1000 resultados para ELECTRON-POSITRON PAIRS


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Diagrammatic many-body theory is used to calculate the scattering phase shifts, normalized annihilation rates Zeff, and annihilation ? spectra for positron collisions with the hydrogenlike ions He+, Li2+, B4+, and F8+. Short-range electron-positron correlations and longer-range positron-ion correlations are accounted for by evaluating nonlocal corrections to the annihilation vertex and the exact positron self-energy. The numerical calculation of the many-body theory diagrams is performed using B-spline basis sets. To elucidate the role of the positron-ion repulsion, the annihilation rate is also estimated analytically in the Coulomb-Born approximation. It is found that the energy dependence and magnitude of Zeff are governed by the Gamow factor that characterizes the suppression of the positron wave function near the ion. For all of the H-like ions, the correlation enhancement of the annihilation rate is found to be predominantly due to corrections to the annihilation vertex, while the corrections to the positron wave function play only a minor role. Results of the calculations for s-, p-, and d-wave incident positrons of energies up to the positronium-formation threshold are presented. Where comparison is possible, our values are in excellent agreement with the results obtained using other, e.g., variational, methods. The annihilation-vertex enhancement factors obtained in the present calculations are found to scale approximately as 1+(1.6+0.46l)/Zi, where Zi is the net charge of the ion and l is the positron orbital angular momentum. Our results for positron annihilation in H-like ions provide insights into the problem of positron annihilation with core electrons in atoms and condensed matter systems, which have similar binding energies.


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Positron scattering and annihilation on noble-gas atoms is studied ab initio using many-body theory methods for positron energies below the positronium formation threshold. We show that in this energy range, the many-body theory yields accurate numerical results and provides a near-complete understanding of the positron–noble-gas atom system. It accounts for positron-atom and electron-positron correlations, including the polarization of the atom by the positron and the nonperturbative effect of virtual positronium formation. These correlations have a large influence on the scattering dynamics and result in a strong enhancement of the annihilation rates compared to the independent-particle mean-field description. Computed elastic scattering cross sections are found to be in good agreement with recent experimental results and Kohn variational and convergent close-coupling calculations. The calculated values of the annihilation rate parameter Zeff (effective number of electrons participating in annihilation) rise steeply along the sequence of noble-gas atoms due to the increasing strength of the correlation effects, and agree well with experimental data.


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Many-body theory is developed to calculate the γ spectra for positron annihilation in noble-gas atoms. Inclusion of electron-positron correlation effects and core annihilation gives spectra in excellent agreement with experiment [K. Iwata et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 39 (1997)]. The calculated correlation enhancement factors γnl for individual electron orbitals nl are found to scale with the ionization energy Inl (in eV), as γnl=1+ √A/Inl+(B/Inl)β, where A≈40  eV, B≈24  eV, and β≈2.3.


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PHENIX has measured the electron-positron pair mass spectrum from 0 to 8 GeV/c(2) in p + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV. The contributions from light meson decays to e(+)e(-) pairs have been determined based on measurements of hadron production cross sections by PHENIX. Within the systematic uncertainty of similar to 20% they account for all e(+)e(-) pairs in the mass region below similar to 1 GeV/c(2). The e(+)e(-) pair yield remaining after subtracting these contributions is dominated by semileptonic decays of charmed hadrons correlated through flavor conservation. Using the spectral shape predicted by PYTHIA, we estimate the charm production cross section to be 544 +/- 39(stat) +/- 142(syst) +/- 200(model) pb. which is consistent with QCD calculations and measurements of single leptons by PHENIX. (C) 2008 Elsevier BV. All rights reserved.


