992 resultados para Direct Normal Irradiance


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Structure from motion often refers to the computation of 3D structure from a matched sequence of images. However, a depth map of a surface is difficult to compute and may not be a good representation for storage and recognition. Given matched images, I will first show that the sign of the normal curvature in a given direction at a given point in the image can be computed from a simple difference of slopes of line-segments in one image. Using this result, local surface patches can be classified as convex, concave, parabolic (cylindrical), hyperbolic (saddle point) or planar. At the same time the translational component of the optical flow is obtained, from which the focus of expansion can be computed.


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A coupled-column liquid chromatographic method for the direct analysis of 14 urinary nucleosides is described. Efficient on-line clean-up and concentration of 14 nucleosides from urine samples were obtained by using a boronic acid-substituted silica column (40 turn x 4.0 mm I.D.) as the first column (Col-1) and a Hypersil ODS2 column (250 mm x 4.6 mm I.D.) as the second column (Col-2). The mobile phases applied consisted of 0.25 mol/L ammonium acetate (pH 8.5) on Col-1, and of 25 mmol/L potassium dihydrogen phosphate (pH 4.5) on Col-2, respectively. Determination of urinary nucleosides was performed on Col-2 column by using a linear gradient elution comprising 25 mmol/L potassium dihydrogen phosphate (pH 4.5) and methanol-water (60:40, v/v) with UV detection at 260 nm. Urinary nucleosides analysis can be carried out by this procedure in 50 min requiring only pH adjustment and the protein precipitation by centrifugation of urine samples. Calibration plots of 14 standard nucleosides showed excellent linearity (r > 0.995) and the limits of detection were at micromolar levels. Both of intra- and inter-day precisions of the method were better than 6.6% for direct determination of 14 nucleosides. The validated method was applied to quantify 14 nucleosides in 20 normal urines to establish reference ranges. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-01-1-0397); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624)


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In order to understand schizophrenia, a linking hypothesis is needed that shows how brain mechanisms lead to behavioral functions in normals, and also how breakdown in these mechanisms lead to behavioral symptoms in schizophrenia. Such a linking hypothesis is now available that complements the discussion offered by Phillips and Silverstein.


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The processes by which humans and other primates learn to recognize objects have been the subject of many models. Processes such as learning, categorization, attention, memory search, expectation, and novelty detection work together at different stages to realize object recognition. In this article, Gail Carpenter and Stephen Grossberg describe one such model class (Adaptive Resonance Theory, ART) and discuss how its structure and function might relate to known neurological learning and memory processes, such as how inferotemporal cortex can recognize both specialized and abstract information, and how medial temporal amnesia may be caused by lesions in the hippocampal formation. The model also suggests how hippocampal and inferotemporal processing may be linked during recognition learning.


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Reported mast-cell counts in endobronchial biopsies from asthmatic subjects are conflicting, with different methodologies often being used. This study compared three standard methods of counting mast cells in endobronchial biopsies from asthmatic and normal subjects. Endobronchial biopsies were obtained from atopic asthmatic subjects (n=17), atopic nonasthmatic subjects (n=6), and nonatopic nonasthmatic control subjects (n=5). After overnight fixation in Carnoy's fixative, mast cells were stained by the short and long toluidine blue methods and antitryptase immunohistochemistry and were counted by light microscopy. Method comparison was made according to Bland & Altman. The limits of agreement were unacceptable for each of the comparisons, suggesting that the methods are not interchangeable. Coefficients of repeatability were excellent, and not different for the individual techniques. These results suggest that some of the reported differences in mast-cell numbers in endobronchial biopsies in asthma may be due to the staining method used, making direct comparisons between studies invalid. Agreement on a standard method is required for counting mast cells in bronchial biopsies, and we recommend the immunohistochemical method, since fixation is less critical and the resultant tissue sections facilitate clear, accurate, and rapid counts.


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Let A be a self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space. It is well known that A admits a unique decomposition into a direct sum of three self-adjoint operators A(p), A(ac) and A(sc) such that there exists an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors for the operator A(p) the operator A(ac) has purely absolutely continuous spectrum and the operator A(sc) has purely singular continuous spectrum. We show the existence of a natural further decomposition of the singular continuous component A c into a direct sum of two self-adjoint operators A(sc)(D) and A(sc)(ND). The corresponding subspaces and spectra are called decaying and purely non-decaying singular subspaces and spectra. Similar decompositions are also shown for unitary operators and for general normal operators.


