966 resultados para ECUADORIAN WRITERS


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Este estudio centra su análisis en la obra pictórica de Eduardo Kingman como un modelo para describir los enfoques, tendencias e ideología que caracterizaron al Indigenismo. Esta corriente artística reunió a pintores, escritores e intelectuales ecuatorianos durante la década de 1930. El artículo propone que esta corriente surgió como una reacción al academicismo predominante en los salones y escuelas de arte. El estudio hace una revisión de las exposiciones, bienales y concursos en los que Kingman participó.Analiza las influencias artísticas y literarias reflejadas en la obra de este autor,sus relaciones con el Grupo de Guayaquil y su vinculación al Sindicato de Escritores y Artistas del Ecuador (SEA). Finalmente, recoge la opinión y reacción a su producción pictórica por parte de escritores, intelectuales y prensa en general.


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En esta entrevista, realizada en 1987, el autor dialoga con Alfredo Pareja Diezcanseco sobre sus concepciones respecto de la literatura y la Historia. Menciona detalles de su vocación literaria, de sus lecturas iniciales y de las que, posteriormente, lo marcaron más. Pareja describe su rutina diaria como escritor, la cual se relaciona con su idea de lo que es la literatura: «una dificultad adquirida», alude al rol de los esquemas en la construcción de sus novelas, y al de la crítica de sus amigos del Grupo de Guayaquil en este proceso, durante la década del 30. Respecto de ellos, recalca que éste era esencialmente un grupo de amigos, más que un conjunto de escritores que se juntaban para trabajar en sus textos. Finalmente habla de su admiración por el historiador Arnold Toynbee, y concluye la entrevista mencionando que, para él, «la Historia siempre se hace en el subterráneo de la vida, es decir la está haciendo la vida cotidiana».


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Estos escritores publicaron entre 1945-1962, y avanzaron mucho más en algunos planteamientos de los narradores del 30. Habiendo asumido su extracción de clase, se preguntaron respecto de su propia identidad, de la problemática del mestizo, de su rol como escritores, del impacto de la incipiente modernidad que desestructuraba la vida cotidiana en sus pueblos y ciudades. Coinciden pues, en lo temático, con los narradores latinoamericanos del período, quienes en lo estético mantuvieron la tensión entre regionalismo y vanguardias, los ecuatorianos se reafirmaron en un realismo que dio espacio al lirismo, aunque también mirando hacia las vanguardias latinoamericanas desde diferentes ángulos. César Dávila Andrade planteó una estética del horror «suprarreal», Ángel F. Rojas manejó modernamente temas emparentados con el regionalismo, Walter Bellolio sintetizó lo mejor de la vanguardia narrativa y la tradición relatística ecuatorianas, Alfonso Cuesta y Cuesta configuró una estética de las metáforas iluminadoras, y Arturo Montesinos trabajó con la metáfora de la ruptura que trae toda modernidad, por más periférica e incipiente que pueda parecer.


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El poeta y ensayista cubano confiesa que la poesía le dio una razón para vivir, y que sigue siendo su gran amor. Aunque difícil de definir, plantea que al ser humano le resulta imposible resistir sin ella: en toda crisis (la enfermedad, la muerte o la guerra), se recurre a la poesía. Las influencias literarias le llegaron de escritores alemanes, franceses y latinoamericanos (sobre todo, de Jorge Luis Borges, José Lezama Lima, Octavio Paz y Alfonso Reyes). El autor cubano destaca los méritos de varios poetas ecuatorianos y latinoamericanos. De Lezama Lima, quien “vivía para la poesía y el espíritu, con apenas unos pesitos”, resalta su sentido coral de la cultura (como construcción colectiva) y de la literatura. Respecto de la Revolución, aun reconociendo que hubo errores, está convencido de que es lo mejor que pudo pasarle a Cuba, no solo porque es la que buscó con insistencia, de Martí a Lezama, sino porque es la que triunfó y sigue adelante, pese al bloqueo económico de medio siglo por parte de la mayor potencia mundial, y de todas las dificultades.


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This article analyzes two series of photographs and essays on writers’ rooms published in England and Canada in 2007 and 2008. The Guardian’s Writers Rooms series, with photographs by Eamon McCabe, ran in 2007. In the summer of 2008, The Vancouver International Writers and Readers Festival began to post its own version of The Guardian column on its website by displaying, each week leading up to the Festival in September, a different writer’s “writing space” and an accompanying paragraph. I argue that these images of writers’ rooms, which suggest a cultural fascination with authors’ private compositional practices and materials, reveal a great deal about theoretical constructions of authorship implicit in contemporary literary culture. Far from possessing the museum quality of dead authors’ spaces, rooms that are still being used, incorporating new forms of writing technology, and having drafts of manuscripts scattered around them, can offer insight into such well-worn and ineffable areas of speculation as inspiration, singular authorial genius, and literary productivity.


