994 resultados para Early Jurassic


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Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)±Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) inner platform carbonates in the Western Taurides are composed of metre-scale upward-shallowing cyclic deposits (parasequences) and important karstic surfaces capping some of the cycles. Peritidal cycles (shallow subtidal facies capped by tidal-¯at laminites or fenestrate limestones) are regressive- and transgressive-prone (upward-deepening followed by upward-shallowing facies trends). Subtidal cycles are of two types and indicate incomplete shallowing. Submerged subtidal cycles are composed of deeper subtidal facies overlain by shallow subtidal facies. Exposed subtidal cycles consist of deeper subtidal facies overlain by shallow subtidal facies that are capped by features indicative of prolonged subaerial exposure. Subtidal facies occur characteristically in the Jurassic, while peritidal cycles are typical for the Lower Cretaceous of the region. Within the foraminiferal and dasyclad algal biostratigraphic framework, four karst breccia levels are recognized as the boundaries of major second-order cycles, introduced for the ®rst time in this study. These levels correspond to the Kimmeridgian±Portlandian boundary, mid-Early Valanginian, mid-Early Aptian and mid-Cenomanian and represent important sea level falls which affected the distribution of foraminiferal fauna and dasyclad ¯ora of the Taurus carbonate platform. Within the Kimmeridgian±Cenomanian interval 26 third-order sequences (types 1 and 2) are recognized. These sequences are the records of eustatic sea level ¯uctuations rather than the records of local tectonic events because the boundaries of the sequences representing 1±4 Ma intervals are correlative with global sea level falls. Third-order sequences and metre-scale cyclic deposits are the major units used for long-distance, high-resolution sequence stratigraphic correlation in the Western Taurides. Metre-scale cyclic deposits (parasequences) in the Cretaceous show genetical stacking patterns within third-order sequences and correspond to fourth-order sequences representing 100±200 ka. These cycles are possibly the E2 signal (126 ka) of the orbital eccentricity cycles of the Milankovitch band. The slight deviation of values, calculated for parasequences, from the mean value of eccentricity cycles can be explained by the currently imprecise geochronology established in the Cretaceous and missed sea level oscillations when the platform lay above fluctuating sea level.


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The Ivrea–Verbano Zone (IVZ), northern Italy, exposes an attenuated section through the Permian lower crust that records high-temperature metamorphism under lower crustal conditions and a protracted history of extension and exhumation associated partly with the Jurassic opening of the Alpine Tethys ocean. This study presents SHRIMP U–Pb geochronology of rutile from seven granulite facies metapelites from the base of the IVZ, collected from locations spanning ~35 km along the strike of Paleozoic fabrics. Rutile crystallised during Permian high-temperature metamorphism and anatexis, yet all samples give Jurassic rutile U–Pb ages that record cooling through 650–550 °C. Rutile age distributions are dominated by a peak at ~160 Ma, with a subordinate peak at ~175 Ma. Both ~160 and ~175 Ma age populations show excellent agreement between samples, indicating that the two distinctive cooling stages they record were synchronous on a regional scale. The ~175 Ma population is interpreted to record cooling in the footwall of rift-related faults and shear zones, for which widespread activity in the Lower Jurassic has been documented along the western margin of the Adriatic plate. The ~160 Ma age population postdates the activity of all known rift-related structures within the Adriatic margin, but coincides with extensive gabbroic magmatism and exhumation of sub-continental mantle to the floor of the Alpine Tethys, west of the Ivrea Zone. We propose that this ~160 Ma early post-rift age population records regional cooling following episodic heating of the distal Adriatic margin, likely related to extreme lithospheric thinning and associated advection of the asthenosphere to shallow levels. The partial preservation of the ~175 Ma age cluster suggests that the post-rift (~160 Ma) heating pulse was of short duration. The regional consistency of the data presented here, which is in contrast to many other thermochronometers in the IVZ, demonstrates the value of the rutile U–Pb technique for probing the thermal evolution of high-grade metamorphic terrains. In the IVZ, a significant decoupling between Zr-in-rutile temperatures and U–Pb ages of rutile is observed, with the two systems recording events ~120 Ma apart.


