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Hydrogenated amorphous and nanocrystalline silicon, deposited by catalytic chemical vapour deposition, have been doped during deposition by the addition of diborane and phosphine in the feed gas, with concentrations in the region of 1%. The crystalline fraction, dopant concentration and electrical properties of the films are studied. The nanocrystalline films exhibited a high doping efficiency, both for n and p doping, and electrical characteristics similar to those of plasma-deposited films. The doping efficiency of n-type amorphous silicon is similar to that obtained for plasma-deposited electronic-grade amorphous silicon, whereas p-type layers show a doping efficiency of one order of magnitude lower. A higher deposition temperature of 450°C was required to achieve p-type films with electrical characteristics similar to those of plasma-deposited films.


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Chronic atrial fibrillation affects millions of people worldwide. Its surgical treatment often fails to restore the transport function of the atrium. This study first introduces the concept of an atrial assist device (AAD) to restore the pump function of the atrium. The AAD is developed to be totally implantable in the human body with a transcutaneous energy transfer system to recharge the implanted battery. The ADD consists of a motorless pump based on artificial muscle technology, positioned on the external surface of the atrium to compress it and restore its muscular activity. A bench model reproduces the function of a fibrillating atrium to assess the circulatory support that this pump can provide. Atripump (Nanopowers SA, Switzerland) is a dome-shaped silicone-coated nitinol actuator 5 mm high, sutured on the external surface of the atrium. A pacemaker-like control unit drives the actuator that compresses the atrium, providing the mechanical support to the blood circulation. Electrical characteristics: the system is composed of one actuator that needs a minimal tension of 15 V and has a maximum current of 1.5 A with a 50% duty cycle. The implantable rechargeable battery is made of a cell having the following specifications: nominal tension of a cell: 4.1 V, tension after 90% of discharge: 3.5 V, nominal capacity of a cell: 163 mA h. The bench model consists of an open circuit made of latex bladder 60 mm in diameter filled with water. The bladder is connected to a vertically positioned tube that is filled to different levels, reproducing changes in cardiac preload. The Atripump is placed on the outer surface of the bladder. Pressure, volume and temperature changes were recorded. The contraction rate was 1 Hz with a power supply of 12 V, 400 mA for 200 ms. Preload ranged from 15 to 21 cm H(2)O. Maximal silicone membrane temperature was 55 degrees C and maximal temperature of the liquid environment was 35 degrees C. The pump produced a maximal work of 16 x 10(-3) J. Maximal volume pumped was 492 ml min(-1). This artificial muscle pump is compact, follows the Starling law and reproduces the hemodynamic performances of a normal atrium. It could represent a new tool to restore the atrial kick in persistent atrial fibrillation.


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The hydrogeological properties and responses of a productive aquifer in northeastern Switzerland are investigated. For this purpose, 3D crosshole electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) is used to define the main lithological structures within the aquifer (through static inversion) and to monitor the water infiltration from an adjacent river. During precipitation events and subsequent river flooding, the river water resistivity increases. As a consequence, the electrical characteristics of the infiltrating water can be used as a natural tracer to delineate preferential flow paths and flow velocities. The focus is primarily on the experiment installation, data collection strategy, and the structural characterization of the site and a brief overview of the ERT monitoring results. The monitoring system comprises 18 boreholes each equipped with 10 electrodes straddling the entire thickness of the gravel aquifer. A multi-channel resistivity system programmed to cycle through various four-point electrode configurations of the 180 electrodes in a rolling sequence allows for the measurement of approximately 15,500 apparent resistivity values every 7 h on a continuous basis. The 3D static ERT inversion of data acquired under stable hydrological conditions provides a base model for future time-lapse inversion studies and the means to investigate the resolving capability of our acquisition scheme. In particular, it enables definition of the main lithological structures within the aquifer. The final ERT static model delineates a relatively high-resistivity, low-porosity, intermediate-depth layer throughout the investigated aquifer volume that is consistent with results from well logging and seismic and radar tomography models. The next step will be to define and implement an appropriate time-lapse ERT inversion scheme using the river water as a natural tracer. The main challenge will be to separate the superposed time-varying effects of water table height, temperature, and salinity variations associated with the infiltrating water.


