95 resultados para ELASTIN


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Absence of enteric neurons is associated with thickening of the intestinal muscularis externa in Chagas' disease. The thickening is due to hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the smooth muscle cells and increased extracellular matrix components. The influence of the nervous system on the structure of the smooth muscle cells and its associated matrix has been poorly investigated. An experimental model of denervation of the ileum in rats was performed by application of the surfactant agent benzalkonium chloride that selectively destroys the myenteric plexus. Three months later, ileal tissue samples were obtained and studied by histochemistry and transmission electron microsocopy. Sham operated rats were used as controls. The diameter of collagen fibrils was evaluated in electron micrographs. The histopathological analysis showed thickening of the muscular layer. The thin and weakly arranged collagen and reticulin fibers surrounding the smooth muscle cells, observed in control cases by Picrosirius polarization (PSP) stain method, corresponded to a population of loosely packed thin collagen fibrils of uniform diameters (mean = 29.16 nm) at the ultrastructural level. In contrast, the thick and strongly birefringent fibers around the muscle cells, observed in the treated group, stained by PSP, corresponded to densely packed thicker fibrils with large variation in diameter (mean = 39.41 nm). Comparison of the data demonstrated statistically significant difference between the groups suggesting that the replacement of loosely arranged reticulin fibers by fibrous tissue (with typical collagen fiber), may alter the biomechanical function resulting in impairment of muscular contraction. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with commercial probes covering the elastin gene (ELN) was used to determine the frequency of the 7q11.23 deletion in 18 children clinically diagnosed with Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS). A de novo deletion was detected in 15 of the children (83%). Diagnostic investigation for WBS started late in childhood (median = 5.8 years). All the children showed facial features typical of the syndrome, mental retardation and developmental delay. Over-friendliness was observed in the majority of cases. Clinodactyly of the 5th finger (n = 13), cardiovascular disease (n = 9), loquacity (n = 9), low birthweight (n = 8), and failure to thrive (n = 9) were observed only in those children with the deletion. Respiratory problems (n = 9), though not previously reported in the literature, was a common finding in the group studied. Our results confirmed that FISH is useful in identifying 7q11.23 deletions in cases of WBS. Clinical manifestations were more evident in the deletion-positive children.


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This study focuses on the use of hemotoxylin-eosin staining plus fluorescence microscopy for the investigation of elastic fibers in some elastic cartilages. We have observed that elastic fibers are consistently imaged by the proposed procedure and the resolution attained is similar to that obtained with the classical Weigert's fuchsin-resorcin. The results also demonstrate that elastin autofluorescence gives little or no contribution to the final fluorescence and that the use of the confocal laser scanning microscope adds to the resolution, permits the use of thicker sections and reveals of minute structural features. We conclude that this is a relevant tool in elastin research.


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BACKGROUND. The extracellular matrix (ECM) has important roles in prostatic development, and marked stromal changes take place in the rat ventral prostate (VP) after androgen deprivation. However, little knowledge exists about individual ECM components.METHODS. The distribution of elastic fibers (EF) and elastic-related fibers (ERF) in the VP of castrated and control rats was investigated, using histochemistry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).RESULTS. EF are barely detected in the prostatic stroma, but ERF are relatively abundant. Castration results in a relative increase in the number and thickness of ERF. TEM showed an open network of ECM microfibrils throughout the stroma and thin and short EF, which increase in number and thickness after orchiectomy.CONCLUSIONS. The presence of elastic system components in the rat VP warrants the deformability required for the secretion exclusion under the action of smooth muscle cells, and the castration-induced modification may be related to the contraction of the tissue and maintenance of peculiar arrangements of other ECM components. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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We have studied the possibility of associating fluorescence microscopy and hematoxylin-eosin staining for the identification of elastic fibers in elastin-rich tissues. Elastic fibers and elastic laminae were consistently identified by the proposed procedure, which revealed itself to be easy and useful for the determination of such structures and their distribution. The fluorescence properties of stained elastic fibers are due to eosin staining as revealed by fluorescence analysis of the dye in solution, with no or only minor contribution by the elastin autofluorescence. The main advantage of this technique resides in the possibility of studying the distribution of elastic fibers in file material without further sectioning and staining. The use of the confocal laser scanning microscope greatly improved the resolution and selectivity of imaging elastic fibers in different tissues. The determination of the three-dimensional distribution and structure of elastic fiber and laminae using the confocal laser scanning microscope was evaluated and also produced excellent results.


