981 resultados para Dinâmica pedagógica dialógica
Este estudo investiga a produção cinematográfica no âmbito escolar com a introdução das novas ferramentas (mídias) para a dinamização do aprendizado educacional, com um enfoque na linha de pesquisa de inovação pedagógica e destaca essencialmente o cinema como ferramenta didático-pedagógica, numa perspectiva inovadora no Ensino Médio. Para tanto, traz como principal objetivo analisar a produção cinematográfica dos alunos de uma escola pública no nordeste brasileiro, buscando identificar se esta constitui ou não uma prática pedagógica inovadora. Assim, procura conhecer a experiência da produção cinematográfica da escola e verificar se esse recurso de mídia, da forma como vem sendo utilizado e apropriado pela escola, evidencia traços de inovação pedagógica, identificando limites e possibilidades na utilização desse recurso no favorecimento do protagonismo juvenil e nas atitudes cidadãs de autonomia. O referencial teórico apoiou-se nos escritos de Bergala (2006), Bogdan & Biklen, (1994), Fino (2003, 2007), Freire (1982, 1995), Giddens (1991), Gimeno Sacristán (2007), Kuhn (2009), Lapassade (2005), Perrenoud (2000, 2008, 2010), Sousa & Fino (2001, 2007), Papert (2008) Toffler (2001), dentre outros que trazem discussões acerca da organização escolar, seus modelos e procedimentos quanto à aquisição do conhecimento. A investigação se utiliza de uma abordagem qualitativa de cunho etnográfico, com a realização de uma pesquisa de campo, bem como dos recursos da entrevista e do grupo focal com alunos e professor, observação da dinâmica das práticas pedagógicas dentro e fora da sala de aula e conversas informais. Os resultados apontam que as práticas desenvolvidas pelos atores (professor e alunos) que constroem e desvelam as sutilezas do processo de ensino aprendizagem na escola Charles Chaplin evidenciam traços de inovação pedagógica, nos moldes do currículo da escola fabril, pois buscam implantar e difundir um novo paradigma através de práticas construídas, contribuindo para a transformação das formas de aquisição do conhecimento nos ambientes escolares.
No âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, realizou-se o presente relatório de estágio, de modo crítico e reflexivo, com base nos conhecimentos científicos adquiridos ao longo da formação e nas experiências ocasionadas em contexto de estágio. No decurso da ação educativa privilegiou-se uma pedagogia centrada na criança, onde esta possui um papel ativo na construção do seu conhecimento. Importa referir, que as estratégias adotadas surgiram tendo em conta os interesses e necessidades das crianças, identificados a partir da observação participante, e consequente reflexão sobre as inferências obtidas. Neste sentido, dá-se enfoque ao papel da Investigação-Ação neste processo, permitindo assim, o reajustamento e aperfeiçoamento das práticas educativas. Nesta linha, o papel da estagiária passou por criar condições que atendessem às particularidades de cada criança, favorecendo a criação de um ambiente estimulante e significativo, onde participam todos os agentes educativos em prol do desenvolvimento integral dos educandos. A participação das famílias e restante comunidade educativa, nos projetos desenvolvidos, contribuiu para o estreitar de relações, indispensáveis para uma dinâmica e gestão melhorada do processo educativo.
