900 resultados para Education, Tests and Measurements|Education, Elementary|Education, Reading


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A sample of 200 adults with mild mental retardation were assessed on overall job satisfaction and self-esteem using the Vocational Program Evaluation Profile and the Coopersmith Self-esteem Inventory. The subjects worked either in a sheltered workshop or in a supported employment setting. Results indicated that there was a significant relationship between self-esteem and job satisfaction for both groups of subjects. In addition, subjects who worked in supported employment reported significantly higher levels of job satisfaction also. There was also an interaction between place of residence and place of employment when looking at self-esteem; those who live in a semi-independent home and work in supported employment reported the highest levels of self-esteem. These results are discussed in terms of the social validity of supported-employment for persons with mild mental retardation. ^


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The purpose of this study was to determine fifth grade students' perceptions of the Fitnessgram physical fitness testing program. This study examined if the Fitnessgram physical fitness testing experience promotes an understanding of the health-related fitness components and examined the relationship between individual fitness test scores and time spent participating in out-of-school physical activity. Lastly, students' thoughts and feelings concerning the Fitnessgram experience were examined. ^ The primary participant population for the study was 110 fifth grade students at Redland Elementary School, a Miami-Dade County Public School (M-DCPS). Data were collected over the course of 5 months. Multiple sources of data allowed for triangulation. Data sources included Fitnessgram test scores, questionnaires, document analysis, and in-depth interviews. ^ Interview data were analyzed qualitatively for common broad themes, which were identified and defined. Document analysis included analyzing student fitness test scores and student questionnaire data. This information was analyzed to determine if the Fitnessgram test scores have an impact on student views about the school fitness-testing program. Data were statistically analyzed using analysis of frequency, crosstabulations (Bryman & Duncan, 1997), and Somers'd Correlation (Bryman & Duncan, 1997). The results of the analysis of data on student knowledge of the physical fitness components tested by each Fitnessgram test revealed students do not understand the health-related fitness components. ^ The results of determining a relationship between individuals' fitness test scores and time spent in out-of-school physical activity revealed a significant positive relationship for 2 of the 6 Fitnessgram tests. ^ The results of examining students' thoughts and feelings about each Fitnessgram test focused around 2 broad themes: (a) these children do not mind the physical fitness testing and (b) how they felt about the experience was directly related to how they thought they had performed. ^ If the goal of physical fitness was only to get children fit, this test may be appropriate. However, the ultimate goal of physical fitness is to encourage students to live active and healthy lifestyles. Findings suggest the Fitnessgram as implemented by M-DCPS may not be the most suitable measurement instrument when assessing attitudinal changes that affect a healthy lifelong lifestyle. ^


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Distance learning is growing and transforming educational institutions. The increasing use of distance learning by higher education institutions and particularly community colleges coupled with the higher level of student attrition in online courses than in traditional classrooms suggests that increased attention should be paid to factors that affect online student course completion. The purpose of the study was to develop and validate an instrument to predict community college online student course completion based on faculty perceptions, yielding a prediction model of online course completion rates. Social Presence and Media Richness theories were used to develop a theoretically-driven measure of online course completion. This research study involved surveying 311 community college faculty who taught at least one online course in the past 2 years. Email addresses of participating faculty were provided by two south Florida community colleges. Each participant was contacted through email, and a link to an Internet survey was given. The survey response rate was 63% (192 out of 303 available questionnaires). Data were analyzed through factor analysis, alpha reliability, and multiple regression. The exploratory factor analysis using principal component analysis with varimax rotation yielded a four-factor solution that accounted for 48.8% of the variance. Consistent with Social Presence theory, the factors with their percent of variance in parentheses were: immediacy (21.2%), technological immediacy (11.0%), online communication and interactivity (10.3%), and intimacy (6.3%). Internal consistency of the four factors was calculated using Cronbach's alpha (1951) with reliability coefficients ranging between .680 and .828. Multiple regression analysis yielded a model that significantly predicted 11% of the variance of the dependent variable, the percentage of student who completed the online course. As indicated in the literature (Johnson & Keil, 2002; Newberry, 2002), Media Richness theory appears to be closely related to Social Presence theory. However, elements from this theory did not emerge in the factor analysis.


