807 resultados para EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE
Emotional intelligence (EI) represents an attribute of contemporary attractiveness for the scientific psychology community. Of particular interest for the present thesis are the conundrum related to the representation of this construct conceptualized as a trait (i.e., trait EI), which are in turn reflected in the current lack of agreement upon its constituent elements, posing significant challenges to research and clinical progress. Trait EI is defined as an umbrella personality-alike construct reflecting emotion-related dispositions and self-perceptions. The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) was chosen as main measure, given its strong theoretical and psychometrical basis, including superior predictive validity when compared to other trait EI measures. Studies 1 and 2 aimed at validating the Italian 153-items forms of the TEIQue devoted to adolescents and adults. Analyses were done to investigate the structure of the questionnaire, its internal consistencies and gender differences at the facets, factor, and global level of both versions. Despite some low reliabilities, results from Studies 1 and 2 confirm the four-factor structure of the TEIQue. Study 3 investigated the utility of trait EI in a sample of adolescents over internalizing conditions (i.e., symptoms of anxiety and depression) and academic performance (grades at math and Italian language/literacy). Beyond trait EI, concurrent effects of demographic variables, higher order personality dimensions and non-verbal cognitive ability were controlled for. Study 4a and Study 4b addressed analogue research questions, through a meta-analysis and new data in on adults. In the latter case, effects of demographics, emotion regulation strategies, and the Big Five were controlled. Overall, these studies showed the incremental utility of the TEIQue in different domains beyond relevant predictors. Analyses performed at the level of the four-TEIQue factors consistently indicated that its predictive effects were mainly due to the factor Well-Being. Findings are discussed with reference to potential implication for theory and practice.
Aim: To determine the relationship between nurse leader emotional intelligence and registered nurse job satisfaction. ^ Background: Nurse leaders influence the work environments of nurses working at the bedside. Nursing leadership plays an important role in fostering work environments that attract and retain nurses. ^ Methods: A non-experimental, predictive design study conducted in 5 hospitals evaluated relationships between 31 nurse leaders and 799 registered nurses. The nurse leaders were administered the MSCEIT and MBTI. The registered nurses participated in the 2010 NDNQI RN Job Satisfaction Survey. ^ Measurements and Results: The sample population completed two online instruments, the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) and the Myers Brigg Trait Inventory (MBTI). Nurse leader demographic data was collected consisting of age, sex, race, educational level, certification status and years in the profession of nursing. The relationships among characteristics of the nurse leader and staff nurses were examined using regression analysis and stepwise deletion. The results from the MBTI were obtained electronically from CPP. Inc. and the results of MSCEIT were obtained electronically from MHS, Inc. The nurse leader response rate was 46% and the NDNQI RN Job Satisfaction response rate was 62%. The sample of 31 nurse leaders were 65 percent female and 67.7% were White, 12.9% Black, and 19.4% Hispanic. The most prevalent MBTI type was ESTJ (19.35%), followed by ENFJ and ISFJ (9.68% each). The nurse leader sample was primarily extroverts (n=20), sensing (n=18), thinking (n=16) and judging (n=19). The nurse leaders' overall MSCEIT scores ranged from 69 to 111 (implying a range from those who should consider development to competent) with a mean score of 89.84 (consider improvement). The nurse leaders scored highest in the MSCEIT Facilitating subscale with scores ranging from 69 to 121 (consider development to strength) and a mean score of 95.19 (low average score). The overall mean MSCEIT mean scores for the entire sample ranged from 89.90 to 95.19 (consider emotional intelligence improvement to low average score) Overall, staff nurse participants in the NDNQI RN Job Satisfaction Survey were moderately satisfied with the nurse leaders as noted by a mean t score of 55.03 of 60 and this score was consistent with the comparison hospitals that participated in the 2010 NDNQI RN Job Satisfaction Survey (American Nurses Association, 2010). Staff nurses gave nurse leaders a mean score of 4.50 for patient assignments appropriate, and rated a mean score of 4.35 and moderately agreeing to recommend the hospital to a friend. ^ Conclusions: Future research is needed to determine if there is a relationship between nurse leader emotional intelligence ability and registered nurse job satisfaction. Additional research is also needed to determine what to measure in regards to nurse leader emotional intelligence, ability or behavior. Another issue that emerged in the examination of EI is the moderating relationship between the nurse leaders span of control and staff nurse satisfaction on the NDNQI. ^
Although the study of factors affecting career success has shown connections between biographical and other aspects related to ability, knowledge and personality, few studies have examined the relationship be-tween emotional intelligence and professional success at the initial career stage. When these studies were carried out, the results showed significant relationships between the dimensions of emotional intelligence (emotional self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness or social skills) and the level of professional competence. In this paper, we analyze the relationship between perceived emotional intelligence, measured by the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24) questionnaire, general intelligence assessed by the Cattell factor "g" test, scale 3, and extrinsic indicators of career success, in a sample of 130 graduates at the beginning of their careers. Results from hierarchical regression analysis indicate that emotional intelligence makes a specific contribution to the prediction of salary, after controlling the general intelligence effect. The perceived emotional intelligence dimensions of TMMS repair, TMMS attention and sex show a higher correlation and make a greater contribution to professional success than general intelligence. The implications of these results for the development of socio-emotional skills among University graduates are discussed.
In order to determine the contribution of emotional intelligence (EI) to career success, in this study, we analyzed the relationship between trait EI (TEI), general mental ability (GMA), the big five personality traits, and career success indicators, in a sample of 130 graduates who were in the early stages of their careers. Results from hierarchical regression analyses indicated that TEI, and especially its dimension “repair,” has incremental validity in predicting one of the career success indicators (salary) after controlling for GMA and personality. These findings provide support for the use of TEI measures as predictors of career success in the early stage.
In the last few years, one of the lines of research of great interest in the field of emotional intelligence (EI) has been the analysis of the role of emotions in the educational context and, in particular, their influence on learning strategies. The aims of this study are to identify the existence of different EI profiles and to determine possible statistically significant differences in learning strategies between the obtained profiles. The study involved 1253 Chilean school students from 14 to 18 years (M = 15.10, SD = 1.30), who completed the Trait Meta-Mood Scale-24 (TMMS-24) and the Inventory of Learning and Study Strategies—High School version (LASSI-HS). Cluster analysis identified four EI profiles: a group of adolescents with a high EI profile, a group with predominance of low emotional attention and high repair skills, a group with high scores on attention and low scores on clarity and repair, and a final group of adolescents with low EI. Also, students in groups with high overall scores in EI and low attention and high repair emotional obtained higher scores on the different learning strategies; however, the effect size analysis showed that these differences had no empirical relevance.
This presentation outlines the results of an eighteen month study examining the effect of an emotions focused training intervention on the emotional intelligence of employees from a large public sector organisation. Utilising an experimental methodology, 280 staff attended a two-day program focused on training emotional intelligence skills and abilities. These interventions were created around Mayer and Salovey’s four-branch model of emotional intelligence (awareness, understanding, facilitation and management of emotions). The experimental group’s emotional intelligence was tested pre and post training using the Workgroup Emotional Intelligence Profile (WEIP). In addition, a control group from the same organisation also completed the same measure at three points during the same eighteen month period. Analysis of the control and experimental group data were conducted, and whilst no changes were found in the control group, the experimental group’s overall emotional intelligence significantly improved post training. To further strengthen these findings, a measure of effect size using Cohen’s d was also conducted to assess the magnitude of the training intervention’s overall effect. Full results will be presented during the presentation, with feedback on the study and methods utilised encouraged from participants.