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Electro-optical properties of sol-gel derived 2 mol% antimony or niobium doped tin dioxide films have been measured. The electron density has been calculated considering all the relevant scattering mechanisms and experimental conductivity data measured in the range -197 to 25 degrees C. The results support the hypothesis that both ionised impurity scattering and grain boundary scattering have comparable effects in the resistivity of coatings, for free electron density congruent to 5 x 10(18) cm(-3). We have measured variation of photoconductivity excitation with wavelength using xenon and deuterium lamp as light sources. Results show that the main band in the photoconductivity spectrum is dependent on the spectral light source emission, the excitation peak reaching 5 eV (deuterium lamp). This band is due to the recombination process involving oxygen species and photogenerated electron-hole pairs. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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In dieser Arbeit stelle ich Aspekte zu QCD Berechnungen vor, welche eng verknüpft sind mit der numerischen Auswertung von NLO QCD Amplituden, speziell der entsprechenden Einschleifenbeiträge, und der effizienten Berechnung von damit verbundenen Beschleunigerobservablen. Zwei Themen haben sich in der vorliegenden Arbeit dabei herauskristallisiert, welche den Hauptteil der Arbeit konstituieren. Ein großer Teil konzentriert sich dabei auf das gruppentheoretische Verhalten von Einschleifenamplituden in QCD, um einen Weg zu finden die assoziierten Farbfreiheitsgrade korrekt und effizient zu behandeln. Zu diesem Zweck wird eine neue Herangehensweise eingeführt welche benutzt werden kann, um farbgeordnete Einschleifenpartialamplituden mit mehreren Quark-Antiquark Paaren durch Shufflesummation über zyklisch geordnete primitive Einschleifenamplituden auszudrücken. Ein zweiter großer Teil konzentriert sich auf die lokale Subtraktion von zu Divergenzen führenden Poltermen in primitiven Einschleifenamplituden. Hierbei wurde im Speziellen eine Methode entwickelt, um die primitiven Einchleifenamplituden lokal zu renormieren, welche lokale UV Counterterme und effiziente rekursive Routinen benutzt. Zusammen mit geeigneten lokalen soften und kollinearen Subtraktionstermen wird die Subtraktionsmethode dadurch auf den virtuellen Teil in der Berechnung von NLO Observablen erweitert, was die voll numerische Auswertung der Einschleifenintegrale in den virtuellen Beiträgen der NLO Observablen ermöglicht. Die Methode wurde schließlich erfolgreich auf die Berechnung von NLO Jetraten in Elektron-Positron Annihilation im farbführenden Limes angewandt.


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We present the third-order QCD prediction for the production of top antitop quark pairs in electron-positron collisions close to the threshold in the dominant S-wave state. We observe a significant reduction of the theoretical uncertainty and discuss the sensitivity to the top quark mass and width.


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We demonstrated for the first time by large-scale ab initio calculations that a graphene/titania interface in the ground electronic state forms a charge-transfer complex due to the large difference of work functions between graphene and titania, leading to substantial hole doping in graphene. Interestingly, electrons in the upper valence band can be directly excited from graphene to the conduction band, that is, the 3d orbitals of titania, under visible light irradiation. This should yield well-separated electron−hole pairs, with potentially high photocatalytic or photovoltaic performance in hybrid graphene and titania nanocomposites. Experimental wavelength-dependent photocurrent generation of the graphene/titania photoanode demonstrated noticeable visible light response and evidently verified our ab initio prediction.


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Silicon particle detectors are used in several applications and will clearly require better hardness against particle radiation in the future large scale experiments than can be provided today. To achieve this goal, more irradiation studies with defect generating bombarding particles are needed. Protons can be considered as important bombarding species, although neutrons and electrons are perhaps the most widely used particles in such irradiation studies. Protons provide unique possibilities, as their defect production rates are clearly higher than those of neutrons and electrons, and, their damage creation in silicon is most similar to the that of pions. This thesis explores the development and testing of an irradiation facility that provides the cooling of the detector and on-line electrical characterisation, such as current-voltage (IV) and capacitance-voltage (CV) measurements. This irradiation facility, which employs a 5-MV tandem accelerator, appears to function well, but some disadvantageous limitations are related to MeV-proton irradiation of silicon particle detectors. Typically, detectors are in non-operational mode during irradiation (i.e., without the applied bias voltage). However, in real experiments the detectors are biased; the ionising proton generates electron-hole pairs, and a rise in rate of proton flux may cause the detector to breakdown. This limits the proton flux for the irradiation of biased detectors. In this work, it is shown that, if detectors are irradiated and kept operational, the electric field decreases the introduction rate of negative space-charges and current-related damage. The effects of various particles with different energies are scaled to each others by the non-ionising energy loss (NIEL) hypothesis. The type of defects induced by irradiation depends on the energy used, and this thesis also discusses the minimum proton energy required at which the NIEL-scaling is valid.


