64 resultados para Ebm


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The sea urchin, Echinometra lucunter, can be found along the Western Central Atlantic shores. In Brazil, it is responsible by circa 50% of the accidents caused by marine animals. The symptoms usually surpass trauma and may be pathologically varied and last differently, ranging from spontaneous healing in a few days, to painful consequences lasting for weeks. In this work, we have mimicked the sea urchin accident by administering an aqueous extract of the spine into mice and rats and evaluated the pathophysiological developments. Our data clearly indicate that the sea urchin accident is indeed a pro-inflammatory event, triggered by toxins present in the spine that can cause edema and alteration in the leukocyte-endothelial interaction. Moreover, the spine extract was shown to exhibit a hyperalgesic effect. The extract is rich in proteins, as observed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, but also contains other molecules that can be analyzed by reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Altogether, these effects corroborate that an E. lucunter encounter is an accident and not an incident, as frequently reported by the victims.


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OBJECTIVE: The study goal was to compare the efficacy of expressed breast milk (EBM) versus 25% glucose on pain responses of late preterm infants during heel lancing. METHODS: In a noninferiority randomized controlled trial, a total of 113 newborns were randomized to receive EBM (experimental group [EG]) or 25% glucose (control group [CG]) before undergoing heel lancing. The primary outcome was pain intensity (Premature Infant Pain Profile [PIPP]) and a 10% noninferiority margin was established. Secondary outcomes were incidence of cry and percentage of time spent crying and adverse events. Intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis was used. RESULTS: Groups were similar regarding demographics and clinical characteristics, except for birth weight and weight at data collection day. There were lower pain scores in the CG over 3 minutes after lancing (P<.001). A higher number of infants in the CG had PIPP scores indicative of minimal pain or absence of pain (P = .002 and P = .003 on ITT analysis) at 30 seconds after lancing, and the mean difference in PIPP scores was 3 (95% confidence interval: 1.507-4.483). Lower incidence of cry (P = .001) and shorter duration of crying (P = .014) were observed for CG. Adverse events were benign and self-limited, and there was no significant difference between groups (P = .736 and P = .637 on ITT analysis). CONCLUSIONS: Results based on PIPP scores and crying time indicate poorer effects of EBM compared with 25% glucose during heel lancing. Additional studies exploring the vol and administration of EBM and its combination with other strategies such as skin-to-skin contact and sucking are necessary. Pediatrics 2012;129:664-670


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The ability to induce apoptosis is an important marker for cytotoxic antitumor agents. Some natural compounds have been shown to modulate apoptosis pathways that are frequently blocked in human cancers, and therefore, these compounds provide novel opportunities for cancer drug development. Phyllanthus, a plant genus of the family Euphorbiaceae, exhibits multiple pharmacological actions. Of these, Phyllanthus niruri extracts exhibit significant antitumor activity, which is consistent with the traditional medicinal use of this plant. To examine the apoptotic effects of a spray-dried extract of P. niruri (SDEPN), human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2, Huh-7), colorectal carcinoma cells (Ht29) and keratinocytes (HaCaT) were exposed to the extract for 4, 8 and 24 h. Flow cytometry and caspase-3 immunostaining were used to detect apoptosis, while analysis of variance was applied to identify significant differences between groups (P < 0.05). At all timepoints, the SDEPN induced significantly different cytotoxic effects for HepG2 and Huh-7 cells compared with control cells (P < 0.001). In contrast, the SDEPN had a protective effect on HaCaT cells compared with control cells at all timepoints (P < 0.001). In caspase-3 assays, activation was detected after cell death was induced in Huh-7 and HepG2 cancer cells by the SDEPN. In combination, these results indicate that the SDEPN is selectively toxic towards cancer cell lines, yet is protective towards normal cells.


