937 resultados para Economics Education


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Economic philosophy is anything but a part of the mainstream diet in the course of an economics education. Yet there are those – including occasional Nobel prizewinners – who argue that an understanding of economic philosophy is absolutely fundamental to an understanding of economics, of why economists disagree and of why “economic rationalists” are often derided by those from other professional backgrounds. The argument put in this paper is that many social science debates hinge more on the values or social philosophy implicitly involved than on technical matters of economic 'science', and that a nuanced understanding of economics requires that each school of thought be traced back to its foundations in terms of its implicit economic philosophy a prioris.


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This paper reports on an experiment of using a publisher provided web-based resource to make available a series of optional practice quizzes and other supplementary material to all students taking a first year introductory microeconomics module. The empirical analysis evaluates the impact these supplementary resources had on student learning. First, we investigate which students decided to make use of the resources. Then, we analyse the impact this decision has on their subsequent performance in the examination at the end of the module. The results show that, even after taking into account the possibility of self-selection bias, using the web-based resource had a significant positive effect on student learning.


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A tanulmány célja, hogy a globalizáció új korszakához illeszkedő elméleti közgazdasági folyamatokat bemutassa, különös tekintettel az adózási ismeretek oktatására. Az adózás szükségességéről csak akkor győzhető meg a társadalom, ha az adófizetés a jogállami normák érvényesítéséhez szükséges, így a jogállam elsődlegességéből kiinduló gazdaságelméletre van szükség. Ez különösen ebben a térségben fontos, hiszen nálunk egyelőre gyenge a jogállami szemlélet, ezért nagyobb szükség van a közgazdaságtudomány megújulására is, a neoliberalizmus szemléletének meghaladására. Ezt az új irányt a tanulmány a közgazdaságtan etikai és kulturális megalapozásának tekinti.


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Jelen cikk célja annak mélyrehatóbb vizsgálata, hogy a felsőfokú végzettséggel rendelkező frissdiplomások nagyarányú létszámnövekedése milyen hatással volt a munkaerő-piaci helyzetükre, jelen esetben keresetükre. Homogén-e az egyetemet végzett hallgatók csoportja, vagy elkülöníthetők olyan alcsoportok, amelyben a végzett hallgatók kevesebbet keresnek jobb helyzetben lévő társaiknál? A fentebbi kérdés megválaszolására a Debreceni Egyetem 2007-ben és 2009-ben végzett hallgatóinak Diplomás Pályakövető Rendszeren keresztül nyert adatait használta fel a szerző. A tömegesedés egyik következménye lehet, hogy a felsőfokú végzettséggel rendelkező munkavállaló nem talál a végzettségének megfelelő munkát, és így kénytelen olyan munkakört betölteni, amelynek végzettségigénye alacsonyabb, mint az övé. Az ilyen módon túlképzett munkavállalók keresete alacsonyabb, mint hasonló végzettségű, de megfelelő munkakörben dolgozó társaiké. Ez a vizsgált minta tanúsága szerint a DE végzettjeinek esetében 12-17% körül alakult, ami megfelel a nemzetközi eredményeknek. _________ The main goal of this article to examine the effect of a large increase in the number of university graduates on their labour market position, mainly on their wages. Is the group of graduated students homogenous, or are there any subgroups in which graduates earn less than their counterparts? To answer this question, the author examines the database of the Graduate Students’ Survey which contains data about the students of University of Debrecen who finished their studies in 2007 and 2009. As a result of overeducation, graduates do not find the kind of jobs which require their level of education. These so called overeducated workers earn less than their counterparts. In this case, this wage penalty is between 12%-17%, which is similar to international results.


