209 resultados para E. S. Mittler


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von O. Warburg


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von Paul Fuchs. unter Mitw. des Landwirts A. Hauter


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Enth.: H. 4. Ausbruch des Aufstandes; die Kmpfe am Auob und in den Karrasbergen. H. 5. Die Kmpfe gegen Cornelius und Morenga bis zum September 1905; das Ende Hendrik Witbois und seines Stammes. H. 6. Die Unterwerfung des Cornelius und der Bondelzwarts


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Enth.: H. 1. Ausbruch des Herero-Aufstandes, Siegeszug der Kompagnie Franke. H. 2. Die Kmpfe an den Onjati-Bergen. H. 3. Der Entscheidungskampf am Waterberg, Der Untergang des Hererovolkes


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[von Kunz]


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... bearb. von der Kriegsgeschichtlichen Abteilung I des Groen Generalstabes


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Alexander von Humboldt verffentlichte rund 800 Aufstze, Artikel und Essays in zahlreichen Wissensgebieten und diversen Sprachen. Die Verteilung ihrer Publikati-onsorte entspricht der Reichweite seiner Reisen und der globalen Perspektive seiner Forschungen. Die Vielfalt seiner Co-Autoren und Kooperationspartner spiegelt seine Multidisziplinaritt. Humboldts umfangreiches publizistisches Werk dokumentiert sei-ne internationale Bedeutung als Wissenschaftler, Reiseschriftsteller und Kulturver-mittler. An der Universitt Bern entsteht die erste Gesamtedition dieses Humboldt-schen uvres, die 2019 zum 250. Geburtstag des Autors vorliegen soll. Ihr Ziel ist Systematisierung, Dokumentation und Erschlieung des Corpus in einer Buchausgabe mit Text- und Apparatbnden und in einer digitalen Edition mit computerphilo-logischen Werkzeugen. Alexander von Humboldt (17691859), Aufstze und Essays, internationale Publizistik, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Editionsphilologie.


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O ambiente escolar muito rico de histrias, de momentos, de aprendizados e de experincias. Todo professor sempre tem muito a contar. A diversidade de pessoas nesse universo faz com que tenhamos um cotidiano escolar sem rotinas, sem limites para a criatividade. Quando se depara com algo novo ou inesperado, o professor parece se transformar num agente inovador; conquistar o espao, a situao de maneira a domin-la e, nas mais variadas oportunidades, surpreender com estratgias enriquecedoras. Nesta pesquisa temos a oportunidade de compartilhar vivncias nicas e singulares que possibilitaram contribuir para as j existentes no campo do fazer pedaggico com alunos com necessidade educacionais especiais. Experincias frustrantes tambm ocorrem no espao escolar, porm na busca por dar a voz ao professor que desempenha o atendimento educacional especializado, relatamos aqui as experincias de sucesso. Com isso registramos a contribuio de um colgio da rede particular de ensino que tem como uma de suas metas a educao para todos.


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Reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) play a critical role in the defense of plants against invading pathogens. Produced during the oxidative burst, they are thought to activate programmed cell death (PCD) and induce antimicrobial defenses such as pathogenesis-related proteins. It was shown recently that during the interaction of plants with pathogens, the expression of ROI-detoxifying enzymes such as ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and catalase (CAT) is suppressed. It was suggested that this suppression, occurring upon pathogen recognition and coinciding with an enhanced rate of ROI production, plays a key role in elevating cellular ROI levels, thereby potentiating the induction of PCD and other defenses. To examine the relationship between the suppression of antioxidative mechanisms and the induction of PCD and other defenses during pathogen attack, we studied the interaction between transgenic antisense tobacco plants with reduced APX or CAT and a bacterial pathogen that triggers the hypersensitive response. Transgenic plants with reduced capability to detoxify ROI (i.e., antisense APX or CAT) were found to be hyperresponsive to pathogen attack. They activated PCD in response to low amounts of pathogens that did not trigger the activation of PCD in control plants. Our findings support the hypothesis that suppression of ROI-scavenging enzymes during the hypersensitive response plays an important role in enhancing pathogen-induced PCD.


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<p>Back Row: Kalli Hose, Lynn Mittler, Hilary Hughes, Sandi Marotti, Keely Libby, Katie Thomas, Lelli Hose</p><p>Middle Row: assistant coach Meri Dembrow, Kristin Shaiper, Jennifer DiMascio, Shay Perry, Katie Allison, Katherine Epler, Katie Vignevic, head coach Patti Smith </p><p>Front Row: trainer J Peters, Josee, Charvet, Patricia Maran, Natasha Bach, Mary Peters, Mary Beth Bird, </p>