999 resultados para Distribution of quadratic units


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Ce mémoire s'emploie à étudier les corps quadratiques réels ainsi qu'un élément particulier de tels corps quadratiques réels : l'unité fondamentale. Pour ce faire, le mémoire commence par présenter le plus clairement possible les connaissances sur différents sujets qui sont essentiels à la compréhension des calculs et des résultats de ma recherche. On introduit d'abord les corps quadratiques ainsi que l'anneau de ses entiers algébriques et on décrit ses unités. On parle ensuite des fractions continues puisqu'elles se retrouvent dans un algorithme de calcul de l'unité fondamentale. On traite ensuite des formes binaires quadratiques et de la formule du nombre de classes de Dirichlet, laquelle fait intervenir l'unité fondamentale en fonction d'autres variables. Une fois cette tâche accomplie, on présente nos calculs et nos résultats. Notre recherche concerne la répartition des unités fondamentales des corps quadratiques réels, la répartition des unités des corps quadratiques réels et les moments du logarithme de l'unité fondamentale. (Le logarithme de l'unité fondamentale est appelé le régulateur.)


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Re-supplying loads on outage through cross-connect from adjacent feeders in a distribution system may cause voltage drop and hence require load shedding. However, the surplus PV generated in some of the LV feeders can prevent load shedding, and improve reliability. In order to measure these effects, this paper proposes the application of Direct Load Flow method[1] in reliability evaluation of distribution systems with PV units. As part of this study, seasonal impacts on load consumption together with surplus PV output power injection to higher voltage networks are also considered. New indices are proposed to measure yearly expected energy export, from LV to MV and from MV to higher voltage network.


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Let F = Ǫ(ζ + ζ –1) be the maximal real subfield of the cyclotomic field Ǫ(ζ) where ζ is a primitive qth root of unity and q is an odd rational prime. The numbers u1=-1, uk=(ζk-k)/(ζ-ζ-1), k=2,…,p, p=(q-1)/2, are units in F and are called the cyclotomic units. In this thesis the sign distribution of the conjugates in F of the cyclotomic units is studied.

Let G(F/Ǫ) denote the Galoi's group of F over Ǫ, and let V denote the units in F. For each σϵ G(F/Ǫ) and μϵV define a mapping sgnσ: V→GF(2) by sgnσ(μ) = 1 iff σ(μ) ˂ 0 and sgnσ(μ) = 0 iff σ(μ) ˃ 0. Let {σ1, ... , σp} be a fixed ordering of G(F/Ǫ). The matrix Mq=(sgnσj(vi) ) , i, j = 1, ... , p is called the matrix of cyclotomic signatures. The rank of this matrix determines the sign distribution of the conjugates of the cyclotomic units. The matrix of cyclotomic signatures is associated with an ideal in the ring GF(2) [x] / (xp+ 1) in such a way that the rank of the matrix equals the GF(2)-dimension of the ideal. It is shown that if p = (q-1)/ 2 is a prime and if 2 is a primitive root mod p, then Mq is non-singular. Also let p be arbitrary, let ℓ be a primitive root mod q and let L = {i | 0 ≤ i ≤ p-1, the least positive residue of defined by ℓi mod q is greater than p}. Let Hq(x) ϵ GF(2)[x] be defined by Hq(x) = g. c. d. ((Σ xi/I ϵ L) (x+1) + 1, xp + 1). It is shown that the rank of Mq equals the difference p - degree Hq(x).

Further results are obtained by using the reciprocity theorem of class field theory. The reciprocity maps for a certain abelian extension of F and for the infinite primes in F are associated with the signs of conjugates. The product formula for the reciprocity maps is used to associate the signs of conjugates with the reciprocity maps at the primes which lie above (2). The case when (2) is a prime in F is studied in detail. Let T denote the group of totally positive units in F. Let U be the group generated by the cyclotomic units. Assume that (2) is a prime in F and that p is odd. Let F(2) denote the completion of F at (2) and let V(2) denote the units in F(2). The following statements are shown to be equivalent. 1) The matrix of cyclotomic signatures is non-singular. 2) U∩T = U2. 3) U∩F2(2) = U2. 4) V(2)/ V(2)2 = ˂v1 V(2)2˃ ʘ…ʘ˂vp V(2)2˃ ʘ ˂3V(2)2˃.

The rank of Mq was computed for 5≤q≤929 and the results appear in tables. On the basis of these results and additional calculations the following conjecture is made: If q and p = (q -1)/ 2 are both primes, then Mq is non-singular.