219 resultados para EJA HISTEJ
O estudo aqui apresentado integra o Projeto de Educação de Jovens e Adultos: práticas e desafios (PEJA), que é um projeto de extensão desenvolvido na Unesp – Rio Claro, com uma das turmas - a turma da Comunidade - que é composta, na maioria, por mulheres. Sendo a multisseriação uma característica desta turma, fazse necessário um trabalho diferenciado dos que ocorrem em escolas que tem Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) “regular”. Tendo como foco a escrita significativa e sua prática, o estudo objetivou buscar compreendê-las na visão dessas mulheres, que estão imersas na sociedade letrada. Por meio do trabalho desenvolvido nos encontros, a cada aula, com diversos tipos de textos, principalmente poemas, procurei considerar o ponto de vista das educandas, tomando como aporte metodológico o relato de alguns aspectos de suas histórias de vida; ao mesmo tempo, tais relatos eram considerados em suas possibilidades criativas para a aprendizagem e uma aproximação do que poderia ser uma escrita significativa, para as próprias mulheres. Entre os estudos teóricos que deram sustentação à pesquisa, estão escritos de Jorge Larrosa e Paulo Freire, considerando, também, outros autores. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo e teve como sujeitos participantes, educandas e educadores e a pesquisadora, aprendiz. Para desenvolver a pesquisa utilizei-me de elementos da história oral como recurso teórico-metodológico. Compõem o material de análise as produções escritas das educandas e os registros em diário de campo das atividades realizadas e observações pela pesquisadora. Como objeto de reflexão destaco dois conjuntos de atividades que nomeei de Projeto Poemas e Projeto Palavras Verdes, os quais sustentaram este trabalho. O estudo realizado traz argumentos que podem contribuir para a educação de jovens e adultos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Foi no quarto ano de minha graduação que passei a integrar o Projeto de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (PEJA): práticas e desafios, da UNESP – Rio Claro. No projeto desenvolvi algumas atividades que despertaram minha curiosidade por esta modalidade de ensino. Eu tinha um interesse em desenvolver uma atividade de leitura com o livro “Poemas Completos de Alberto Caeiro” no PEJA, quando surgiu a possibilidade de realizá-la em uma sala de Educação de Jovens e Adultos na Escola Estadual Celeste Calil. Por essa época conheci uma atividade cultural e educativa chamada Tertúlia Literária Dialógica, desenvolvida pelo Núcleo NIASE da UFSCAR. Enquanto estudava sobre as tertúlias, a turma da sétima série da EJA da escola Celeste Calil aceitou o convite de ler, em quatro encontros, poemas de Alberto Caeiro. Assim, foi proposta uma atividade de leitura na qual as pessoas pudessem dialogar umas com as outras e expressar suas ideias, percepções e conhecimentos. Os registros das tertúlias foram gerados a partir de uma câmera filmadora e da transcrição das leituras e discussões de cada encontro. Nesse material de registro, procurei atentar para temas que remetessem a leituras de mundo e, nesses temas, as percepções de si mesmos nas relações com o mundo. Ao final, foram levantadas algumas primeiras reflexões a respeito dessas percepções com os processos educativos
A matemática está presente nas mais diversas atividades do nosso cotidiano. O interesse em realizar o Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso no âmbito da Educação de Jovens e Adultos/EJA, surgiu a partir do meu ingresso no Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência - PIBID no início do ano de 2010. O PIBID vem sendo desenvolvido em vários campi da Unesp, somente nos cursos de licenciatura e tem como financiadora a CAPES/MEC. No curso de licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia, o Programa EJA/PIBID Rio Claro atua na escola Municipal Celeste Calil, localizada em um bairro periférico, que tem como público alvo pessoas de baixa renda, alfabetizadas ou não. O trabalho que a cada dia vem sendo construído com as educandas me despertou muito interesse, principalmente com relação ao ensino da matemática, uma vez que a mesma está presente nas diversas esferas do cotidiano. Podemos acompanhar (observar) que as alunas já trazem consigo uma experiência de vida muito grandiosa com relação à solução de questões pertinentes a matemática. Para auxiliar na aprendizagem, recursos matemáticos vêm sendo introduzidos nas aulas, entre eles jogos, onde as educandas podem reviver situações cotidianas que, à primeira vista, facilita o processo de aprendizagem e resolução de problemas. O presente trabalho tem como objetivos fazer um levantamento de jogos matemáticos que poderão ser utilizados nas aulas da EJA, e também analisar o caderno de registros matemáticos do PIBID, no ano de 2010. Quanto à metodologia, buscam-se elementos na pesquisa qualitativa, bem como análise bibliográfica de jogos que foram levantados e também análise documental do caderno de registros do PIBID 2010, construído conjuntamente, pelo grupo de educandas e bolsistaseducadores
