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Background It is often believed that by ensuring the ongoing completion of competency documents and life-long learning in nursing practice guarantees quality patient care. This is probably true in most cases where it provides reassurances that the nursing team is maintaining a safe “generalised” level of practice. However, competency does not always promise quality performance. There are a number of studies that have reported differences in what practitioners know and what they actually do despite being deemed competent. Aim The aim of this study was to assess whether our current competency documentation is fit for purpose and to ascertain whether performance assessment needs to be a key component in determining competence. Method 15 nurses within a General ICU who had been on the unit <4 years agreed to participate in this project. Using participant observation and assessing performance against key indicators of the Benner Novice to Expert5 model the participants were supported and assessed over the course of a ‘normal’ nursing shift. Results The results were surprising both positively and negatively. First, the nurses felt more empowered in their clinical decision making skills; second, it identified individual learning needs and milestones in educational development. There were some key challenges identified which included 5 nurses over estimating their level of competence, practice was still very much focused on task acquisition and skill and surprisingly some nurses still felt dominated by the other health professionals within the unit. Conclusion We found that the capacity and capabilities of our nursing workforce needs continual ongoing support especially if we want to move our staff from capable task-doer to competent performers. Using the key novice to expert indicators identified the way forward for us in how we assess performance and competence in practice particularly where promotion to higher grades is based on existing documentation.


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This paper addresses the ways in which humour is used by university academics to shape teaching personas. Based upon the work of Mauss and Foucault, and employing semi-structured, in-depth interviews with a range of university teachers, this research suggests that most tertiary teachers deliberately fashion various kinds of teaching persona, which they then perform in lectures and tutorials. The use of humour is widely seen as an important component within this form of self-shaping, as it fits within dominant frameworks of expectation regarding contemporary models of “edutainment”. This research demonstrates that a wide range of practices of the self—including physical, verbal, and relational elements—are employed by academics as part of shaping various humorous teaching personas. Some boundaries exist limiting the use of these pedagogic characters; for example, arguments about natural ability with humour prefigure who is most likely to deploy humour as a practice of professional self-formation. Also, professional concerns regarding seniority and job security are also factored into decision-making regarding those humorous personas likely to be considered appropriate within particular tertiary teaching contexts.


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We discuss three approaches to the use of technology as a teaching and learning tool that we are currently implementing for a target group of about one hundred second level engineering mathematics students. Central to these approaches is the underlying theme of motivating relatively poorly motivated students to learn, with the aim of improving learning outcomes. The approaches to be discussed have been used to replace, in part, more traditional mathematics tutorial sessions and lecture presentations. In brief, the first approach involves the application of constructivist thinking in the tertiary education arena, using technology as a computational and visual tool to create motivational knowledge conflicts or crises. The central idea is to model a realistic process of how scientific theory is actually developed, as proposed by Kuhn (1962), in contrast to more standard lecture and tutorial presentations. The second approach involves replacing procedural or algorithmic pencil-and-paper skills-consolidation exercises by software based tasks. Finally, the third approach aims at creating opportunities for higher order thinking via "on-line" exploratory or discovery mode tasks. The latter incorporates the incubation period method, as originally discussed by Rubinstein (1975) and others.


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The authors discuss the teaching and learning forum and the number of submissions to its staff from 2006-2015.


