943 resultados para Education, Educational Psychology|Psychology, Developmental|Education, Higher


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This paper outlines a qualitative research tool designed to explore personal identity formation as described by Erik Erikson and offers self-reflective and anonymous evaluative comments made by college students after completing this task. Subjects compiled a list of 200 myths, customs, fables, rituals, and beliefs from their family of origin and then reflected upon the relevance and meaning of such items. The research and instructional tool described in the paper should be of considerable interest to teachers who work to promote self-reflection amongst adolescents as well as case study researchers and therapists who wish to study identity formation and values.


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Background. Increasing rates of maternal employment highlight the need for non-maternal child care for infants at an earlier age. Several studies have shown that employment induced maternal depression or psychological distress is associated with the child's socio-emotional and cognitive development. However, separation anxiety, a common phenomenon observed among employed mothers during early years, has seldom been studied. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of maternal separation anxiety in the child's cognitive development.^ Methods. Data were obtained from Phase I (birth to 36 months) of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (NICHD SECCYD). Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed to determine the association between separation anxiety groups and child outcomes. Multivariate analysis was also used to examine the mediating and/or moderating effect of sensitivity and moderating effect of difficult temperament.^ Results. Separation anxiety showed a negative association with the Bracken, attachment security, maternal sensitivity and psychological state. Children whose mothers never reported high levels of separation anxiety showed higher levels of school readiness and attachment security compared to those whose mothers experienced high levels of separation anxiety at least once. There was a significant interaction between separation anxiety and maternal sensitivity for the Bracken and attachment security indicating the moderating effect of sensitivity. Maternal sensitivity was also found to partially mediate the association between high levels of separation anxiety and school readiness or attachment security. However, the interaction between difficult temperament and separation anxiety was not significant for any of the child outcomes. ^ Conclusions. High levels of separation anxiety have a negative impact on school readiness, attachment security, maternal sensitivity and psychological state. In addition, mothers who experience high levels of separation anxiety but are sensitive during the mother-child interaction have children with high school readiness and attachment security compared to those who are less sensitive.^ Keywords. Maternal separation anxiety, School readiness. ^


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Possible selves, a component of self-concept, are the thoughts people have about their future. The overall purpose of this study was to examine the educational and occupational possible selves of inner city children. Specific aims of the study were to: 1) Assess the similarities and differences between the level of schooling inner city children hope to complete and expect to complete, and 2) Assess the similarities and differences between the jobs inner city children hope to have in the future and expect to have. As part of a larger study designed to pilot test a health promotion intervention, fourth grade students (n = 19) completed two measures: the Level of Schooling Questionnaire and the Jobs Questionnaire. No significant differences were found between students' hoped-for and expected educational possible selves or their hoped-for and expected occupational possible selves. Future studies can explore methods and strategies to support, encourage, and cultivate inner city children's possible selves.^


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Area, launched in 1999 with the Bologna Declaration, has bestowed such a magnitude and unprecedented agility to the transformation process undertaken by European universities. However, the change has been more profound and drastic with regards to the use of new technologies both inside and outside the classroom. This article focuses on the study and analysis of the technology’s history within the university education and its impact on teachers, students and teaching methods. All the elements that have been significant and innovative throughout the history inside the teaching process have been analyzed, from the use of blackboard and chalk during lectures, the use of slide projectors and transparent slides, to the use of electronic whiteboards and Internet nowadays. The study is complemented with two types of surveys that have been performed among teachers and students during the school years 1999 - 2011 in the School of Civil Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. The pros and cons of each of the techniques and methodologies used in the learning process over the last decades are described, unfolding how they have affected the teacher, who has evolved from writing on a whiteboard to project onto a screen, the student, who has evolved from taking handwritten notes to download information or search the Internet, and the educational process, that has evolved from the lecture to acollaborative learning and project-based learning. It is unknown how the process of learning will evolve in the future, but we do know the consequences that some of the multimedia technologies are having on teachers, students and the learning process. It is our goal as teachers to keep ourselves up to date, in order to offer the student adequate technical content, while providing proper motivation through the use of new technologies. The study provides a forecast in the evolution of multimedia within the classroom and the renewal of the education process, which in our view, will set the basis for future learning process within the context of this new interactive era.


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Introduction. The purpose of this study is to describe and characterize the international sci-entific output relating to “attitudes towards disability in education”, using a battery of bibliometric indicators that make it possible to analyze and monitor international scientific activity. Method. This ex post facto retrospective study analyzed 925 papers published in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) database during the period 2000-2011. Results. The number of publications increased steadily between 2006 and 2010. The results reported here include the most productive authors, the journals that deal with this topic, and the articles cited most often. An analysis of research types showed a tendency toward empiri-cal studies. A total of 18 categories were identified when considering article content, and the distribution of the research studies across stages of education was found to be uneven. Discussion and Conclusion. The results reveal a topic that is highly current in today’s scien-tific community, and offer us a view of the traits that have characterized research on "attitudes towards disability in education" for the last eleven years.