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Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venom (CdtV) has long-lasting anti-inflammatory properties and inhibits the spreading and phagocytic activity of macrophages. Crotoxin (CTX), the main component of CdtV, is responsible for these effects. Considering the role of neutrophils in the inflammatory response and the lack of information about the effect of CdtV on neutrophils, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of CdtV and CTX on two functions of neutrophils, namely phagocytosis and production of reactive oxygen species, and on the intracellular signaling involved in phagocytosis, particularly on tyrosine phosphorylation and rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton. Our results showed that the incubation of neutrophils with CdtV or CTX, at different concentrations, or the subcutaneous injection of CdtV or CTX in rats two hours or one, four or 14 days before or one hour after the induction of inflammation inhibited the phagocytic activity of neutrophils. Furthermore, these in vitro and in vivo effects were associated with CdtV and CTX inhibition of tyrosine phosphorylation and consequently actin polymerization. Despite the inhibitory effect on phagocytosis, this study demonstrated that CdtV and CTX did not alter the production of the main reactive oxygen species. Therefore, this study characterized, for the first time, the actions of CdtV on neutrophils and demonstrated that CTX induces a long-lasting inhibition of tyrosine phosphorylation and consequently phagocytosis. We suggest that CTX represents a potential natural product in controlling inflammatory diseases, since a single dose exerts a long-lasting effect on intracellular signaling involved in phagocytosis by neutrophils.


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Il confronto in corso tra gli esperti di management sanitario sui dipartimenti ospedalieri, la crescente attenzione sui modelli di organizzazione a rete e le indagini sui servizi sanitari condotte con strumenti di analisi dei network hanno rappresentato la base su cui sviluppare il disegno dello studio. La prospettiva relazionale e le tecniche di social network analysis (Sna) sono state impiegate in un indagine empirica effettuata presso tre Dipartimenti Ospedalieri dell’Azienda USL di Bologna per osservare la struttura delle relazioni che intercorrono nell’ambito dei dipartimenti, tra le unità operative e tra i clinici, al fine di assicurare il quotidiano svolgersi dei processi clinico assistenziali dei pazienti. L’indagine si è posta tre obiettivi. Il primo è quello di confrontare la rete delle relazioni “reali” che intercorrono tra unità operative e tra clinici con le relazioni “progettate” attraverso l’afferenza delle unità operative nei dipartimenti e dei singoli clinici nelle unità operative. In sostanza si tratta di confrontare, con intenti esclusivamente conoscitivi, la struttura organizzativa formale – istituzionale con quella “informale”, che emerge dalle relazioni giornaliere tra i professionisti. In secondo luogo si intende comprendere se e come i fattori di natura attributiva che caratterizzano i singoli rispondenti, (es. età, sesso, laurea, anni di permanenza in azienda, ecc.) incidano sulla natura e sull’intensità delle relazioni e delle collaborazioni intrattenute con i colleghi all’interno dell’azienda. L’analisi ha un intento “esplicativo”, in quanto si cerca di indagare come le similitudini nelle caratteristiche individuali possano o meno incidere sull’intensità degli scambi e quindi delle collaborazioni tra professionisti. Il terzo obiettivo è volto a comprendere se e come i fattori attributivi e/o relazionali siamo in grado di spiegare l’attitudine mostrata dai singoli professionisti rispetto l’adozione di un approccio alla pratica clinica ispirato all’Evidence based medicine. Lo scopo è quello di verificare se la disponibilità / orientamento ad operare in una prospettiva evidence based sia più legata ad elementi e caratteristiche personali piuttosto che all’influenza esercitata da coloro con i quali si entra in contatto per motivi lavorativi. La relativa semplicità della fase di indagine ha indotto ad arricchire i contenuti e gli obiettivi originari del lavoro allo scopo di correlare indicatori relazionali e attributivi con indicatori di “performance”, in particolare di efficienza e appropriatezza. Le relazioni sono state rilevate attraverso un questionario sociometrico inserito in uno spazio web accessibile dalla rete ospedaliera e compilato online da parte dei medici. Il questionario è stato organizzato in tre sezioni: la prima per la raccolta di informazioni anagrafiche e dati attributivi dei clinici; la seconda volta a raccogliere i dati relazionali, funzionali e di consulenza, verso le equipe di professionisti (unità operative) e verso i singoli colleghi clinici; la terza sezione è dedicata alla raccolta di informazioni sull’utilizzo delle evidenze scientifiche a supporto della propria pratica clinica (consultazione di riviste, banche dati, rapporti di HTA, etc,) e sulla effettiva possibilità di accesso a tali strumenti. L’azienda ha fornito i dati di struttura e la base dati degli indicatori di attività delle UO arruolate nello studio. La compliance complessiva per i tre dipartimenti è stata pari a circa il 92% (302 rispondenti su un campione di 329 medici.). Non si sono rilevate differenze significative sulla compliance per i tre dipartimenti considerati. L’elaborazione dei dati è stata effettuata mediante specifici software per l’analisi delle reti sociali, UCINET 6 per il calcolo degli indicatori relazionali (centralità, densità, structural holes etc.), e Pajek per l’analisi grafica dei network. L’ultima fase è stata realizzata con l’ausilio del software statistico STATA vers. 10. L’analisi dei risultati è distinta in due 2 fasi principali. In primis è stato descritto il network di relazioni professionali rilevate, sono stai calcolati i relativi indicatori di centralità relazionale e verificato il grado di sovrapposizione tra struttura formale dei dipartimenti in studio con le relazioni informali che si stabiliscono tra di essi nell’ambito clinico. Successivamente è stato analizzato l’impatto che le relazioni esercitano sulla propensione da parte dei singoli medici a utilizzare nuove evidenze scientifiche I primi risultati emersi dallo studio forniscono interessanti evidenze, con particolare riguardo al dato di un discreto grado di “sovrapposizione” tra struttura formale e informale delle unità organizzative in studio e a correlazioni significative tra fattori relazionali e attitudine dei medici verso l’utilizzo dell’approccio EBM. Altre evidenze, in specie la correlazione tra “centralità” degli attori organizzativi e alcuni indicatori di performance /appropriatezza, meritano ulteriori approfondimenti e una definitiva validazione. In conclusione lo studio dimostra che la prospettiva relazionale e la Sna consentono di porre in evidenza caratteristiche dei dipartimenti, dei suoi attori e delle loro reti di reciproche relazioni, in grado di favorire la comprensione di alcune dinamiche ricercate proprio attraverso l’organizzazione dipartimentale e quindi di specifico interesse per il management, i clinici e quanti altri impegnati nella gestione e nello sviluppo di questo modello di organizzazione dell’ospedale.


