we obtain Delta Gamma(s)equivalent to(Gamma(L)-Gamma(H))=0.13 +/- 0.09 ps(-1) and vertical bar phi(s)vertical bar=0.70(-0.47)(+0.39) or Delta Gamma(s)=-0.13 +/- 0.09 ps(-1) and vertical bar phi(s)vertical bar=2.44(-0.39)(+0.47). The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 1.1 fb(-1) accumulated with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider.


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From an analysis of the decay B-s(0)-> J/psi phi, we obtain the width difference between the light and heavy mass eigenstates Delta Gamma equivalent to(Gamma(L)-Gamma(H))=0.17 +/- 0.09(stat)+/- 0.02(syst) ps(-1) and the CP-violating phase phi(s)=-0.79 +/- 0.56(stat)(-0.01)(+0.14)(syst). Under the hypothesis of no CP violation (phi(s)equivalent to 0), we obtain 1/Gamma=tau/(B-s(0))=1.52 +/- 0.08(stat)(-0.03)(+0.01)(syst) ps and Delta Gamma=0.12(-0.10)(+0.08)(stat)+/- 0.02(syst) ps(-1). The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of about 1.1 fb(-1) accumulated with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. This is the first direct measurement of the CP-violating mixing phase in the B-s(0) system.