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The article focuses on the labour market situation and opportunities of the Hungarian vocational students. After briefly placing the topic in an international context, the study introduces the findings of the Hungarian empirical researches. Due to the differences between the various national education systems, it is not easy to make international comparisons; therefore I chose former socialist countries with characteristics similar to those of Hungary. When comparing the relevant data, it became clear that obtaining a diploma provides more advantages in Hungary. Hungarian researches suggest that vocational schools mostly attract students with poor competence test scores at the end of primary school. Also a significant proportion of these students are disadvantaged. Vocational students are the most likely to drop out of the system and their return to the school later is sporadic at best. Although a completed VET improves their employment conditions and prospects, many of the graduates will leave their profession or do unskilled labour. Their labour income varies greatly depending on their type of trade and experience gained.


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En la presente investigación se busca evaluar que tan desiguales son los resultados académicos de los estudiantes del grado 11 en Colombia para el período 2008-2012 -- Para esto se construyó un Gini de puntajes de las pruebas Saber 11 para cada año del período evaluado y se compara con el Gini de nivel socioeconómico estimado a partir de información de los estudiantes sobre sus condiciones socioeconómicas tomada del formulario de inscripción al examen -- Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la desigualdad en términos de puntaje es menor que la desigualdad en términos socioeconómicos, y aunque es relativamente baja se encuentra acompañada de puntajes muy bajos en las poblaciones más vulnerables -- Los resultados más desiguales y con menor puntaje promedio se dan en el área de matemáticas en los estratos socioeconómicos 1 y 2 -- Según estos resultados, la política educativa debería estar dirigida a reducir la desigualdad en el rendimiento de los alumnos aumentando el rendimiento promedio de estos y no a costa de puntajes más bajos, ya que un sistema educativo que logre menor desigualdad implica una sociedad más homogénea, donde todas las personas puedan tener las mismas oportunidades y se cierren brechas de oportunidades e ingresos


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Partimos do pressuposto que a universidade pública é um bem do povo e deve servir aos interesses da sociedade, sobretudo aos interesses daqueles cuja vida é ameaçada mediante as condições desiguais sob as quais a sociedade capitalista se funda. Entendemos que a extensão universitária é uma atividade da universidade e deve, como ensino e pesquisa, ser reconhecida como produtora de conhecimentos e não por trabalhos assistenciais, como se caracteriza, na realidade concreta, a extensão universitária analisada nesta dissertação. Com base nisso, o trabalho que se segue discorre sobre a relação de dependência das associações populares, ligadas ao movimento da economia popular solidária à extensão da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG, especificamente aquela realizada pelo Núcleo de Desenvolvimento Social e Econômico – NUDESE-FURG, da região de Rio GrandeRS. O objetivo do trabalho foi conhecer a relação entre o núcleo e as associações, problematizando-a com base em alguns princípios da Educação Ambiental Crítica (diálogo, totalidade, relação teoria/prática e participação social). O referencial que sustenta o trabalho articula autores da sociologia do trabalho, economia da educação, ecologia política, geografia crítica, todos, de alguma forma, ligados ao materialismo histórico como perspectiva de análise. O trabalho se caracteriza como um estudo de caso, onde os principais recursos perpassaram pela análise de documentos e, fundamentalmente, as entrevistas gravadas e transcritas na íntegra, pelas quais nosso estudo se baseia. A análise do material foi feita a partir dos pressupostos da análise crítica do discurso, a qual busca entrelaçar os pronunciamentos dos sujeitos com a totalidade social na qual o discurso está inscrito, possibilitando o alcance do significado concreto. O estudo demonstra que a extensão universitária desenvolvida pelo NUDESE-FURG tem características assistencialistas, cuja consequência prática é a realização de atividades para os trabalhadores associados (principalmente elaboração e gestão de projetos), impedindo que as associações desenvolvam suas ações sem depender do núcleo. Além disso, ao assumir recursos financeiros oriundos de projetos (via editais), as associações apenas transferem para o Estado a condição de dependência do intermediário, o que não extingue o problema, mas reafirma-o. Por isso, entendemos que a Educação Ambiental Crítica oferece, por meio dos princípios que utilizamos, um instrumento crítico importante ao estudo de processos e políticas que buscam a emancipação dos sujeitos. Isso porque, também, ao reconhecer a crise socioambiental que vivemos, fruto do modo de produção capitalista, dos conflitos existentes na sociedade (portanto dos diferentes interesses, concepções e valores em disputa), pela apropriação da riqueza produzida, podem-se possibilitar conhecimentos úteis dos trabalhadores das associações. Para que isso aconteça, defendemos o encontro da extensão universitária do NUDESE-FURG com a Educação Ambiental Crítica, caso a emancipação, de fato, esteja no horizonte das práticas deste núcleo, já que pelo estudo, nesta pesquisa, predomina dependência de tais grupos do NUDESE-FURG.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Ongoing changes in global economic structure along information revolution have produced an environment where knowledge and skills or education and training are considered increasingly valued commodities. This is based on the simple notion that nation’s economic progress is linked to education and training. This idea is embodied in the theory of human capital, according to which the knowledge and skill found in labour represents valuable resources for the market. Thus the important assumptions of the Human capital theory are 910 Human capital is an investment for future (2) More training and education leads to better work skills (3) Educational institutions play a central role in the development of human capital(4) the technological revolution is often cited as the most pressing reason why education and knowledge are becoming valuable economic commodities . The objectives of the present study are, the investment and institutional or structural framework of higher education in Kerala, the higher education market and the strengths and weakness of supply demand conditions , cost and the benefits of higher education in Kerala , impact of recent policy changes in higher education,need for expanding higher education market to solve the grave problem of Un employment on the basis of as systematic manpower planning and the higher education and its association with income and employment.