This thesis talks about the use of guided educational tools in play and playful in public schools in the Metropolitan Region of Natal (MRN), contributing to the teaching and students learning of basic education in the contents of portuguese and mathematics. We assume that the play is an activity / human need and therefore implies the proper development of children in physical, psychological, biological, cultural, social and historical aspects. We consider the mediation exercised by the teacher in the classroom, and the affection existing between teacher and student, sine qua non terms, so that the truth and fact of the process of teaching and learning occur. Thus, theoretically collaborated Paulo Freire, with his dialogical vision; Lev S. Vygotsky says that we learn and why we develop; Lev S. Vygotsky that states that we learn and for that we develop ourselves; Pierre Bourdieu and the concept of habitus, as something embedded and therefore procedural, and the cultural capital that needs to be fed and (re)meaning at school; Luiz Pereira, Bernard Lahire, Gilles Brougère and others brought their theoretical contributions. The empirical field of research was composed by the Municipal School Professor Ulysses de Góis, located in the neighborhood of Nova Descoberta in Natal, and the Municipal School José Horacio de Góis, located in the community of Guanduba, in São Gonçalo do Amarante, municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Natal (MRN). We used as methodology the collaborative-action-research as a possible of effective participation of the research subjects, imputing them a voice and performance in the process, and not considering them just observers. The results indicate the effectiveness of the pedagogical tools in play and playful to the learning of students, but that alone is not able to solve all the problems of the school, other referrals need to be secured, as the planning of the actions to be developed in the school and in the classroom, systematized pedagogical orienttion for faculty, family participation/involvement in the school life of students, among other actions that need to be weighted so that education fulfills its role and promote the emancipation of the subject, because in the freireana liberating perspective, "the reading of the world preced the lecture of the word"
Cette étude a été faite à partir d une expérience d alphabétisation chez des jeunes et des adultes dans deux groupes du "Projet Réduction de l analphabétisme" realisé par l Université Fédérale du Rio Grande do Norte, le bureau du Ministere de l Éducation et la Préfecture Municipale de Natal-RN. Nous avons choisi la méthode qualitative de recherche, en utilisant l observation de la dynamique en salle de classe, considérant les acteurs sociaux comme étant le sujet actif du processus historique, culturel et politique. Nous avons voulu colaborer dans ce theme en proposant un référenciel théorique et pratique, en visant le dynamisme de la salle de classe, à travers la vision de I alphabétisation centrée sur les utilisations sociales de la lecture et de l écrit; la conception dialogique de Paulo Freire, basée sur la propre culture de l élève et sur sa valorisation en tant que sujet actif de l apprentissage ; la proposition pédagogique de Célestin Freinet dans son aspect de la dynamisation de la salle de classe renforçant le principe de la libre expression, de la colaboration, de l activité et le respect du rytme individuel, pour le succes scolaire. Nous avons rappelé que Célestin Freinet e Paulo Freire ont contribué dans la conscientisation individuelle, sociale, culturelle, politique, de l éleve par le processus scolaire. Nous avons séparé l intérêt et la participation de celles qui alphabétisent et des élêves dans ce processus éducatif. Nous avons constaté tout au long du travail des changements dans la posture de celles qui alphabétisent, surpassant les pratiques centrées dans le formalisme, et le verbalisme fruits de l Éducation traditionnelle. A vançant dans le sens de l Abordage Constructiviste de la connaissance, garantissant un climat de sécurité, de dynamisme et de respect en salle de classe
T he reflexive action on the process of texts (re)writing, central topic of this study, is still a challenge within the elementary school. What made this issue a special theme of study was the fact that the chosen focus is based on a lived experiences with (re) writing activities where the uniqueness of the professional practice would be transformed into a place of knowledge production, offering theoretical and a practical support to a teacher, in order to understand the interactive nature of language as a space for recovery of the individual (as a historical, social, and cultural being). The empirical field research, structured in the light of assumptions of qualitative research into the action research format, was a public school in Bahia, in a third grade classroom. The instruments of data collection were open questionnaire, semistructured interviews, observations with video recording, documentary analysis of texts produced by students, and reflective sessions. The objectives that supported the research study were: 1) Investigate, in the pedagogical action of teacher Maria, activities on the writing process, 2) Interact with the teacher, in the form of action inquiry to: a) reflect on the procedures for theoretical and methodological development of reflective practice on the process of the (re) writing of the text, b) intervene in the construction of didactic situations that enable the learning and the development of reflexive actions in the (re) writing of texts. To accomplish these goals, it was established as a commitment a dialogic communication with the protagonist, providing reflection sessions so she could examine her teaching practices. The most relevant theoretical arguments to the establishment of this research came from the theoretical and methodological approaches of Bakhtin s theory of enunciation-discourse (2003, 2004) and Vygotsky s socio-interactionist theory (1989, 1998), as it is believed that both theories, through a paradigm shift, in which the constitution of the individual and the participation of others in the actions of analysis and reflection on the language, would give opportunities for internalization and construction of knowledge. The systematic and critical pondering led the participating teacher into reviewing her teaching praxis, compelling her to promote a more insightful understanding of the writing process of her students. That experirence brought into evidence three categories of actions: 1) actions that reflect the technical rationalism, 2) actions that reflect an emancipatory metamorphosis, and 3) actions that reflect empowerment and awareness. The results confirm that the action / reflection on the process of the (re) writing of a text has a dimension of increasing levels of awareness and self criticism, reproducing other meanings for teaching praxis
