984 resultados para Drama, theatre and performance studies


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In this paper, I investigate the (mis)performance of ‘passing’ in the context of bodies with disabilities. The desire to conceal, control or contain a body’s idiosyncrasies can be a deceitful act, complicit with dominant cultural assumptions about the benefits of fitting in. Passing, and the performative tricks, techniques and prostheses that support the ‘lie’ of passing, upholding a social contract in which a closeting-as-cure approach accommodates discomfort with difference. In this paper, I consider moments of non-passing, where people are caught out by mistakes or deliberate misperformances of the daily social drama of ability and disability. I reference the work of disabled artists Bill Shannon, Aaron Williamson and Katherine Araniello, who re-perform their daily personal interactions in the public sphere as a sort of guerilla theatre. Their work brings hidden assumptions about how disabled people should act and interact to the brink of visibility. It challenges passers-by to confront their complicity in these discourses by pressing them to re-perform their own spontaneous reactions to bodies that misperform the ‘lie’ of normalcy.


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In 1967 Brisbane Repertory Theatre made a decision that was to change the city's cultural landscape in a significant and lasting way. Faced with crippling theatre rental costs, Brisbane Rep. found a realistic solution by converting one of its properties - an old Queenslander - into a unique theatre space. The theatre-in-the box that emerged, aptly called La Boite, opened on 23 June 1967 with a production of John Osborne's Look Back in Anger. This experimental space excited the imagination of a new, younger audience not previously interested in Brisbane Rep's essentially conservative fare. It attracted a new group of directors and actors keen to be part of a changing repertoire that embraced more radical, non-mainstream productions, some of which were of Australian plays. The decade after 1967 was a period of change and development unprecedented in La Boite's history. Since then the company has sustained and grown its commitment to Australian plays and the commissioning of new works. To what extent was this most significance moment in La Boite's transformational journey influenced by southern 'new waves' of change? With the benefit of hindsight, it is now time for a re-consideration of Brisbane's distinctive contribution to the New Wave.


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Adopting a thematic rather than chronological arrangement, this co-authored book surveys representations of men and masculinity in post-war Australian theater. Its searching and sophisticated analyses draw upon playscripts, critical records and archival material, including screen versions of stage productions. The study is organized around two distinct periods of Australian theater history: the 1950s to 1970, during which time a national theatremovement flourished, and the mid-1980s onward.Whilst some attention is given to different genres, discussion centers primarily on realist works from the mainstream. Several plays usually omitted from orthodox theater histories, such as Barry Pree’s A Fox in the Night (1959), are given detailed treatments.


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The Executive Leadership Development Program embarked upon by Queensland Health as a part of the major reform program is discussed. The second stage of the program has begun and the main aim is to ensure leadership development across the organization.


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Since its genesis in 1925, La Boite has never been afraid of change. Despite controversies, crises and crippling set-backs that should have closed its stage doors many times, La Boite - which began life as the Brisbane Repertory Theatre Society - has proved itself an extraordinary survivor. When the opportunity came to build its own theatre, its inspired choice of theatre-in-the-round gave Brisbane an iconic performance space that attracted a whole new generation of actors, directors and designers and placed La Boite at the forefront of contemporary theatre practice. The place, in Katharine Brisbane’s words, “to see the red meat of theatre”. Always enterprising, with gritty determination it became a professional theatre company of national significance; and early in the new millennium triumphantly re-located to its new home at The Roundhouse Theatre. La Boite –The Story of an Australian Theatre Company both interrogates and celebrates the history of Queensland’s oldest theatre company. Highlighting the roles key people played in its evolution – particularly four remarkable women – Christine Comans explores La Boite’s colourful past, its cultural significance to Brisbane, and its vibrant and enduring role in the nation’s theatrical history.


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Jonzi D, one of the leading Hip Hop voices in the UK, creates contemporary theatrical works that merge dance, street art, original scored music and contemporary rap poetry, to create theatrical events that expand a thriving sense of a Hip Hop nation with citizens in the UK, throughout southern Africa and the rest of the world. In recent years Hip Hop has evolved as a performance genre in and of itself that not only borrows from other forms but vitally now contributes back to the body of contemporary practice in the performing arts. As part of this work Jonzi’s company Jonzi D Productions is committed to creating and touring original Hip Hop theatre that promotes the continuing development and awareness of a nation with its own language, culture and currency that exists without borders. Through the deployment of a universal voice from the local streets of Johannesburg and the East End of London, Jonzi D creates a form of highly energized performance that elevates Hip Hop as great democratiser between the highly developed global and under resourced local in the world. It is the staging of this democratised and technologised future (and present), that poses the greatest challenge for the scenographer working with Jonzi and his company, and the associated deprogramming and translation of the artists particular filmic vision to the stage, that this discussion will explore. This paper interrogates not only how a scenographic strategy can support the existence of this work but also how the scenographer as outsider can enter and influence this nation.


