970 resultados para Early Warning and Nowcasting Approaches for Water Quality in Riverine and Coastal Systems


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From 2012-2014 the Queensland Government delivered an extension project to help sugarcane growers adopt best management practices to reduce pollutant loss to the Great Barrier Reef. Coutts J&R were engaged to measure progress towards the project's engagement, capacity gain and practice change targets. The monitoring and evaluation program comprised a database, post-workshop evaluations and grower and advisor surveys. Coutts J&R conducted an independent phone survey with 97 growers, a subset of the 900 growers engaged in extension activities. Of those surveyed 64% stated they had made practice changes. There was higher (74%) adoption by growers engaged in one-on-one extension than those growers only involved in group-based activities (36%). Overall, the project reported 41% (+/-10%, 95% confidence) of growers engaged made a practice change. The structured monitoring and evaluation program, including independent surveys, was essential to quantify practice change and demonstrate the effectiveness of extension in contributing to water quality improvement.


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A post Agnes study emphasizing environmental factors...weekly sampling at eight stations from 28 June to August 30, 1972. Spatial and temporal changes in the distribution of many factors, e.g., salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), seston, particulate carbon and nitrogen, inorganic and organic fractions of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus, and chlorophyll a were studied and compared to earlier extensive records. Patterns shown by the present data were compared especially with a local heavy storm that occurred in the Patuxent drainage basin during July 1963. Some interesting correlations were observed in the data. (PDF has 39 pages.)


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A post-Agnes study that emphasized environmental factors was carried out on the Patuxent River estuary with weekly sampling at eight stations from 28 June t o 30 August 1972. Spatial and temporal changes in the distribution of many factors , e.g., salinity , dissolved oxygen, seston, particulate carbon and nitrogen, inorganic and organic fractions of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus, and chlorophyll a were studied and compared t o extensive earlier records. Patterns shown by the present data were compared especially with a local heavy storm that occurred in the Patuxent drainage basin during July 1969. Estimates were made of the amounts of material contributed via upland drainage. A first approximation indicated that 14.8 x l0 (3) metric tons of seston were contributed t o the head of the estuary between 21 and 24 June. (PDF contains 46 pages)


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Some problems of evaluation of water quality by biological indices which can be applied in the practice of ecological monitoring on water bodies are considered in this report. Taking into account, that ecological monitoring is the most urgent for large lakes, situated in civilised (urbanised) and (or) agrarian landscapes the corresponding problems will be considered mainly in conformity with large deep lakes of temperate latitudes. The aim is a general evaluation of some of the methods from the point of view of their possible application for monitoring on large water bodies.


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Water quality problems are reported to be the factor limiting prawn production in the local prawn farm. This investigation was carried out to monitor water quality and its relationship to physical, chemical and biological conditions in the ponds in order to establish what factors should be monitored in order to predict problems. Pond collapse was found to be associated with high concentrations of ammonium, high pH and blue-green algae dominated phytoplankton populations. There was no easy means of predicting the imminent collapse of ponds as the phenomenon was never associated with the extreme of any of the conditions monitored. Rather it seemed to be related to the stability of the pond's algal population, which was largely unaccounted for. Recommendations toward improving water quality are proposed.


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The water quality in fish cages on Lake Kariba was studied. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to determine whether the water quality parameters differed significantly among the cage-types (cage-type effect). Secchi disc readings ranged from 2 to 4 metres, while temperature ranged from 23 degree C to 29.5 degree C. The observed conductivity was between 98.7 mu S/cm and 102.3 mu S/cm. The pH was between 6.31 and 7.82. Concentrations of dissolved oxygen varied from 1.55 to 6.47 mg/l, while dissolved oxygen saturation ranged from 22.3% to 83.1%. Within the same month, temperature did not differ significantly among cages. Conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen concentration and dissolved oxygen saturation differed significantly among the 3 cage-types. Temperature and pH levels in the cages were close to the optimum levels for the culture of cichlids. Sub-optimal levels of dissolved oxygen occurred occasionally in the octagonal cages.


