985 resultados para Drama, Theatre, Performance Art


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The Pedestrian Interaction Patch Project (PIPP) seeks to exert influence over and encourage abnormal pedestrian behavior. By placing an unadvertised (and non recording) interactive video manipulation system and projection source in a high traffic public area, the PIPP allows pedestrians to privately (and publically) re-engage with a previously inactive physical environment, like a commonly used walkway or corridor. This system, the results of which are projected in real time on the architectural surface, inadvertently provides pedestrians with questions around preconceived notions of self and space. In an attempt to re-activate our relationship with the physical surrounds we occupy each day the PIPP creates a new set of memories to be recalled as we re-enter known environments once PIPP has moved on and as such re-enlivens our relationship with the everyday architecture we stroll past everyday. The PIPP environment is controlled using the software program Isadora, devised by Mark Coniglio at Troika Ranch, and contains a series of video manipulation patches that are designed to not only grab the pedestrians attention but to also encourage a sense of play and interaction between the architecture, the digital environment, the initially unsuspecting participant(s) and the pedestrian audience. The PIPP was included as part of the planned walking tour for the “Playing in Urban Spaces” seminar day, and was an installation that ran for the length of the symposium in a reclaimed pedestrian space that was encountered by both the participants and general public during the course of the day long event. Ideally once discovered PIPP encouraged pedestrians to return through the course of the seminar day to see if the environmental patches had changed or altered, and changed their standard route to include the PIPP installation or to avoid it, either way, encouraging an active response to the pathways normally traveled or newly discovered each day.


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What happens when the traditional framing mechanisms of our performance environments are removed and we are forced as directors to work with actors in digital environments that capture performance in 360 degrees? As directors contend with the challenges of interactive performance, the emergence of the online audience and the powerful influence of the games industry, how can we approach the challenges of directing work that is performance captured and presented in real time using motion capture and associated 3D imaging software? The 360 degree real time capture of performance, while allowing for an unlimited amount of framing potential, demands a unique and uncompromisingly disciplined style of direction and performance that has thus far remained unstudied and unquantified. By a close analysis of the groundbreaking work of artists like Robert Zemeckis and the Wetta Digital studio it is possible to begin to quantify what the technical requirements and challenges of 360 degree direction might be, but little has been discovered about the challenges of communicating the unlimited potential of framing and focus to the actors who work with these directors within these systems. It cannot be argued that the potential of theatrical space has evolved beyond the physical and moved into a more accessible virtual and digitised form, so how then can we direct for this unlimited potential and where do we place the focus of our directed (and captured) performance?


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The focus of this paper questions how the performance place was transformed to a performance space. This major change in distinction holds an ongoing significance to the development of the actors, scenographers, animators, writers and film directors craft within current digitally mediated and interactive performance environments. As part of this discussion this paper traces the crucial seed of the revolution that transformed modern scenographic practice from the droll of the romantic realism of the Victorian stage to the open potential of the performance environment of today. This is achieved through close readings on the practical work of Edward Gordon Craig and Adolphe Appia as well as the scenographic discussions of Chris Baugh.


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This paper investigates virtual reality representations of the 1599 Boar’s Head Theatre and the Rose Theatre, two renaissance places and spaces. These models become a “world elsewhere” in that they represent virtual recreations of these venues in as much detail as possible. The models are based on accurate archeological and theatre historical records and are easy to navigate particularly for current use. This paper demonstrates the ways in which these models can be instructive for reading theatre today. More importantly we introduce human figures onto the stage via motion capture which allows us to explore the potential between space, actor and environment. This facilitates a new way of thinking about early modern playwrights’ “attitudes to locality and localities large and small”. These venues are thus activated to intersect productively with early modern studies so that the paper can test the historical and contemporary limits of such research.


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William Gibson’s The Miracle Worker was staged at the Brisbane Powerhouse June 2009 by Crossbow Productions. In this adaption, people with hearing impairment were privileged through the use of shadow-signing, unscripted signing and the appropriation of signing as a theatrical language in itself. 250 people living with hearing impairment attended the production, 70 had never attended a theatrical event before. During the post-performance discussions hearing audience members expressed feelings of displacement through experiencing the culture of the deaf society and not grasping some of the ideas. This paper argues that this inversion enhanced meaning making for all and illustrates a way forward to encourage the signing of more theatrical events.


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Contemporary mainstream theatre audiences observe etiquette strictures that regulate behaviour. As Baz Kershaw argues, “the idea of the passive audience for performance has been associated usually with mainstream theatre.” This paper explores a mainstream event where the extant contract of audience silence was replaced with a raw, emotional audience response that continued into the post-performance discussion. William Gibson’s The Miracle Worker was performed by Crossbow Productions at the Brisbane Powerhouse to an audience made up of mainstream theatre patrons and people living with hearing and visual impairment. Various elements such as shadow signing and tactile tours worked metatheatrically and self-referentially to heighten audience awareness. During the performances the verbal and non-verbal responses of the audience were so pervasive that the audience became not only co-creators of the performance text but performers of a rich audience text that had a dramatic impact on the theatrical experience for audience and actors alike. During the post-performance discussion the audience performers spilled onto the stage interacting with the actors, extending the pleasure of the experience. This paper discusses how in privileging the audience as co-creators and performers, the chasm between stage and audience was bridged. The audiences’ performance changed, enriched and created new meanings for each performance.


