705 resultados para Echinacea angustifolia
Echinacea preparations are one of the best selling herbal medicinal products with a well established therapeutic use in the prophylaxis of upper respiratory tract infections. Their consumption is increasing, but information about their ability to inhibit cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP) is fragmentary. The picture is further complicated by a lack of phytochemical characterization of previously tested preparations. Due to its well characterized immunomodulatory activity, the standardized Swiss registered Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench Echinaforce extract was selected for detailed study. With the single baculovirus-expressed CYP isoforms 1A2, 2C19, 2D9 and 3A4, inhibitory actions were measured by monitoring fluorescent metabolites derived from enzyme substrates (supersome assay). The Echinaforce extract induced mild inhibition of all these isoforms, with CYP 3A4 being the most, and CYP 2D6 the least sensitive enzyme. To assess whether CYP inhibition might be a general feature of Echinacea preparations, an additional nine commercially available preparations were screened using CYP 3A4. All tested preparations were able to inhibit CYP 3A4, but inhibitory potencies (expressed as median inhibitory concentration, IC50) varied by a factor of 150. The alkylamides are thought to be responsible for the immunomodulatory activity of Echinacea, and so the concentration of 2E,4E,8Z,10E/Z-tetranoic acid isobutylamide (1) and total alkylamide content were determined in all preparations, and the latter was found to be associated with their CYP 3A4 inhibitory potency. The chemically pure alkylamides dodeca-2E,4E,8Z,10E/Z-tetranoic acid isobutylamide (1) and dodeca-2E,4E-dieonoic acid isobutylamide (2) showed inhibitory activity on CYP 2C19, 2D6 and 3A4. However, unlike the Echinaforce extract, the alkylamides did not induce CYP 1A2 inhibition. Thus, other, as yet unidentified constituents also contribute to the overall weak inhibitory effects seen with Echinacea preparations in-vitro.
Alkylamides (alkamides) from Echinacea modulate tumor necrosis factor alpha mRNA expression in human monocytes/macrophages via the cannabinoid type 2 (CB2) receptor (Gertsch, J., Schoop, R., Kuenzle, U., and Suter, A. (2004) FEBS Lett. 577, 563-569). Here we show that the alkylamides dodeca-2E,4E,8Z,10Z-tetraenoic acid isobutylamide (A1) and dodeca-2E,4E-dienoic acid isobutylamide (A2) bind to the CB2 receptor more strongly than the endogenous cannabinoids. The Ki values of A1 and A2 (CB2 approximately 60 nM; CB1 >1500 nM) were determined by displacement of the synthetic high affinity cannabinoid ligand [3H]CP-55,940. Molecular modeling suggests that alkylamides bind in the solvent-accessible cavity in CB2, directed by H-bonding and pi-pi interactions. In a screen with 49 other pharmacologically relevant receptors, it could be shown that A1 and A2 specifically bind to CB2 and CB1. A1 and A2 elevated total intracellular Ca2+ in CB2-positive but not in CB2-negative promyelocytic HL60 cells, an effect that was inhibited by the CB2 antagonist SR144528. At 50 nM, A1, A2, and the endogenous cannabinoid anandamide (CB2 Ki >200 nM) up-regulated constitutive interleukin (IL)-6 expression in human whole blood in a seemingly CB2-dependent manner. A1, A2, anandamide, the CB2 antagonist SR144528 (Ki <10 nM), and also the non-CB2-binding alkylamide undeca-2E-ene,8,10-diynoic acid isobutylamide all significantly inhibited lipopolysaccharide-induced tumor necrosis factor alpha, IL-1beta, and IL-12p70 expression (5-500 nM) in a CB2-independent manner. Alkylamides and anandamide also showed weak differential effects on anti-CD3-versus anti-CD28-stimulated cytokine expression in human whole blood. Overall, alkylamides, anandamide, and SR144528 potently inhibited lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in human whole blood and exerted modulatory effects on cytokine expression, but these effects are not exclusively related to CB2 binding.
Nägele, Pfr.