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Baltimore Harbor is polluted by discharge of sewage and industrial wastes into tributary streams and peripheral waters. The Harbor is used extensively for navigation, industrial water supply, and recreation as well as for waste disposal. The degree of pollution varies from negligible in the principal fairway to severe in the innermost sections. Private industry discharges several hundred tons of acid materials daily and is also the principal source of organic pollution.


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The study was conducted to get an idea about the water quality of the Ashulia beel, and its temporal change over wet and dry seasons due to change of the physicochemical parameters. The water body has become a dumping ground of all kinds of solid, liquid and chemical wastes of bank side population and industries. Encroachment and illegal dredging has become a serious threat for the sound environment of the beel. The water parameters of pH 7.1-7.8 and alkalinity 30-63 mg/l in wet, and pH 7.1-8.4 and alkalinity 90-115 mg/l in dry season, respectively, which were within the standard range of DoE investigation. During wet season, EC 130-310 mg/l, TDS 80-132 mg/l, DO 1.1-2.1 mg/l and BOD -4.4-1.6 mg/l were measured. In dry season, EC 341-442 mg/l, TDS 207-276 mg/l, DO 0.5-2.0 mg/l and BOD 1.0-3.0 mg/l were measured. The comparative analysis showed that most of the water quality parameters of the Ashulia beel were suitable for aquatic organisms including fishes while the DO contents were much lower than the desirable level which may not be suitable for fishes.


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This paper deals with a case study of the restoration of submerged macrophytes for improving water quality in a hypertrophic shallow lake, Lake Donghu of Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Macrophyte restoration experiments were conducted in large-scale enclosures established in three sublakes of different trophic status, and the effectiveness for water quality improvement was tested by using the enclosure experiment in the hypertrophic sublake. Water quality was remarkably improved after the reestablishment of aquatic macrophytes. It is suggested that the submerged vegetation of less polluted sublakes could be capable of recovering spontaneously once the stocking of herbivorous fishes has been ceased, and the K-selected plants such as Potamogeton maackianus should be introduced into these sublakes to enhance the stability of aquatic vegetation. However, it may not be possible and economical to restore the submerged macrophytes in severely polluted basins unless external pollution has been cut off and internal nutrient loadings considerably reduced. In this case, the r-selected submerged plants should be used as the pioneer species for macrophyte recovery. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The safe disposal of liquid wastes associated with oil and gas production in the United States is a major challenge given their large volumes and typically high levels of contaminants. In Pennsylvania, oil and gas wastewater is sometimes treated at brine treatment facilities and discharged to local streams. This study examined the water quality and isotopic compositions of discharged effluents, surface waters, and stream sediments associated with a treatment facility site in western Pennsylvania. The elevated levels of chloride and bromide, combined with the strontium, radium, oxygen, and hydrogen isotopic compositions of the effluents reflect the composition of Marcellus Shale produced waters. The discharge of the effluent from the treatment facility increased downstream concentrations of chloride and bromide above background levels. Barium and radium were substantially (>90%) reduced in the treated effluents compared to concentrations in Marcellus Shale produced waters. Nonetheless, (226)Ra levels in stream sediments (544-8759 Bq/kg) at the point of discharge were ~200 times greater than upstream and background sediments (22-44 Bq/kg) and above radioactive waste disposal threshold regulations, posing potential environmental risks of radium bioaccumulation in localized areas of shale gas wastewater disposal.


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The work presents the results of an extensive survey of tap water quality in Kuala Lumpur.


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Poorly functioning on-site wastewater treatment systems (OSWTS) can be among the many sources of pollution to groundwater and surface water, which are of critical concern owing to potential human and ecological health risks. An investigation into the effects of on-site wastewater treatment systems (OSWTS) on surface water quality has been undertaken at several sites within a catchment in Co. Monaghan. The study sites were located in areas of 'low’ permeability, suggesting that run-off usually dominates over infiltration. Poor treatment performance of OSWTS within the catchment were found to be the result of several factors, including location in areas with unsuitable soil and site characteristics, incorrect installation, poor maintenance and inappropriate operation by the home owner.