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Letter of intent describing SiD (Silicon Detector) for consideration by the International Linear Collider IDAG panel. This detector concept is founded on the use of silicon detectors for vertexing, tracking, and electromagnetic calorimetry. The detector has been cost-optimized as a general-purpose detector for a 500 GeV electron-positron linear collider.


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Letter of intent describing SiD (Silicon Detector) for consideration by the International Linear Collider IDAG panel. This detector concept is founded on the use of silicon detectors for vertexing, tracking, and electromagnetic calorimetry. The detector has been cost-optimized as a general-purpose detector for a 500 GeV electron-positron linear collider.


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A theory of the insulator-metal transition in transition-metal compounds is developed in terms of the collapse of the effective energy gap which is a function of the thermally excited electron-hole pairs. This dependence is shown to arise from the hole-lattice interaction. The reaction of the lattice is found to be equivalent to generating an internal positive pressure (strain). Estimates show that the observed typical behaviour of the conductivity jump and the change of volume at the transition temperature can be explained by the present theory.


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One of the most-studied signals for physics beyond the standard model in the production of gauge bosons in electron-positron collisions is due to the anomalous triple gauge boson couplings in the Z(gamma) final state. In this work, we study the implications of this at the ILC with polarized beams for signals that go beyond traditional anomalous triple neutral gauge boson couplings. Here we report a dimension-8 CP-conserving Z(gamma)Z vertex that has not found mention in the literature. We carry out a systematic study of the anomalous couplings in general terms and arrive at a classification. We then obtain linear-order distributions with and without CP violation. Furthermore, we place the study in the context of general BSM interactions represented by e(+)e(-)Z(gamma) contact interactions. We set up a correspondence between the triple gauge boson couplings and the four-point contact interactions. We also present sensitivities on these anomalous couplings, which will be achievable at the ILC with realistic polarization and luminosity.


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Current organic semiconductors for organic photovoltaics (OPV) have relative dielectric constants (relative permittivities, epsilon(r)) in the range of 2-4. As a consequence, Coulombically bound electron-hole pairs (excitons) are produced upon absorption of light, giving rise to limited power conversion efficiencies. We introduce a strategy to enhance epsilon(r) of well-known donors and acceptors without breaking conjugation, degrading charge carrier mobility or altering the transport gap. The ability of ethylene glycol (EG) repeating units to rapidly reorient their dipoles with the charge redistributions in the environment was proven via density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Fullerene derivatives functionalized with triethylene glycol side chains were studied for the enhancement of epsilon(r) together with poly(p-phenylene vinylene) and diketo-pyrrolopyrrole based polymers functionalized with similar side chains. The polymers showed a doubling of epsilon(r) with respect to their reference polymers in identical backbone. Fullerene derivatives presented enhancements up to 6 compared with phenyl-C-61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) as the reference. Importantly, the applied modifications did not affect the mobility of electrons and holes and provided excellent solubility in common organic solvents.


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In the titled tricyclic orthocarbonate derivative, the three endocyclic C-O bonds are longer than the exo-cyclic C-O bond (similar to 4.40 angstrom vs. similar to 1.37 angstrom). This indicates an anomeric-type interaction between the two electron lone pairs on the exocyclic oxygen atom and the antibonding orbitals of the two antiperiplanar endocyclic C-O bonds. The remaining endocyclic C-O bond - marginally shorter than the other two apparently adds to this effect. Intriguingly, the antibonding orbital of the exocyclic C-O bond extends into the interior of the adamantyl cage, and is stereoelectronically prevented from overlapping with any of the six adjacent lone pairs. The results also seem to indicate a preference for interaction between a single donor oxygen atom and multiple acceptor antibonding orbitals rather than vice versa. The results add insightfully to the substantial body of evidence favouring the antiperiplanar lone pair hypothesis (ALPH). (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.