La Guadua (Guadua angustifolia Kunth) es una de las especies forestales más características de Colombia. Perteneciente a la familia del bambú, ésta planta nativa de Colombia usada en la construcción permite una reducción de costos, garantizados, entre otras ventajas, por sus propiedades físico-mecánicas de flexibilidad, resistencia, dureza, efecto climatizado y sismo resistencia. En el proyecto se plantea inicialmente un estudio de la Guadua como material estructural. Se estudiará su anatomía, sus propiedades físicas y mecánicas así como la normativa existente que rige su uso en construcción y por último se darán algunos ejemplos en los que se puede comprobar su uso en la actualidad. Posteriormente se procederá al desarrollo del proyecto cuya finalidad es el diseño de una estructura modular multifuncional que se necesita para llevarla a cabo en un proyecto de cooperación localizado en Neiva (Colombia). El proyecto incluirá todos los documentos necesarios para un trabajo de estas características: memoria, pliego de condiciones técnicas, presupuesto, planos, así como el Estudio de Seguridad y Salud Laboral. Como solución a las necesidades planteadas en el proyecto de cooperación, se realizará el diseño de dos estructuras modulares cuya finalidad sea las de uso como oficina y como almacén. Se aplicará para su cálculo el CTE cómo normativa de construcción, pero apoyándose en algunos parámetros en la NSR-10, estableciendo una comparativa posterior entre ambas normativas. Debido a la importancia de la acción sísmica en Colombia se comprobará la resistencia sísmica del módulo diseñado según el “Manual de Construcción, evaluación y rehabilitación sismo resistente de viviendas de mampostería” creado por la Asociación Colombiana de Ingeniería Sísmica. Basándose en este manual se definirán los tipos de uniones más favorables sísmicamente de los módulos con el diseño de una cercha auxiliar necesaria según el tipo de unión. ABSTRACT PROJECT: Structural applications of the guadua (Guadua angustifolia Kunth). Project of modular multifunctional structure in Colombia Guadua (Guadua angustifolia Kunth) is one of the forest species more characteristics of Colombia. Pertaining to the family of the bamboo, this one native plant of Colombia used in the construction allows a reduction of costs, guaranteed, among others advantages, by its physic mechanical properties of flexibility, resistance, hardness, climatic effect and earthquake resistance. The project initially considers a study of the Guadua as structural material. We will study its anatomy, its physical and mechanical properties as well as the existing norm that governs its use in construction and finally some examples will be provided in which its actual use can be verified. Later on, we will proceed with the development of the project which purpose is the design of a multifunctional modular structure required to in a project of cooperation located in Neiva (Colombia). The project will include all the necessary documents for a work of these characteristics: memory, technical specifications, budget, drawings, as well as the Security and Labor Health Study. In order to satisfy the needs raised in the cooperation project, we will undertake the design of two modular structures with the purpose to be used as office and warehouse. The construction normative CTE will be applied for its calculation, but some parameters will be based in the NSR-10, establishing a comparison between both norms. Due to the importance of the seismic action in Colombia, the seismic resistance of the module will be verified according to the “Manual of Construction, evaluation and rehabilitation resistant earthquake of rubblework houses” created by the Colombian Association of Seismic Engineering,. We will also use this Manual to define the types of unions more favorable from seismic point of view, designing the required auxiliary segments according to the type of union.
Se presenta la composición química de los extractos de bambú (Guadua angustifolia). Se realizó un muestreo aleatorio en el Jardín Botánico de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (Colombia) de guaduas maduras y sobremaduras, combinando diafragma, nudo y entrenudo con cepa, basa y sobrebasa, obteniendo un total de 54 muestras. Las muestras se cortaron para obtener discos de unos 2-3 cm de altura, separando nudos, diafragmas y entrenudos. Las muestras trituradas se tamizan y se pesan alícuotas de 3-5 gramos para la extracción. Las extracciones se realizaron por ultrasonidos, con Soxhlet y con extractor Randall con los disolventes éter de petróleo 40-60 C, acetona, metanol y agua secuencialmente. Los extractos se analizaron por cromatografía de gases- espectrometría de masas y HPLC. El contenido total de extractos es del orden del 11,1% en los nudos, 16,5% en los entrenudos y 28,3% en los diafragmas. Entre los compuestos identificados se encuentran esteroles, vitamina E, hidrocarburos saturados, 4 hidroxi- 4 metil- 2 pentanona, neofitadieno, vitamina E, fenoles, aldehidos, los ácidos palmítico y linoleico y dietilenglicol.
The aim of this study was to determine the germination characteristics of Phillyrea angustifolia L. and P. latifolia L. seeds in order to develop an optimized propagation protocol for Phillyrea species. Seeds of P. angustifolia and P. latifolia were collected from wild plants growing in Cáceres province (CW Spain) and Andalucía (S Spain), respectively. Percentage of water uptake for P. latifolia seeds was calculated. Seeds with and without endocarp were germinated at different constant and alternating temperatures. Seeds without endocarp were soaked in distilled water or gibberellic acid, and then set to germinate. Seeds with endocarp of both species were stratified at 5 ºC for 30 or 90 days and then the endocarp was completely removed from the seeds before they were sowed. Chemical scarification with sulfuric acid and mechanical scarification were tested on P. angustifolia seeds with endocarp. Phillyrea endocarp was permeable to water, since Phillyrea seeds with endocarp imbibed water, but water uptake was faster when the endocarp was removed. Moreover, the encodarp could interfere mechanically in the emergence of the radicle, since seed germination of Phillyrea species was promoted by the complete removal of the lignified endocarp surrounding each seed. Optimal germination temperature for both species was 15 ºC, and lower temperatures produced secondary dormancy. Soaking in distilled water or gibberellic acid did not significantly enhance seed germination. Cold stratification and chemical scarification treatments were detrimental for seed germination. Keywords cold stratification, Phillyrea species, treatments before sowing, seed germination, seed scarification, lignified endocarp.
