53 resultados para Dysentery.
Durante uma infecção, uma complexa seqüência de eventos é inkiada após a invasão do hospedeiro por microrganismos patogênicos. Escherichia coli enteroinvasora (EIEC), assim como Shigella, causa disenteria através da invasão da mucosa do cólon, levando à destruição tecidual e inflamação. Para que ocorra um processo infeccioso, porém, são necessários inóculos de 102 Shigella e 106 EIEC. Foram avaliados aspectos da resposta inflamatória desencadeada pela infecção por EIEC em modelo murino, comparativamente a Shigella. A infecção de macrófagos J774 por EIEC resultou em fagocitose bacteriana, comprometimento da viabilidade do macrófago e produção de citocinas. Macrófagos de camundongos C57BU6 infectados com EIEC produziram NO, que parece ser importante no controle da infecção. Foi observado que camundongos INOS nocaute apresentaram maior produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e maior letalidade após infecção do que os selvagens. EIEC induziu a migração de granulócitos e monócitos para o peritônio, e a secreção de citocinas por estas células. Houve proliferação de linfócitos em resposta aos antígenos solúveis de EIEC, mas não foi detectada produção de citocinas por estes linfócitos.Comparativamente a Shigella, EIEC escapou mais lentamente do macrófago, induziu menor produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e NO, e menor ativação dos linfócitos T. Estes dados sugerem o desafio com EIEC desencadeia uma resposta menos severa no hospedeiro do que Shigella, o que explicaria a forma mais branda de disenteria e resolução mais rápida do processo infeccioso causado por EIEC.
Almanac containing two laid-in leaves and calendar pages with sporadic annotations of measurements, on the May page an annotation listing towns where Winthrop lodged. The first laid-in leaf has a short entry with structural measurements relating to an inclination of Old Stoughton College (January 21), and the second laid-in leaf has entries including notes on deaths in the community, the weather, an outbreak of dysentery (September 4), and the raising of a new Cambridge meeting house (November 12-17).
These diaries of Benjamin Guild document his travels as a Presbyterian pastor in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The daily entries describe people Guild met and dined with, the food he ate (including strawberries, currants, watermelon, English cherries, and lobster), the funerals he attended, and the sermons he gave. Many entries relate to his health concerns (the ague and eye trouble), sleeping habits, and widespread public health concerns (including smallpox, dysentery, "nervous fevers," consumption, and "putrid fever"). The diaries also contain passing references to the activities of American, British, French, and German soldiers during the American Revolution; the invasion of Canada and battles occurring in New York are noted. In August 1778, after visiting Providence, Rhode Island, Guild comments on the disordered state of the city after American soldiers passed through it. He also recounts a visit by officers of the French fleet to the Harvard College library in September 1778 and describes his dinner on board the French man-of-war, Sagitaire. One entry describes an elaborate ball sponsored by John Hancock, held for French soldiers and "Boston ladies," and another refers to the "incursion" of Indians. Many of Guild's diary entries pertain to his work as a Harvard College Tutor; these entries describe his lectures at the College, meetings with colleagues, personnel decisions, and the examination of students. He also describes books he is reading and his opinions of them, the purchase and sale of books, and his desire to learn Hebrew and French. In addition, multiple entries refer to a man named Prince, who was perhaps Guild's slave. Prince sometimes accompanied Guild on his travels.
One folded sheet containing a two-page letter from Fisher Ames in Dedham, Mass. to his sister "Debby" in Windsor, Vermont. Ames provides updates on the health of his children and individuals in the community, and discusses the summer heat, including mention of the likelihood of dysentery, and his attendance at "Mr. Montagu's Church," referring to the Dedham Episcopal Church presided over by Reverend William Montague.
Contains notes written by Dr. John Perkins (1698-1781) from 1750 to 1773 on physiology, materia medica, and illness, including symptoms, causes, and treatment of conditions like mumps, dysentery, dropsy, and rheumatism. Also includes observations on children and on various bodily functions. There is an index at the end of the volume.
Contains medical cases copied by James Lloyd (1728-1810), primarily between 1751 and 1754, from Mr. Steed, an apothecary at Guy's Hospital in London, England. The volume has additional medical cases dating from 1780 to 1787. Lloyd transcribed the names, ages, and symptoms of the patients, as well as the medicines and medical care delivered to them. The volume is divided into chapters based on the type of case, which included vision loss; fluor albus, or leucorrhoea; diabetes; and dysentery. There is also a letter pasted into the volume addressed to Dr. Brigham of the Boston Medical Library Association from Lloyd's great-grandson, dated 4 November 1887.
When cultures of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae were grown under a wide range of in vitro conditions, at least 1% of the cells formed spherical bodies different to the normal helical form. This percentage increased considerably in aging cultures or following their incubation in caramelized media. Spherical body formation was initiated from a terminal localized swelling of the outer sheath followed by a retraction of the protoplasmic cylinder into the resulting swollen vesicle. As this occurred, the periplasmic flagella seemed to unwind from the protoplasmic cylinder. Once retracted, the protoplasmic cylinder was found to be wrapped in an organized manner around the inner surface of the membrane of the swollen vesicle. Although most were 2-3 mu m in diameter, some much larger spherical bodies (6-12 mu m diameter) were occasionally seen, with a corresponding increase in the visible number of peripheral protoplasmic cylinder cross-sections. Spherical bodies from older cultures did not contain protoplasmic cylinders arranged around the periphery, but instead were characterized by the presence of a centrally located, electron-dense body c. 0.5-0.8 mu m in diameter. Brachyspira hyodysenteriae spherical bodies differ in both their structural organization and probable method of formation from similar structures described in other spirochaete genera.