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Bulk sedimentary nitrogen isotope (d15Ntot) data have been generated from Lower Jurassic black, carbon-rich shales in the British Isles and northern Italy deposited during the early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event. A pronounced positive d15Ntot excursion through the exaratum Subzone of the falciferum Zone (defined by characteristic ammonites in the British Isles) broadly correlates with a relative maximum in weight percent total organic carbon and, in some sections, with a negative d13Corg excursion. Upwelling of a deoxygenated water mass that had undergone partial denitrification is the likely explanation for relative enrichment of d15Ntot, and parallels may be drawn with Quaternary sediments of the Arabian Sea, Gulf of California, and northwest Mexican margin. The development of Early Toarcian suboxic water masses and consequent partial denitrification is attributed to increases in organic productivity. Approximately coincident phenomena include the following: a relative climatic optimum, realignment of major oceanic current systems, and a possible release of methane gas hydrates from continental margin sediments early in the history of the oceanic anoxic event.


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The first marine incursion of the incipient North Atlantic Ocean is recorded in the uppermost Triassic to Lower Jurassic sequence of DSDP Site 547 off central Morocco. A lithologic change from continental red beds below to slope breccias and hemipelagic carbonates above indicates that a carbonate ramp was probably established by Sinemurian time along the Moroccan continental margin and that subsidence in the adjacent basin was rapid in the early phases of continental rift. Foraminifers recovered from the Liassic (Sinemurian-Pliensbachian) basinal deposits are diverse and well preserved. The faunas are compositionally similar to contemporaneous neritic assemblages of Europe and the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. The Middle Jurassic in Hole 547B is characterized by regressive deposits that are poor in foraminifers. The major Late Jurassic "Atlantic" transgression is again represented by basinal deposits consisting of limestone breccias and pelagic carbonates. Foraminifers recovered from this interval are transitional between Late Jurassic assemblages reported from deep-sea deposits in the North Atlantic and typical Late Jurassic neritic assemblages of Europe. The Late Jurassic assemblages of Hole 547B are primarily dominated by nodosariids and spirillinids with moderate abundances of simple arenaceous forms. Nonreticulate epistominids occur very rarely in the Upper Jurassic of Hole 547B. It is tentatively suggested that these represent upper bathyal assemblages.


