993 resultados para Directed graphs


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In recent years, considerable research efforts have been directed to micro-array technologies and their role in providing simultaneous information on expression profiles for thousands of genes. These data, when subjected to clustering and classification procedures, can assist in identifying patterns and providing insight on biological processes. To understand the properties of complex gene expression datasets, graphical representations can be used. Intuitively, the data can be represented in terms of a bipartite graph, with weighted edges corresponding to gene-sample node couples in the dataset. Biologically meaningful subgraphs can be sought, but performance can be influenced both by the search algorithm, and, by the graph-weighting scheme and both merit rigorous investigation. In this paper, we focus on edge-weighting schemes for bipartite graphical representation of gene expression. Two novel methods are presented: the first is based on empirical evidence; the second on a geometric distribution. The schemes are compared for several real datasets, assessing efficiency of performance based on four essential properties: robustness to noise and missing values, discrimination, parameter influence on scheme efficiency and reusability. Recommendations and limitations are briefly discussed. Keywords: Edge-weighting; weighted graphs; gene expression; bi-clustering


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The Reeb graph tracks topology changes in level sets of a scalar function and finds applications in scientific visualization and geometric modeling. This paper describes a near-optimal two-step algorithm that constructs the Reeb graph of a Morse function defined over manifolds in any dimension. The algorithm first identifies the critical points of the input manifold, and then connects these critical points in the second step to obtain the Reeb graph. A simplification mechanism based on topological persistence aids in the removal of noise and unimportant features. A radial layout scheme results in a feature-directed drawing of the Reeb graph. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the Reeb graph construction in practice and its applications.


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This letter gives a new necessary and sufficient condition to determine whether a directed graph is acyclic.


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In this paper we consider the problems of computing a minimum co-cycle basis and a minimum weakly fundamental co-cycle basis of a directed graph G. A co-cycle in G corresponds to a vertex partition (S,V ∖ S) and a { − 1,0,1} edge incidence vector is associated with each co-cycle. The vector space over ℚ generated by these vectors is the co-cycle space of G. Alternately, the co-cycle space is the orthogonal complement of the cycle space of G. The minimum co-cycle basis problem asks for a set of co-cycles that span the co-cycle space of G and whose sum of weights is minimum. Weakly fundamental co-cycle bases are a special class of co-cycle bases, these form a natural superclass of strictly fundamental co-cycle bases and it is known that computing a minimum weight strictly fundamental co-cycle basis is NP-hard. We show that the co-cycle basis corresponding to the cuts of a Gomory-Hu tree of the underlying undirected graph of G is a minimum co-cycle basis of G and it is also weakly fundamental.


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Given an unweighted undirected or directed graph with n vertices, m edges and edge connectivity c, we present a new deterministic algorithm for edge splitting. Our algorithm splits-off any specified subset S of vertices satisfying standard conditions (even degree for the undirected case and in-degree ≥ out-degree for the directed case) while maintaining connectivity c for vertices outside S in Õ(m+nc2) time for an undirected graph and Õ(mc) time for a directed graph. This improves the current best deterministic time bounds due to Gabow [8], who splits-off a single vertex in Õ(nc2+m) time for an undirected graph and Õ(mc) time for a directed graph. Further, for appropriate ranges of n, c, |S| it improves the current best randomized bounds due to Benczúr and Karger [2], who split-off a single vertex in an undirected graph in Õ(n2) Monte Carlo time. We give two applications of our edge splitting algorithms. Our first application is a sub-quadratic (in n) algorithm to construct Edmonds' arborescences. A classical result of Edmonds [5] shows that an unweighted directed graph with c edge-disjoint paths from any particular vertex r to every other vertex has exactly c edge-disjoint arborescences rooted at r. For a c edge connected unweighted undirected graph, the same theorem holds on the digraph obtained by replacing each undirected edge by two directed edges, one in each direction. The current fastest construction of these arborescences by Gabow [7] takes Õ(n2c2) time. Our algorithm takes Õ(nc3+m) time for the undirected case and Õ(nc4+mc) time for the directed case. The second application of our splitting algorithm is a new Steiner edge connectivity algorithm for undirected graphs which matches the best known bound of Õ(nc2 + m) time due to Bhalgat et al [3]. Finally, our algorithm can also be viewed as an alternative proof for existential edge splitting theorems due to Lovász [9] and Mader [11].


