976 resultados para Dynamically changing electrode processes


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This paper introduces a probability model, the mixture of trees that can account for sparse, dynamically changing dependence relationships. We present a family of efficient algorithms that use EM and the Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm to find the ML and MAP mixture of trees for a variety of priors, including the Dirichlet and the MDL priors. We also show that the single tree classifier acts like an implicit feature selector, thus making the classification performance insensitive to irrelevant attributes. Experimental results demonstrate the excellent performance of the new model both in density estimation and in classification.


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Dense deployments of wireless local area networks (WLANs) are fast becoming a permanent feature of all developed cities around the world. While this increases capacity and coverage, the problem of increased interference, which is exacerbated by the limited number of channels available, can severely degrade the performance of WLANs if an effective channel assignment scheme is not employed. In an earlier work, an asynchronous, distributed and dynamic channel assignment scheme has been proposed that (1) is simple to implement, (2) does not require any knowledge of the throughput function, and (3) allows asynchronous channel switching by each access point (AP). In this paper, we present extensive performance evaluation of this scheme when it is deployed in the more practical non-uniform and dynamic topology scenarios. Specifically, we investigate its effectiveness (1) when APs are deployed in a nonuniform fashion resulting in some APs suffering from higher levels of interference than others and (2) when APs are effectively switched `on/off' due to the availability/lack of traffic at different times, which creates a dynamically changing network topology. Simulation results based on actual WLAN topologies show that robust performance gains over other channel assignment schemes can still be achieved even in these realistic scenarios.


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In this paper we present a connectionist searching technique - the Stochastic Diffusion Search (SDS), capable of rapidly locating a specified pattern in a noisy search space. In operation SDS finds the position of the pre-specified pattern or if it does not exist - its best instantiation in the search space. This is achieved via parallel exploration of the whole search space by an ensemble of agents searching in a competitive cooperative manner. We prove mathematically the convergence of stochastic diffusion search. SDS converges to a statistical equilibrium when it locates the best instantiation of the object in the search space. Experiments presented in this paper indicate the high robustness of SDS and show good scalability with problem size. The convergence characteristic of SDS makes it a fully adaptive algorithm and suggests applications in dynamically changing environments.


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The ability to tolerate failures while effectively exploiting the grid computing resources in an scalable and transparent manner must be an integral part of grid computing infrastructure. Hence, fault-detection service is a necessary prerequisite to fault tolerance and fault recovery in grid computing. To this end, we present an scalable fault detection service architecture. The proposed fault-detection system provides services that monitors user applications, grid middlewares and the dynamically changing state of a collection of distributed resources. It reports summaries of this information to the appropriate agents on demand or instantaneously in the event of failures.


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Deakin University has for all of its existence supplied its distance education students with packs of printed course material. Despite the growth of online education the demand for printed material continues to grow. Faced with the challenge of improving processes Deakin University has turned to a process mapping model and ithink software to help it dynamically model internal processes allowing for the monitoring of demand shifts to see when and where tension is occurring in the system. The software allows the user to modify resource allocations to graphically observe where and when the ‘bottle-necks’ and capacity gaps are occurring and to perform a series of ‘what-if’ scenarios to address these capacity issues. These results are then allowing the University to work out where the ‘sticking points’ are and to improve resource allocation and processes. While the printing part of the course materials development process has been the pilot, the University expects to model all course material development processes, including hard copy, multimedia and online, using the ithink software.


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In this paper, an algorithm for approximating the path of a moving autonomous mobile sensor with an unknown position location using Received Signal Strength (RSS) measurements is proposed. Using a Least Squares (LS) estimation method as an input, a Maximum-Likelihood (ML) approach is used to determine the location of the unknown mobile sensor. For the mobile sensor case, as the sensor changes position the characteristics of the RSS measurements also change; therefore the proposed method adapts the RSS measurement model by dynamically changing the pass loss value alpha to aid in position estimation. Secondly, a Recursive Least-Squares (RLS) algorithm is used to estimate the path of a moving mobile sensor using the Maximum-Likelihood position estimation as an input. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated via simulation and it is shown that this method can accurately determine the position of the mobile sensor, and can efficiently track the position of the mobile sensor during motion.