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The climate of a school can be defined as the set of internal characteristics that distinguishes one school from another and influences the behavior of its members (Hoy & Hannum, 1997). Schools with a positive climate have been shown to positively impact students (Hoy, 1972). A principal’s leadership style influences the climate that, in turn, impacts student performance. ^ In this work, the researcher investigated Miami-Dade County Public Schools in order to determine if there was a relationship between instructional staff members’ perceptions of their school’s principals, a derivative of the district’s school climate studies, and their schools’ grades. ^ Eight School Climate Survey items were inter-correlated. The smallest intercorrelation was .83, which is still a large intercorrelation, and the largest intercorrelation was .96. Pearson’s correlation analysis (Healey, 2004) was run to determine the relationship between schools’ earned points and averaged survey responses. Survey items 8, 9, 12 and 13 had weak (less than .30) positive correlations to schools’ earned points. Survey items 7, 10, 11 and 14 had moderate (above .30) positive correlations to schools’ earned points. ^ The researcher created a composite variable (Pallant, 2007) from all the School Climate Survey responses. This composite variable, titled Principal Leadership Score, allowed the researcher to determine that approximately 9% of the variance in the points earned by schools in 2009 can be accounted for by how teachers in this study perceived the leadership of their principals. ^ This study’s findings of a moderate positive correlation between teachers’ perceptions of principal leadership and school performance supports earlier research linking school climate and school performance. Due to the fact that the leadership of the principal affects, either positively or negatively, the learning and working environment of students and teachers, it is recommended that principals use the eight School Climate Survey items examined within this study as guides (Pepper & Thomas, 2002). Through focusing on these survey items, principals may be propelled to self-identify their leadership strengths as well as leadership weaknesses.^


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This study explored 24 content area teachers’ knowledge, beliefs, and self-efficacy about teaching reading in the content areas at the end of a state-wide professional development experience. The findings suggest that the participating teachers held positive beliefs, gained valuable knowledge, and were confident about teaching reading in their content areas.


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This study investigated the influence that receiving instruction in two languages, English and Spanish, had on the performance of students enrolled in the International Studies Program (delayed partial immersion model) of Miami Dade County Public Schools on a standardized test in English, the Stanford Achievement Test, eighth edition, for three of its sections, Reading Comprehension, Mathematics Computations, and Mathematics Applications.^ The performance of the selected IS program/Spanish section cohort of students (N = 55) on the SAT Reading Comprehension, Mathematics Computation, and Mathematics Application along four consecutive years was contrasted with that of a control group of comparable students selected within the same feeder pattern where the IS program is implemented (N = 21). The performance of the group was also compared to the cross-sectional achievement patterns of the school's corresponding feeder pattern, region, and district.^ The research model for the study was a variation of the "causal-comparative" or "ex post facto design" sometimes referred to as "prospective". After data were collected from MDCPS, t-tests were performed to compare IS-Spanish students SAT performance for grades 3 to 6 for years 1994 to 1997 to control group, feeder pattern, region and district norms for each year for Reading Comprehension, Mathematics Computation, and Mathematics Applications. Repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey's tests were calculated to compare the mean percentiles of the groups under study and the possible interactions of the different variables. All tests were performed at the 5% significance level.^ From the analyses of the tests it was deduced that the IS group performed significantly better than the control group for all the three measures along the four years. The IS group mean percentiles on the three measures were also significantly higher than those of the feeder pattern, region, and district. The null hypotheses were rejected and it was concluded that receiving instruction in two languages did not negatively affect the performance of IS program students on tests taken in English. It was also concluded that the particular design the IS program enhances the general performance of participant students on Standardized tests.^ The quantitative analyses were coupled with interviews from teachers and administrators of the IS program to gain additional insight about different aspects of the implementation of the program at each particular school. ^