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The Hox family are master transcriptional regulators of developmental processes, including hematopoiesis. The Hox regulators, caudal homeobox factors (Cdx1-4), and Meis1, along with several individual Hox proteins, are implicated in stem cell expansion during embryonic development, with gene dosage playing a significant role in the overall function of the integrated Hox network. To investigate the role of this network in normal and aberrant, early hematopoiesis, we employed an in vitro embryonic stem cell differentiation system, which recapitulates mouse developmental hematopoiesis. Expression profiles of Hox, Pbx1, and Meis1 genes were quantified at distinct stages during the hematopoietic differentiation process and compared with the effects of expressing the leukemic oncogene Tel/PDGFRß. During normal differentiation the Hoxa cluster, Pbx1 and Meis1 predominated, with a marked reduction in the majority of Hox genes (27/39) and Meis1 occurring during hematopoietic commitment. Only the posterior Hoxa cluster genes (a9, a10, a11, and a13) maintained or increased expression at the hematopoietic colony stage. Cdx4, Meis1, and a subset of Hox genes, including a7 and a9, were differentially expressed after short-term oncogenic (Tel/PDGFRß) induction. Whereas Hoxa4-10, b1, b2, b4, and b9 were upregulated during oncogenic driven myelomonocytic differentiation. Heterodimers between Hoxa7/Hoxa9, Meis1, and Pbx have previously been implicated in regulating target genes involved in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) expansion and leukemic progression. These results provide direct evidence that transcriptional flux through the Hox network occurs at very early stages during hematopoietic differentiation and validates embryonic stem cell models for gaining insights into the genetic regulation of normal and malignant hematopoiesis.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: The transcription Factor RUNX3 is a gastric tumor suppressor. Tumorigenic Runx3(-/-) gastric epithelial cells attach weakly to each other, compared with nontumorigenic Runx3(+/+) cells. We alined to identify RUNX3 target genes that promote cell-cell contact to Improve our understanding of RUNX3's role in Suppressing gastric carcinogenesis. METHODS: We compared gene expression profiles of Runx3(+/+) and Runx3(-/-) cells and observed down-regulation of genes associated with cell-cell adhesion in Runx3(-/-) cells. Reporter, mobility shift, and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays were used to examine the regulation of these genes by RUNX3. Tumorigenesis assays and immunohistologic, analyses of human gastric tumors were performed to confirm the role of the candidate genes ill gastric tumor development. RESULTS: Mobility shift and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays revealed that the promoter activity of the gene that encodes the tight Junction protein claudin-1 was up-regulated via the binding of RUNX3 to the RUNX consensus sites. The tumorigenicity of gastric epithelial cells From Runx3(-/-) mice was significantly reduced by restoration of claudin-1 expression, whereas knockdown of claudin-1. increased the tumorigenicity of human gastric cancer cells. Concomitant expression of RUNX3 and claudin-1 was observed in human normal gastric epithelium and cancers. CONCLUSIONS: The tight junction protein claudin-1 has gastric tumor suppressive activity and is a direct transcriptional target of RUNX3. Claudin-1 is down-regulated during the epithelial-mesenchymal transition; RUNX3 might therefore act as a tumor suppressor to antagonize the epithelial-mesenchymal transition.


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The cytogenetically normal subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (CN-AML) is associated with Intermediate risk which complicates therapeutic options. Lower overall HOX/TALE expression appears to correlate with more favorable prognosis/better response to treatment in some leukemias and solid cancer. The functional significance of the associated gene expression and response to chemotherapy is not known. Three independent microarray datasets obtained from large patient cohorts along with quantitative PCR validation was used to identify a four gene HOXA/TALE signature capable of prognostic stratification. Biochemical analysis was used to identify interactions between the four encoded proteins and targeted knockdown used to examine the functional importance of sustained expression of the signature in leukemia maintenance and response to chemotherapy. An eleven HOXA/TALE code identified in an Intermediate risk (n=315) compared to a Favourable group of patients (n=105) was reduced to a four gene signature of HOXA6, HOXA9, PBX3 and MEIS1 by iterative analysis of independent platforms. This signature maintained the Favorable/Intermediate risk partition and where applicable, correlated with overall survival in CN-AML. We further show that cell growth and function is dependent on maintained levels of these core genes and that direct targeting of HOXA/PBX3 sensitizes CN-AML cells to standard chemotherapy. Together the data support a key role for HOXA/TALE in CN-AML and demonstrate that targeting of clinically significant HOXA/PBX3 elements may provide therapeutic benefit to these patients.


