994 resultados para Director de teatro


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[ES] El proyecto documenta los restos de una parte del antiguo teatro romano de Córdoba que se encuentran bajo la ampliación del museo arqueológico (MAECO) y ocupan una superficie de unos 50 x 20 metros, en el momento de la documentación era un área sobre la que se estaba construyendo el nuevo edificio. Se incluyen también otros posibles restos visibles desde el sótano de una residencia anexa.


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Eguíluz, Federico; Merino, Raquel; Olsen, Vickie; Pajares, Eterio; Santamaría, José Miguel (eds.)


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[EN] This contribution offers a brief overview of research undertaken for the last few years under the TRACE (translation and censorship, or censored translations) project with respect to theatre. The AGA (General Administration Archive in Alcala de Henares, Madrid), a unique source for information for translation scholars, has become the focus of TRACE-theatre investigations on Francoist Spain in the last few years. In Spain, these censorship archives have proved to be an essential source of information, and a rich reservoir of data that, when explored in depth, help draw a history of Spanish theatre in translation. Contrary to what one may think at first, the purpose of using censorship archives in TRACE is not only to check what got censored (banned, crossed out or modified) but rather to trace back all written evidence left by plays that underwent the bureaucratic censoring process which was applied to all cultural manifestations, national or foreign, theatrical as well as non-dramatic. And it is precisely when tracing back censorship records that one finds a way to uncover a history of Spanish theatre in translation that is yet to be written but can now be outlined.


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Santamaría, José Miguel; Pajares, Eterio; Olsen, Vickie; Merino, Raquel; Eguíluz, Federico (eds.)


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Raquel Merino Álvarez, José Miguel Santamaría, Eterio Pajares (eds.)


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[ES] La historia del teatro traducido en la España del siglo XX está aún por escribirse. Este segmento de nuestra cultura traducida ha sido tradicionalmente ignorado en las historias del teatro español. Por suerte, lo que hace sólo veinte años se describía como un páramo investigador es hoy un terreno mucho mejor abonado y roturado. Las investigaciones sobre teatro traducido que han visto la luz progresivamente en estos años nos permitirán en breve escribir y documentar la historia del teatro traducido. Se ofrece en este artículo una visión del modo en que podría acometerse esa tarea,partiendo de lo ya investigado en el proyecto TRACE desde la perspectiva de lo archivado por la censura (de teatro) en la época de Franco.


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[SPA] Las disciplinas artísticas siempre han sido un campo tan beneficioso como poco utilizado en educación. En esta propuesta de taller de teatro musical en educación primaria se ha indagado en el mundo de la pedagogía teatral y su relación con la música y el juego como técnicas de transmisión de valores y desarrollo de aprendizajes. La puesta en práctica mediante el diseño e implementación de un taller por parte del mediador ha logrado que los alumnos muestren avances significativos en diversos campos como el autoconocimiento corporal o el descubrimiento de nuevos géneros musicales, además de favorecer a la dinámica grupal dentro y fuera del taller. De cara al futuro, este proceso ha abierto las puertas a nuevas propuestas en el ámbito de la dramatización infantil así como al interés formativo del propio educador.


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Cooperative director fluctuations in lipid bilayers have been postulated for many years. ^2H-NMR T_1^(-1), T_(1P)^(-1) , and T_2^(-1); measurements have been used identify these motions and to determine the origin of increased slow bilayer motion upon addition of unlike lipids or proteins to a pure lipid bilayer.

The contribution of cooperative director fluctuations to NMR relaxation in lipid bilayers has been expressed mathematically using the approach of Doane et al.^1 and Pace and Chan.^2 The T_2^(-1)’s of pure dimyristoyllecithin (DML) bilayers deuterated at the 2, 9 and 10, and all positions on both lipid hydrocarbon chains have been measured. Several characteristics of these measurements indicate the presence of cooperative director fluctuations. First of all, T_2^(-1) exhibits a linear dependence on S2/CD. Secondly, T_2^(-1) varies across the ^2H-NMR powder pattern as sin^2 (2, β), where , β is the angle between the average bilayer director and the external magnetic field. Furthermore, these fluctuations are restricted near the lecithin head group suggesting that the head group does not participate in these motions but, rather, anchors the hydrocarbon chains in the bilayer.