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In this research manufacturability analysis is made for an E-plane waveguide ring resonator. About the electrical characteristics of the waveguide ring resonator is discussed. Possibilities to utilize concurrent engineering method both for designing and making manufacturability analysis for MW- and RF-components are discussed. For helping to establish the necessary guidelines for easy manufacturing and assembly of the waveguide ring resonator a specialised DFM(A)-questionnaire is generated. The questionnaire gives also new information for collaborative designing approach in MW-/RF- engineering. The advantages and disadvantages of the concurrent engineering design method are evaluated in the research.


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Solid-state silicon detectors have replaced conventional ones in almost all recent high-energy physics experiments. Pixel silicon sensors don't have any alternative in the area near the interaction point because of their high resolution and fast operation speed. However, present detectors hardly withstand high radiation doses. Forthcoming upgrade of the LHC in 2014 requires development of a new generation of pixel detectors which will be able to operate under ten times increased luminosity. A planar fabrication technique has some physical limitations; an improvement of the radiation hardness will reduce sensitivity of a detector. In that case a 3D pixel detector seems to be the most promising device which can overcome these difficulties. The objective of this work was to model a structure of the 3D stripixel detector and to simulate electrical characteristics of the device. Silvaco Atlas software has been used for these purposes. The structures of single and double sided dual column detectors with active edges were described using special command language. Simulations of these detectors have shown that electric field inside an active area has more uniform distribution in comparison to the planar structure. A smaller interelectrode space leads to a stronger field and also decreases the collection time. This makes the new type of detectors more radiation resistant. Other discovered advantages are the lower full depletion voltage and increased charge collection efficiency. So the 3D stripixel detectors have demonstrated improved characteristics and will be a suitable replacement for the planar ones.


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This Master’s Thesis is dedicated to the simulation of new p-type pixel strip detector with enhanced multiplication effect. It is done for high-energy physics experiments upgrade such as Super Large Hadron Collider especially for Compact Muon Solenoid particle track silicon detectors. These detectors are used in very harsh radiation environment and should have good radiation hardness. The device engineering technology for developing more radiation hard particle detectors is used for minimizing the radiation degradation. New detector structure with enhanced multiplication effect is proposed in this work. There are studies of electric field and electric charge distribution of conventional and new p-type detector under reverse voltage bias and irradiation. Finally, the dependence of the anode current from the applied cathode reverse voltage bias under irradiation is obtained in this Thesis. For simulation Silvaco Technology Computer Aided Design software was used. Athena was used for creation of doping profiles and device structures and Atlas was used for getting electrical characteristics of the studied devices. The program codes for this software are represented in Appendixes.


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D-luokan vahvistimien etu perinteisiin A- tai AB-luokan vahvistimiin nähden on niitten korkea hyötysuhde ja pieni koko. Lisäksi ne ovat edullisia ja niihin voidaan asentaa pienemmät jäähdytyslevyt kuin perinteisiin vahvistimiin korkean hyötysuhteen ansiosta. Tässä tutkimuksessa asennetaan Peavey Solo –kitaravahvistimen pääteasteena toimivan AB-luokan päätevahvistimen tilalle tehokkaampi ja uudempaa vahvistinluokkaa edustava D-luokan vahvistin. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, miten D-luokan vahvistimella toteutettu kytkentä toimii verrattuna alkuperäiseen kytkentään tutkimalla kitaravahvistimelle tyypillisiä sähköisiä ominaisuuksia. Työ toteutetaan mittauksin. Koska työssä olevissa kytkennöissä on jännitteisiä osia, on siinä perehdyttävä sähköturvallisuuteen. D-luokan vahvistin asettaa tietyt sähkötekniset kestävyysvaatimukset kytkennän teholähteelle ja kaiutinelementille, jolloin työssä paneudutaan myös niiden valintaan. D-luokan vahvistimeen päivitetyn kytkennän tuottamat äänenpainetasot olivat valtaosassa mittauksia suuremmat kuin alkuperäisellä kytkennällä. Äänenpainetasojen mittaustilanteissa myös kuormalle syötetyt tehot olivat suuremmat päivitetyllä kytkennällä verrattuna alkuperäiseen. Suurin päivitetyn kytkennän kuorman teho 72,72 W saavutettiin, kun kaiutinelementin yli oli 24,12 V:n jännitteen tehollisarvo ja kuorman teho oli noin 36 kertaa suurempi kuin alkuperäisellä kytkennällä. D-luokan vahvistimen mitatut harmonisen särön arvot ovat huomattavasti pienempiä kuin alkuperäisellä vahvistimella. Muokkaamattoman vahvistimen mitatusta sähköisestä taajuusvasteeesta nähdään, että alkuperäinen vahvistin korostaa tiettyjä taajuuksia, kun D-luokan vahvistimen taajuusvaste on sen sijaan likimain tasainen. Akustinen taajuusvaste ei ole niin tasainen D-luokan vahvistimeen päivitetyllä kytkennällä kuin alkuperäisellä kytkennällä ja sillä on myös kapeampi taajuusalue. Jos päivitetyn kytkennän sointia haluttaisiin parantaa, pitäisi tutkia lisää akustiseen taajuusvasteeseen vaikuttavia asioita.