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A dissolved oxygen sensor made of plastic optical fiber as the substrate and dichlorotris (1, 10-phenanthroline) ruthenium as a fluorescence indicator is studied. Oxygen quenching characteristics of both intensity and phase were measured; the obtained characteristics showed deviation from the linear relation described by the Stern-Volmer equation. A two-layer model is proposed to explain the deviation, and main parameters can be deduced with the model. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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Este trabalho consiste de uma análise exploratória sobre municípios do Sudeste com população acima de 100mil habitantes abordando dois problemas: a violência e a educação. Na violência abordaremos índices de homicídios na adolescência trabalhando com a faixa de adolescentes de 12 a 18 anos. Na educação trabalharemos com o Índice de Desenvolvimento Educacionail Brasileiro referenciado ao último ano do ensino fundamental. Trabalhando com os indicadores citados, abordaremos esses problemas gerando um Índice de Saúde social do Adolescente utilizando a lógica Fuzzy, conjunto nebuloso. Classificando os municípios do Sudeste visando identificar municípios com qualidade de vida melhor para esses adolescentes, expectativa de vida e melhoria na educação. Baixos índices de homicídios e altos índices educacionais desenvolvendo uma ferramenta útil para auxiliar na tomada de decisões no tocante a políticas públicas nos Municípios e Estados gerando um indicador de municípios com qualidade de vida para os adolescentes! Trabalhamos com dados do ano de 2007 tanto para o homicídio quanto para a educação, os valores apresentados nos índices foram divididos em quintis, processados via o software MATLAB utilizando lógica nebulosa (fuzzy), classificados e apresentados nas formas de valores alfanuméricos em tabelas espaciais com o software Quantum Gis através de mapas temáticos das regiões estudadas.


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Este estudo tem como objeto e análise a compreensão da Política Pública de Formação Continuada dos Professores da rede estadual de ensino do Paraná, materializada no Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional entre os anos de 2003-2010. A pesquisa se constitui em uma investigação de natureza bibliográfica, documental e de campo, a partir do método materialista histórico dialético, no entendimento que os dados levantados nesses três processos investigativos se articulam para uma análise qualitativa de compreensão da realidade. Os objetivos foram compreender a partir da formação do professor PDE em que medida os pressupostos, a concepção e os objetivos anunciados no referido Programa foram objetivados nas relações sociais, no trabalho docente, na socialização do conhecimento e no redimensionamento das práticas coletivas. Da mesma forma, entender o processo de implantação e articulação entre os dois níveis de ensino (educação básica e o ensino superior) uma vez que o Programa foi desenvolvido em parceria entre os dois níveis de ensino. Ainda, explicita de que forma e em que medida foram incorporadas as proposições históricas dos trabalhadores da educação por formação continuada. O trabalho conclui que: ao considerar o espectro mais amplo do contexto social, político, econômico e educacional, no bojo da sociedade capitalista neoliberal, a Política Pública de Formação Continuada, materializada no Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional entre os anos de 2007-2010, cuja concepção político-metodológica é orientada pelo princípio ontológico do trabalho, apresenta-se como uma proposta inovadora de qualificação, que contribui para o aperfeiçoamento e para o avanço na carreira e na valorização dos professores; se contrapõe à visão da educação, da formação e do trabalho docente estritamente vinculada ao mundo do trabalho e que, em certa medida, acolhe as reivindicações e proposições dos trabalhadores da educação; esse Programa produziu importantes contribuições no campo da formação continuada dos professores da rede estadual de ensino paranaense quanto aos fundamentos políticos e disciplinares de caráter teórico-prático com impactos significativos na melhoria no processo ensino-aprendizagem, mesmo que não diretamente por meio da implementação dos projetos de intervenção, mas pela própria condição de aprofundamento no conhecimento do professor participante no Programa e, com isso, a incidência na sua prática pedagógica, na preparação das aulas, na organização dos conteúdos, na metodologia de trabalho e no processo avaliativo; que mesmo considerando os problemas, as dificuldades encontradas durante o Programa não anulam os esforços empreendidos até aqui, ao contrário, indicam possibilidades sempre de superação


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Since 1984 David Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) has been a leading influence in the development of learner-centred pedagogy in management and business. It forms the basis of Kolb’s own Learning Styles’ Inventory and those of other authors including Honey and Mumford (2000). It also provides powerful underpinning for the emphasis, nay insistence, on reflection as a way of learning and the use of reflective practice in the preparation of students for business and management and other professions. In this paper, we confirm that Kolb’s ELT is still the most commonly cited source used in relation to reflective practice. Kolb himself continues to propound its relevance to teaching and learning in general. However, we also review some of the criticisms that ELT has attracted over the years and advance new criticisms that challenge its relevance to higher education and its validity as a model for formal, intentional learning.