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Despite a history of grappling with educational standards, never before has the federal government attempted to establish explicit national standards for what American children should learn in school. Recently, U.S. educators have developed voluntary national content standards, or explicit expectations of what students should know and be able to do. Not surprisingly, this major curriculum reform has provoked considerable debate. Today, teachers face difficult challenges working towards the implementation of standards. The objective of this study was to describe and explain the perceptions of a selected team of fourth-grade teachers regarding the language arts component of their state's Sunshine State Standards (SSS). The exploratory questions that guided this qualitative study were: (a) How are the SSS perceived by these fourth-grade teachers? (b) In what ways do the SSS affect teachers' self-perceptions? and, (c) To what extent and how do the SSS affect the participants' professional classroom behavior? ^ Direct observations, interviews, analysis of relevant documents and the researcher's critical reflective journal served as the methods of inquiry employed in this qualitative study. Bandura's Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale was used as a tool to help categorize the data specifically related to self-perception. ^ Analysis of the data suggests that participants perceived the SSS as a useful guideline as they taught. The SSS were a decisive factor in teachers' planning. They were the actual guide lines used by teachers to plan their lessons. However, participants did not believe the SSS were attainable by all students or were fair to students with special needs. They also believed there was not sufficient time allocated for the effective implementation of the SSS. This lack of time created pressure among some of the participants and others even felt disempowered regarding the curriculum and the instructional focus implemented during the test preparation time. The SSS negatively affected the participants when they felt constraints during this time, which led to their inability to carry out important activities in their classrooms. Thus, the SSS directly affected the participants' behavior in their classrooms. ^


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The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a relationship between pressure to perform on state mandated, high-stakes tests and the rate of student escape behavior defined as the number of school suspensions and absences. The state assigned grade of a school was used as a surrogate measure of pressure with the assumption that pressure increased as the school grade decreased. Student attendance and suspension data were gathered from all 33 of the regular public high schools in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. The research questions were: Is the number of suspensions highest in the third quarter, when most FCAT preparation takes place for each of the 3 school years 2007-08 through 2009-10? How accurately does the high school's grade predict the number of suspensions and number of absences during each of the 4 school years 2005-06 through 2008-09? The research questions were answered using repeated measures analysis of variance for research question #1 and non-linear multiple regression for research question #2. No significant difference could be found between the numbers of suspensions in each of the grading periods nor was there a relationship between the number of suspensions and school grade. A statistically significant relationship was found between student attendance and school grade. When plotted, this relationship was found to be quadratic in nature and formed a loose inverted U for each of the four years during which data were collected. This indicated that students in very high and very low performing schools had low levels of absences while those in the midlevel of the distribution of school performance (C schools) had the greatest rates of absence. Identifying a relationship between the pressures associated with high stakes testing and student escape behavior suggests that it might be useful for building administrators to reevaluate test preparation activities and procedures being used in their building and to include anxiety reducing strategies. As a relationship was found, it sets the foundation for future studies to identify whether testing related activities are impacting some students emotionally and are causing unintended consequences of testing mandates.


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La gestion des activités éducatives par la direction et le climat de l’école sont souvent étudiés en relation avec leur influence sur la variation de la réussite des élèves (Leithwood, Harris et Hopkins, 2008; Marzano, Waters et McNulty, 2005; Sherblom, Marshall et Sherblom, 2006; Witziers, Bosker et Krüger, 2003). Mais peu d’études abordent de façon explicite le lien entre la gestion de la direction et le climat d’école. La présente recherche veut donc contribuer à une meilleure compréhension du rapport entre ces deux dimensions du fonctionnement de l’école. Des analyses de type corrélationnel sont réalisées sur des données de questionnaire recueillies dans 49 établissements, auprès de 59 enseignants, 823 élèves de 2ème année du 3e cycle et 521 parents. En tenant compte des caractéristiques sociodémographiques des enseignants, des élèves et des écoles, les résultats tendent à montrer que l’estime des élèves envers leurs enseignants est liée à la fréquence des interventions de la direction en matière de supervision de l’enseignement ou celles visant à améliorer l’apprentissage et le rendement des élèves.