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This paper reports the results of a study comparing the interactional dynamics of face-to-face and on-line peer-tutoring in writing by university students in Hong Kong. Transcripts of face-to-face tutoring sessions, as well as logs of on-line sessions conducted by the same peer-tutors, were coded for speech functions using a system based on Halliday's functional-semantic view of dialogue. Results show considerable differences between the interactional dynamics in on-line and face-to-face tutoring sessions. In particular, face-to-face interactions involved more hierarchal encounters in which tutors took control of the discourse, whereas on-line interactions were more egalitarian, with clients controlling the discourse more. Differences were also found in the topics participants chose to focus on in the two modes, with issues of grammar, vocabulary, and style taking precedence in face-to-face sessions and more “global” writing concerns like content and process being discussed more in on-line sessions.


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A practical guide to all aspects of interviewing for print and broadcast journalists and writers. The authors explain how to prepare, and what to do when you don't have time to prepare; outline the difference between "soft" and "hard" interviews; and show how to make the most of any interview.


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This article is a study of the ideas, visions, and styles of a number of Indonesia's writers in the New Order-in particular, the final years of the New Order-who chose to rework and reinterpret the Ramayana epic of the Javanese wayang kulit shadow puppet theatre. The deliberate choice by these writers to use Indonesian as their medium of linguistic communication has proven to be a decision in favor of distancing themselves from their mother-tongue, Javanese, and of targeting a larger "national" audience, thus signaling their concern for non-Javanese Indonesians. By the same token, the Indonesian language of wayang literary representations was often heavily Javanese in its flavor and style, and the indigenized wayang characters and plots appropriated were also, naturally, very much regional in origin.


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While the term 'early career' researcher, is a familiar identity label within competitive Australian Research Council grant writing and bidding, it is a strange appellation in Australian Faculties of Education, where many early career academics have, in fact, carried out successful professional careers in education for 10-15 years before they embark on mid-career doctoral work. In this sense, they are more mid than early career. While they are not novices, however, they are often positioned as beginners with regard to accessing the journal, conference and other discourse communities of the academy. This paper explores the tensions and anxieties experienced by mid-career researchers in teacher education as they begin to publish from their dissertations and extend the audience for their doctoral work. It focuses on the writing of abstracts, which it is argued is a rich site for both text work and identity work and a practice which goes beyond technique to questions of identity and the promotional economies of academic work.


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For almost a decade now Nicholas Sparks has been writing love stories. Not only has he been publishing his stories, but they have received high acclaim in each of their installments. Several of his novels have been made into major motion pictures and increased his popularity quite significantly. His status as a successful romantic fiction writer is undeniable, but the question is, why? What is it about Nicholas Sparks that makes his novels so engaging, and personally, what do I need to do as an aspiring novelist to try and acquire the same literary status? Sparks’s novels reach readers at a number of different levels, thus giving them appeal no matter the intellectual intent of the reader. Theoretically, Sparks engages reader response techniques as well as formalist processes such as “habitualization” and “defamiliarization,” while also developing engaging plot lines that represent many of the experiences from his own life. His writing is not only academically redeemable, but it is also creatively stimulating; between the two, Sparks represents the thunder and lightning combination all writers strive for while trying to achieve literary success. This project also offers a creative element in which I attempt to exemplify many of the traits discussed in the analytical sections of this document, by recreating them in a creative, fictitious fashion. Themes such as: motion versus stasis, life versus death, and the ordinary versus the extraordinary all exist within the narrative structure of my short story “Trip to Fall.” Besides these thematic elements, the creative section strives to represent the balance Sparks achieves between the experiences of his own life and the fictitious world he creates. Overall, this project delves into the life of Nicholas Sparks to better understand the inspiration for his writing at the level of form as well as content, while also paying tribute to Sparks’s style through a representation of his work in my own words.


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In this paper I describe the discursive strategies related to the writer–reader textual reciprocity. I focus on one way of achieving such reciprocity -- the employment by the writer of facilitative schematic structures and metalanguage where one text segment signposts information conveyed in the segment that follows. I refer to these facilitative schematic structures as "organising relational schemata". I see organising relations as the most explicit components of the rhetorical structure of texts: they illuminate the main message and aid the reader's cognitive processes in the orientation of how information is conveyed by text.
This paper discusses the way the choices of organising relations and associated metalanguage by the writers in different cultures and different discourse communities contribute to the communicative homeostasis in the world of text. It shows how the influence of a native culture and intellectual style together with the forces operating within the writer's international disciplinary community interact in the authorial guidance in the scholarly prose.
I introduce and exemplify three types of organising relational structures: Advance Organisers, Introducers and Enumerators. I trace the utilisation of these three types of relations in sociology research papers written in English and produced in "Anglo" and Polish academic discourse comunities by native English speaking and native Polish speaking scholars. The relational typology adopted is based on a study by Golebiowski (2002), which proposed a theoretical framework for the examination of discoursal structure of research papers, referred to as FARS – Framework for the Analysis of the Rhetorical Structure of Texts. FARS entails a relational taxonomy which displays a pattern of rhetorical relations utilised by the writer to achieve textual coherence.
I describe intertextual differences in the frequency of occurrence of organising relations, their degree of explicitness and their positioning in the hierarchical structure of texts. Differences in the mode of employment of textual organisers suggest that the rhetorical structure of English research prose produced by non-native speakers cannot escape being shaped by the characteristics and conventions of the authors’ first language. They are also attributed to cultural norms and conventions as well as educational systems prevailing within the discourse communities which constitute the social contexts of texts.