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In the past 15 years in the UK, the state has acquired powers, which mark a qualitative shift in its relationship to higher education. Since the introduction and implementation of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992, the Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998 and the Higher Education Act 2004, a whole raft of changes have occurred which include the following: Widening participation; the development of interdisciplinary, experiential and workplace-based learning focused on a theory-practice dialogue; quality assurance; and new funding models which encompass public and private partnerships. The transformation of higher education can be placed in the context of New Labour’s overall strategies for overarching reform of public services, as set out in the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit’s discussion paper The UK Government’s Approach to Public Service Reform (2006). An optimistic view of changes to higher education is that they simultaneously obey democratic and economic imperatives. There is an avowed commitment through the widening participation agenda to social inclusion and citizenship, and to providing the changing skills base necessary for the global economy. A more cynical view is that, when put under critical scrutiny, as well as being emancipatory, in some senses these changes can be seen to mobilise regulatory and disciplinary practices. This paper reflects on what kinds of teaching and learning are promoted by the new relationship between the state and the university. It argues that, whilst governmental directives for innovations and transformations in teaching and learning allegedly empower students and put their interests at the centre, reforms can also be seen to consist of supervisory and controlling mechanisms with regard both to our own practices as teachers and the knowledge/ learning we provide for the students.


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The peace process in Northern Ireland has been hailed, variously, as the successful resolution to one of the world's most intractable conflicts, and as a failed attempt to reconcile the conflciting claims of the two main ethnonationalist communities. At both these points, and at every other point along the continuum, recognition is given to the centrality of education. This article looks at the role played by adult learning, and contrasts two fundamentally different apporaoches. In one, Enlightenment assumptions about the power of knowledge to dispel prejudice have run alongside attempts to create a world of shared values; in the other, a postmodern acceptance of different cultures has accompnaied a peace process that builds upon ethnic diistinctions. As with the Dayton Accord and with other peace agreements brokered with international assistance, the consociational model of governance has been chosen for Northern Ireland in order to create a political equilibrium between the unionists and nationalists. Such a political framework reverses the direction of previous integrationist educational policies in favour of a celebration of difference, an approach that is fraught with difficulties.


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Blending Art and Science in Nurse Education: The Benefits and Impact of Creative Partnerships

This paper presents the benefits of an innovative education partnership between lecturers from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queens University Belfast and Arts Care, a unique Arts and Health Charity in Northern Ireland, to engage nursing students in life sciences

Nursing and Midwifery students often struggle to engage with life science modules because they lack confidence in their ability to study science.This project was funded by a Teaching Innovation Award from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queens University Belfast, to explore creative ways of engaging year one undergraduate nursing students in learning anatomy and physiology. The project was facilitated through collaboration between Teaching staff from the School of Nursing and Midwifery and Arts Care, Northern Ireland. This unique Arts and Health Charity believes in the benefits of creativity to well being.

To explore creative ways of engaging year one undergraduate nursing students in learning anatomy and physiology.

Students participated in a series of workshops designed to explore the cells, tissues and organs of the human body through the medium of felt. Facilitated by an Arts Care artist, and following self-directed preparation, students discussed and translated their learning of the cells, tissues and organs of the human body into striking felt images. During the project students kept a reflective journal of their experience to document how participation in the project enhanced their learning and professional development

Creativity transformed and brought to life the students learning of the cells, tissues and organs of the human body.

The project culminated in the exhibition of a unique body of artwork which has been exhibited across Northern Ireland in hospitals and galleries and viewed by fellow students, teaching staff, nurses from practice, artists, friends, family and members of the public.