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Background: Resource utilisation and direct costs associated with glaucoma progression in Europe are unknown. As population progressively ages, the economic impact of the disease will increase. Methods: From a total of 1655 consecutive cases, the records of 194 patients were selected and stratified by disease severity. Record selection was based on diagnoses of primary open angle glaucoma, glaucoma suspect, ocular hypertension, or normal tension glaucoma; 5 years minimum follow up were required. Glaucoma severity was assessed using a six stage glaucoma staging system based on static threshold visual field parameters. Resource utilisation data were abstracted from the charts and unit costs were applied to estimate direct costs to the payer. Resource utilisation and estimated direct cost of treatment, per person year, were calculated. Results: A statistically significant increasing linear trend (p = 0.018) in direct cost as disease severity worsened was demonstrated. The direct cost of treatment increased by an estimated €86 for each incremental step ranging from €455 per person year for stage 0 to €969 per person year for stage 4 disease. Medication costs ranged from 42% to 56% of total direct cost for all stages of disease. Conclusions: These results demonstrate for the first time in Europe that resource utilisation and direct medical costs of glaucoma management increase with worsening disease severity. Based on these findings, managing glaucoma and effectively delaying disease progression would be expected to significantly reduce the economic burden of this disease. These data are relevant to general practitioners and healthcare administrators who have a direct influence on the distribution of resources.


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A 12 amino acid sequence from the adenovirus 12 E1B protein is homologous at the protein level with a similar 12-mer derived from the wheat protein A-gliadin. It has been suggested that exposure to Ad 12 could sensitise individuals to gliadins with resultant gluten sensitive enteropathy. In this study, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to analyse duodenal biopsy tissue from patients with coeliac disease for the presence of Ad 12. The sensitivity of the assay system was at least 1 in 10(5) cells and specificity was confirmed both by probing with an internal oligonucleotide and by direct sequencing. Ad 12 sequences were detected in three of 17 patients with adult coeliac disease and in five of 16 adult controls with normal duodenal biopsies. Since exposure to the virus would be predicted to occur in infancy we also studied patients with childhood coeliac disease diagnosed at less than 1 year of age. Ad 12 was positive in three of 10 childhood coeliac patients and one of seven controls. In addition, we studied a cohort of patients who presented with a diarrhoeal illness and associated anti alpha gliadin antibodies in 1983. These patients had duodenal biopsies performed at this time. One of three patients with abnormal histology had detectable Ad 12 while two of 14 with normal findings were positive for Ad 12. Finally, the potential oncogenic nature of Ad 12 prompted examination of a group of patients with intestinal tumours. Ad 12 DNA was, however, in only two of 19 tumour samples tested. These data indicate that Ad 12 can be successfully detected using PCR on paraffin embedded tissue. Furthermore, Ad 12 was detected at a relatively high level in normal duodenum. The results do not, however, support the hypothesis that prior exposure to Ad 12 is implicated in the pathogenesis of coeliac disease.


