899 resultados para ELASTIC FIBERS


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Background The clinical efficacy of intense pulsed light (IPL) in the treatment of poikiloderma of Civatte (PC) is well documented, but little is known about microscopic changes. Objective To analyze histopathologic findings on the necks of individuals with PC after IPL therapy. Materials and Methods Fourteen patients with PC on the neck underwent three monthly sessions of IPL. Biopsies and clinical photographs were taken before and 60 similar to days after treatment. A dermatopathologist analyzed histopathologic slides stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Masson's trichrome, Verhoeff-van Gieson and Fontana-Masson or processed for CD-34 immunohistochemistry. The slides also underwent digital image analysis. Clinical results were based on the analysis of the pictures by three dermatologists and on patient satisfaction. Results Intense pulsed light treatment resulted in more-homogeneous melanin distribution; a greater number of fibroblasts and nonfragmented elastic fibers; and greater density (p similar to=similar to.01), color intensity (p similar to=similar to.02), number and thickness of the collagen bundles. No significant changes in vessels number or diameters were observed. Clinical results were positive in 92.9% of the cases. Conclusion IPL treatment of PC induced a more-homogeneous distribution of melanin and increased nonfragmented elastic fibers, collagen density, and intensity. These changes were related to clinical improvement.


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A matriz extracelular (MEC) desempenha um papel importante em lesões hepáticas crônicas e tem sido estudada em modelos de intoxicação experimental. em bovinos, no entanto, não há estudos específicos sobre a MEC hepática normal ou com lesões crônicas. Por isso, foi desenvolvido um modelo de intoxicação experimental hepático usando Senecio brasilliensis, uma planta que contém alcalóides pirrolizidínicos e causa lesão hepática dependente da dose. Cinco bezerros receberam por via oral, 0.38g/kg de folhas secas por 24 dias. Biópsias hepáticas foram obtidas a cada 15 dias durante 60 dias. Sinais clínicos de complicações digestivas surgiram da terceira semana do experimento. Um bezerro morreu aos 45 dias e os outros quatro foram avaliados até os 60 dias. As biópsias hepáticas foram processadas para microscopia óptica, imuno-histoquímica e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. No trigésimo dia, as lesões hepáticas eram progessivas caracterizadas por vacuolização hepatocelular, necrose, apoptose, megalocitose, e fibrose centrolobular, pericelular e portal. Foram realizadas avaliações quantitativas e semi-quantitativas de componentes da MEC hepática antes e após o aparecimento das lesões. Foi realizada morfometria do colágeno total e do sistema de fibras elásticas. Colágeno total e colágenos tipos I e III aumentaram progressivamente em todos os locais do fígado. Mudanças na localização, quantidade e disposição do sistema de fibras elásticas foram também observadas. Houve um aumento significativo de células de Kupffer aos 30 dias e de células sinusoidais totais aos 45 e 60 dias. As lesões hepáticas neste experimento foram progressivas mesmo após a remoção da planta. Lesões de fibrose severa foram localizadas principalmente nos espaços porta, seguido por fibrose veno-oclusiva e pericelular. Os colágenos tipo I e tipo III foram observados no fígado normal e no fígado dos bezerros afetados, com predomínio do tipo I. Nos bezerros afetados o aumento do colágeno total e do sistema de fibras elásticas foi paralelo ao aumento no número das células sinusoidais.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Opossum is considered one of the most primitive mammals, with transition evolutive characteristics. In mammals, the aorta artery is referred as the main body blood vessel. The arteries wall structural organization follows a basic pattern, being contituted of three tunics: Intima, Median and Adventicial. After euthanasia, three samples of opossum had segments from the aorta artery ascendent, thoracic descending and abdominal descending portions removed, fixed in phormalin at 10% for 48 hours. Then, the material was washed in alcohol 70% several times, dehydrated in alcohois of growing concentrations, diafanized in xylol and included in "paraplast". Cuts with 5 to 7 mu m of thickness were placed in histological laminae and submitted to color methods of Hematoxilin-Eosin, Masson, Mallory and Calleja Tricromics. It was observed that in the different portions ascendent, thoracic and abdominal descending of aorta, the intima tunic presents much thick, made up of a layer of smooth muscular cells and elastic fibers, forming a limiting internal elastic membrane. In the three portions studied, the median tunic was the most evident layer, constituted of colagen fibers, smooth muscular cells arranged in a circular manner and elastic fibers, showing a variation in the mural elements proportion. It was evidenced the presence of a external elastic lamina, marking the transition between the median and adventicial tunic, formed by elastic fibers condensation. The aortic adventicial tunic showed to be little organized, having in its structure predominantely colagen fibers beans with some isolated smooth muscular fibers or in small fascicules among a few elastic fibers.