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Abstract. Let G = (V,E) be a weighted undirected graph, with non-negative edge weights. We consider the problem of efficiently computing approximate distances between all pairs of vertices in G. While many efficient algorithms are known for this problem in unweighted graphs, not many results are known for this problem in weighted graphs. Zwick [14] showed that for any fixed ε> 0, stretch 1 1 + ε distances between all pairs of vertices in a weighted directed graph on n vertices can be computed in Õ(n ω) time, where ω < 2.376 is the exponent of matrix multiplication and n is the number of vertices. It is known that finding distances of stretch less than 2 between all pairs of vertices in G is at least as hard as Boolean matrix multiplication of two n×n matrices. It is also known that all-pairs stretch 3 distances can be computed in Õ(n 2) time and all-pairs stretch 7/3 distances can be computed in Õ(n 7/3) time. Here we consider efficient algorithms for the problem of computing all-pairs stretch (2+ε) distances in G, for any 0 < ε < 1. We show that all pairs stretch (2 + ε) distances for any fixed ε> 0 in G can be computed in expected time O(n 9/4 logn). This algorithm uses a fast rectangular matrix multiplication subroutine. We also present a combinatorial algorithm (that is, it does not use fast matrix multiplication) with expected running time O(n 9/4) for computing all-pairs stretch 5/2 distances in G. 1


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We propose a distribution-free approach to the study of random geometric graphs. The distribution of vertices follows a Poisson point process with intensity function n f(center dot), where n is an element of N, and f is a probability density function on R-d. A vertex located at x connects via directed edges to other vertices that are within a cut-off distance r(n)(x). We prove strong law results for (i) the critical cut-off function so that almost surely, the graph does not contain any node with out-degree zero for sufficiently large n and (ii) the maximum and minimum vertex degrees. We also provide a characterization of the cut-off function for which the number of nodes with out-degree zero converges in distribution to a Poisson random variable. We illustrate this result for a class of densities with compact support that have at most polynomial rates of decay to zero. Finally, we state a sufficient condition for an enhanced version of the above graph to be almost surely connected eventually.


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This report describes research about flow graphs - labeled, directed, acyclic graphs which abstract representations used in a variety of Artificial Intelligence applications. Flow graphs may be derived from flow grammars much as strings may be derived from string grammars; this derivation process forms a useful model for the stepwise refinement processes used in programming and other engineering domains. The central result of this report is a parsing algorithm for flow graphs. Given a flow grammar and a flow graph, the algorithm determines whether the grammar generates the graph and, if so, finds all possible derivations for it. The author has implemented the algorithm in LISP. The intent of this report is to make flow-graph parsing available as an analytic tool for researchers in Artificial Intelligence. The report explores the intuitions behind the parsing algorithm, contains numerous, extensive examples of its behavior, and provides some guidance for those who wish to customize the algorithm to their own uses.


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We describe a heuristic method for drawing graphs which uses a multilevel technique combined with a force-directed placement algorithm. The multilevel process groups vertices to form clusters, uses the clusters to define a new graph and is repeated until the graph size falls below some threshold. The coarsest graph is then given an initial layout and the layout is successively refined on all the graphs starting with the coarsest and ending with the original. In this way the multilevel algorithm both accelerates and gives a more global quality to the force- directed placement. The algorithm can compute both 2 & 3 dimensional layouts and we demonstrate it on a number of examples ranging from 500 to 225,000 vertices. It is also very fast and can compute a 2D layout of a sparse graph in around 30 seconds for a 10,000 vertex graph to around 10 minutes for the largest graph. This is an order of magnitude faster than recent implementations of force-directed placement algorithms.


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We describe a heuristic method for drawing graphs which uses a multilevel framework combined with a force-directed placement algorithm. The multilevel technique matches and coalesces pairs of adjacent vertices to define a new graph and is repeated recursively to create a hierarchy of increasingly coarse graphs, G0, G1, …, GL. The coarsest graph, GL, is then given an initial layout and the layout is refined and extended to all the graphs starting with the coarsest and ending with the original. At each successive change of level, l, the initial layout for Gl is taken from its coarser and smaller child graph, Gl+1, and refined using force-directed placement. In this way the multilevel framework both accelerates and appears to give a more global quality to the drawing. The algorithm can compute both 2 & 3 dimensional layouts and we demonstrate it on examples ranging in size from 10 to 225,000 vertices. It is also very fast and can compute a 2D layout of a sparse graph in around 12 seconds for a 10,000 vertex graph to around 5-7 minutes for the largest graphs. This is an order of magnitude faster than recent implementations of force-directed placement algorithms.