The impact of creativity learning strategies in nurse education should be further explored.

Bennett, M and Rogers, K.MA. (2014) First impressions matter: an active, innovative and engaging method to recruit student volunteers for a pedagogic project. Reflections, Available online at: QUB, Centre for Educational Development / Publications / Reflections Newsletter, Issue 18, June 2014.

Chickering,A.W. and Gamson,Z.F. (1987) Seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education The American Association for Higher Education Bulletin, March. http://www.aahea.org/aahea/articles/sevenprinciples1987.htm, accessed 8th August 2014

Fell, P., Borland, G., Lynne, V. (2012) Lab versus lectures: can lab based practical sessions improve nursing students’ learning of bioscience? Health and Social Care Education 3:1, 33-38


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A família representa uma forte instituição social, responsável em larga medida, pela estruturação de valores e comportamentos dos membros que a compõem. Neste sentido, o estudo da vinculação parental em adolescentes, contribui fortemente para a compreensão da origem e dos efeitos no desenvolvimento, dos padrões de relacionamento que se estabelecem ao longo da trajectória desenvolvimental do indivíduo, que em paralelo com a escola, se torna determinante numa etapa tão importante da vida como é a adolescência. A presente investigação teve como finalidade estudar as relações que na escola se podem estabelecer entre professores, pais e alunos (adolescentes), analisando a influência da interacção do vínculo parental no desenvolvimento pessoal e escolar destes últimos. Pretende-se também deste modo, verificar como se correlacionam as variáveis estatuto sócio-económico familiar, faixa etária dos alunos e resultados escolares, com a variável vinculação parental no percurso educativo do adolescente (período neste estudo, compreendido entre os Segundo e Terceiro Ciclos). A investigação efectuada procurou acentuar a pertinência e a necessidade de uma postura interpretativa dos comportamentos e fenómenos sociais, tendo como um dos seus princípios, reforçar a intencionalidade em identificar a forma como as pessoas experienciam e interpretam o mundo social no qual acabam por participar e construir interactivamente. Com este propósito, foram recolhidas opiniões em cinco escolas dos Segundo e Terceiro Ciclos do Ensino Básico do Distrito de Aveiro, através de dois questionários dirigidos a adolescentes, a Escala de Avaliação da Vinculação em Adolescentes, adaptada por Ribeiro, J. e Sousa, M. (2002) e a Escala do Inventário de Percepções Adolescentes adaptada, por Fleming, M. (1993), tendo ainda sido recolhidos dados nos processos individuais dos alunos. Os resultados descritos na última parte, de uma maneira geral, salientam que o vínculo parental influencia significativamente o processo e os resultados escolares dos adolescentes, assinalando no entanto, algumas discrepâncias quanto à frequência, à forma e à importância que os mesmos atribuem à vinculação parental, tendo em conta o estatuto sócio-económico e a idade em questão. Os pais revelaram ainda, diferentes formas de percepcionar a escola e de entender o seu código, realçando-se assim, a importância e a necessidade do diálogo entre a escola e a família, de forma a inferir mudança de atitudes e práticas, impondo-se nesta perspectiva a necessidade de regularização da comunicação entre estas duas entidades.