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A space between neoplastic acini and prostatic stroma is not rare and studies have interpreted this as an artifact, considering the absence of endothelial cells indicating vascular invasion. Thus, the aims of this work were to characterize and correlate the occurrence and extent of retraction clefting with the reactivities of alpha and beta dystroglycan (alpha DG, beta DG), laminin, matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2), p63, insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF-1), vimentin, and fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2). The study was based on nonneoplastic and neoplastic prostatic tissues obtained from necropsies and retropubic radical prostatectomies. The results showed that periacinar retraction clefting was significantly more frequent in prostatic carcinoma samples than in normal prostatic acini. Most of the neoplastic acini (72.0%) showed retraction clefting of more than 50% of circumference, which were significantly more frequent in Gleason score 7 and 6. Decreased collagen and reticular and elastic fibers were verified in the stroma around neoplastic acini. Weak and discontinuous alpha DG, beta DG, and laminin immunoreactivities and intensified MMP-2, vimentin, IGF-1 and FGF-2 immunoreactivities were verified in the neoplastic acini; p63 immunoreactivity was negative in all carcinomas. Thus, these findings showed that the lack of epithelial basal cells, DGs, and laminin and increased MMP-2, IGF-1, and FGF-7 could be considered important pathways in periacinar retraction occurrence. This study demonstrated the origin of and the biological mechanisms responsible for periacinar retraction clefting in prostatic carcinoma.


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In this study, we characterized the gerbil's ventral prostate histology ultrastructurally and quantitatively throughout three phases of postnatal development (young, adult, and old) in order to comprehend its biological behavior and propensity to developing spontaneous lesions with aging. The gerbil prostate is composed of alveoli and ducts immersed in a stroma composed of smooth muscle, fibroblasts, collagen and elastic fibers and vessels. The prostate tissue components present morphological and quantitative aspects that vary according to age. Young animals have an immature gland with modest secretory activity. Synthetic activity remained stable in adult and old gerbil. However, prostatic morphology was altered in the aging, showing an increased epithelium and stromal fibrosis. The nuclei of the secretory cells increased with aging, whereas nucleoli presented few alterations during postnatal development. The epithelial proliferation and stromal remodeling noted in this study indicate that the gerbil prostate may respond to the androgen declines typical of senescence through epithelial proliferation and stromal remodeling.


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Estudamos em 40 ovinos adultos da raça Corriedale os aspectos histológicos do funículo espermático. Observamos que este se acha envolvido por uma cápsula de tecido conjuntivo fibroelástico denso, de espessura variável, pregueada em alguns pontos, e revestida por mesotélio que circunda todo o conjunto vásculo-nervoso, e projeta-se para formar o mesoducto deferente. em posição subcapsular, verifica-se uma camada de tecido conjuntivo fibroelástico frouxo, de espessura variável, que circunda parcialmente o funículo espermático, isolando nas regiões deferencial e abdeferencial conjuntos vásculo-nervosos, responsáveis pela nutrição do epidídimo. Na região do mesoducto deferente, o tecido subcapsular acompanhado de tecido adiposo constitui a camada interna deste meso, formando a sua adventícia e abrigando vasos e nervos deferenciais. Na região abdeferencial, pequenos acúmulos de tecido adiposo são vistos de permeio aos vasos e nervos desta região. Entre as artérias, veias e nervos testiculares, bem como entre os vasos das regiões deferencial e abdeferencial, observa-se o tecido conjuntivo denso, intervascular, rico em fibras elásticas, que constitui as adventícias contínuas destes vasos. O arranjo vascular mostra que o segmento da artéria testicular, contido no funículo espermático, apresenta trajeto sinuoso. Estando envolvido pelo plexo venoso pampiniforme, formado por veias testiculares desprovidas de válvulas de calibres variados, apresentando amplas comunicações entre si. As veias responsáveis pela drenagem do epidídimo e ducto deferente estão localizadas em posição subcapsular deferencial e abdeferencial e mostram-se providas de válvulas. O trato das artérias testiculares no funículo espermático apresenta como comprimento médio, máximo e mínimo, respectivamente, 150,4 cm, 198,0 cm e 73,3 cm, à direita, e 149,6 cm, 189,2 cm e 90,0 cm, à esquerda, não existindo diferenças estatisticamente significantes ao nível de 5%, quando comparamos a média do segmento da artéria testicular contida no funículo espermático direito em relação ao esquerdo.