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Stroma-epithelium relationships are of great relevance in prostatic morphogenesis and physiology, However, little knowledge exists about either stromal cells or extracellular matrix composition and arrangement in this system, Ultrastructural analysis revealed the existence of a microfibrillar system which occupies large areas of the rat prostatic stroma, In this work, we have applied immunocytochemistry and an ATP treatment for the ultrastructural identification of collagen type VI microfibrils, aiming at examining its participation in the prostatic microfibrillar network. Immunocytochemistry was also extended to a human case of prostatic nodular hyperplasia, Both methods succeeded in identifying collagen type VI in the rat ventral prostate, Collagen type VI is evenly distributed throughout the stroma but mainly associated with the basal lamina, collagen fibrils, and around the stromal cells, the use of ATP treatment allowed for the discrimination between collagen type VI and elastin-associated microfibrils, and demonstrated that these two classes of microfibrils establish an extended, mixed, and open network. The same aspects of association with the basal lamina, with stromal cells (particularly with smooth muscle cells), and with fibrillar components of the stroma were observed in the human tissue, We suggest that the collagen type VI and elastin-associated microfibril system may be involved in the control of some aspects of cellular behavior and may also play a structural role, maintaining the organ integrity after the deformations occurring under smooth muscle contraction.


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We reexamined the morphological and functional properties of the hyoid, the tongue pad, and hyolingual musculature in chameleons. Dissections and histological sections indicated the presence of five distinctly individualized pairs of intrinsic tongue muscles. An analysis of the histochemical properties of the system revealed only two fiber types in the hyolingual muscles: fast glycolytic and fast oxidative glycolytic fibers. In accordance with this observation, motor-endplate staining showed that all endplates are of the en-plaque type. All muscles show relatively short fibers and large numbers of motor endplates, indicating a large potential for fine muscular control. The connective tissue sheet surrounding the entoglossal process contains elastin fibers at its periphery, allowing for elastic recoil of the hyolingual system after prey capture. The connective tissue sheets surrounding the m. accelerator and m. hyoglossus were examined under polarized light. The collagen fibers in the accelerator epimysium are configured in a crossed helical array that will facilitate limited muscle elongation. The microstructure of the tongue pad as revealed by SEM showed decreased adhesive properties, indicating a change in the prey prehension mechanics in chameleons compared to agamid or iguanid lizards. These findings provide the basis for further experimental analysis of the hyolingual system. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Plesiomonas shigelloides is a Gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium, of the family Enterobacteriaceae, which has been isolated from freshwater and salt water, freshwater fish, shellfish and many species of animals. Most human P. shigelloides infections are suspected to be waterborne. The organism can be found in untreated water used as drinking water, in recreational water, or in water used to rinse food that is consumed without cooking or heating. The ingestion of P. shigelloides does not always cause illness in the host animal, and the organism may be present temporarily as a transient, noninfectious member of the intestinal flora. It has been isolated from the stools of patients with diarrhea,but it is also sometimes isolated from healthy individuals. P. shigelloides has been implicated in gastroenteritis, usually a self-limiting disease characterized by fever, chills, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting; in severe cases the diarrhea may be yellowish-green, foamy and tinged with blood. The bacteria may also cause extra-intestinal infection. Furthermore, it can produce toxins and may be invasive. The evidence in favor of considering P. shigelloides as an enteropathogen is not totally convincing. Although it has been isolated from patients with diarrhea and incriminated in some outbreaks involving contaminated water and food, it was not possible, in many P. shigelloides samples associated with gastrointestinal infections, to identify a definite mechanism of virulence.


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P. brasiliensis parasitizes various human tissues and proteinases exported by this fungus may allow it to metabolize and invade host tissues. The influence of the culture medium on the production of proteinases by P. brasiliensis isolates was studied and the export of these enzymes was followed as a function of culture time. The fungus was grown in neopeptone, BSA, elastin or collagen medium. The culture medium was assayed for azocollytic, elastinolytic and caseinolytic activity. Proteolytic activity was also analysed by electrophoresis of the culture medium on gelatin and casein substrate gels. P. brasiliensis expressed relatively high levels of azocoll, elastin and casein degrading activity in all types of medium, except in neopeptone medium. Generally, expression of azocollytic activity peaked during the third week of culture and caseinolytic activity during the fourth week of culture. Azocollytic activity was highest at pH 4.0 and caseinolytic activity at pH 8.0. Elastinolytic activity was also highest at pH 8.0. This activity, as well as the others, may provide the fungus with a source of carbon and nitrogen and may also be responsible for the invasion of host tissues, such as pulmonary elastic fiber, by P. brasiliensis.


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Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) is a genetic disorder characterized by physical and intellectual developmental delay, associated with congenital heart disease and facial dysmorphism. WBS is caused by a microdeletion on chromosome 7 (7q11.23), which encompasses the elastin (ELN) gene and about 27 other genes. The gold standard for WBS laboratory diagnosis is FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization), which is very costly. As a possible alternative, we investigated the accuracy of three clinical diagnostic scoring systems in 250 patients with WBS diagnosed by FISH. We concluded that all three systems could be used for the clinical diagnosis of WBS, but they all gave a low percentage of false-positive (6.0-9.2%) and false-negative (0.8-4.0%) results. Therefore, their use should be associated with FISH testing. © FUNPEC-RP.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)