A Araucaria angustifolia é uma conífera endêmica das regiões sul e sudeste do Brasil sendo considerada uma espécie em extinção devido ao extenso extrativismo madeireiro. Atualmente, existem inúmeros projetos visando o reflorestamento e o uso sustentável deste pinheiro. Em vista destes pontos, o estudo das propriedades dos componentes das folhas com o intuito da utilização destes com fins comerciais tornou-se de extrema importância. As suas folhas foram submetidas à extração com solventes e foram identificados seis biflavonóides majoritários, dentre estes a amentoflavona e a ginkgetina, que são apontados como agentes contra inflamações e artrites. A fração rica de biflavonóides (BFF) extraída da araucaria foi testada frente a sua atividade em proteger contra danos em biomoléculas provocadas por espécies reativas de oxigênio, capacidade em quelar metais e proteção contra raios UV. A capacidade do BFF em proteger contra danos provocados por espécies reativas de oxigênio foi comparado com compostos conhecidamente antioxidantes, como o α-tocoferol, Trolox®, quercetina, rutina e com padrões de biflavonóides, a amentoflavona e ginkgetina. O BFF demonstrou que possui uma constante de supressão do 1O2 (50 x 106 M-1s-1), superior ao da quercetina (9 x 106 M-1s-1) e foi o mais eficiente na proteção contra quebras de simples fita em DNA plasmidial, provocado por esta espécie reativa. Ainda em relação à proteção de DNA plasmidial o BFF foi capaz de proteger também contra estes danos provocados através da reação de Fenton, apesar de não demonstrar a mesma eficiência da quercetina que mostrou ser um potente protetor destes danos. O BFF protegeu contra lipoperoxidação em lipossomos de fosfatidilcolina induzida por raios UV e reação de Fenton. Em análises realizadas com espectrometria de massas foi observada a formação de complexos destes biflavonóides com íons metálicos como ferro, cobre e alumínio que possuem um papel importante na formação de radicais livres. Em relação à capacidade fotoprotetora do BFF, este inibiu a formação de dímeros de pirimidina que são apontados como causadores de câncer de pele induzidos, principalmente por radiação UV-B. Esta ação protetora foi superior àquela conferida ao p-metoxicinamato de octila, um conhecido fotoprotetor. Com o intuito de permitir a solubilização do BFF em soluções aquosas e assim, avaliar a ação do BFF em células, incorporou-se o BFF em ciclodextrina. Essa inclusão favoreceu a incorporação de BFF em células CV1-P na concentração aproximada de 0,4 µg/ml após 24 horas de incubação. Essa concentração incorporada não demonstrou ser tóxica para as células no teste com MTT. Assim, o BFF tem despertado grande interesse em relação ao seu potencial na utilização nas mais variadas áreas como cosmética, alimentos e fitoterápicos.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Kaiserlichen Universität zu Jurjew, 1893.
Background: Echinacea is composed of three major groups of compounds that are thought to be responsible for stimulation of the immune system-the caffeic acid conjugates, alkylamides and polysaccharides. This study has focussed on the former two classes, as these are the constituents found in ethanolic liquid extracts. Objective: To investigate the absorption of these two groups of compounds using Caco-2 monolayers, which are a model of the intestinal epithelial barrier. Results: The caffeic acid conjugates (caftaric acid, echinacoside and cichoric acid) permeated poorly through the Caco-2 monolayers although one potential metabolite, cinnamic acid, diffused readily with an apparent permeability (P-app) of 1x10(-4) cm/s. Alkylamides were found to diffuse through Caco-2 monolayers with P-app ranging from 3x10(-6) to 3x10(-4) cm/s. This diversity in P-app for the different alkylamides correlates to structural variations, with saturation and N-terminal methylation contributing to decreases in P-app. The transport of the alkylamides is not affected by the presence of other constituents and the results for synthetic alkylamides were in line with those for the alkylamides in the echinacea preparation. Conclusion: Alkylamides but not caffeic acid conjugates are likely to cross the intestinal barrier.