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La finalidad de esta investigación residió en conocer si los individuos pertenecientes a población infantil española con altas puntuaciones en Afecto Positivo (AP) poseían diferencias estadísticamente significativas con los individuos con bajas puntuaciones en AP en las seis dimensiones que componen las atribuciones académicas en el área de Lengua (Éxito: capacidad, esfuerzo y causas externas; Fracaso: capacidad, esfuerzo y causas externas). La muestra estaba compuesta por 862 estudiantes, entre 8 y 11 años. Se utilizó la subescala de lengua de la Sydney Attribution Scale (SAS) y la subescala de AP del Positive And Negative Affect Schedule for Children (PANAS-C) versión reducida. La prueba t de Student reflejó que los participantes con altos niveles de AP obtuvieron medias significativamente más altas en la atribución al éxito y al fracaso en Lengua a causas externas. Por otro lado, los sujetos con bajas puntuaciones en AP obtuvieron medias significativamente más altas en la atribución del fracaso en Lengua a la capacidad y al esfuerzo. Los resultados obtenidos complementan la literatura previa existente y dejan la posibilidad a seguir ampliando el campo del conocimiento del afecto y de las atribuciones académicas.


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El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en conocer si existen diferencias en los cinco grandes rasgos de la personalidad (Extraversión, Cordialidad, Neuroticismo, Apertura a la experiencia y Conciencia) entre los participantes con altos y bajos niveles de Perfeccionismo Auto-Orientado (PAO) en población infantil española. Se empleó una muestra compuesta por 483 alumnos entre 8 y 11 años, así como la subescala PAO de la Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale (CAPS) y el Cuestionario Big Five de personalidad para niños (BFQ-N) que evalúa los cinco grandes rasgos de la personalidad. Los resultados de la prueba t de Student mostraron que los participantes con altos niveles de PAO obtuvieron medias significativamente más altas en Extraversión, Apertura a la experiencia y Cordialidad que sus iguales con bajos niveles de PAO. Contrariamente, no se observaron diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos en lo que respecta a las puntuaciones medias en Neuroticismo y Conciencia. Los resultados no coinciden con las evidencias empíricas previas, sugiriendo que la relación que se establece entre el PAO y la personalidad puede variar en función de la edad o la cultura.


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La relación existente entre el perfeccionismo y el rechazo a la escuela es un ámbito de investigación con escasos estudios. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la relación entre Perfeccionismo Socialmente Prescrito (PSP) y rechazo a la escuela en función de los factores II (escapar de la aversión social y/o situaciones de evaluación de la escuela) y III (búsqueda de la atención de otras personas significativas) que justifican esta conducta. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 733 estudiantes españoles entre 8 y 12 años (M= 10.03, DE= 1.25). Los instrumentos utilizados para establecer esta relación fueron la Child and Adolescent Perfecctionism Scale, para medir el perfeccionismo, y la School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised for Children, para evaluar el rechazo escolar. Los resultados revelaron que los estudiantes que presentaron altas puntuaciones en rechazo escolar, debido a la necesidad de escapar de la aversión social y/o situaciones de evaluación, presentaron puntuaciones significativamente más altas en PSP. Igualmente, los estudiantes con alto rechazo escolar basado en la búsqueda de atención de sus seres queridos, presentaron puntuaciones significativamente más altas en PSP. Así, los resultados apoyaron que existe una relación positiva entre estas dos variables. Estos resultados podrían ser considerados por docentes y psicólogos escolares o clínicos a la hora de diseñar estrategias de prevención e intervención ante casos de rechazo a la escuela.


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Desde el enfoque interactivo-tridimensional, la ansiedad escolar puede explicarse como una respuesta de tipo cognitiva, psicofisiológica o conductual, expresada ante situaciones escolares de gran presión como el fracaso escolar, la violencia escolar o la evaluación académica y social. El propósito de este estudio fue analizar las respuestas y situaciones escolares más temidas en una muestra de estudiantes chilenos de Educación Secundaria, en función del género. La muestra estuvo comprendida por 4156 adolescentes, 1950 chicos y 2206 chicas (46.9% y 53.1%, respectivamente) con edades entre los 13 y los 18 años (M = 15.31; DE = 1.42). Para evaluar se utilizó el Inventario de Ansiedad Escolar (IAES), que mide respuestas de ansiedad (cognitiva, psicofisiológica y conductual), situaciones que generan ansiedad (fracaso y castigo escolar, agresión, evaluación escolar y social) y una puntuación total. Los datos fueron analizados siguiendo un diseño de corte transversal y aplicando pruebas t para establecer las diferencias y pruebas d para estimar la magnitud de dichas diferencias. Los resultados indican que las chicas presentan mayores niveles de ansiedad escolar que los chicos en todos los factores estudiados y en la puntuación total, siendo superiores las puntuaciones en las respuestas cognitivas, especialmente en el ítem “creo que debería haber trabajado más”, así como también en las situaciones relacionadas con el fracaso escolar, principalmente, en el ítem “si repito curso”. Estos resultados apoyan los obtenidos en investigaciones previas y permiten mejorar la comprensión de las situaciones que limitan el normal desarrollo académico, personal y social del alumnado chileno.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Lectures considered before the "Joint committee on education", a self-organized body of Chicago citizens. Foreword signed: E. S. D. [i. e. Mrs. E. S. Dummer] for the committee.


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Issued also as National Society for the Study of Education. Yearbook. 1920. v. 19, pt. 2.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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At head of title: State of Illinois Board of Higher Education.