T_2^(-1)has been measured for selectively deuterated liquid crystalline DML hilayers to which a host of other lipids and proteins have been added. The T_2^(-1) of the DML bilayer is found to increase drastically when chlorophyll a (chl a) and Gramicidin A' (GA') are added to the bilayer. Both these molecules interfere with the lecithin head group spacing in the bilayer. Molecules such as myristic acid, distearoyllecithin (DSL), phytol, and cholesterol, whose hydrocarbon regions are quite different from DML but which have small,neutral polar head groups, leave cooperative fluctuations in the DML bilayer unchanged.

The effect of chl a on cooperative fluctuations in the DML bilayer has been examined in detail using ^2H-NMR T_1^(-1), T_(1P)^(-1) , and T_2^(-1); measurements. Cooperative fluctuations have been modelled using the continuum theory of the nematic state of liquid crystals. Chl a is found to decrease both the correlation length and the elastic constants in the DML bilayer.

A mismatch between the hydrophobic length of a lipid bilayer and that of an added protein has also been found to change the cooperative properties of the lecithin bilayer. Hydrophobic mismatch has been studied in a series GA' / lecithin bilayers. The dependence of 2H-NMR order parameters and relaxation rates on GA' concentration has been measured in selectively deuterated DML, dipalmitoyllecithin (DPL), and DSL systems. Order parameters, cooperative lengths, and elastic constants of the DML bilayer are most disrupted by GA', while the DSL bilayer is the least perturbed by GA'. Thus, it is concluded that the hydrophobic length of GA' best matches that of the DSL bilayer. Preliminary Raman spectroscopy and Differential Scanning Calorimetry experiments of GA' /lecithin systems support this conclusion. Accommodation of hydrophobic mismatch is used to rationalize the absence of H_(II) phase formation in GA' /DML systems and the observation of H_(II) phase in GA' /DPL and GA' /DSL systems.

1. J. W. Doane and D. L. Johnson, Chem. Phy3. Lett., 6, 291-295 (1970). 2. R. J. Pace and S. I. Chan, J. Chem. Phy3., 16, 4217-4227 (1982).


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In 1937 the Development Commission provided an annual grant to the Freshwater Biological Association to pay for a director and secretary. The author moved to the Lake District in the same year, and at that time T.T. Macan was working on invertebrates; K.R. Allen on fish; C.H. Mortimer on chemistry and physics of the aquatic environment, and Marie Rosenberg on phytoplankton. They were backed by George Thompson as laboratory assistant and Rosa Bullen as secretary. The work of the Association continued and expanded throughout the Second World War with some far-reached discoveries made. For example, the recovery of lake sediment cores and the examination of diatom remains, so starting the discipline of archaeo-limnology. Also, a hydrological survey of the Windermere catchment area found significant traces of sulphuric acid in rain gauges. This was more than 30 years before "acid rain" became fashionable.


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Nivel Educativo: Master.Duración (en horas): 4


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O século XIX, no Brasil, foi marcado por uma tentativa de construção de uma identidade nacional e cultural num país pós-independência. Neste panorama, José de Alencar destaca-se, entre outros papéis que exerceu, como significativo romancista e contribui para a formação de um sistema literário em nosso país. Porém, é na obra dramática alencariana que também podemos identificar uma proposta discursiva da possível identidade do homem no Brasil a partir de suas relações contraditórias e problemáticas com os "outros" aqui presentes: o português, o índio, o negro, e o francês representações estas capazes de dar ao homem uma ideia de pertencimento cultural, através de uma seleção do que deve ou não servir para representar sua identidade e a de seu povo