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Wireless broadcasting is an efficient way to broadcast data to a large number of users. Some commercial applications of wireless broadcasting, such as satellite pay-TV, desire that only those users who have paid for the service can retrieve broadcast data. This is often achieved by broadcast encryption, which allows a station securely to broadcast data to a dynamically changing set of privileged users through open air. Most existing broadcast encryption schemes can only revoke a pre-specified number of users before system re-setup or require high computation, communication and storage overheads in receivers. In this paper, we propose a new broadcast encryption scheme based on smart cards. In our scheme, smart cards are used to prevent users from leaking secret keys. Additionally, once an illegally cloned smart card is captured, our scheme also allows tracing of the compromised smart card by which illegal smart cards are cloned, and can then revoke all cloned smart cards. The new features of our scheme include minimal computation needs of only a few modular multiplications in the smart card, and the capability to revoke up to any number of users in one revocation. Furthermore, our scheme is secure against both passive and active attacks and has better performance than other schemes.


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Determination of anabolic steroids often requires the use of elaborate techniques such as gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS), gas liquid chromatography (GLC) and more recently high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Most of these methods employ derivatisation techniques prior to detection which makes them tedious and relatively time consuming. Other methods demand a great deal of skill. A simple and rapid analytical method, based on differential pulse polarography at a dropping mercury electrode has been developed for the determination of various anabolic steroids in a range of commercially available pharmaceutical preparations. Detailed investigation of the electrochemical behaviour of these steroids was made in order to elucidate the electrode processes involved, in addition to optimising the method. Several other analytical methods such as GC-MS, NMR, ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR) spectroscopy were also used to confirm the products of the chemical and electrochemical reactions. Possible reactions are suggested. Various extraction procedures were examined for separation of selected steroids from the oil-based or pill matrix and their suitability for polarographic determination is discussed.


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Metal-air batteries are a well-established technology that can offer high energy densities, low cost and environmental responsibility. Despite these favourable characteristics and utilisation of oxygen as the cathode reactant, these devices have been limited to primary applications, due to a number of problems that occur when the cell is recharged, including electrolyte loss and poor efficiency. Overcoming these obstacles is essential to creating a rechargeable metal-air battery that can be utilised for efficiently capturing renewable energy. Despite the first metal-air battery being created over 100 years ago, the emergence of reactive metals such as lithium has reinvigorated interest in this field. However the reactivity of some of these metals has generated a number of different philosophies regarding the electrolyte of the metal-air battery. Whilst much is already known about the anode and cathode processes in aqueous and organic electrolytes, the shortcomings of these electrolytes (i.e. volatility, instability, flammability etc.) have led some of the metal-air battery community to study room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) as non-volatile, highly stable electrolytes that have the potential to support rechargeable metal-air battery processes. In this perspective, we discuss how some of these initial studies have demonstrated the capabilities of RTILs as metal-air battery electrolytes. We will also show that much of the long-held mechanistic knowledge of the oxygen electrode processes might not be applicable in RTIL based electrolytes, allowing for creative new solutions to the traditional irreversibility of the oxygen reduction reaction. Our understanding of key factors such as the effect of catalyst chemistry and surface structure, proton activity and interfacial reactions is still in its infancy in these novel electrolytes. In this perspective we highlight the key areas that need the attention of electrochemists and battery engineers, in order to progress the understanding of the physical and electrochemical processes in RTILs as electrolytes for the various forms of rechargeable metal-air batteries.


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Dynamically changing background (dynamic background) still presents a great challenge to many motion-based video surveillance systems. In the context of event detection, it is a major source of false alarms. There is a strong need from the security industry either to detect and suppress these false alarms, or dampen the effects of background changes, so as to increase the sensitivity to meaningful events of interest. In this paper, we restrict our focus to one of the most common causes of dynamic background changes: 1) that of swaying tree branches and 2) their shadows under windy conditions. Considering the ultimate goal in a video analytics pipeline, we formulate a new dynamic background detection problem as a signal processing alternative to the previously described but unreliable computer vision-based approaches. Within this new framework, we directly reduce the number of false alarms by testing if the detected events are due to characteristic background motions. In addition, we introduce a new data set suitable for the evaluation of dynamic background detection. It consists of real-world events detected by a commercial surveillance system from two static surveillance cameras. The research question we address is whether dynamic background can be detected reliably and efficiently using simple motion features and in the presence of similar but meaningful events, such as loitering. Inspired by the tree aerodynamics theory, we propose a novel method named local variation persistence (LVP), that captures the key characteristics of swaying motions. The method is posed as a convex optimization problem, whose variable is the local variation. We derive a computationally efficient algorithm for solving the optimization problem, the solution of which is then used to form a powerful detection statistic. On our newly collected data set, we demonstrate that the proposed LVP achieves excellent detection results and outperforms the best alternative adapted from existing art in the dynamic background literature.


