955 resultados para Discurso do senso comum
Nesta dissertação, discuto e problematizo representações de corpo feminino produzidas e/ou veiculadas em revistas voltadas para o público feminino. Para isso, tomo como corpus de análise um programa de dieta alimentar e exercícios físicos, denominado Desafio de Verão, editado pela revista Boa Forma, nos anos de 1999, 2000 e 2001. O referencial teórico-metodológico utilizado é o dos Estudos Feministas e dos Estudos Culturais que recorrem a uma aproximação com a perspectiva pós-estruturalista de análise. Discuto a conexão entre corpo e pedagogia, a fim de analisar como o corpo feminino aparece representado na mídia. Entendo a mídia como uma instância onde o poder se exercita. Ela educa, disciplina e regula os corpos como qualquer outra instância educativa e, por isso, é tratada, aqui, como uma Pedagogia Cultural. Nessa perspectiva, entende-se que a revista faz parte de uma pedagogia que visa à produção de identidades, à produção de um determinado tipo de corpo feminino. Utilizando-me, então, da análise cultural, exploro os textos da revista, operando com os conceitos de representação, gênero, corpo como projeto, discurso, poder e identidade com o intuito de descrever e problematizar os diferentes modos pelos quais o corpo é representado, descrito, classificado, nomeado e produzido na revista em questão. A investigação realizada permite argumentar que há um ostensivo estímulo por parte da mídia para que a mulher empreenda uma busca incessante de si mesma, ao mesmo tempo em que se evidencia a provisoriedade das identidades e a flexibilidade do corpo. Permite argumentar, também, que discursos de diversas áreas do conhecimento, articulando-se com o senso comum, reforçam a representação da maleabilidade do corpo e o quanto este pode ser re/construído e transformado de acordo com o design mais atual, o que indica a necessidade de se problematizar o noção contemporânea do corpo projeto.
Esta pesquisa insere-se no debate que considera estarmos vivendo na era da medicalização, dos transtornos ou das patologizações (CONRAD, 1992; ROSE, 2001; VICENTIN, 2010). Com efeito, nas últimas décadas, tem crescido o número de doenças mentais diagnosticadas em crianças, especificamente, que consideraríamos normais pela perspectiva de Canguilhem (2010), mas que o olhar médico-científico as considera portadoras de doenças mentais. Assim, discursos ou dispositivos de poder psiquiátricos são constituídos para transformar comportamentos diferentes em patologias de modo que possam agir sobre os corpos, autorizadamente. Dentre eles, está o Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH), analisado como objeto empírico nesta pesquisa, que se constitui num campo discursivo mais amplo denominado medicalização (CONRAD, 1992; ROSE, 2001; FOUCAULT, 1988; ILLICH, 1975), composta por diversas instituições como: psiquiatria, indústrias farmacêuticas, escolas, família, leis, associações de portadores do transtorno e mídias não especializadas. Esta constituição ocorre pelo deslocamento analítico de um comportamento do âmbito sociocultural para o campo médico que passa a ser diagnosticado e tratado como se fosse patológico. Para levantar as informações a respeito do TDAH, analisamos as falas de 5 psiquiatras, obtida por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, 114 reportagens do jornal Folha de São Paulo, publicadas no período compreendido entre 1997 e 2011, o site da Associação Brasileira de Déficit de Atenção (ABDA) e algumas de suas produções (congressos, materiais informativos e textos de seus membros) e, finalmente, os Projetos de Lei (PL’s) em tramitação nas casas legislativas da cidade e do estado de São Paulo e da Federação. Valendo-nos de importantes conceituações pertinentes à Genealogia do Poder e à Arqueologia do Saber (FOUCAULT, 2007; VEYNE, 2011), bem como à Teoria do Discurso (HOWARTH, 2000), procuramos compreender de que modo o discurso medicalizante produz efeitos de poder sobre os corpos, transformando a falta de atenção e o excesso de atividade da criança em transtorno mental. Percebemos que isto é feito, dentre outras finalidades, para ampliar a performance ou o desempenho dos indivíduos, exigido tanto pelas escolas quanto pela economia de nossa sociedade. Tal exigência constitui-se na sociedade denominada normalizada (FOUCAULT, 2006), de risco (BAUMAN, 2008; BECK, 2010) ou de controle (DELEUZE, 1992), em que os possíveis prejuízos para o indivíduo e para a sociedade devem ser contidos por meio do controle dos corpos. Para tanto, a ciência, baseada nos conhecimentos da genética e da neurologia, disseca o corpo em suas partes doentes, constituindo uma nova forma de sujeição (DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 1996), o anormal. A anormalidade se