996 resultados para Downy Mildew Resistance


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Spores of the hyperparasite Acremonium alternatum reduced powdery mildew infection by Leveillula taurica on greenhouse tomato. The effect was slightly increased when spores were applied killed, and therefore not due to direct parasitism. The effect was systemic, protecting untreated leaves above the treated ones. Spores killed by heat had more effect than when killed by UV, so the effect was presumably due to induction of host resistance by substances released when cells were heat killed. The size of the effect depended upon leaf age and level of infection. Effects on primary infection and expansion of successful infections appear to be under independent control.


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Small propagules like pollen or fungal spores may be dispersed by the wind over distances of hundreds or thousands of kilometres,even though the median dispersal may be only a few metres. Such long-distance dispersal is a stochastic event which may be exceptionally important in shaping a population. It has been found repeatedly in field studies that subpopulations of wind-dispersed fungal pathogens virulent on cultivars with newly introduced, effective resistance genes are dominated by one or very few genotypes. The role of propagule dispersal distributions with distinct behaviour at long distances in generating this characteristic population structure was studied by computer simulation of dispersal of clonal organisms in a heterogeneous environment with fields of unselective and selective hosts. Power-law distributions generated founder events in which new, virulent genotypes rapidly colonized fields of resistant crop varieties and subsequently dominated the pathogen population on both selective and unselective varieties, in agreement with data on rust and powdery mildew fungi. An exponential dispersal function, with extremely rare dispersal over long distances, resulted in slower colonization of resistant varieties by virulent pathogens or even no colonization if the distance between susceptible source and resistant target fields was sufficiently large. The founder events resulting from long-distance dispersal were highly stochastic and exact quantitative prediction of genotype frequencies will therefore always be difficult.


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Background: Podosphaera aphanis, the causal agent of strawberry powdery mildew causes significant economic loss worldwide. Methods: We used the diploid strawberry species Fragaria vesca as a model to study plant pathogen interactions. RNA-seq was employed to generate a transcriptome dataset from two accessions, F. vesca ssp. vesca Hawaii 4 (HW) and F. vesca f. semperflorens Yellow Wonder 5AF7 (YW) at 1 d (1 DAI) and 8 d (8 DAI) after infection. Results: Of the total reads identified about 999 million (92%) mapped to the F. vesca genome. These transcripts were derived from a total of 23,470 and 23,464 genes in HW and YW, respectively from the three time points (control, 1 and 8 DAI). Analysis identified 1,567, 1,846 and 1,145 up-regulated genes between control and 1 DAI, control and 8 DAI, and 1 and 8 DAI, respectively in HW. Similarly, 1,336, 1,619 and 968 genes were up-regulated in YW. Also 646, 1,098 and 624 down-regulated genes were identified in HW, while 571, 754 and 627 genes were down-regulated in YW between all three time points, respectively. Conclusion: Investigation of differentially expressed genes (log2 fold changes �5) between control and 1 DAI in both HW and YW identified a large number of genes related to secondary metabolism, signal transduction; transcriptional regulation and disease resistance were highly expressed. These included flavonoid 3´-monooxygenase, peroxidase 15, glucan endo-1,3-β-glucosidase 2, receptor-like kinases, transcription factors, germin-like proteins, F-box proteins, NB-ARC and NBS-LRR proteins. This is the first application of RNA-seq to any pathogen interaction in strawberry


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Powdery mildew is one of the most serious diseases of soybean and is found in all producing countries. The purpose of this study was to validate microsatellite markers previously identified as associated with resistance to powdery mildew in soybean. The study was conducted in two F, parent populations with contrasting resistance to powdery mildew, In the analysis 10 SSR primers were used for the populations. and tour polymorphic markers were identified for cross I (MGBR95-20937 x IAC-Foscarin 31) and three for cross 2 (MGBR-46 x Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) 48). The Chi-square analysis of the phenotypic evaluation confirmed the expected segregation (3: 1) of a dominant gene related to resistance. The polymorphic markers also segregated as expected (1:2:1). The markers Sat 366 and Sat 393 in the crosses 1 and 2. respectively, located at 9.41 and 12.45 cM from the gene. were considered promising for marker-assisted selection for resistance to powdery mildew in soybean. at a selection efficiency of 92.7% and 60.3% respectively.


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The effects of silicon (Si) supplied in the form of potassium silicate (PS) were evaluated on epidemic components of powdery mildew of melon under greenhouse conditions. The PS was applied to the roots or to leaves. In the first experiment, epidemic components were evaluated after inoculation with Podosphaera xanthii. In the second experiment, the disease progress rate was evaluated on plants subjected to natural infection. The area under the disease progress curve was reduced by 65% and 73% in the foliar and root treatments, respectively, compared to control plants, as a consequence of reductions in infection efficiency, colony expansion rate, colony area, conidial production and disease progress rate. However, root application of PS was more effective than foliar application in reducing most of the epidemic components, except for infection efficiency. This can be explained by the high Si concentration in leaf tissues with root application, in contrast to the foliar treatment where Si was only deposited on the external leaf surfaces. The effects of PS reported in this study demonstrated that powdery mildew of melon can be controlled, and that the best results can be achieved when PS is supplied to the roots.