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OBJECTIVE: The benefit of postoperative radiation for advanced primary parotid carcinoma has been reported previously, whereas studies to evaluate the usefulness of postoperative radiation for T1 and T2 parotid carcinomas have never been performed. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Retrospective analysis on 58 previously untreated patients with T1 and T2 parotid carcinomas. In 34 patients, postoperative radiation was included in the treatment protocol and in 24 patients, no postoperative radiation was applied. RESULTS: A local recurrence was observed in 8 of 24 (33%) patients without and in 1 of 34 (3%) patients with postoperative radiation (P < 0.5). The 5-year actuarial and disease-free survival rate was 83% and 70% for patients without postoperative radiation and 93% and 92% for patients with postoperative radiation. CONCLUSION AND SIGNIFICANCE: Local recurrence was less often observed in patients with postoperative radiation. Nevertheless, prospective randomized studies are needed to confirm the usefulness of postoperative radiation in early carcinomas. EBM rating: B-3b.


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Die Arcam Technologie setzt erstmals weltweit mit der ‚CAD to Metal®’ Methode einen Elektronenstrahl ein. Mit dieser Methode können homogene Stahlkomponenten und Formen in kürzester Zeit aus einem Metallpulver geschmolzen werden. Die in zunehmendem Maße geforderte Herstellung von Prototypen im Zielwerkstoff, wird mit dem EBM Verfahren erstmals für Stahl- und Titanwerkstoffe ermöglicht. Die Arcam-Methode setzt CAD-Datenmodelle direkt in homogene Metallmodelle um. Mit der Einbringung von konturnahen Kühlkanälen ist es nun auch machbar, Werkzeuge in hochlegierten Stählen im Rapid Prototyping Verfahren herzustellen. So erstellte Werkzeuge können die Zykluszeiten im Spritzguss- und Druckgussprozess um 30% verringern. Die Festigkeiten liegen ohne jegliche Nachbehandlung bei ca. 50 Rockwell. Jede beliebige Formgebung ist sofort in Stahl und neuerdings auch in Titan zu erstellen. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist, dass konturnahe Kühlungen in beliebiger Komplexität integriert werden. Die Arcam Technologie stellt die schnellste Produktionsmöglichkeit von Funktionsprototypen dar, welche in Festigkeit und Temperaturstabilität die gleichen Parameter wie herkömmliche gefertigte Bauteile aufweist. Es stehen Werkzeugstahl (DIN 1.2344), legierte Stähle und Titan (Ti6A14V) zur Verfügung. Die EBM Technologie setzt einen Elektronenstrahl zum Aufschmelzen der Metallpulver ein. Stahl wird z.B. mit einer Temperatur von 1700 °C schichtweise aufgetragen. Ein Verschleiß, wie man ihn von Anlagen mit Lasertechnologie kennt, tritt nicht auf. Neuinvestition in Abständen von 3000 – 4000 Betriebsstunden sind bei dieser Technologie für neue Laser nicht notwendig. Die Arcam-Technologie ist in 24 Ländern patentrechtlich geschützt. Arcam ist ein schwedisches Unternehmen, mit Sitz in Mölndal in der Nähe von Göteborg.