apresenta na fronteira entre os comportamentos esperados e os desviantes, na medida em que estes últimos surgem como embaraço à sociabilidade e, principalmente, à produtividade. Normalizar seria então a função tanto do poder disciplinar quanto do biopoder, poderes sobre a vida (FOUCAULT, 1988) que agem sobre os corpos e a população, respectivamente, sintetizados nesta pesquisa com o nome crítico de medicalização. Além disso, ao constituirmos este campo discursivo, percebemos que, embora haja resistências, a medicalização da criança por meio do TDAH no Brasil tem triunfado em suas pretensões, tendo, na promulgação das leis e na identificação do transtorno apropriada pelo senso comum, as derradeiras fronteiras do poder sobre os corpos.
Teaching is an activity inherent to the human condition. Historically, from the institutionalization of education, the key role to pursue that activity has been attributed to the teacher, who is required to adapt to the demands of each historical conjuncture. Currently, according to the new paradigmatic requirements, the teacher must possess various skills in order to handle the complex and challenging act of teaching. Assuming the existence of a gap between what the State and the scientific discourse recommend the teacher act upon in the classroom, a decision was made to identify the configuration and structure of social representation in the act of teaching, put forth by elementary school teachers in the public schools of Natal, RN, Brazil. Therefore, the research relied on the theoretical model developed by Domingos Sobrinho (1998, 2000, 2003), which articulates the praxeology of Pierre Bourdieu with the theory of social representations of Serge Moscovici (1978). It was intended to demonstrate how teachers habitus, in its due historical context, directs the construction of social representations in the act of teaching which guides the actions of the teacher, particularly in the classroom context. At the methodological level, the following methods and techniques were used: bibliographic and documentary review in order to identify the scientific discourse on the subject matter and the official parameters of educational regulation and the act of teaching; the Procedure of Multiple Classifications PMC in order to capture the configuration and structure of the representational content in focus, the direct observation of the classroom to identify in actual terms the social representation as "guide to action" as the theory preaches. From the standpoint of the analysis, quantitative data were analysed through Multidimensional Scaling MDS, covering in this study the Multidimensional Scale Analysis MSA and Smallest Space Analysis SSA; and non-parametric statiscal techniques. Additional data of qualitative value had to undergo categorical content analysis. It was then concluded that the teachers investigated guided themselves by social representation, the product of collectively constructed and shared assumptions about the act of teaching, forming a synthesis of different sources of information and knowledge acquirement, involving elements of common sense, religious habitus, pedagogic models considered outdated, the agencies responsible for teacher training and the hegemonic discourse about education today
The present study had the objective to identify to the Social Representations of the professionals of medicine and nursing superior level of the Program Health of the Family concerning the assistance for the gestation. The research was qualitative under the optics of the Theory of the Social Representations of Serge Moscovici, of the Central Nucleus of Jean-Claude Abric and of the Analysis of Content of Laurence Bardin. We worked with the following instruments for the collection of data: Questionnaires, with social-demographic data; Free association of Words, with the inductive terms Pregnancy, Assistance for Gestation and Care; Production of mental image and half-structuralized Interview, with the following question: What does the assistance for the gestation represent for you? . We interviewed all the professionals of nursing and medicine of the Program Health of the Family in the city of Santa Cruz /RN (ten for each profession) in the period of February and March of 2007. From the analysis of the social-demographics data, we respectively identified the following percentages for nursing and medicine: the feminine sex for nursing predominated (90%); the age between 24 and 33 (70 and 60%); the religion catholic (80 and 50%) and 50% of the two groups has up to two years of formation and work in the score of the research. The analysis of the others instruments resulted in two categories: Institutionalized vision and Vision of the Common-sense. In the free association of words, the category