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A proposta deste estudo teve início a partir das dificuldades apresentadas na formalização e sistematização dos cálculos matemáticos, por um grupo de alunas da Educação de Jovens e Adultos, em uma Escola Municipal de Rio Claro- SP. A pesquisa, que ora proponho, visa entender a importância das experiências e vivencias trazidas por pessoas com baixa ou nenhuma escolaridade, para entendermos o porquê de fazerem cálculos mentais matemáticos com alguma facilidade e encontrarem grandes dificuldades na sistematização/ formalização desses cálculos e como os jogos lúdicos matemáticos podem ser considerados fundamentais nesse processo de formalização das contas. Essa dificuldade, muitas vezes, repercute em entraves na escolarização regular dessas pessoas. Para pensar nessa problemática inicialmente elegemos como referenciais e materiais teóricos autores como Danyluk, Freire, Fonseca, Vigotsky, entre outros; são estudiosos que vêm contribuindo para a compreensão dos referidos processos e da linguagem matemática. No que concerne às experiências, buscaremos aportes em Larrosa. Em continuidade, será organizado um estudo baseado em registros, documentos e relatos de um acompanhamento da estagiária de aulas de matemática em uma sala de EJA, do Programa Institucional de Iniciação a Docência- PIBID que vem acontecendo na cidade de Rio Claro- SP, desde o ano de 2010. Os procedimentos de análise nortear-se-ão, além dos autores citados acima, pela análise do material gerado por meio dos registros, obtidos em sala de aula, pautando-nos pelas categorias de codificação (BOGDAN & BIKLEN). Entendemos que levantar elementos e analisar essas dificuldades podem contribuir para a compreensão do processo de construção da cultura e linguagem matemática, por essas pessoas, podendo assim contribuir para um novo olhar sobre a educação matemática nesse segmento da educação
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
This paper is the result of a research based on the school culture concept, which object is the specific school culture of the physical education (PE) within a school for youth and adults situated in Curitiba - PR. Methodologically we followed the principles and concepts of the ethnomethodology, that led us to a long immersion in the research field. The main results of the research show the relevance of the teacher identity for constituting the school culture of the PE, as well the paradox resulting of a mere theoretical approach: on the one hand this school culture show us the importance of the disruption with the PE's tradition based on the notion of "activity", and on the other hand reveal the necessity of the body experience as a fundament to build a theoretical construct
This paper is the result of a research based on the school culture concept, which object is the specific school culture of the physical education (PE) within a school for youth and adults situated in Curitiba - PR. Methodologically we followed the principles and concepts of the ethnomethodology, that led us to a long immersion in the research field. The main results of the research show the relevance of the teacher identity for constituting the school culture of the PE, as well the paradox resulting of a mere theoretical approach: on the one hand this school culture show us the importance of the disruption with the PE's tradition based on the notion of "activity", and on the other hand reveal the necessity of the body experience as a fundament to build a theoretical construct
This paper is the result of a research based on the school culture concept, which object is the specific school culture of the physical education (PE) within a school for youth and adults situated in Curitiba - PR. Methodologically we followed the principles and concepts of the ethnomethodology, that led us to a long immersion in the research field. The main results of the research show the relevance of the teacher identity for constituting the school culture of the PE, as well the paradox resulting of a mere theoretical approach: on the one hand this school culture show us the importance of the disruption with the PE's tradition based on the notion of "activity", and on the other hand reveal the necessity of the body experience as a fundament to build a theoretical construct
As for the Education for Youth and Adult (EYA), the challenge of training these teachers is to provide tools to understand and act on the teaching of mathematics. It is realized just how special education in this modality and as such teaching is lacking in an adequate and solid training in the area of knowledge. One of the major problems affecting this type of education is the high dropout and failure rates, and lack of motivation among students. Thus the need to provide differentiated profile with a professional to teach youth and adults students, so that they are able to mobilize didactic-pedagogic knowledge, methodologies and theoretical frameworks that serve as a basis for school-developed teaching practice. This thesis aims to investigate how the math teacher, who acts in adult education from elementary school, has developed its didactic and pedagogical action, and that professional knowledge has been mobilized to teach? It has highlighted the importance of initial and continuing training and professionalization of teachers dedicated to this specific type of education, when teachers should be the protagonists of their professional development. The methodological approach was begun with a literature review, then the research was anchored mainly on the ideas by Gauthier, Nuñez and Ramalho (2004); Imbernon (2011), Garcia (2006); Perrenoud (2000); Tardif (2007 ); Haddad, Di Pierro (2000), D'Ambrosio (2002), Mendes (2006, 2009), Freire (1996, 2011), and other theorists and official documents of field of adult education here and abroad. That work leads us to the understanding of the present moment from a foray into historical and conceptual aspects, as well as educational policies of EYA, as well as training, professionalism, knowledge and skills necessary for professional practice. Then, the subjects and the locus of research and the instrument for data collection were set up and led by the object of study. To consolidate the study was selected a sample of 27 mathematics teachers, working in municipal EYA Network Teaching of Natal. This research is in an investigative nature, within the quantitative and qualitative approaches focused on the responses of study subjects from the content analysis by Bardin (1977). Results from the analyzes have revealed that the initial training of mathematics teachers of adult education needs to be reconfigured in order to formalize the knowledge base of professionals (the mathematical content, didactics and professional knowledge). Thus the study suggests that this base knowledge is embedded in the pedagogical practice of these teachers, so that there is a completion of the teaching and learning process for young people and adults. The study also has pointed out that there is a need for teachers to participate in a continuing education plan that prioritizes learning situations of mathematical content considering the previous knowledge of the students. The final analyses thus indicate that knowledge of mathematics and the didactic and pedagogical strategies to be mobilized by teachers must be able to motivate the students in such a way that they feel need to incorporate in their knowledge, mathematical knowledge capable of making them more likely to have access to social, economic and labor market
