985 resultados para Dynamic variation
Background and aims CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha (CEBPA) is a transcription factor involved in adipogenesis and energy homeostasis. Caloric restriction reduces CEBPA protein expression in patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS). A previous report linked rs12691 SNP in CEBPA to altered concentration of fasting triglycerides. Our objective was to assess the effects of rs12691 in glucose metabolism in Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) patients. Methods and results Glucose metabolism was assessed by static (glucose, insulin, adiponectin, leptin and resistin plasma concentrations) and dynamic (disposition index, insulin sensitivity index, HOMA-IR and acute insulin response to glucose) indices, performed at baseline and after 12 weeks of 4 dietary interventions (high saturated fatty acid (SFA), high monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), low-fat and low-fat-high-n3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)) in 486 subjects with MetS. Carriers of the minor A allele of rs12691 had altered disposition index (p = 0.0003), lower acute insulin response (p = 0.005) and a lower insulin sensitivity index (p = 0.025) indicating a lower insulin sensitivity and a lower insulin secretion, at baseline and at the end of the diets. Furthermore, A allele carriers displayed lower HDL concentration. Conclusion The presence of the A allele of rs12691 influences glucose metabolism of MetS patients. Clinical Trials Registry number NCT00429195.
The variability of hourly values of solar wind number density, number density variation, speed, speed variation and dynamic pressure with IMF Bz and magnitude |B| has been examined for the period 1965–1986. We wish to draw attention to a strong correlation in number density and number density fluctuation with IMF Bz characterised by a symmetric increasing trend in these quantities away from Bz = 0 nT. The fluctuation level in solar wind speed is found to be relatively independent of Bz. We infer that number density and number density variability dominate in controlling solar wind dynamic pressure and dynamic pressure variability. It is also found that dynamic pressure is correlated with each component of IMF and that there is evidence of morphological differences between the variation with each component. Finally, we examine the variation of number density, speed, dynamic pressure and fluctuation level in number density and speed with IMF magnitude |B|. Again we find that number density variation dominates over solar wind speed in controlling dynamic pressure.
Dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs) typically rely on plant functional types (PFTs), which are assigned distinct environmental tolerances and replace one another progressively along environmental gradients. Fixed values of traits are assigned to each PFT; modelled trait variation along gradients is thus driven by PFT replacement. But empirical studies have revealed "universal" scaling relationships (quantitative trait variations with climate that are similar within and between species, PFTs and communities); and continuous, adaptive trait variation has been proposed to replace PFTs as the basis for next-generation DGVMs. Here we analyse quantitative leaf-trait variation on long temperature and moisture gradients in China with a view to understanding the relative importance of PFT replacement vs. continuous adaptive variation within PFTs. Leaf area (LA), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC) and nitrogen content of dry matter were measured on all species at 80 sites ranging from temperate to tropical climates and from dense forests to deserts. Chlorophyll fluorescence traits and carbon, phosphorus and potassium contents were measured at 47 sites. Generalized linear models were used to relate log-transformed trait values to growing-season temperature and moisture indices, with or without PFT identity as a predictor, and to test for differences in trait responses among PFTs. Continuous trait variation was found to be ubiquitous. Responses to moisture availability were generally similar within and between PFTs, but biophysical traits (LA, SLA and LDMC) of forbs and grasses responded differently from woody plants. SLA and LDMC responses to temperature were dominated by the prevalence of evergreen PFTs with thick, dense leaves at the warm end of the gradient. Nutrient (N, P and K) responses to climate gradients were generally similar within all PFTs. Area-based nutrients generally declined with moisture; Narea and Karea declined with temperature, but Parea increased with temperature. Although the adaptive nature of many of these trait-climate relationships is understood qualitatively, a key challenge for modelling is to predict them quantitatively. Models must take into account that community-level responses to climatic gradients can be influenced by shifts in PFT composition, such as the replacement of deciduous by evergreen trees, which may run either parallel or counter to trait variation within PFTs. The importance of PFT shifts varies among traits, being important for biophysical traits but less so for physiological and chemical traits. Finally, models should take account of the diversity of trait values that is found in all sites and PFTs, representing the "pool" of variation that is locally available for the natural adaptation of ecosystem function to environmental change.