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This paper will discuss the researcher’s practice-led study within the field of contemporary cabaret performance. The project is focussed on transforming personal stories of depression into cabaret with the aims of raising community awareness of the issue. In the process, the research aims to explore innovations within the field of cabaret. Interviews conducted with individuals who have suffered from depression are being used as ‘inspiration points’ for the development of the performance. This paper will provide a short contextual review for the project and introduce the researcher’s creative process. For the purposes of this research, cabaret has been defined as performances of songs and dialogue in direct-address with the audience. Cabaret performances merge ‘high’ and ‘low’ art forms (often including satirical comedy), and are generally performed in small-scale venues. The accessible, intimate and light-hearted nature of cabaret offers unique opportunities for the discussion of social issues.


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What happens when the traditional framing mechanisms of our performance environments are removed and we are forced as directors to work with actors in digital environments that capture performance in 360 degrees? As directors contend with the challenges of interactive performance, the emergence of the online audience and the powerful influence of the games industry, how can we approach the challenges of directing work that is performance captured and presented in real time using motion capture and associated 3D imaging software? The 360 degree real time capture of performance, while allowing for an unlimited amount of framing potential, demands a unique and uncompromisingly disciplined style of direction and performance that has thus far remained unstudied and unquantified. By a close analysis of the groundbreaking work of artists like Robert Zemeckis and the Wetta Digital studio it is possible to begin to quantify what the technical requirements and challenges of 360 degree direction might be, but little has been discovered about the challenges of communicating the unlimited potential of framing and focus to the actors who work with these directors within these systems. It cannot be argued that the potential of theatrical space has evolved beyond the physical and moved into a more accessible virtual and digitised form, so how then can we direct for this unlimited potential and where do we place the focus of our directed (and captured) performance?


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The focus of this paper questions how the performance place was transformed to a performance space. This major change in distinction holds an ongoing significance to the development of the actors, scenographers, animators, writers and film directors craft within current digitally mediated and interactive performance environments. As part of this discussion this paper traces the crucial seed of the revolution that transformed modern scenographic practice from the droll of the romantic realism of the Victorian stage to the open potential of the performance environment of today. This is achieved through close readings on the practical work of Edward Gordon Craig and Adolphe Appia as well as the scenographic discussions of Chris Baugh.


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William Gibson’s The Miracle Worker was staged at the Brisbane Powerhouse June 2009 by Crossbow Productions. In this adaption, people with hearing impairment were privileged through the use of shadow-signing, unscripted signing and the appropriation of signing as a theatrical language in itself. 250 people living with hearing impairment attended the production, 70 had never attended a theatrical event before. During the post-performance discussions hearing audience members expressed feelings of displacement through experiencing the culture of the deaf society and not grasping some of the ideas. This paper argues that this inversion enhanced meaning making for all and illustrates a way forward to encourage the signing of more theatrical events.


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Contemporary mainstream theatre audiences observe etiquette strictures that regulate behaviour. As Baz Kershaw argues, “the idea of the passive audience for performance has been associated usually with mainstream theatre.” This paper explores a mainstream event where the extant contract of audience silence was replaced with a raw, emotional audience response that continued into the post-performance discussion. William Gibson’s The Miracle Worker was performed by Crossbow Productions at the Brisbane Powerhouse to an audience made up of mainstream theatre patrons and people living with hearing and visual impairment. Various elements such as shadow signing and tactile tours worked metatheatrically and self-referentially to heighten audience awareness. During the performances the verbal and non-verbal responses of the audience were so pervasive that the audience became not only co-creators of the performance text but performers of a rich audience text that had a dramatic impact on the theatrical experience for audience and actors alike. During the post-performance discussion the audience performers spilled onto the stage interacting with the actors, extending the pleasure of the experience. This paper discusses how in privileging the audience as co-creators and performers, the chasm between stage and audience was bridged. The audiences’ performance changed, enriched and created new meanings for each performance.