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L’Éducation Pour Tous mobilise la communauté internationale et les gouvernements depuis 1990. Cet engagement global renouvelé en 2000 sous l’auspice de l’UNESCO puis des Nations-Unies, porte notamment sur un objectif de base : l’universalisation de la scolarisation primaire complète pour tous les enfants d’âge scolaire à l’horizon de 2015. Plusieurs études sur la réalisation de cet objectif montrent que les pays en développement sont les plus à risque et que les progrès accomplis dans la plupart de ces pays, pourraient être plus importants si la pratique du redoublement faisait davantage l’objet de régulation et de contrôle. Cela contribuerait à améliorer la réussite scolaire et accroître la rétention des élèves au sein des systèmes éducatifs. La pratique du redoublement est en effet une tradition dans plusieurs systèmes éducatifs. Elle est particulièrement prépondérante dans certains groupes de pays ou régions, notamment en Afrique francophone au sud du Sahara. Dans ces pays, le PASEC - Programme d’Analyse des Systèmes Éducatifs de la CONFEMEN (Conférence des Ministres de l’Éducation Nationale des pays ayant le français en partage) - œuvre à améliorer l’accès à une éducation de qualité pour tous, par exemple, en informant les politiques sur la situation nationale du redoublement. Cette recherche sur le redoublement, la réussite scolaire et l’objectif de la Scolarisation Primaire Universelle (SPU) privilégie la dimension pédagogique, l’analyse empirique et étudie le cas du Sénégal. Elle présente et discute les indicateurs internationaux de suivi de l’objectif de la SPU, fait le point de l’état des connaissances sur le redoublement et la réussite scolaire et montre le défi que représente la réalisation de l’objectif de la SPU notamment dans les pays francophones d’Afrique sub-Saharienne. Exploitant les données existantes de l’enquête longitudinale de suivi de cohorte du PASEC au Sénégal entre 1995 et 2000, cette recherche examine le parcours scolaire des élèves en vue de la réalisation de l’objectif de la SPU. L’examen effectué combine des approches d’analyse transversale et longitudinale du redoublement et des apprentissages par rapport aux caractéristiques personnelles, familiales et scolaires de l’élève. Les résultats d’analyse montrent des variabilités, notamment par rapport aux caractéristiques personnelles de l’élève et à celles de sa classe et de son milieu de scolarisation. L’analyse longitudinale du redoublement s’est appuyée sur le diagramme de flux scolaire et a permis de produire un ensemble d’indicateurs d’efficacité interne du système éducatif du Sénégal. Pour la cohorte étudiée, du fait de l’importance des redoublements et des abandons scolaires, il faut en moyenne 9,4 années de scolarité pour que l’élève progresse du deuxième au sixième (dernier) grade du primaire. Seulement 39% de l’effectif de la cohorte survivent au dernier grade ce qui suggère que si cette tendance se maintenait, le Sénégal serait à risque de ne pas réaliser l’objectif de la SPU. Une évaluation de la situation courante à partir de données plus récentes serait requise. Le diagramme de flux scolaire constitue un outil de planification de l’éducation et représente de ce fait un important levier aux mains des autorités politiques pour agir sur les paramètres du système éducatif (paramètres liés à la qualité de l’éducation, à l’efficacité interne, etc.) afin de répondre à des objectifs spécifiques ou d’étapes pouvant conduire, par exemple, à la réalisation de l’objectif de la SPU.