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The aim of this work is to present the principal properties and applications of supporting electrolytes (SE) to students, teachers and researchers interested in electrode processes. Different aspects are discussed including the importance of SE in maintaining constant the activity coefficients and the diffusion coefficients and reducing the transport number of electroactive species. Its effect on the electrochemical kinetic parameters is also presented.


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It has been proposed recently the existence of a non-minimal coupling between a canonical scalar field (quintessence) and gravity in the framework of teleparallel gravity, motivated by similar constructions in the context of General Relativity. The dynamics of the model, known as teleparallel dark energy, has been further developed, but no scaling attractor has been found. Here we consider a model in which the non-minimal coupling is ruled by a dynamically changing coefficient α≡f,φ/(f)1/2, with f(φ) an arbitrary function of the scalar field φ. It is shown that in this case the existence of scaling attractors is possible, which means that the universe will eventually enter these scaling attractors, regardless of the initial conditions. As a consequence, the cosmological coincidence problem could be alleviated without fine-tunings. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl.


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A detailed dynamical analysis of the tachyonic teleparallel dark energy model, in which a noncanonical scalar field (tachyon field) is nonminimally coupled to gravitation, is performed. It is found that, when the nonminimal coupling is ruled by a dynamically changing coefficient α≡f ,φ/√f, with f(φ) an arbitrary function of the scalar field φ, the Universe may experience a field-matter-dominated era φMDE, in which it has some portions of the energy density of φ in the matter dominated era. This is the most significant difference in relation to the so-called teleparallel dark energy scenario, in which a canonical scalar field (quintessence) is nonminimally coupled to gravitation. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Com o avanço do desmatamento na Amazônia brasileira, a comunidade científica internacional tem feito grande esforço na busca por formas de aproveitamento da floresta que reconciliem desenvolvimento e conservação. Desde o final da década de 1980, os pesquisadores têm explorado o papel que o extrativismo dos Produtos Florestais Não Madeireiros (PFNM) pode possuir para a economia, o bem-estar e o meio ambiente dos moradores de área de floresta. Esta dissertação explora o papel dos PFNM na vida de comunidades rurais em áreas de fronteiras da atividade madeireira ao longo do Rio Capim, no Estado do Pará. Com o avanço da indústria madeireira sobre novas fronteiras da bacia amazônica, muitas comunidades estão tendo a oportunidade de vender os direitos de exploração de sua madeira. As comunidades consideram vários aspectos para avaliar o valor dos produtos florestais. Além do valor sócio-econômico e ecológico (valor real), há um valor relativo que influencia fortemente a forma como os recursos são explorados. Este valor relativo é baseado em representações que consideram a importância dos produtos florestais e no contexto em que essas representações são construídas. Para explorar essa temática, este trabalho parte do histórico de uma comunidade cabocla enfocando na forma como ela se apropriou e explorou seus recursos florestais. Para as famílias da comunidade, a madeira sempre representou uma herança com valor de troca e uso não conflituoso. A madeira foi o produto que pôde ser gasto ao longo do tempo, pois possuía valor de mercado e suas primeiras explorações não reduziram o acesso a outros produtos florestais. Representada dessa forma, a madeira apareceu como uma possibilidade estratégica para a melhoria das condições de vida das famílias. Foram identificados quatro fatores sócio-econômicos que influenciaram a comunidade a vender a madeira: 1) relações paternalistas entre os compradores da madeira e os caboclos; 2) dificuldades de gestão comum dos recursos; 3) especialização na extração de madeira e dependência de produtos externos e; 4) crescente interesse em ter acesso a produtos provenientes do mercado. Tais fatores influenciaram a comunidade a manter a venda da madeira, mesmo depois de se tornarem evidentes as perdas no consumo de PFNM. Compreender a influência do valor atribuído pelas comunidades aos produtos florestais é fundamental para identificar a verdadeira alternativa que os PFNM podem representar diante das demais opções de uso da terra.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)