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El documento resume los resultados de los tres ensayos sobre economía de la educación y de igualdad de oportunidades que se realizaron para el caso de Colombia.


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We develop a job-market signaling model where signals may convey two pieces of information. This model is employed to study the GED exam and countersignaling (signals non-monotonic in ability). A result of the model is that countersignaling is more expected to occur in jobs that require a combination of skills that differs from the combination used in the schooling process. The model also produces testable implications consistent with evidence on the GED: (i) it signals both high cognitive and low non-cognitive skills and (ii) it does not affect wages. Additionally, it suggests modifications that would make the GED a more effective signal.


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This work consists of three essays organized into chapters that seek to answer questions at first sight unrelated, but with one common denominator, which is the scarcity of public resources devoted to education, overall, especially in lower education. . The first chapter deals with the scarcity of resources devoted to education in a context of population aging. Two hypotheses were tested for Brazilian municipalities on the relationship between the aging of the population and educational expenditure. The first, already proven in the literature, is that there is an intergenerational conflict for resources and the increase of the share of elderly in the population reduces the educational expenditure. The second, proposed here for the first time, is that there should be reduction of competition for resources if there is a relationship of co-residence between young and old. The results indicated that an increase in the share of elderly reduces the educational expenditure per youth. But the results also illustrate that an increase in the share of elderly co-residing with youth (family arrangement more common in Latin American countries) raises the educational expenditure, which reflects a reduction of competition for resources between generations. The second chapter assesses the allocative efficiency of investments in Higher Education. Using the difference between first-year and last-year students’ scores from Enade aggregated by HEI as a product in the Stochastic Production Function, is possible to contribute with a new element in the literature aimed at estimating the production function of education. The results show that characteristics of institutions are the variables that best explain the performance of students, and that public institutions are more inefficient than the private ones. Finally, the third chapter presents evidence that the allocation of public resources in early childhood education is important for a better future school performance. In this chapter was calculated the effects of early childhood education on literacy scores of children attending the 2nd grade of elementary school. The results using OLS and propensity score matching show that students who started school at the ages to 5, 4, and 3 years had literacy scores between 12.22 and 19.54 points higher than the scores of those who began school at the ages 6 years or late. The results also suggest that the returns in terms of literacy scores diminish in relation to the number of years of early childhood education.