604 resultados para Ecoparques empresariais
O encontro fez parte do ciclo 2013 da Iniciativa Desenvolvimento Local & Grandes Empreendimentos e contou com a participação de empresas, organizações do terceiro setor e representantes de comunidades para dialogar sobre esse recorte da temática dos direitos humanos no contexto da inserção de grandes empreendimentos
Vídeo gravado durante o encerramento do Ciclo 2013 das Iniciativas Empresariais do GVces. Projetos que compõe as Iniciativas Empresariais: EPC Plataforma Empresas Pelo Clima, ISCV - Inovação e Sustentabilidade na Cadeia de Valor, IDLocal, TeSE - Tendências em Serviços Ecossistêmicos
Encontro de fechamento de mais um ano de oficinas e debates com empresas para tratar de temas da sustentabilidade como economia de baixo carbono, serviços ecossistêmicos, desenvolvimento local e inovação nas cadeias de valor
Universidade da Madeira
Desde a ECO-92 houve um crescimento substancial de ações de Educação Ambiental (EA) no Brasil e no mundo, ligadas aos mais diversos segmentos da sociedade, como movimentos sociais, associações de bairros, ONG‟s, escolas, universidades, instituições de pesquisa e empresas. As ações de EA ganharam visibilidade no setor empresarial, particularmente, na área portuária, objeto de interesse desse trabalho. Essa dissertação objetiva analisar, numa perspectiva crítica, a lógica da inserção da EA no setor empresarial portuário e seus impactos, a partir da análise da Companhia Ambiental Rural(CDP). Os estudos da EA no setor portuário não elucidam as intenções de “ordem econômica” ao adotarem programas ambientais. Partimos do pressuposto de que a EA é um campo de conhecimento de caráter sistêmico. Seguindo a noção de campo de Bourdieu, procuramos mostrar que a lógica da inserção da EA é acumular “capital simbólico” (crédito/reconhecimento) para conseguir a legitimação do modus operandi empresarial, mostrando suas ações como sustentáveis. Isso permite promover uma boa imagem da empresa e a conquista de selos e certificados. Observou-se que houve a construção do que chamamos de “habitus eco-lógico” reproduzido nas relações de trabalho pela qualificação profissional e gerenciamento ambiental dos negócios da empresa; na apropriação crescente da dimensão intelectual e cognitiva, procurando envolver os trabalhadores mais intensamente pelo disciplinamento, e, consequentemente, obtendo ganho de performance empresarial. Finalmente, conclui-se que a lógica de inserção da EA é a acumulação de “capital simbólico”, para se conseguir a legitimação do modus operandi empresarial, mostrando suas ações como sustentáveis, assim promovendo uma boa imagem da empresa (aumento do preço das ações, como também de seus parceiros) e a diminuição de investimentos em tecnologias e planejamentos para mitigar o compensar os impactos ambientais. Em síntese, a análise percorre elementos relevantes do processo de reestruturação logística das Companhias Docas no Brasil, em particular no Pará.
The ease and convenience provided by the Internet allow for the communication between the organization and its stakeholders to become rapid and effective. This fact can be good both for the organization and for the public. Keeping this in sight, the Internet as a public relations tool for communication between the organization and its stakeholders is the theme discussed throughout this study. Through bibliographic and exploratory research, this paper aims at pointing at effective tools afforded by the Internet that can be used by Public Relations. These tools can promote the relationship between organizations and its publics inserted on the Internet. In this way, the organization can influence publics in its favor. The present work investigates what strategies the Internet can contribute significantly to the field of Communication despite the fact that it is not able to completely replace traditional media
Due to the growing practice of recreational activities among enterprises, it became evident an increase in the possibilities of interdisciplinary action of Physical Education teachers as well as in the areas alike. However, just a few academic papers try to understand the relation involving recreational activities in the context of business companies, what motivated the attention of this study, which aims to investigate whether the games played in business trainings may somehow contribute for a better comprehension and development of actions between employees and employers and also, to analyze the acceptability of this resource in lectures or formal events, which are usual in trainings. This study – which has a qualitative approach – was developed and based on the union of both bibliographic and exploratory researches. Data were collected through a questionnaire with open and direct questions that was applied to an intentional sample of twenty-five employees from a company in the countryside of São Paulo. Those data were analyzed in a descriptive way, through Thematic Content Analysis Technique and they showed that the relationship among employees has improved, whereas the relationship between employers and employees hasn’t improved that much and that the training which was given with dynamics and recreational strategies had a very positive result, because the goals were reached and the acceptability of this kind of training was unanimous among all the participants, It is extremely important that recreational activities can be developed in business trainings because with them, it is possible to reach more successfully their goals and the acceptability by the participants.
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
The hypothesis that guides this work is: in the scenario posed by the first decade of the XXI century, the private companies act to conciliate their organizational principles, mission (how they want to arrive), vision (where they want to arrive) and values to the principles of its individual members, setting a certain style of corporate culture. That culture would pass by all hierarchical levels of enterprises, promoting the creation of subjective bonds between themselves and their employees in order to create or maintain, through shared values, social conventions that would ensure the certain style of symbolic domination inside and outside the physical and relational enterprises' spaces. I have as general objective, analyze, through a socio-anthropological approach, the dimension of the culture of private companies, how this guides the market practice and, in this sense, I seek to problematize the relationship between the actions of the analyzed companies (Nestle and, more specifically, Natura) and the representations and motivations of their employees. Furthermore, this study aims, specifically, to understand how the vision, the raison of being and the beliefs of Natura configure themselves as important strategic directives for the consolidation of an emotional bond between employees and those who aspire to be part of this organization. For this, I analyzed the Report Natura 2012, the conversations with some company employees and my participation in the selection process for trainee Young Talents Natura 2014