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Vinte fetos fêmeas em diferentes fases de gestação da raça Nelore foram coletados para a realização desta pesquisa. Os ovários direitos e esquerdos foram dissecados e mensurados para verificação de seus comprimentos e larguras e em seguida, foram fixados inteiros em paraformaldeído tamponado a 4,00%, processados e incluídos em paraplástico. Os cortes com 5 mm foram submetidos à coloração com hematoxilina, tricrômio de Masson (para fibras colágenas), Verhoeff (para fibras elásticas) e com reticulina (para fibras reticulares). Os resultados mostraram que não há diferença significativa das mensurações entre os lados direito e esquerdo para os ovários dos fetos bovinos em diferentes fases de gestação, mas há correlação entre os valores obtidos das mensurações dos ovários em função da idade dos fetos, ou seja, o crescimento dos ovários acompanha o crescimento fetal. Os fetos em diferentes fases de gestação, apresentam epitélio germinativo, túnica albugínea e tecido conjuntivo no córtex e medula característicos da morfologia ovariana. Nos ovários de fetos com até 19 semanas de idade gestacional, é evidente a presença em grande quantidade de folículos primordiais e primários. A partir de 22 semanas de gestação, é evidente a presença em grande número, de folículos ovarianos em diferentes estágios de crescimento. A partir de 17 semanas de gestação, observa-se na medula, cordões com luz irregular revestidos por células cúbicas. As variações mais marcantes ocorreram a partir de 22 semanas de gestação.


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Para a realização desta pesquisa, foram coletados vinte fetos fêmeas em diferentes fases de gestação da raça Nelore. Os cornos uterinos e as tubas uterinas foram dissecados, mensurados e os fragmentos fixados em paraformaldeído tamponado a 4,00%, processados e incluídos em paraplástico. Os cortes com 5 mm foram corados com hematoxilina e eosina, tricrômio de Masson (para fibras colágenas), Verhoeff (para fibras elásticas) e com reticulina (para fibras reticulares). Os resultados mostraram que não há diferença significativa das mensurações entre os lados direito e esquerdo para os cornos uterinos e tubas uterinas, porém há correlação entre os valores obtidos das mensurações dos órgãos em função da idade dos fetos, ou seja, o crescimento dos órgãos acompanha o crescimento fetal. O epitélio de revestimento do útero não apresenta variações morfológicas evidentes no período analisado. A partir de 23 semanas de gestação, a mucosa uterina apresenta evolução marcante no desenvolvimento das projeções e não há aparecimento de glândulas endometriais na parede uterina no período analisado. A camada muscular apresenta a subcamada circular interna desenvolvida até 23 semanas de gestação e a partir de 24 semanas há presença das duas subcamadas. A camada serosa é típica e não mostra variabilidade no decorrer da gestação. As tubas uterinas apresentam diferenças de crescimento, principalmente dos pregueamentos que a partir de 23 semanas de gestação tornaram-se mais altos e ramificados, porém sem aparecimento de pregas terciárias. Com o desenvolvimento fetal, os cílios epiteliais do pregueamento tubárico são maiores em tamanho e em número. Até 32 semanas de gestação, a camada muscular das tubas uterinas apresenta apenas a subcamada circular interna. A camada serosa e o mesosalpinge são típicos e não apresentam variações importantes. As variações mais marcantes para os órgãos estudados ocorreram a partir de 23 semanas de gestação.


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In order to observe collagen and elastic fibers simultaneously, sections of human aorta, skin, lung, liver, and bladder were stained by Sirius red and analyzed by fluorescence microscopy. In all cases, the fibers of collagen presented the characteristic fluorescent red-orange color that results from the interaction of this extracellular protein with the dye, whereas elastic fibers showed strong green fluorescence (intrinsic fluorescence). This method efficiently detects collagen and elastic fibers when these two structures are present and could have valuable applications in processes that involves both fibers.