Work that aims to understand the meanings attributed to school knowledge by young students of the EJA State School 15 October, located in the Natal’s North Zone. Young people were elected as the focus of interest for having a numerical expression increased in groups of adult education EJA, but above all, they demand for new issues and specific to school. For the research, we used methodologically the Comprehensive Interview organized by Kaufmann (2013), making use of its own analytical and organization of information, captured through semi-structured interviews and on-site observation. Whereas the meaning ascribed to it in relation to the school knowledge conditions the way to experience the school, sought the theoretical constructions of Bernard Charlot (2000; 2005), the understanding of knowledge as a relation of the subject with you, with each other and with the world, so we know beyond the object content. Analytical work incorporates also the contributions of Marc Augé (1994, 1997) with respect to the understanding of meaning as a social construction. Reflections were also made in light of Michel de Certeau (2012), in that it allows you to take the students as active subjects and producers of survival tactics in life and at school. From the speech of students, seized three units of meaning, namely: the learning considered most important by young students, which make up a set of ethical and moral values; the school as a guarantee of "a better future", in which young people seek to ensure a job in adulthood, however, from a "magical relationship" with knowledge, in that the target of young students is more the certificate completion of the level of education they attend, which is not necessarily associated with school learning. The third core seized sense is the school as a place of socialization, that is, a space where you can meet with friends to talk. There is therefore a relationship with knowledge that is prestigious for the youth of adult education EJA; there is an objective expectation of these students about the school; and they do "use" of the institution to "meetings" that are not necessarily with the curricular knowledge. Consider, therefore, these questions which hold school sense of reframing, is part of an effort to understand the subject of adult education EJA and helps to think ways to ensure continuity and their success in the institution.
This work appears as a reflection on the oral modality of the language in the teaching of Portuguese Language from textbooks proposed for the elementary school. It has as main aim to analyze the textbooks for the Youth and Adult Education - EJA (6th and 7th grade), the collection "It is time to learn", specifically in regard to educational activities focusing on oral proposals in their constituent units. It is a process of reflection with a view to submitting suggestions arising from the discussions held, given the fact that the writing mode has been identified by some scholars, between these Marcuschi (2005), as the most privileged in the classroom and in most manuals that guide the teaching of Portuguese Language. In this work, we start from a broader vision from the principles of dialogic pedagogy by Paulo Freire perspectives towards pedagogical practices that favor the development of linguistic and discursive student skills. In this sense, we emphasize the formation of a critical subject, who can argue and defend points of view, using oral or written language, in various social situations. In this view, this paper set up aims to identify, describe and interpret the activities proposed to the oral modality of Portuguese Language, from interactional theoretical bases, based on authors as Marcuschi (2005, 2010), Fávero, Andrade and Aquino (1999) Schneuwly and Dolz (2004), Antunes (2009), among others. In addition, the objective was to suggest other educational activities, as a way of expanding the existing ones, in order that addressed more efficiently, to aspects of orality been proposed and aspects of formal oral genres. Methodologically, it is a qualitative research, in which, from the teaching materials used in the classroom, there was a reflection on the orality and the oral teaching of the Portuguese language and has been proposed an expansion of activities one oral mode. In this reflection, analysis of the results revealed that the books investigated, used in Portuguese classes in EJA, include in their proposals orality as an object and teaching axis. However, we appoint the need to expand the teaching proposals with the existing activities in order to give greater emphasis to important aspects of orality already prioritized, and also to address to the formal public genres. In seeking to make suggestions and educational proposals that integrate with existing, we postulated the most effective development for oral skills for the EJA student, in Freire's perspective, as also we thought in a way to provide subsidies which could guide teachers of the Portuguese Language area at the fundamental level of education.