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Clinicians believe that psychosocial factors play a causal role in the etiology of many forms of functional dysphonia (FD). But for decades, all attempts to confirm such causation have failed. This paper aims to show the logic of this failure, to discuss the possibilities of employing psychology in therapy nonetheless, and to encourage clinicians to use their psychosocial knowledge and skills. The failure to confirm psychic and social factors as causal in the etiology of FD is basically a consequence of a principal shortcoming of evidence-based medicine (EBM). As the gold standard for validity, reliability, and objectivity in medical research, EBM is based on calculability and hence the processing of quantitative data. But life paths and life situations are best or sometimes only expressible in qualitative, experiential, and idiographic terms. Thus EBM-guided evaluation undervalues most psychosocial studies. This report of an experienced multidisciplinary voice team proposes alternative pathways for integrating psychosocial knowledge into the diagnosis and the treatment of FD. The difference between the fields of activity of psychotherapists and speech-language pathologists is discussed, and the latter group is shown the potential benefits of using more of their psychosocial knowledge and skills.


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The Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp hereby presents the results of two pilot distance learning training programmes, developed under the umbrella of the AFRICA BUILD project (FP7). The two courses focused on evidence-based medicine (EBM): with the aim of enhancing research and education, via novel approaches and to identify research needs emanating from the field. These pilot experiences, which were run both in English-speaking (Ghana), and French-speaking (Mali and Cameroon) partner institutions, produced targeted courses for the strengthening of research methodology and policy. The courses and related study materials are in the public domain and available through the AFRICA BUILD Portal (http://www.africabuild.eu/taxonomy/term/37); the training modules were delivered live via Dudal webcasts. This paper assesses the success and difficulties of transferring EBM skills with these two specific training programmes, offered through three different approaches: fully online facultative courses, fully online tutor supported courses or through a blended approach with both online and face-to-face sessions. Key factors affecting the selection of participants, the accessibility of the courses, how the learning resources are offered, and how interactive online communities are formed, are evaluated and discussed.


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We have previously identified a 94- to 97-kDa oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL)-binding protein in mouse macrophages as macrosialin (MS), a member of the lamp family. Earlier immunostaining studies have shown that MS and its human homolog, CD68, are predominantly intracellular proteins. However, using sensitive techniques such as flow cytometry (FACS) and cell-surface-specific biotinylation, we now show that there is significant surface expression of these proteins. FACS analysis of intact cells using mAb FA/11 showed small but definite surface expression of MS in resident mouse peritoneal macrophages but this was greatly enhanced with thioglycollate elicitation. Biotinylation of intact cells and detergent-solubilized cell preparations followed by immunoprecipitation revealed 10–15% of the total MS content of elicited macrophages on the plasma membrane. Similar results were obtained with untreated RAW 264.7 cells. FACS analysis of intact THP-1 monocytic cells showed minimal surface expression of CD68 on unactivated cells (4% of total cell content). Stimulation with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate increased both surface and total CD68 expression considerably. Furthermore, the specific binding at 4°C and uptake at 37°C of 125I-labeled oxidized LDL by activated THP-1 cells was inhibited by 30–50% by CD68 mAbs KP-1 and EBM-11. Thus, although the surface expression of MS/CD68 at steady-state represents only a small percentage of their total cellular content, these proteins can play a significant role in oxidized LDL uptake by activated macrophages in vitro and could contribute to foam cell formation in atherosclerotic lesions.