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Différents organismes internationaux se sont penchés sur l’école rurale des pays en émergence. La plupart de ces travaux de recherche montrent que ces écoles n’offrent pas une éducation adaptée au milieu dans lesquelles elles sont situées, du fait essentiellement qu’on y a implanté la structure administrative et pédagogique des écoles urbaines sans tenir compte des caractéristiques de la population infantile des zones rurales. Afin de tenter de remédier aux difficultés identifiées, ces organismes ont proposé diverses solutions ou préconisé des politiques adaptées à ce contexte particulier. Le but de cette recherche est d’étudier comment ces recommandations convergent-elles avec les politiques éducatives et dans le quotidien des écoles en milieu rural de deux pays de l’Amérique centrale, le Costa Rica et le Nicaragua. À cette fin, comme cadre d'analyse, nous avons établi six catégories : condition socio-économique, plan d'études et pédagogie, relation école et communauté, enseignants, technologie et finalement, gestion et gouvernance. Pour ce faire, nous analysons les recommandations globales formulées par diverses organisations internationales et d’autres organismes des pays développés à propos de l'éducation rurale. Nous comparons ensuite ces informations avec les décisions politiques prises ces dernières vingt années, dans les deux pays sélectionnés afin de favoriser le développement éducatif des zones rurales. Pour finir, nous observons sur le terrain le quotidien de quelques écoles rurales des deux pays retenus. En partant de l’hypothèse qu’il existe suffisamment d’information et de recommandations permettant l’élaboration des politiques éducatives appropriées pour améliorer les conditions des écoles rurales, le travail présente une analyse multiniveaux (recommandations globales, politiques nationales et pratiques scolaires) en établissant la convergence ou la divergence dans chacune des catégories. Les principaux résultats de la recherche démontrent qu'il existe une convergence entre les pratiques scolaires et les politiques éducatives émises par les pays étudiés, avec quelques exceptions. Quant à la convergence entre les recommandations globales et les politiques émises par ces pays, on ne peut pas parler de convergence de façon générale. La recherche propose l'élaboration de profil de politiques nationales pour chaque pays, en fonction de la manière par laquelle ils abordent la problématique de l'éducation rurale : soit par l’assignation des ressources pour étendre les services éducatifs normalisés pour tous les enfants, ou en produisant des politiques focalisées, créant des programmes spécifiques, faisant remarquer la différence du monde rural.


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Le domaine des énergies est au cœur des préoccupations technologiques, politiques et économiques de notre société moderne. Ce domaine nécessite une compréhension minimale du concept scientifique de l’énergie. Elle est selon nous essentielle à toute formation citoyenne. Nous avons dans un premier temps, à partir de considérations théoriques et pratiques, examiné pourquoi ce domaine si important dans notre société technologique est si peu abordé dans le cursus scolaire québécois? Pourquoi se contente-t-on d’un enseignement théorique et discursif de ce concept? Pourquoi, au contraire de tout enseignement scientifique, n’a-t-on pas envisagé de situations d’apprentissages en laboratoire pour l’étude des énergies? Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons proposé une idée de solution concrète et réaliste pour répondre à l’ensemble de ces questions. Une solution qui invite les élèves à s’investir de manière constructive dans des activités de laboratoire afin de s’approprier ces concepts. Pour ce faire, nous avons conçu des variables globales énergies qui ont permis aux élèves de les mesurer et d’expérimenter facilement des transformations énergétiques. Cette recherche de développement technologique en éducation consiste donc à profiter des nouveaux développements technologiques de l’informatique et de la micro-électronique pour concevoir, réaliser et mettre à l’essai un environnement informatisé d’apprentissage en laboratoire pour les sciences et la technologie. Par ce que l’énergie est au confluent de trois domaines, cet environnement a été conçu pour supporter dans une même activité l’apprentissage des mathématiques, des sciences et de la technologie. Cette intégration recommandée par les nouveaux programmes est, selon nous, essentielle à la compréhension des concepts liés à l’énergie et à ses transformations. Par cette activité d’apprentissage multidisciplinaire, nous voulons, via une approche empirique et concrète, aborder ces problèmes de transformations énergétiques afin de donner aux élèves la capacité de perfectionner les prototypes qu’ils construisent en technologie de manière à améliorer leurs performances. Nous avons montré que cette démarche technoscientifique, assimilable à la conception d’un schème expérimental en sciences, favorise la compréhension des concepts liés aux énergies et à leurs transformations. Ce développement, ouvert à l’investigation scientifique, apporte un bénéfice didactique, non seulement, pour des enseignants en exercices et des étudiants-maîtres, mais aussi pour des élèves de 5ème année du niveau secondaire, ce que nous avons démontré dans une mise à l’essai empirique.