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During ODP Leg 123, abundant and well-preserved Neocomian radiolarians were recovered at Site 765 (Argo Abyssal Plain) and Site 766 (lower Exmouth Plateau). Assemblages are characterized by the numerical dominance of a small number of non-tethyan forms and by the scarcity of tethyan taxa. Remarkable contrasts exist between radiolarian assemblages extracted from claystones of Site 765 and reexamined DSDP Site 261, and faunas recovered from radiolarian sand layers, only found at Site 765. Clay faunas are unusual in their low diversity of apparently ecologically tolerant (or solution resistant?), ubiquist species, whereas sand faunas are dominated by non-tethyan taxa. Comparisons with Sites 766 and 261, as well as sedimentological observations, lead to the conclusion that this faunal contrast resulted from a difference in provenance, rather than from hydraulic sorting or selective dissolution. The ranges of 27 tethyan taxa from Site 765 were compared to the tethyan radiolarian zonation by Jud ( 1992 ) by means of the Unitary Associations Method. This calculation allows to directly date the Site 765 assemblages and to estimate the amount of truncation of ranges for tethyan taxa. Over 70% of the already few tethyan species of Site 765, have truncated ranges during the Valanginian-Hauterivian. Radiolarian assemblages recovered from claystones at Sites 765 and 261 in the Argo Basin apparently reflect restricted oceanic conditions during the latest Jurassic-Barremian. Neither sedimentary facies nor faunal associations bear any resemblance to what we know from typical tethyan sequences. We conclude that the Argo Basin was paleoceanographically separated from the Tethys during the Late Jurassic and part of the Early Cretaceous by its position at higher paleolatitudes and/or by enclosing land masses. Assemblages recovered from radiolarian sand layers are dominated by non-tethyan species that are interpreted as circumantarctic. Their first appearance in the late Berriasian-early Valanginian predates the oceanization of the Indo-Australian breakup (M11, late Valanginian), but coincides with a sharp increase in margin-derived pelagic turbidites. The Indo-Australian rift zone and the adjacent margins must have been submerged deeply enough to allow an intermittent influx of circumantarctic cold water into the Argo Basin, creating increased bottom current activity. Cold-water radiolarians carried into the Argo Basin upwelled along the margin, died, and accumulated in radiolarite layers due to winnowing by bottom currents. High rates of faunal change and the sharp increase of bottom current activity are thought to be synchronous with possible pronounced late Berriasian-early Valanginian lowstands in sea level. Hypothetically, both phenomena might have been caused by a tendency to glaciation on the Antarctic-Australian continent, which was for the first time isolated from the rest of Gondwana by oceanic seaways as a result of Jurassic-Early Cretaceous sea-floor spreading. The absence of most typical tethyan radiolarian species during the Valanginian-Hauterivian is interpreted as reflecting a time of strong influx of circumantarctic cold water following oceanization (M 11) and rapid spreading between Southeast India and West Australia. The reappearance and gradual abundance/diversity increase of tethyan taxa, along with the still dominant circumantarctic species are thought to result from overall more equitable climatic conditions during the Barremian-early Aptian and from the establishment of an oceanic connection with the Tethys Ocean during the early Aptian.


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Sparse terrestrial palynomorphs (spores and pollen) were recovered from glacigene Lower Miocene and Oligocene core samples from the Cape Roberts Project (CRP) drillhole CRP-2/2A, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica. Rarity of palynomorphs probably results from the spares periglacial vegetation in the surrounding landscape at the time of deposition, as well as dilution from rapid sediment accumulation. The Miocene and Late Oligocene vegetation is interpreted as including herb-moss tundra with low-growing woody plants (including Nothofagus and podocarp conifers) in more protected areas, similar to that encountered in the Miocene of CRP-1. Species richness and numbers of specimens increase downhole, a trend that begins very gradually below ~307 mbsf, and increases below ~443 mbsf through the Early Oligocene. These lower assemblages reflect low diversity woody vegetation dominated by several species of Nofhofagus and podocarps, growing in somewhat milder conditions, though still cold temperate to periglacial in the Early Oligocene. The CRP-2/2A core provides new biostratigraphical information, such as the First Appearance Datums (FADS) of Tricolpites sp. a near the Oligocene/Miocene boundary, and Marchantiaceae in the Early/Late Oligocene transition: these are taxa that along with N. lachlaniae, Coptospora spp. and Podocarpidites sp.b characterize assemblages recovered from outcrops of the Pliocene Sirius Group in the Transantarctic Mountains. Some elements of the extremely hardy periglacial tundra vegetation that survived in Antarctica into the Pliocene had their origin in the Oligocene during a time of deteriorating (colder, drier) climatic conditions. The CRP results highlight the long persistence of this tundra vegetation, through approximately 30 million years of dynamically changing climatic conditions. Rare Jurassic and more common Permian-Triassic spores and pollen occur sporadically throughout the core. These are derived from Jurassic Ferrar Group sediments, and from the Permian-Triassic Victoria Group, upper Beacon Supergroup. Higher frequencies of reworked Beacon palynomorphs and coaly organic matter below ~307 mbsf indicate greater erosion of the Beacon Supergroup for this lower part of the core. A color range from black, severely metamorphosed specimens, to light-colored, yellow (indicating low thermal alteration), reworked Permian palynomorphs, indicates local provenance in the dolerite-intruded Beacon strata of the Transantarctic Mountains, as well as areas (now sub-ice) of Beacon strata with little or no associated dolerite well inland (cratonwards) of the present Transantarctic Mountains.