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Objectives: To explore whether structuring a literature search request form according to an evidence-based medicine (EBM) anatomy elicits more information, improves precision of search results, and is acceptable to participating librarians.


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Objective: To demonstrate how the core characteristics of both evidence-based medicine (EBM) and evidence-based health care (EBHC) can be adapted to health sciences librarianship.


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Contexte: Les approches de synthèse exploratoire (ou scoping studies) font actuellement l’objet de confusion dans leur appellation, définition et but. Elles continuent aussi de manquer de description méthodologique suffisante ou de détails sur le processus de l’analyse de données. Objectif : Cette synthèse exploratoire fait le point des connaissances sur les approches de synthèse exploratoire utilisées en santé. Plus spécifiquement, ses objectifs sont : 1) d’examiner le volume et l’étendue des synthèses exploratoires ainsi que les domaines d’étude dans lesquels elles ont été conduites; 2) de faire l’inventaire de leurs définitions, buts, forces et faiblesses; et 3) et de faire l’inventaire des approches méthodologiques existantes. Méthodes : Une recherche systématique des synthèses exploratoires a été entreprise jusqu’en avril 2014 dans les bases de données Medline, PubMed, ERIC, PsycINFO, CINAHL, EMBASE, EBM Reviews/Cochrane. Des critères d’inclusion et d’exclusion ont été appliqués afin de ne retenir que des études de langue française et anglaise présentant des définitions, méthodes et écarts de connaissances sur les synthèses exploratoires, ainsi que celles les comparant à d’autres types de revues de littérature. Deux reviseurs ont examiné de façon indépendante les références pertinentes. Une grille d’extraction des données a été conçue afin de recueillir pour chacune des études, les données contextuelles, les étapes méthodologiques ainsi que les définitions, buts et limites des synthèses exploratoires. Les données ont été répertoriées et classées afin de dresser un portrait global des approches de synthèses exploratoires dans un format narratif et tabulaire. Résultats : Sur deux cent cinquante-deux références identifiées, quatre-vingt-douze références pertinentes ont été retenues. Les synthèses exploratoires ont été publiées par 6 pays dans 10 domaines d’études et 73 journaux. Elles ont pour finalité d’être à la fois un support aux connaissances, une aide à la décision et un préalable à une revue systématique de littérature. Cinq auteurs ont été cités en référence et huit autres ont publié sur leur méthodologie. Elles ont 3 étapes importantes de réalisation dont la revue de littérature, la consultation des parties prenantes et la synthèse globale avec ou sans validation des résultats. Les synthèses exploratoires utilisent une méthode systématique, pas toujours exhaustive et sans évaluation formelle des études incluses Des notions claires portant sur leur définition, buts, forces et faiblesses ont été identifiées. Conclusion : Nous suggérons que de nouvelles études soient entreprises afin d’asseoir complètement cette méthode et dégager des lignes directrices pour les chercheurs qui s’y intéresseront.