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The vertebral column and its units, the vertebrae, are fundamental features, characteristic of all vertebrates. Developmental segregation of the vertebral bodies as articulated units is an intrinsic requirement to guarantee the proper function of the spine. Whenever these units become fused either during development or postsegmentation, movement is affected in a more or less severe manner, depending on the number of vertebrae affected. Nevertheless, fusion may occur as part of regular development and as a physiological requirement, like in the tetrapod sacrum or in fish posterior vertebrae forming the urostyle. In order to meet the main objective of this PhD project, which aimed to better understand the molecular and cellular events underlying vertebral fusion under physiological and pathological conditions, a detailed characterization of the vertebral fusion occurring in zebrafish caudal fin region was conducted. This showed that fusion in the caudal fin region comprised 5 vertebral bodies, from which, only fusion between [PU1++U1] and ural2 [U2+] was still traceable during development. This involved bone deposition around the notochord sheath while fusion within the remaining vertebral bodies occur at the level of the notochord sheath, as during the early establishment of the vertebral bodies. A comparison approach between the caudal fin vertebrae and the remaining vertebral column showed conserved features such as the presence of mineralization related proteins as Osteocalcin were identified throughout the vertebral column, independently on the mineralization patterns. This unexpected presence of Osteocalcin in notochord sheath, here identified as Oc1, suggested that this gene, opposing to Oc2, generally associated with bone formation and mature osteoblast activity, is potentially associated with early mineralization events including chordacentrum formation. Nevertheless, major differences between caudal fin region and anterior vertebral bodies considering arch histology and mineralization patterns, led us to use RA as an inductive factor for vertebral fusion, allowing a direct comparison of equivalent structures under normal and fusion events. This fusion phenotype was associated with notochord sheath ectopic mineralization instead of ectopic perichordal bone formation related with increased osteoblast activity, as suggested in previous reports. Additionally, alterations in ECM content, cell adhesion and blood coagulation were discussed as potentially related with the fusion phenotype. Finally, Matrix gla protein, upregulated upon RA treatment and shown to be associated with chordacentrum mineralization sites in regular development, was further described considering its potential function in vertebral formation and pathological fusion. Therefore with this work we propose zebrafish caudal fin vertebral fusion as a potential model to study both congenital and postsegmentation fusion and we present candidate factors and genes that may be further explored in order to clarify whether we can prevent vertebral fusion.


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The regenerating amphibian limb provides a useful system for studying genes involved in the establishment of positional information. While a number of candidate genes that may playa role in pattern formation have been identified, their function in vivo is unknown in this system. To better ascertain the role of these genes, it would be useful to be able to alter their normal patterns of expression in vivo and to assess the effects of this misexpression on limb pattern. In order to achieve this, a method of introducing a plasmid containing the eDNA of a gene of interest into a newt blastema (a growth zone of mesenchymal progenitor cells) is needed. Unfortunately, most commonly used transfection techniques cannot be used with newt blastema cells. In this study, I have used the techniques of lipofection and direct gene transfer to introduce plasmid DNA containing reporter genes into the cells of a regenerating newt limb. The technique of lipofection was most effective when the blastema cells were transfected in vitro. The optimal ratio for transfection was shown to be 1:3 DNA:Lipofectin (W/w) , and an increase in the amount of DNA present in the mixture (1:3 ratio maintained) resulted in a corresponding increase in gene expression. The technique of direct gene transfer was used to transfect newt blastema cells with and without prior complex formation with Lipofectin. Injection of plasmid DNA alone provided the most 3 promising results. It was possible to introduce plasmid DNA containing the reporter gene ~-galactosidase and achieve significant gene expression in cells associated with the injection site. In the future, it would be interesting to use this technique to inject plasmid DNA containing a gene which may have a role in pattern formation into specific areas of the newt blastema and to analyze the resulting limb pattern that emerges.


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Le désir d’avoir un enfant est universel. Les récentes avancées en génétique ont donné naissance au test génétique prénatal. Le diagnostic prénatal classique ou préimplantatoire permet de déceler des anomalies au stade foetal ou préembryonnaire. Ce type de test génétique est offert aux parents « à risque » de donner naissance à un enfant atteint d’une maladie génétique grave cependant la demande est grandissante auprès des autres couples. Il y a diverses pressions (directes ou indirectes) qui poussent les parents à recourir à ce type d’examen. La pression de la société et même l’État pousse les parents à se soumettre au test qui est une source importante de stress. La pression établit une normativité et renforce les préjugés envers les handicapés et influence la prise de décision des parents face au résultat. L’équipe médicale exerce une influence et le sentiment de culpabilité de mettre un enfant malade au monde hante les parents. Bien que les progrès de la génétique ont plusieurs avantages comme de permettre à des couples qui sans le dépistage prénatal n’auraient pas eu d’enfant la liberté de procréer doit rester au premier plan.