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The term ’public discourses’ describes a range of texts or signifiers that inform the conditions of audience reception. Public discourses include myriad written, visual, spatial, auditory and sensory texts experienced by an audience at a particular theatrical event. Ric Knowles first introduced this term in his recent work Reading the Material Theatre. Whereas Knowles was interested in how public discourses modified the conditions of reception, my broader research is to explore how these public discourses become texts in themselves. This paper will discuss one public discourse, the theatre programme, as it related to a staging of Maxwell Anderson’s Anne of the Thousand Days at the Brisbane Powerhouse in June 2006. The significance of the programme was explored at symposiums held after the performances. Audiences generally view programmes before a performance and after a performance and its significance as a written text changes. The program became a sign vehicle that worked to expound and explicate the meaning of the play for the audience. This public discourse became a significant written text contributing to the textual whole of the theatrical event.


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The controversial love affair of CS Lewis, Oxford scholar and writer of the Narnia Chronicles, is set in a constellation of music, sculpture and mime. CS Lewis’s intriguing relationship with poet Joy Davidman moves, inspires and confronts us with the big questions. Beauty contrasts with the ephemeral land of the shadows. Crossbow’s adaption of William Nicholson’s soulful and witty play explores the joy and the grief of “experience: that most brutal of teachers.” Showcasing the abilities of Brisbane and Sydney actors, the company that brought you The Miracle Worker and Anne of the Thousand Days, will quicken your senses and stir your heart with Shadowlands. All performances have a tactile tour of the stage 20 minutes before the start time of the show. Special signed performance for hearing impaired patrons Thur 5 Aug 2pm


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This research explores a new approach to Beckett’s Not I, a work in which the spectator is asked to focus primarily on a human mouth suspended in space eight feet off the ground. The digital reconstitution of the x, y and z axes in Beckett's work has been retitled "?ot I". In "?ot I", the prescribed x, y and z axes of the original have been re-spatialised environmentally, physically and aurally to create an invigorated version of the text. In this work, it is primarily the reconstitution of spatial dynamics and time that are explored. An adaption and series of responses to Samuel Beckett's "Not I", first performed at Melbourne University and Deakin Motion.Lab, Deakin University, 2007


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Presented as part of the Sampled Festival at Sadlers Wells UK in January 2009, PIPP #2 continues the exploration of the first installation (PIPP #1 Leeds) and asks audiences to connect with an interactive work presented in the foyer of a major dance festival. Literally choreographing their own dances on the walls of the venue, pedestrians re-connect with the architectural surrounds generating unique memories of self.


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A review of the musical element of QPAC's 2010 Out of the Box Festival of Early Childhood


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In this paper I analyse UK artist Alison Jones’ sonic interventions Portrait of the Artist by Proxy (2008), Voyeurism by Proxy (2008) and Art, Lies and Audio Tapes (2009). In Portrait of the Artist by Proxy, Jones – who, due to deteriorating vision, has not seen her reflection in a mirror in years – asks and trusts participants to audio-describe her own image back to her. In Voyeurism by Proxy, Jones asks participants to audio-describe erotic drawings by Gustav Klimt. In Art, Lies and Audio Tapes, Jones asks participants to audio-describe other artworks, such as W.F. Yeames’ And When Did You Last see Your Father?. In these portraits by proxy, Jones opens her image, and other images, to interpretation. In doing so, Jones draws attention to the way sight is privileged as a mode of access to fixed, fundamental truths in Western culture – a mode assumed to be untainted by filters that skew perception of the object. “In a culture where vision is by far the dominant sense,” Jones says, “and as a visual artist with a visual impairment, I am reliant on audio-description …Inevitably, there are limitations imposed by language, time and the interpreter’s background knowledge of the subject viewed, as well as their personal bias of what is deemed important to impart in their description” . In these works, Jones strips these background knowledges, biases and assumptions bare. She reveals different perceptions, as well as tendencies or censor, edit or exaggerate descriptions. In this paper, I investigate how, by revealing unconscious biases, Jones’ works renders herself and her participants vulnerable to a change of perception. I also examine how Jones’ later editing of the audio-descriptions allows her to show the instabilities of sight, and, in Portrait of the Artist by Proxy, to reclaim authorship of her own image.


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This is an oddly engaging piece of theatre by American playwright Will Eno. It starts with a deceptively simple, straightforward and familiar theatrical premise. A solitary character on a big, black stage, bare but for a single table and a single chair, tells us a story. Thom is a man we know nothing about. Nothing about the suit he wears, the stage he inhabits or the story he tells locates in him time, space, or a specific social milieu.


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This article investigates virtual reality representations of performance in London’s late sixteenth-century Rose Theatre, a venue that, by means of current technology, can once again challenge perceptions of space, performance, and memory. The VR model of The Rose represents a virtual recreation of this venue in as much detail as possible and attempts to recover graphic demonstrations of the trace memories of the performance modes of the day. The VR model is based on accurate archeological and theatre historical records and is easy to navigate. The introduction of human figures onto The Rose’s stage via motion capture allows us to explore the relationships between space, actor and environment. The combination of venue and actors facilitates a new way of thinking about how the work of early modern playwrights can be stored and recalled. This virtual theatre is thus activated to intersect productively with contemporary studies in performance; as such, our paper provides a perspective on and embodiment of the relation between technology, memory and experience. It is, at its simplest, a useful archiving project for theatrical history, but it is directly relevant to contemporary performance practice as well. Further, it reflects upon how technology and ‘re-enactments’ of sorts mediate the way in which knowledge and experience are transferred, and even what may be considered ‘knowledge.’ Our work provides opportunities to begin addressing what such intermedial confrontations might produce for ‘remembering, experiencing, thinking and imagining.’ We contend that these confrontations will enhance live theatre performance rather than impeding or disrupting contemporary performance practice. Our ‘paper’ is in the form of a video which covers the intellectual contribution while also permitting a demonstration of the interventions we are discussing.