618 resultados para Douleur chirurgicale


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We here summarize five articles bringing new advances in our knowledge on neuropathic pain and put them into perspective with our current understanding. The first uses a mechanism-based approach with a capsaicin test to stratify patients suffering from painful diabetic neuropathy before starting a topical clonidine treatment. The second reviews disinhibition as a critical mechanism and a promising target for chronic pain. The third evokes neuroglial interactions and its implication regarding the interplay between injuries in childhood and hypersensitivity in adulthood. The last articles remind us that interventional therapies, not always very invasive, have a future potential in the therapy of frequent conditions such as head pain disorders.


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En Suisse, la variabilité géographique de la consommation de soins chirurgicaux est un domaine encore inexploré. Ce rapport examine de manière descriptive trois interventions chirurgicales réalisées en Suisse entre 2003 et 2005 : la prothèse partielle ou totale de hanche, la prothèse de genou et la cure de hernie discale. Il se concentre sur les caractéristiques démographiques des patients opérés, leur diagnostic et les différences des taux d'intervention selon les cantons. Les résultats sont présentés sous forme de taux bruts, de taux standardisés et de cartes géographiques de distribution.


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The authors evaluated ten years of surgical reanimation in the University Centre of Lausanne (CHUV). Irreversible coagulopathy (IC) is the predominant cause of death for the polytraumatized patient. Acidosis, hypothermy, and coagulation troubles are crucial elements of this coagulopathy. The authors looked for a criterion allowing the identification of dying of IC. In a retrospective study, laboratory results of pH, TP, PTT, thrombocyte count and the need for blood transfusion units were checked for each major step of the primary evaluation and treatment of the polytraumatized patients. These results were considered as critical according to criteria of the literature (30). The authors conclude that the apparation of a third critical value may be useful to identify the polytraumatized patient at risk of dying of IC status. This criterion may also guide the trauma team in selecting a damage control surgical approach (DCS). This criterion was then introduced into an algorithm involving the Emergency Department, the operating room and the Intensive Care Unit. This criterion is a new tool to address the patient at the crucial moment to the appropriate hospital structure.


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INTRODUCTION: infants hospitalised in neonatology are inevitably exposed to pain repeatedly. Premature infants are particularly vulnerable, because they are hypersensitive to pain and demonstrate diminished behavioural responses to pain. They are therefore at risk of developing short and long-term complications if pain remains untreated. CONTEXT: compared to acute pain, there is limited evidence in the literature on prolonged pain in infants. However, the prevalence is reported between 20 and 40 %. OBJECTIVE : this single case study aimed to identify the bio-contextual characteristics of neonates who experienced prolonged pain. METHODS : this study was carried out in the neonatal unit of a tertiary referral centre in Western Switzerland. A retrospective data analysis of seven infants' profile, who experienced prolonged pain ,was performed using five different data sources. RESULTS : the mean gestational age of the seven infants was 32weeks. The main diagnosis included prematurity and respiratory distress syndrome. The total observations (N=55) showed that the participants had in average 21.8 (SD 6.9) painful procedures that were estimated to be of moderate to severe intensity each day. Out of the 164 recorded pain scores (2.9 pain assessment/day/infant), 14.6 % confirmed acute pain. Out of those experiencing acute pain, analgesia was given in 16.6 % of them and 79.1 % received no analgesia. CONCLUSION: this study highlighted the difficulty in managing pain in neonates who are exposed to numerous painful procedures. Pain in this population remains underevaluated and as a result undertreated.Results of this study showed that nursing documentation related to pain assessment is not systematic.Regular assessment and documentation of acute and prolonged pain are recommended. This could be achieved with clear guidelines on the Assessment Intervention Reassessment (AIR) cyclewith validated measures adapted to neonates. The adequacy of pain assessment is a pre-requisite for appropriate pain relief in neonates.


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La survie actuelle après correction chirurgicale de la Tétralogie de Fallot (TDF) est de 97% à 12 ans. Les principaux risques à long terme sont une régurgitation pulmonaire ou une sténose récidivante de la sortie droite du coeur, une tachycardie ventriculaire pouvant entrainer une mort subite. Le but de cette étude rétrospective est de comparer la correction chirurgicale de la TDF avec patch pulmonaire versus un conduit valvé xénogreffe. Le collectif se compose de 127 patients entre 2 mois et 16 ans, opérés pour une TDF entre l'année 2000 et 2010. La correction chirurgicale était soit avec un patch, soit avec un conduit valvé à la sortie droite. Cette étude montre d'une part qu'il n'y a pas de différence de survie à un mois entre les deux méthodes opératoires. De plus, elle montre que, lors de la pose d'un patch, il y a plus de sept fois plus d'insuffisances valvulaires modérées à sévères après un mois que lors de la pose d'un conduit valvé. D'autre part, elle démontre que la différence de gradient résiduel à la sortie droite entre la correction avec patch ou conduit n'est pas significative et que la valeur du gradient résiduel à la sortie droite en postopératoire n'est pas représentative du gradient résiduel à un mois. De plus, cette étude prouve que les coronaires aberrantes ainsi qu'un shunt palliatif de Blalock-Taussig sont des facteurs de risque indépendants pour une correction avec un conduit valvé.


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Acute testicular pain is frequent in urology. If torsion of the spermatic cord and orchiepididymitis are usual, varicocele thrombosis is an unusual clinical entity we reported.


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Despite their high prevalence, associated disability and seemingly rich pharmacopeia, the various forms of chronic pain remain frequently intractable. The past decade witnessed the rise of a concept stating that non-neuronal cells of the central nervous system, astrocytes and microglia, are crucial elements in pathological pain. This review gathers and summarizes the experimental data underpinning this theory in animal models and addresses their pertinence in humans. The potential opportunities and constraints of glial inhibition are exposed and compared to more moderate strategies of selective modulation. This therapeutic hope is particularly highlighted in our discussion of the first completed clinical trials employing glial inhibitors in the treatment of chronic pain.