Yellow passion fruit pulp is unstable, presenting phase separation that can be avoided by the addition of hydrocolloids. For this purpose, xanthan and guar gum [0.3, 0.7 and 1.0% (w/w)] were added to yellow passion fruit pulp and the changes in the dynamic and steady-shear rheological behavior evaluated. Xanthan dispersions showed a more pronounced pseudoplasticity and the presence of yield stress, which was not observed in the guar gum dispersions. Cross model fitting to flow curves showed that the xanthan suspensions also had higher zero shear viscosity than the guar suspensions, and, for both gums, an increase in temperature led to lower values for this parameter. The gums showed different behavior as a function of temperature in the range of 5-35 degrees C. The activation energy of the apparent viscosity was dependent on the shear rate and gum concentration for guar, whereas for xanthan these values only varied with the concentration. The mechanical spectra were well described by the generalized Maxwell model and the xanthan dispersions showed a more elastic character than the guar dispersions, with higher values for the relaxation time. Xanthan was characterized as a weak gel, while guar presented a concentrated solution behavior. The simultaneous evaluation of temperature and concentration showed a stronger influence of the polysaccharide concentration on the apparent viscosity and the G` and G `` moduli than the variation in temperature.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Many studies show environmental enrichment is correlated with benefits to captive animals; however, one should not always assume this positive relationship given that enrichment increases the amount of resources that a territorial animal must defend and possibly affects its aggressive dynamics. In this study, we tested if environmental enrichment affects aggressive interactions in the aggressive fish Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). We compared fights staged between pairs of male tilapia of similar size (= matched in resource holding potential) in a novel arena that was either barren or enriched, to examine whether enrichment enhances territory value in line with theoretical predictions, with the potential for compromised welfare. We evaluated time elapsed until the first attack (latency), frequency of aggressive interactions and fight duration. We detected fight dynamic differences at the pair level. Higher resource value generated increased aggression but had no effect on fight duration or latency. This conclusion is in line with game theory predictions concerning resource value and contradicts the theory that enrichment of the environment will serve welfare purposes. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
5S rDNA sequences have proven to be valuable as genetic markers to distinguish closely related species and also in the understanding of the dynamic of repetitive sequences in the genomes. In the aim to contribute to the knowledge of the evolutionary history of Leporinus (Anostomidae) and also to contribute to the understanding of the 5S rDNA sequences organization in the fish genome, analyses of 5S rDNA sequences were conducted in seven species of this genus. The 5S rRNA gene sequence was highly conserved among Leporinus species, whereas NTS exhibit high levels of variations related to insertions, deletions, microrepeats, and base substitutions. The phylogenetic analysis of the 5S rDNA sequences clustered the species into two clades that are in agreement with cytogenetic and morphological data.