Echinacea preparations are widely used herbal remedies for the prevention and treatment of colds. In this study we have investigated the metabolism by human liver microsomes of the alkylamide components from an Echinacea preparation as well as that of pure synthetic alkylamides. No significant degradation of alkylamides was evident in cytosolic fractions. Time and NADPH-dependent degradation of alkylamides was observed in microsomal fractions suggesting they are metabolised by cytochrome P450 (P450) enzymes in human liver. There was a difference in the susceptibility of 2-ene and 2,4-diene pure synthetic alkylamides to microsomal degradation with (2E)-N-isobutylundeca-2-ene-8,10-diynamide (1) metabolised to only a tenth the extent of (2E,4E,8Z,IOZ)-N-isobutyldodeca-2,4,8,10-tetracnamide (3) under identical incubation conditions. Markedly less degradation of 3 was evident in the mixture of alkylamides present in an ethanolic Echinacea extract, suggesting that metabolism by liver P450s was dependent both on their chemistry and the combination present in the incubation. Co-incubation of 1 with 3 at equimolar concentrations resulted in a significant decrease in the metabolism of 3 by liver microsomes. This inhibition by 1, which has a terminal alkyne moiety, was found to be time- and concentration-dependent, and due to a mechanism-based inactivation of the P450s. Alkylamide metabolites were detected and found to be the predicted epoxidation, hydroxylation and dealkylation products. These findings suggest that Echinacea may effect the P450-mediated metabolism of other concurrently ingested pharmaceuticals. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To study the effect of Echinacea tablets on the expression of leucocyte heat shock protein 70 (hsp70), erythrocyte haemolysis, plasma antioxidant status, serum chemistry, haematological values and plasma alkylamide concentrations. Method: Eleven healthy individuals (26-61 years of age) were evaluated at baseline (day 1) and on day 15 after consuming two commercially blended Echinacea tablets daily for 14 days. Results: Echinacea supplementation enhanced the fold increase in leucocyte hsp70 expression after a mild heat shock (P=0.029). White cell counts (WCC) were also increased (P=0.043). We also observed a preventative effect against free radical induced erythrocyte haemolysis (P=0.006) indicative of an antioxidant effect. Conclusion: The pilot study suggests that Echinacea may invoke an immune response through altered expression of hsp70 and increased WCC.
Many studies have been done over the years to assess the effectiveness of Echinacea as an immunomodulator. We have assessed the potential bioavailability of alkylamides and caffeic acid conjugates using Caco-2 monolayers and compared it to their actual bioavailability in a Phase I clinical trial. The caffeic acid conjugates permeated poorly through the Caco-2 monolayers. Alkylamides were found to diffuse rapidly through Caco-2 monolayers. Differences in diffusion rates for each alkylamide correlated to structural variations, with saturation and N-terminal methylation contributing to decreases in diffusion rates. Alkylamide diffusion is not affected by the presence of other constituents and the results for a synthetic alkylamide were in line with those for alkylamides found in an ethanolic Echinacea preparation. We examined plasma from healthy volunteers for 12 hours after ingestion of Echinacea tablets manufactured from an ethanolic liquid extract. Caffeic acid conjugates could not be identified in any plasma sample at any time after tablet ingestion. Alkylamides were detected in plasma 20 minutes after tablet ingestion and for each alkylamide, pharmacokinetic profiles were devised. The data are consistent with the dosing regimen of one tablet three times daily and supports their usage as the primary markers for quality Echinacea preparations.
Echinacea preparations are widely used herbal medicines for the prevention and treatment of colds and minor infections. There is little evidence for the individual components in Echinacea that contribute to immune regulatory activity. Activity of an ethanolic Echinacea extract and several constituents, including cichoric acid, have been examined using three in vitro measures of macrophage immune function - NF-kappa B, TNF-alpha and nitric oxide (NO). In cultured macrophages, all components except the monoene alkylamide (AA1) decreased lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulated NF-kappa B levels. 0.2 mu g/ml cichoric acid and 2.0 mu g/mL Echinacea Premium Liquid (EPL) and EPL alkylamide fraction (EPL AA) were found to significantly decrease TNF-alpha production under LPS stimulated conditions in macrophages. In macrophages, only the alkylamide mixture isolated from the ethanolic Echinacea extract decreased LPS stimulated NO production. In this study, the mixture of alkylamides in the Echinacea ethanolic liquid extract did not respond in the same manner in the assays as the individual alkylamides investigated. While cichoric acid has been shown to affect NF-kappa B, TNF-alpha and NO levels, it is unlikely to be relevant in the Echinacea alterations of the immune response in vivo due to its nonbioavailability - i.e. no demonstrated absorption across the intestinal barrier and no detectable levels in plasma. These results demonstrate that Echinacea is an effective modulator of macrophage immune responses in vitro.