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En 2007, le Collège des médecins du Québec a résolu d’adopter le plan d’autogestion du développement professionnel continu (DPC) comme outil de maintien de la compétence professionnelle. Bien que la plupart des médecins reconnaissent la nécessité de demeurer à la fine pointe des connaissances et des découvertes médicales, certains considèrent le plan d’autogestion comme une corvée administrative. Afin de mieux comprendre leurs perceptions à l’égard du plan de DPC, une recherche qualitative a été menée à l’été 2010, par le biais d’entretiens individuels semi-structurés, auprès d’un échantillon de vingt-sept médecins québécois. Un échantillonnage mixte, utilisant la technique « boule de neige » et faisant appel à des informateurs clés et à des cas dits « négatifs », a permis d’atteindre un bon niveau de diversification de l’échantillon et la saturation empirique des données. Bien que les médecins interrogés soient généralement favorables au principe d’un plan d’autogestion de DPC, les commentaires et suggestions formulés par certains d’entre eux devraient inciter le Collège à apporter certaines améliorations à ce plan. Certains irritants tels que la nécessité de tenir à jour un registre des activités de DPC et d’en rendre compte au Collège ont été soulevés. Par contre, la majorité des médecins interrogés considèrent que le plan de DPC d’un médecin témoigne des efforts qu’ils déploient pour rester à la fine pointe des progrès scientifiques et technologiques dans le domaine de la santé. Finalement, tous les médecins interrogés considèrent que le maintien de leur compétence professionnelle est une obligation morale et déontologique.


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L'enseignement, l'apprentissage et l'évaluation du raisonnement clinique en sciences infirmières est un défi pour les éducateurs de cette profession et leurs étudiants. Depuis plusieurs décennies, les chercheurs et les éducateurs dans le domaine des sciences de la santé ont travaillé pour élaborer des instruments d'évaluation dans le but de pouvoir mesurer le raisonnement clinique (Charlin, Bordage & Van der Vleuten, 2003). Plusieurs études semblent appuyer le test de concordance de script (TCS) en termes de validité, fiabilité, faisabilité et applicabilité pour plusieurs disciplines et différents contextes (Carrière & al, 2009). Deschênes et ses collaborateurs (2006; Deschênes, Charlin, Gagnon & Goudreau, 2011) ont mis au point et validé un TCS spécifiquement pour le raisonnement clinique en sciences infirmières (RCI). Comme l'évaluation a un impact important sur les stratégies d'apprentissage des étudiants (Sibert et al, 2001; Durak, Caliskan & Bor, 2007), les outils d'évaluation valides et fiables qui permettraient l'identification des problèmes spécifiques dans le développement du raisonnement clinique en sciences infirmières seraient très utiles pour guider les décisions concernant l'éducation (Gierl, 2007). Nous avons donc mené une étude pour explorer le potentiel diagnostique des questions d'un TCS. La question de recherche est la suivante: «Dans quelle mesure chaque question d’un TCS visant à évaluer le RCI peut-elle être reliée à des catégories et des stratégies de pensée spécifiques?" Avec une sous-question: «Comment peut-on décrire le potentiel diagnostique d’un TCS pour évaluer le RCI?". Nous avons fait une deuxième analyse de contenu des données qui ont été obtenues dans une étude précédente dans laquelle cinq vignettes (15 questions) du TCS de Deschênes (2006) ont été utilisées. Les résultats ont montré les catégories et stratégies de pensées utilisées pour répondre à certaines questions du TCS selon les groupes de participants. Aussi, nos résultats ont permis de découvrir des disparités importantes entre les groupes, notamment que le RCI des expertes est si différent des étudiantes, qu’il ne peut servir de référence. Enfin, cette étude démontre que le TCS a un potentiel diagnostique niveau par niveau (1ère, 2e, 3e année et expertes) et non d’un niveau à un autre.


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Le logiciel de simulation des données et d'analyse est Conquest V.3