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A summary of calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy performed for Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) to Early Cretaceous (Hauterivian) cores of Site 765 (Cores 123-765C-58R to -55R) and Site 261 (Cores 27-261-33 to -27), Argo Abyssal Plain, off northwestern Australia is presented. Precise age determinations were limited by variable preservation and the exclusion of a number of marker species due to provincialism. However, the presence of species, such as, Stephanolithion bigotii bigotii, Watznaueria manivitae, Tubodiscus verenae, and Cruciellipsis cuvillieri results in a reasonably good degree of biostratigraphic control. Biogeographic interpretation of the nannofossil data suggests that the Argo Basin occupied a position transitional between the Tethyan and Austral nannofloral realms. A cooler water regime is suggested by the absence of thermophyllic Tethyan forms, such as Nannoconus, and the presence of taxa that display bipolar distribution, such as Crucibiscutum salebrosum. Two new species, Zeugrhabdotus cooperi and Cyclagelosphaera argoensis, and one new combination, Haqius ellipticus are described.


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The monogragh contains results of mineralogicai and geochemical studies of Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits from the Pacific Ocean collected during Deep Sea Drilling Project. Special attention is paid on the aspects of geochemical history of post-Jurassic sedimentation in the central part of the Northwest Pacific, detailed characteristics of the main stages of sedimentary evolution are given: Early Cretaceons (protooceanic), Late Cretaceons (transitional) and Cenozoic (oceanic). Results of mineralogical and geochemical studies of hydrothermal deposits from the Galapagos Rift are given as well.


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Results of a preliminary study of Early Cretaceous dinocyst assemblages from Site 765 on the Argo Abyssal Plain, off northwestern Australia, are presented. The palynological sequence is interpreted in terms of Australian zones and is, in descending order, the late Aptian Diconodinium davidii Zone (Cores 123-765C-33R to -39R), the middle to early Aptian Odontochitina operculata Zone (Cores 123-765C-40R to -49R), the Barremian Muderongia australis Zone (Cores 123-765C-50R to -54R), and the Berriasian lower Batioladinium reticulatum Zone (Core 123-765C-59R). The dating of the sequence as late Aptian to Berriasian on the basis of dinocysts is supported, in part, by data concerning associated foraminiferal, radiolarian, and calcareous nannofossil suites.


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A fragment of a maxilla and isolated theropod teeth from the (?) Middle Jurassic Tiourarén Formation are described. The specimens come from Tadibene, in the rural community of Aderbissinat, Thirozerine Department, Agadez Region, Niger. They were identified through direct comparison with teeth previously described in the literature as well as on the basis of discriminant and morphometric analyses. Our results suggest they belong to Ceratosauridae, Megalosauridae, and the oldest representatives of Spinosauridae. The analyzed sample shows some uncommon characters, such as spinosaurid-like ornamentation in megalosaurid-like teeth, or spinosaurid-like teeth with a low number of denticles, which sheds light on tooth morphology and dental evolution in basal tetanurans and early spinosaurids.


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Tese de doutoramento (co-tutela), Geologia (Paleontologia e Estratigrafia), Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2016


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We here describe the rostrum of a pliosaur from the Kimmeridgian of northeastern Mexico. The specimen comes from the Upper Jurassic La Casita Formation (Kimmeridgian - Tithonian) and represents one of the few Plesiosauria in the area. The internal anatomy of the specimen is partly visible through cross-sections, which reveal a hitherto undescribed rostral prolongation of a paired bone of the interorbital area, probably the parietal or frontal beneath the premaxillae. The specimen also provides new information on the morphology and function of the choanae. In light of these morphological data, the new pliosaur shows similarities both with the European Late Jurassic genus Pliosaurus and the Australian Early Cretaceous Kronosaurus.