institutionalized vision is configured as Central Nucleus and of the common sense one as nucleus Peripheral, demonstrating that the Social Representations of the assistance for the gestation attendance are in the universes consensual. In the mental images, we identified to this same construction. In the content of the interviews, the institutionalized vision is permeated by the responsibility of making and the availability of having - assistance for the gestation is recommended by the Health department and necessary genders - while the vision of the common-sense can be represented by the category sort, whose role of professionals of the assistance for the gestation is to strengthen the responsibility for the woman of a maternity socially constructed. In short, the analyzed speeches reflect that, to the knowledge acquired in the academy, are incorporated in the knowledge of the daily professional, and conducted by popular myths. Medicine and nursing recognize the importance of the attendance in such a way for the chance to educate the women for the maternity as for the possibility to prevent complications, but in its speeches they had excluded from this process the masculine figure. We conclude that the meaning of the inductive term take care, part of the common-sense and is incorporated the institutionalized speech to humanize the assistance. However, the pregnancy ceases from being seen in its natural biological direction and starts to be analyzed as a moment of fragility and predisposition the illnesses. Finally, the social nursing and the central nucleus representations for the assistance in gestation for medicine is anchored in the speeches institutionalized and of the common-sense, reflecting the concern in establishing a humanized assistance with quality
The desire to research on this subject arisen from the experience as nursing in the indigenous health, where I observed that many professionals from all regions of Brazil chose to work within this zone. It was notorious the nurse s difficult to settle in only one place for a long length of time. Probably due to health care in indigenous zones happens from a cultural confront. This confront materialize because both sides are imbued with their own culture: in one hand the nurse professional with its scientific knownledgment on the other the indigenous with their rituals and peculiars habits. In this context nurses should delineate and negotiate the reality through symbolic representations of life, and then make questions on the new reality. In this way, this study set out with the aim of apprehends the nurse s social representations of transcultural care in indigenous health. This knownledgment is important to avoid possible conflicts, shocks, difficulties and health care incongruence within this context. The data collect was carried out on a range of non structured interview guided by a pre-elaborated questionnaire with four questions and a hand drawing related to nurse s health care in the indigenous health. This research had a sample of 17 nurses from the Indigenous Sanitary District of Manaus in the Amazon State. To interpret data we used the Discourse of the Collective Subject, which findings were presented in three chapters: characterization of participants, discussion on themes prevalent in discourse; social representation of nursing care through infographics. The analysis revealed that the care in the indigenous health is challenging because the native people imbued in its world are perceived and processed according to the nurse s cultural lens, leading to materialize of some strangeness and adaptation difficulties, especially in the first contacts. The Social Representation on nursing practice, in many cases, is projected and contrived on the basis of scattered believes and on perception derived from common sense. The findings shows that representions are essential to mitigating the initial strangeness and help nurses to better situate themselves in the new universe. The nurse s practice in the indigenous health care should merge into each other. From the Social Representations is possible to perceive that assimilation, also comprehension on indigenous health system and its traditional knowledge are important to developing strategies to improve access and quality of care for indigenous peoples. After analysis the nurse s discourses and drawings, it is possible to represent the nurse s practice in the indigenous health as anthropophagism, since nurses should literally consuming its patients culture, digesting it and seize it as means to provide culturally congruent care. We highlight the urgent need for preparation and training of professionals to work more effectively with indigenous peoples
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)