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Estrogen seems to have an essential role in the fibromuscular growth characteristic of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This paper describes the effects of chronic estradiol treatment on Guinea pig prostatic stroma at different ages. Tissues from experimental animals were studied by histological and histochemical procedures, morphometric-stereological analysis and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Marked fibromuscular hypertrophy was observed after estradiol treatment in animals of pre-pubertal and adult ages. Increases in the density and thickness of the collagen and elastic fibers were observed by histochemistry. TEM revealed wide distributions of collagen fibrils and large elastic fibers adjacent to the epithelial basal lamina and between the stromal cells, establishing contacts between them. These results indicate that the Guinea pig prostate simulates the stromal modifications observed in BPH in some aged animals after estrogen treatment at different ages, making it a good model for this disease. (c) 2005 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Some tendons wrap around joints and receive compressive forces besides transferring the tension forces from muscle to bone. These tendons develop a fibrocartilaginous structure which enables them to withstand pressure. This article describes the existence and distribution of microfibrils (or preelastic fibers) in the pressure-bearing tendons of rabbits and dogs by the application of histochemical assays and transmission electron microscopy. Rabbit and dog tendons possess no mature elastic fibers. The rabbit tendon exhibits some response to Weigert's method prior to oxidation which indicates the existence of the so-called elaunin fibers, especially in the pressure zone. Oxidation with peracetic acid or oxone discloses intricate aspects of the oxytalan fiber distribution in both tension and pressure zones of the dog and rabbit tendons. Bundles of 12 nm microfibrils were demonstrated in the rabbit tendon by electron microscopy after fixation in the presence of tannic acid. The existence of preelastic fibers in the pressure-bearing tendons has been neglected and they are assumed to have importance in the microarchitecture of the tissue and in the ability of the tendon to support tension and compression forces.


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The author studied the structure of the tissue components of the tunicae of the terminal segment of the sigmoid sinus, particularly at the level of the transition between the sigmoid sinus, the superior bulb of the jugular vein and the first portion of the human internal jugular vein; it was established that the transition between the sigmoid sinus and the first portion of the internal jugular vein occupies the whole extension of the superior bulb of the jugular vein up to the inferior third of the first portion of this vessel. These vascular walls exhibit a structure similar to that of the dura, i.e. the tunica adventitia is formed by fascicles of collagenic fibers which describe discontinuous spirals, more open proximal to the beginning of the first portion of the internal jugular vein. Approximately in the inferior third of the first portion of the internal jugular vein, there appear fascicles of smooth muscle fibers which are arranged similarly to those of the venous walls. The tunica intima of these vascular segments exhibits an endothelium resting on a network of elastic fibers which may play the role of an internal elastic lamina. From the bony border of the jugular foramen there originates a connective system whose fascicles of collagenic and elastic fibers incorporate to the wall of the internal jugular vein after describing a stretch in spiral around the vascular lumen.


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The vascular segment of the caudal vena cava of the dog at the level of the caudate lobe was shown to be intimately related to hepatic tissue through the hepatic capsule and parenchyma. The tunica adventitia of the caudal vena cava was formed mainly by smooth muscle cells with collagen and elastic fibers arranged in bundles. The thin tunica media of the vein was also formed by smooth muscle cells, collagen and elastic fibers arranged in bundles. The tunica intima presented an elastic sub-endothelial network. The hepatic segment of the caudal vena cava showed a myoconnective architecture and propulsive characteristics in terms of its hemodynamic pattern.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the host response of a human and a porcine derived acellular dermal tissue (ADT) implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of a rat model. Two subcutaneous pockets were surgically created along the dorsal midline of 25 rats (5 rats/group). The human ADT was placed superiorly and the porcine ADT, inferiorly. The animals were sacrificed at 07, 15, 30, 60 and 180 postoperative days (PO) and the ADTs and surrounding soft tissues were assessed for ultrastructural evaluation by transmission electron microscopy. The ultrastructural findings were similar in both materials. Normal collagen and elastic fibers bundles were observed during all experimental moments, as well as macrophages presenting cytoplasmic enlargements digesting cellular portions after 15 PO. From 30 until 180 PO, vacuolar structures filled with an amorphous, electron-transparent substance, were present inside and outside the fibroblasts. Both human and porcine ADT showed similar pattern of ultrastructural response when implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of rats. The porcine ADT appears as a good alternative to be used as a biomaterial.