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Review date: Review period January 1992-December 2001. Final analysis July 2004-January 2005. Background and review context: There has been no rigorous systematic review of the outcomes of early exposure to clinical and community settings in medical education. Objectives of review: (1) Identify published empirical evidence of the effects of early experience in medical education, analyse it, and synthesize conclusions from it. (2) Identify the strengths and limitations of the research effort to date, and identify objectives for future research. Search strategy: Ovid search of. BEI, ERIC, Medline, CIATAHL and EMBASE Additional electronic searches of: Psychinfo, Timelit, EBM reviews, SIGLE, and the Cochrane databases. Hand-searches of: Medical Education, Medical Teacher, Academic Medicine, Teaching and Learning in Medicine, Advances in Health Sciences Education, Journal of Educational Psychology. Criteria: Definitions: Experience: Authentic (real as opposed to simulated) human contact in a social or clinical context that enhances learning of health, illness and/or disease, and the role of the health professional. Early: What would traditionally have been regarded as the preclinical phase, usually the first 2 years. Inclusions: All empirical studies (verifiable, observational data) of early experience in the basic education of health professionals, whatever their design or methodology, including papers not in English. Evidence from other health care professions that could be applied to medicine was included. Exclusions: Not empirical; not early; post-basic; simulated rather than 'authentic' experience. Data collection: Careful validation of selection processes. Coding by two reviewers onto an extensively modified version of the standard BEME coding sheet. Accumulation into an Access database. Secondary coding and synthesis of an interpretation. Headline results: A total of 73 studies met the selection criteria and yielded 277 educational outcomes; 116 of those outcomes (from 38 studies) were rated strong and important enough to include in a narrative synthesis of results; 76% of those outcomes were from descriptive studies and 24% from comparative studies. Early experience motivated and satisfied students of the health professions and helped them acclimatize to clinical environments, develop professionally, interact with patients with more confidence and less stress, develop self-reflection and appraisal skill, and develop a professional identity. It strengthened their learning and made it more real and relevant to clinical practice. It helped students learn about the structure and function of the healthcare system, and about preventive care and the role of health professionals. It supported the learning of both biomedical and behavioural/social sciences and helped students acquire communication and basic clinical skills. There were outcomes for beneficiaries other than students, including teachers, patients, populations, organizations and specialties. Early experience increased recruitment to primary care/rural medical practice, though mainly in US studies which introduced it for that specific purpose as part of a complex intervention. Conclusions: Early experience helps medical students socialize to their chosen profession. It. helps them acquire a range of subject matter and makes their learning more real and relevant. It has potential benefits for other stakeholders, notably teachers and patients. It can influence career choices.


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Contexte: Les approches de synthèse exploratoire (ou scoping studies) font actuellement l’objet de confusion dans leur appellation, définition et but. Elles continuent aussi de manquer de description méthodologique suffisante ou de détails sur le processus de l’analyse de données. Objectif : Cette synthèse exploratoire fait le point des connaissances sur les approches de synthèse exploratoire utilisées en santé. Plus spécifiquement, ses objectifs sont : 1) d’examiner le volume et l’étendue des synthèses exploratoires ainsi que les domaines d’étude dans lesquels elles ont été conduites; 2) de faire l’inventaire de leurs définitions, buts, forces et faiblesses; et 3) et de faire l’inventaire des approches méthodologiques existantes. Méthodes : Une recherche systématique des synthèses exploratoires a été entreprise jusqu’en avril 2014 dans les bases de données Medline, PubMed, ERIC, PsycINFO, CINAHL, EMBASE, EBM Reviews/Cochrane. Des critères d’inclusion et d’exclusion ont été appliqués afin de ne retenir que des études de langue française et anglaise présentant des définitions, méthodes et écarts de connaissances sur les synthèses exploratoires, ainsi que celles les comparant à d’autres types de revues de littérature. Deux reviseurs ont examiné de façon indépendante les références pertinentes. Une grille d’extraction des données a été conçue afin de recueillir pour chacune des études, les données contextuelles, les étapes méthodologiques ainsi que les définitions, buts et limites des synthèses exploratoires. Les données ont été répertoriées et classées afin de dresser un portrait global des approches de synthèses exploratoires dans un format narratif et tabulaire. Résultats : Sur deux cent cinquante-deux références identifiées, quatre-vingt-douze références pertinentes ont été retenues. Les synthèses exploratoires ont été publiées par 6 pays dans 10 domaines d’études et 73 journaux. Elles ont pour finalité d’être à la fois un support aux connaissances, une aide à la décision et un préalable à une revue systématique de littérature. Cinq auteurs ont été cités en référence et huit autres ont publié sur leur méthodologie. Elles ont 3 étapes importantes de réalisation dont la revue de littérature, la consultation des parties prenantes et la synthèse globale avec ou sans validation des résultats. Les synthèses exploratoires utilisent une méthode systématique, pas toujours exhaustive et sans évaluation formelle des études incluses Des notions claires portant sur leur définition, buts, forces et faiblesses ont été identifiées. Conclusion : Nous suggérons que de nouvelles études soient entreprises afin d’asseoir complètement cette méthode et dégager des lignes directrices pour les chercheurs qui s’y intéresseront.