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Measuring the structural similarity of graphs is a challenging and outstanding problem. Most of the classical approaches of the so-called exact graph matching methods are based on graph or subgraph isomorphic relations of the underlying graphs. In contrast to these methods in this paper we introduce a novel approach to measure the structural similarity of directed and undirected graphs that is mainly based on margins of feature vectors representing graphs. We introduce novel graph similarity and dissimilarity measures, provide some properties and analyze their algorithmic complexity. We find that the computational complexity of our measures is polynomial in the graph size and, hence, significantly better than classical methods from, e.g. exact graph matching which are NP-complete. Numerically, we provide some examples of our measure and compare the results with the well-known graph edit distance. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Real-world graphs or networks tend to exhibit a well-known set of properties, such as heavy-tailed degree distributions, clustering and community formation. Much effort has been directed into creating realistic and tractable models for unlabelled graphs, which has yielded insights into graph structure and evolution. Recently, attention has moved to creating models for labelled graphs: many real-world graphs are labelled with both discrete and numeric attributes. In this paper, we present AGWAN (Attribute Graphs: Weighted and Numeric), a generative model for random graphs with discrete labels and weighted edges. The model is easily generalised to edges labelled with an arbitrary number of numeric attributes. We include algorithms for fitting the parameters of the AGWAN model to real-world graphs and for generating random graphs from the model. Using the Enron “who communicates with whom” social graph, we compare our approach to state-of-the-art random labelled graph generators and draw conclusions about the contribution of discrete vertex labels and edge weights to the structure of real-world graphs.


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Real-world graphs or networks tend to exhibit a well-known set of properties, such as heavy-tailed degree distributions, clustering and community formation. Much effort has been directed into creating realistic and tractable models for unlabelled graphs, which has yielded insights into graph structure and evolution. Recently, attention has moved to creating models for labelled graphs: many real-world graphs are labelled with both discrete and numeric attributes. In this paper, we presentAgwan (Attribute Graphs: Weighted and Numeric), a generative model for random graphs with discrete labels and weighted edges. The model is easily generalised to edges labelled with an arbitrary number of numeric attributes. We include algorithms for fitting the parameters of the Agwanmodel to real-world graphs and for generating random graphs from the model. Using real-world directed and undirected graphs as input, we compare our approach to state-of-the-art random labelled graph generators and draw conclusions about the contribution of discrete vertex labels and edge weights to graph structure.


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We present parallel algorithms on the BSP/CGM model, with p processors, to count and generate all the maximal cliques of a circle graph with n vertices and m edges. To count the number of all the maximal cliques, without actually generating them, our algorithm requires O(log p) communication rounds with O(nm/p) local computation time. We also present an algorithm to generate the first maximal clique in O(log p) communication rounds with O(nm/p) local computation, and to generate each one of the subsequent maximal cliques this algorithm requires O(log p) communication rounds with O(m/p) local computation. The maximal cliques generation algorithm is based on generating all maximal paths in a directed acyclic graph, and we present an algorithm for this problem that uses O(log p) communication rounds with O(m/p) local computation for each maximal path. We also show that the presented algorithms can be extended to the CREW PRAM model.


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In many application domains data can be naturally represented as graphs. When the application of analytical solutions for a given problem is unfeasible, machine learning techniques could be a viable way to solve the problem. Classical machine learning techniques are defined for data represented in a vectorial form. Recently some of them have been extended to deal directly with structured data. Among those techniques, kernel methods have shown promising results both from the computational complexity and the predictive performance point of view. Kernel methods allow to avoid an explicit mapping in a vectorial form relying on kernel functions, which informally are functions calculating a similarity measure between two entities. However, the definition of good kernels for graphs is a challenging problem because of the difficulty to find a good tradeoff between computational complexity and expressiveness. Another problem we face is learning on data streams, where a potentially unbounded sequence of data is generated by some sources. There are three main contributions in this thesis. The first contribution is the definition of a new family of kernels for graphs based on Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs). We analyzed two kernels from this family, achieving state-of-the-art results from both the computational and the classification point of view on real-world datasets. The second contribution consists in making the application of learning algorithms for streams of graphs feasible. Moreover,we defined a principled way for the memory management. The third contribution is the application of machine learning techniques for structured data to non-coding RNA function prediction. In this setting, the secondary structure is thought to carry relevant information. However, existing methods considering the secondary structure have prohibitively high computational complexity. We propose to apply kernel methods on this domain, obtaining state-of-the-art results.