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In ihrer Arbeit "Mobiles Lernen. Analyse des Wissenschaftsprozesses der britischen und deutschsprachigen medienpädagogischen und erziehungswissenschaftlichen Mobile-Learning-Diskussion." zeichnet Judith Seipold die Phasen und Entwicklungslinien der bisherigen und naturwüchsigen Diskussion um das Mobile Lernen nach. Dabei eröffnet sie mit ihrer Analyse des vornehmlich britischen Wissenschaftsprozesses des Mobilen Lernens ab Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts den Blick auf die Struktur der medienpädagogischen und erziehungswissenschaftlichen Mobile-Learning-Diskussion, auf deren Kontexte, Bezugspunkte, Perspektiven und theoretische Schwerpunkte, aber auch Erfolge und Problembereiche in der praktischen Umsetzung des Lernens mit Mobiltechnologien in formalisierten Lernkontexten wie dem des Schulunterrichts. Auf diese Weise liefert die Autorin eine Systematik, die nicht nur die britische Diskussion für die deutschsprachige Medienpädagogik verfügbar macht, sondern auch eine neue und systematisch begründete Reflexionsebene für eine aktuelle medienpädagogische Entwicklung – das Mobile Lernen – bildet. Zunächst widmet sich die Autorin der Analyse des Wissenschaftsprozesses der bisherigen britischen und teils auch der deutschsprachigen Mobile-Learning-Diskussion. Um diesen Prozess in seiner Struktur greifbar zu machen, skizziert sie die Bezugsdisziplinen, aus denen die medienpädagogische und erziehungswissenschaftliche Mobile-Learning-Forschung schöpft, arbeitet die Legitimationsbasis auf, auf die sich Mobiles Lernen stützt, zeichnet die historische Entwicklung der Diskussion nach, die sowohl Alltagsnutzung von Mobiltechnologien als auch den Fachdiskurs einschließt, und erläutert innerhalb ihres Modells der Phasen und Entwicklungslinien Mobilen Lernens Theorien, Konzepte und Modelle, die in der Mobile-Learning-Community als zentral für Analyse und Planung Mobilen Lernens erachtet werden. Konzepte und Modelle, die in der Mobile-Learning-Diskussion die Rolle der Lernenden in das Zentrum der Betrachtungen rücken und eine explizite Handlungsorientierung unterstützen, sind Kernbereich des theoriebasierten Teils der Arbeit. Überlegungen zu einer „Sozio-kulturellen Ökologie Mobilen Lernens“, zu „user-generated contexts“ und zu einer „kulturökologisch informierten Didaktik des Mobilen Lernens“ sind dabei sowohl reflektierende Einordnung aktueller Konzepte und Modelle als auch theoretische und konzeptionelle Basis für die praktische Umsetzung Mobilen Lernens. Um die Rolle der Handlungskompetenzen, kulturellen Praktiken und Strukturen der Lerner bei der Nutzung von Mobiltechnologien für Lernen analytisch zu fassen, finden im Praxis-Kapitel Planungs- und Analyseschemata unter Rückgriff auf Beispiele aus der Praxisforschung und der Implementierung mobilen Lernens in den Schulunterricht Anwendung. Ihre Erörterungen rahmt die Autorin abschließend kritisch und weist zum einen auf bildungspolitische, strukturelle und handlungspraktische Implikationen hin, die sich aus der Mobile-Learning-Diskussion ergeben; zum anderen lenkt sie das Augenmerk auf Gegensätze und Dialektiken des Mobilen Lernens, die sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen alltäglicher mobiler Mediennutzung und der teils theoretisch informierten schulischen Verwendung von Mobiltechnologien zum Lernen entfalten. Sie gilt es, im weiteren Verlauf der Diskussion zu hinterfragen und aufzulösen.