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Transparent conducting oxides (TCO’s) have been known and used for technologically important applications for more than 50 years. The oxide materials such as In2O3, SnO2 and impurity doped SnO2: Sb, SnO2: F and In2O3: Sn (indium tin oxide) were primarily used as TCO’s. Indium based oxides had been widely used as TCO’s for the past few decades. But the current increase in the cost of indium and scarcity of this material created the difficulty in obtaining low cost TCO’s. Hence the search for alternative TCO material has been a topic of active research for the last few decades. This resulted in the development of various binary and ternary compounds. But the advantages of using binary oxides are the easiness to control the composition and deposition parameters. ZnO has been identified as the one of the promising candidate for transparent electronic applications owing to its exciting optoelectronic properties. Some optoelectronics applications of ZnO overlap with that of GaN, another wide band gap semiconductor which is widely used for the production of green, blue-violet and white light emitting devices. However ZnO has some advantages over GaN among which are the availability of fairly high quality ZnO bulk single crystals and large excitonic binding energy. ZnO also has much simpler crystal-growth technology, resulting in a potentially lower cost for ZnO based devices. Most of the TCO’s are n-type semiconductors and are utilized as transparent electrodes in variety of commercial applications such as photovoltaics, electrochromic windows, flat panel displays. TCO’s provide a great potential for realizing diverse range of active functions, novel functions can be integrated into the materials according to the requirement. However the application of TCO’s has been restricted to transparent electrodes, ii notwithstanding the fact that TCO’s are n-type semiconductors. The basic reason is the lack of p-type TCO, many of the active functions in semiconductor originate from the nature of pn-junction. In 1997, H. Kawazoe et al reported the CuAlO2 as the first p-type TCO along with the chemical design concept for the exploration of other p-type TCO’s. This has led to the fabrication of all transparent diode and transistors. Fabrication of nanostructures of TCO has been a focus of an ever-increasing number of researchers world wide, mainly due to their unique optical and electronic properties which makes them ideal for a wide spectrum of applications ranging from flexible displays, quantum well lasers to in vivo biological imaging and therapeutic agents. ZnO is a highly multifunctional material system with highly promising application potential for UV light emitting diodes, diode lasers, sensors, etc. ZnO nanocrystals and nanorods doped with transition metal impurities have also attracted great interest, recently, for their spin-electronic applications This thesis summarizes the results on the growth and characterization of ZnO based diodes and nanostructures by pulsed laser ablation. Various ZnO based heterojunction diodes have been fabricated using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and their electrical characteristics were interpreted using existing models. Pulsed laser ablation has been employed to fabricate ZnO quantum dots, ZnO nanorods and ZnMgO/ZnO multiple quantum well structures with the aim of studying the luminescent properties.