We studied the effect of meal size on specific dynamic action (SDA) in the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus, by measuring oxygen consumption rates (VO2) prior to and after the ingestion of meals ranging from 10-50% of snake's body mass. Regardless of meal size, variation in VO2 with time during digestion demonstrated the same general pattern. Oxygen consumption rates peaked between 15 and 33 h post-feeding, at values 3.7-7.3 times those prior to feeding. Snakes, while digesting meals of 30% and 50% of their body mass, experienced VO2 that exceeded rates measured during forced activity. Following peaks in VO2, rates returned to prefeeding values within 62-170 h post-feeding. Post-prandial peak in VO2 and the duration of the metabolic response to feeding increased with meal size. Digestion is an energetically demanding activity for C. durissus, with an estimated cost equaling 12-18% of the ingested assimilated energy.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Tissue repair is an integration of dynamic interactive processes that involves soluble mediators, blood components, production of extra-cellular matrix and mesenchymal cells. Many studies involving the use of LLLT shows that the healing process is favored by such therapy. The aim of this work was to evaluate, through histological analysis, the tissue effects of cutaneous wounds submitted to different intensities and a same irradiation dose with lasers in λ670 or λ685nm. Eighteen animals were divided in two experimental groups according to wavelength used (λ670 or λ685nm). Each one of these groups was divided still in three subgroups of three animals each, related to the intensity of applied irradiation (2, 15 or 25mW). Twelve animals acted as untreated controls and were not irradiated. The irradiation was carried out during seven days. The animals were sacrificed eight days after surgery. The specimens were removed, kept in 4% formaldehyde for 24 hours, routinely prepared to wax, stained with H&E and analyzed under light microscopy. The histological characteristics observed, so much in the irradiated animals, as in the control, they are indicative of a substitution repair process, however, the LLLT modulatory positive effect was observed, in the healing process, mainly associate to the use of the shorter wavelength and low power. The results of the present study indicate that LLLT improves cutaneous wound repair and best results are achieved when higher potencies associated to short wavelengths or lower potencies associated to higher wavelengths are used.
Although dynamic and stretching exercises have been widely investigated, there is little information about warm up performed by tag games. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to verify the acute effect of dynamic exercises compared to a tag game warm up on agility and vertical jump in children. 25 boys and 24 girls participated in this study and performed the agility and vertical jump tests after warm up based on dynamic exercises or as a tag game lasting 10 min each in two different days randomly. Dynamic exercises warm up consisted in a run lasting 2.5 min followed by 2 series of 8 dynamic exercises lasting 10 seconds each interspersed with 20s of light run to recovery. Tag game warm up was performed by a tag game with two variations lasting 5 min each. The first variation there was a single cather, which aimed to get the other participants by touching hands. In the second part of the game, the rules were the same except that the participant that was caught had to help the catcher forming a team of catchers. Warm up intensity was monitored by OMNI perceived exertion scale. ANOVA 2x2 for repeated measures (Warm up x Sex) demonstrated no significant differences between dynamic exercises and tag game for agility and vertical jump (P>0.05) for boys and girls. Perceived exertion was significantly higher in tag game compared to dynamic exercises on girls (P<0.05). Both warm up models showed similar acute effects on agility and vertical jump in children. © Faculty of Education. University of Alicante.
Background: The quasispecies composition of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) could have important implications with regard to viral persistence and response to interferon-based therapy. The complete NS5A was analyzed to evaluate whether the composition of NS5A quasispecies of HCV 1a/1b is related to responsiveness to combined interferon pegylated (PEG-IFN) and ribavirin therapy.Methods: Viral RNA was isolated from serum samples collected before, during and after treatment from virological sustained responder (SVR), non-responder (NR) and the end-of-treatment responder patients (ETR). NS5A region was amplified, cloned and sequenced. Six hundred and ninety full-length NS5A sequences were analyzed.Results: This study provides evidence that lower nucleotide diversity of the NS5A region pre-therapy is associated with viral clearance. Analysis of samples of NRs and the ETRs time points showed that genetic diversity of populations tend to decrease over time. Post-therapy population of ETRs presented higher genetic distance from baseline probably due to the bottleneck phenomenon observed for those patients in the end of treatment. The viral effective population of those patients also showed a strong decrease after therapy. Otherwise, NRs demonstrated a continuous variation or stability of effective populations and genetic diversity over time that did not seem to be related to therapy. Phylogenetic relationships concerning complete NS5A sequences obtained from patients did not demonstrate clustering associated with specific response patterns. However, distinctive clustering of pre/post-therapy sequences was observed. In addition, the evolution of quasispecies over time was subjected to purifying or relaxed purifying selection. Codons 157 (P03), 182 and 440 (P42), 62 and 404 (P44) were found to be under positive selective pressure but it failed to be related to the therapy.Conclusion: These results confirm the hypothesis that a relationship exists between NS5A heterogeneity and response to therapy in patients infected with chronic hepatitis C. © 2013 Jardim et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Patterns of geographic variation of the canid Cerdocyon thous have historically been obscured by its remarkable intraspecific morphological variability. The observed distribution is highly associated with phytophysiognomy, a feature considered highly dynamic along geological time. In the present study, we tested whether vegetation distribution during the Holocene Glacial Maximum of South America (HGM) explains the patterns of morphological variation within Cerdocyon thous. The species was divided in groups according to paleohabitats that could support their presence during the HGM, and then tested for differences in skull morphometrics. The results obtained demonstrate that the climatic changes during the HGM influenced the population structure of this species, resulting in the establishment of geographical groups with different degrees of morphological cohesion. Higher morphological cohesion found in the Northern group might be explained by the marked discontinuity between its geographical range and the rest of the species`distribution. The Eastern and Southern morphological divergence is less striking and, although this could be related to past vegetation distribution, the disappearance of those barriers leads to a population structure that could be slowly breaking down. (C) 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98, 77-84.