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The cell wall is a dynamic structure that regulates both constitutive and inducible plant defence responses. Different molecules o DAMPs (damage-associated molecular patterns) can be released from plant cell walls upon pathogen infection or wounding and can trigger immune responses. To further characterize the function of cell wall on the regulation of these immune responses, we have performed a biased resistance screening of putative/well-characterized primary/secondary Arabidopsis thaliana cell wall mutants (cwm). In this screening we have identified more than 20 cwm mutants with altered susceptibility/resistance to at least one of the following pathogens: the necrotrophic fungi Plectosphaerella cucumerina, the vascular bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum, the biotrophic oomycete Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis and the powdery mildew fungus Erisyphe cruciferarum. We found that cell wall extracts from some of these cwm plants contain novel DAMPs that activate immune responses and conferred enhanced resistance to particular pathogens when they were applied to wild-type plants. Using glycomic profiling we have performed an initial characterization of the active carbohydrate structures present in these cwm wall fractions, and we have determined the signalling pathways regulated by thesse fractions. . The data generated with this collection of wall mutants support the existence of specific correlations between cell wall structure/composition, resistance to particular type of pathogens and plant fitness. Remarkably, we have identified specific cwm mutations that uncoupled resistance to pathogens from plant trade-offs, further indicating the plasticity of wall structures in the regulation of plant immune responses.


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A compatible interaction between a plant and a pathogen is the result of a complex interplay between many factors of both plant and pathogen origin. Our objective was to identify host factors involved in this interaction. These factors may include susceptibility factors required for pathogen growth, factors manipulated by the pathogen to inactivate or avoid host defenses, or negative regulators of defense responses. To this end, we identified 20 recessive Arabidopsis mutants that do not support normal growth of the powdery mildew pathogen, Erysiphe cichoracearum. Complementation analyses indicated that four loci, designated powdery mildew resistant 1–4 (pmr1–4), are defined by this collection. These mutants do not constitutively accumulate elevated levels of PR1 or PDF1.2 mRNA, indicating that resistance is not simply due to constitutive activation of the salicylic acid- or ethylene- and jasmonic acid-dependent defense pathways. Further Northern blot analyses revealed that some mutants accumulate higher levels of PR1 mRNA than wild type in response to infection by powdery mildew. To test the specificity of the resistance, the pmr mutants were challenged with other pathogens including Pseudomonas syringae, Peronospora parasitica, and Erysiphe orontii. Surprisingly, one mutant, pmr1, was susceptible to E. orontii, a very closely related powdery mildew, suggesting that a very specific resistance mechanism is operating in this case. Another mutant, pmr4, was resistant to P. parasitica, indicating that this resistance is more generalized. Thus, we have identified a novel collection of mutants affecting genes required for a compatible interaction between a plant and a biotrophic pathogen.


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We analyzed the pathogenesis-related generation of H2O2 using the microscopic detection of 3,3-diaminobenzidine polymerization in near-isogenic barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) lines carrying different powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei) resistance genes, and in a line expressing chemically activated resistance after treatment with 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid (DCINA). Hypersensitive cell death in Mla12 and Mlg genotypes or after chemical activation by DCINA was associated with H2O2 accumulation throughout attacked cells. Formation of cell wall appositions (papillae) mediated in Mlg and mlo5 genotypes and in DCINA-activated plants was paralleled by H2O2 accumulation in effective papillae and in cytosolic vesicles of up to 2 μm in diameter near the papillae. H2O2 was not detected in ineffective papillae of cells that had been successfully penetrated by the fungus. These findings support the hypothesis that H2O2 may play a substantial role in plant defense against the powdery mildew fungus. We did not detect any accumulation of salicylic acid in primary leaves after inoculation of the different barley genotypes, indicating that these defense responses neither relied on nor provoked salicylic acid accumulation in barley.


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The tobacco N and Arabidopsis RPS2 genes, among several recently cloned disease-resistance genes, share highly conserved structure, a nucleotide-binding site (NBS). Using degenerate oligonucleotide primers for the NBS region of N and RPS2, we have amplified and cloned the NBS sequences from soybean. Each of these PCR-derived NBS clones detected low-or moderate-copy soybean DNA sequences and belongs to 1 of 11 different classes. Sequence analysis showed that all PCR clones encode three motifs (P-loop, kinase-2, and kinase-3a) of NBS nearly identical to those in N and RPS2. The intervening region between P-loop and kinase-3a of the 11 classes has high (26% average) amino acid sequence similarity to the N gene although not as high (19% average) to RPS2. These 11 classes represent a superfamily of NBS-containing soybean genes that are homologous to N and RPS2. Each class or subfamily was assessed for its positional association with known soybean disease-resistance genes through near-isogenic line assays, followed by linkage analysis in F2 populations using restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Five of the 11 subfamilies have thus far been mapped to the vicinity of known soybean genes for resistance to potyviruses (Rsv1 and Rpv), Phytophthora root rot (Rps1, Rps2, and Rps3), and powdery mildew (rmd). The conserved N- or RPS2-homologous NBS sequences and their positional associations with mapped soybean-resistance genes suggest that a number of the soybean disease-resistance genes may belong to this superfamily. The candidate subfamilies of NBS-containing genes identified by genetic mapping should greatly facilitate the molecular cloning of disease-resistance genes.


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A new method for estimating the time to colonization of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) patients is developed in this paper. The time to colonization of MRSA is modelled using a Bayesian smoothing approach for the hazard function. There are two prior models discussed in this paper: the first difference prior and the second difference prior. The second difference prior model gives smoother estimates of the hazard functions and, when applied to data from an intensive care unit (ICU), clearly shows increasing hazard up to day 13, then a decreasing hazard. The results clearly demonstrate that the hazard is not constant and provide a useful quantification of the effect of length of stay on the risk of MRSA colonization which provides useful insight.