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Laser engineering is an area in which developments in the existing design concepts and technology appear at an alarming rate. Now—a-days, emphasis has shifted from innovation to cost reduction and system improvement. To a major extent, these studies are aimed at attaining larger power densities, higher system efficiency and identification of new lasing media and new lasing wavelengths. Todate researchers have put to use all the ditferent Forms of matter as lasing material. Laser action was observed For the first time in a gaseous system - the He-Ne system. This was Followed by a variety of solidstate and gas laser systems. Uarious organic dyes dissolved in suitable solvents were found to lase when pumped optically. Broad band emission characteristics of these dye molecules made wavelength tuning possible using optical devices. Laser action was also observed in certain p-n junctions of semiconductor materials and some of these systems are also tunable. The recent addition to this list was the observation of laser action from certain laser produced plasmas. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the design and Fabrication techniques of pulsed Nitrogen lasers and high power Nd: Glass laserso Attempt was also made to put the systems developed into certain related experiments


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Recent rapid developments in biological analysis, medical diagnosis, pharmaceutical industry, and environmental control fuel the urgent need for recognition of particular DNA sequences from samples. Currently, DNA detection techniques use radiochemical, enzymatic, fluorescent, or electrochemiluminescent methods; however, these techniques require costly labeled DNA and highly skilled and cumbersome procedure, which prohibit any in-situ monitoring. Here, we report that hybridization of surface-immobilized single-stranded oligonucleotide on praseodymium oxide (evaluated as a biosensor surface for the first time) with complimentary strands in solution provokes a significant shift of electrical impedance curve. This shift is attributed to a change in electrical characteristics through modification of surface charge of the underlying modified praseodymium oxide upon hybridization with the complementary oligonucelotide strand. On the other hand, using a noncomplementary single strand in solution does not create an equivalent change in the impedance value. This result clearly suggests that a new and simple electrochemical technique based on the change in electrical properties of the modified praseodymium oxide semiconductor surface upon recognition and transduction of a biological event without using labeled species is revealed.


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The simulation and development work that has been undertaken to produce a signal equaliser used to improve the data rates from oil well logging instruments is presented. The instruments are lowered into the drill bore hole suspended by a cable which has poor electrical characteristics. The equaliser described in the paper corrects for the distortions that occur from the cable (dispersion and attenuation) with the result that the instrument can send data at 100 K.bits/second down its own suspension cable of 12 Km in length. The use of simulation techniques and tools were invaluable in generating a model for the distortions and proved to be a useful tool when site testing was not available.


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Measurements of the electrical characteristics of the atmosphere above the surface have been made for over 200 years, from a variety of different platforms, including kites, balloons, rockets and aircraft. From these measurements, a great deal of information about the electrical characteristics of the atmosphere has been gained, assisting our understanding of the global atmospheric electric circuit, thunderstorm electrification and lightning generation mechanisms, discovery of transient luminous events above thunderstorms, and many other electrical phenomena. This paper surveys the history of atmospheric electrical measurements aloft, from the earliest manned balloon ascents to current day observations with free balloons and aircraft. Measurements of atmospheric electrical parameters in a range of meteorological conditions are described, including clear air conditions, polluted conditions, non-thunderstorm clouds, and thunderstorm clouds, spanning a range of atmospheric conditions, from fair weather, to the most electrically active.


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The use of flexible materials for the development of planar circuits is one of the most desired and studied characteristics, lately, by researchers. This happens because the flexibility of the substrate can provide previously impracticable applications, due to the rigidity of the substrates normally used that makes it difficult to fit into the circuits in irregular surfaces. The constant interest in recent years for more lighter devices, increasingly more compacts, flexible and with low cost, led to a new line of research of great interest from both academic and technological views, that is the study and development of textile substrates that can be applied in the development of planar circuits, for applications in the areas of security, biomedical and telecommunications. This paper proposes the development of planar circuits, such as antennas , frequency selective surfaces (FSS) and planar filters, using textile (cotton ticking, jeans and brim santista) as the dielectric substrate and the Pure Copper Polyester Taffeta Fabric, a textile of pure copper, highly conductive, lightweight and flexible, commercially sold as a conductive material. The electrical characteristics of textiles (electric permittivity and loss tangent) were characterized using the transmission line method (rectangular waveguide) and compared with those found in the literature. The structures were analyzed using commercial software Ansoft Designer and Ansoft HFSS, both from the company Ansys and for comparison we used the Iterative Method of Waves (WCIP). For the purpose of validation were built and measured several prototypes of antennas, planar filters and FSS, being possible to confirm an excellent agreement between simulated and measured results


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)