The regulation of variant gene expression in Plasmodium falciparum is still only partially understood. Regulation of var genes, the most studied gene family involved in antigenic variation, is orchestrated by a dynamic pattern of inherited chromatin states. Although recent evidence pointed to epigenetic regulation of transcribed and repressed rif loci, little is known about specific on/off associated histone modifications of individual rif genes. To investigate the chromatin marks for transcribed and repressed rif loci, we cultivated parasites and evaluated the transcriptional status of chosen rif targets by qRT-PCR and performed ChIP assays using H3K9ac and H3K9me3 antibodies. We then monitored changes in the epigenetic patterns in parasites after several reinvasions and also evaluated the "poised'' mark in trophozoites and schizonts of the same erythrocytic cycle by ChIP using H3K4me2 specific antibodies. Our results show that H3K9 is acetylated in transcribed rif loci and trimethylated or even unmodified in repressed rif loci. These transcriptional and epigenetic states are inherited after several reinvasions. The poised modification H3K4me2 showed a tendency to be more present in loci in trophozoites that upon progression to schizonts strongly transcribe the respective locus. However, this effect was not consistently observed for all monitored loci. While our data show important similarities to var transcription-associated chromatin modifications, the observed swiftly occurring modifications at rif loci and the absence of H3K9 modification point to a different dynamic of recruitment of chromatin modifying enzymes.
Multi-Processor SoC (MPSOC) design brings to the foreground a large number of challenges, one of the most prominent of which is the design of the chip interconnection. With a number of on-chip blocks presently ranging in the tens, and quickly approaching the hundreds, the novel issue of how to best provide on-chip communication resources is clearly felt. Scaling down of process technologies has increased process and dynamic variations as well as transistor wearout. Because of this, delay variations increase and impact the performance of the MPSoCs. The interconnect architecture inMPSoCs becomes a single point of failure as it connects all other components of the system together. A faulty processing element may be shut down entirely, but the interconnect architecture must be able to tolerate partial failure and variations and operate with performance, power or latency overhead. This dissertation focuses on techniques at different levels of abstraction to face with the reliability and variability issues in on-chip interconnection networks. By showing the test results of a GALS NoC testchip this dissertation motivates the need for techniques to detect and work around manufacturing faults and process variations in MPSoCs’ interconnection infrastructure. As a physical design technique, we propose the bundle routing framework as an effective way to route the Network on Chips’ global links. For architecture-level design, two cases are addressed: (I) Intra-cluster communication where we propose a low-latency interconnect with variability robustness (ii) Inter-cluster communication where an online functional testing with a reliable NoC configuration are proposed. We also propose dualVdd as an orthogonal way of compensating variability at the post-fabrication stage. This is an alternative strategy with respect to the design techniques, since it enforces the compensation at post silicon stage.