Considering the dialogue as a gnosiological act and teachers as a researchers of their own practice, this thesis deals with the contribution of Paulo Freire thoughts to teacher s formation process. The study was made over an intervention carried out at a regular Pedagogy Course, however directed to teachers on duty inside a program called PROFOMAÇÃO (Special program for professional formation on Basic Education) promoted by Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN). From Freire s ideas of problematizing education, action and reflection dialectics, conscientization and from the analysis of the course itself, I support the idea that the dynamics of collective construction of knowledge- three pedagogical moments (ANGOTTI, DELIZOICOV e PERNAMBUCO) when intermediated by individual reflection, provided by written register, permits the development of three important dimensions of knowledge about pedagogical practice; observation and selfobservation; understanding the theories witch grounds the action; and theorization. By these means, initial and permanent teacher s formation could materialize its political commitment in a concrete action of collective and participative act of conscientization and transformation of the reality of pedagogical practice at school ground, developing itself as a truly circle of action and reflection
Cet étude s agit du domaine de l Éducation Physique comme composante curriculaire dans le contexte de l Ensino médio integrado (l enseignement secondaire professionnel intégré) dans le IFRN, Campus Natal Zona Norte (Régio Nord). Son objectif principal est sur le plan éducatif des actions de l enseingant au procès des convivialités avec la culture corporale à partir des expériences, désires, besoins et volontés des apprenants dans la perspective de l imersion dans le monde de la créativité, de la recherche, de la connaissance et de la transformation de l identité pédagogique de la composante curriculaire. Dans ce sens, l étude a eu comme objectif l élaboration d une propisition pédagogique, fondamentée sur la Théorie Post-critique de l éducation qui contribue pour la configuration de l identité de l Éducation Physique dans les cours téchniques intégrés de niveau secondaire. La recherche s est configuré dans une intervention pédagogique fondamenté sur les préssuppositions methodologique d une expérience empirique du genre recherche-action apliqué dans l univers scolaire des cours thécniques intégrés de l enseignement secondaire de l IFRN, Campus Natal Zona Norte. Les sujets qui ont participé de la recherche, sont les apprenants des groupes de la première année du cours de Commerce et Éléctronique de la soirée (13h à 18h), inscrit à partir de l année 2012. Les instruments utilisés pour la recherche ont été deux questionaires et une cahier de bord. Les résultats obtenus sont disposés dans des graphiques qui représentent les paroles des sujets après le procès d intervantion et les analyses réalisées sous l étude-recherche, qui ont été faites por l analyse de contenu, de l image principale de la population recherchée. On considère que les résultats de la recherche ont été plausibles à la mesure que au-delà du support et de la participation dans la recherche, les réponses obtenues ont démontré que le procès d intervantion pédagogique a été pertinent pour les apprenants des cours téchniques intégrés de niveau secondaire de Commerce et Électronique de l IFRN, Campus Natal Zona Norte. Le sense essentielle de cette thèse s est concentrée dans la dimension interculturelle pour l Éducation Physique dans le secondaire intégré, comme un travail fondamenté à partir des temoignage des apprenants et par la conception post-critique du curriculum qui refuse les explications évidentes et instituées comme des véritées finales dans l objectif de réguler et controler les sujets de l éducation. L option faite par cet abordage de thèse a été pour rompre avec l établi à partir de la proposition d un dialògue, avec les apprenants, à la recherche de nouveaux territoires pédagogiques pour l Education Physique à l enseignement intégré de l IFRN, Campus Natal Zona Norte. Des territoires qui occupent des espaces dans la culture scolaire, dans une dynamique dialogique avec les apprenants, qui se défine politique et pédagogiquement pour la diversité culturelle du mouvement, qui aborde le concept de mouvement dans la proximité des actions corporales cotidiennes et qui propose de nouvelles possibilités et de recréations pour les pratiques de la culture corporale. La perspective post-critique ouvre des possibilités pour de nouvelles langages en fortifiant les narratives de ce qui ont toujours entendu et cependant ont silencié ses voix et ainsi, la thèse a confirmé que, l étude présent et la recherche supporté par la théorie post-critique du curriculum ont possibilité une nouvelles configuration pour l identité pédagogique de l Éducation Physique dans la condition de composant curriculaire des cours téchniques intégrés de niveau secondaire de l IFRN au Campus Natal Zona Norte
This research studies the argumentative process developed by the Basis Educational Movement (MEB), using as corpus the booklet Viver é lutar , and other lesson plans of the Educational Rural Radio from Natal. It has as objectives reveal the argumentative strategies in the discursive production of MEB, exploring the meaning effects suggested by its production conditions, and the ideological positions defended, in addition to this, verify how the booklet and the radio classes dialogued in the argumentation of their theses. So, the study is guided by the Discourse Analysis presuppositions, by the Argumentation Theory, by the conceptions of Popular Education, as well as the conception language dialogical language conception, recurring to Bakhtin (1995). The research adopts the documental characteristic of qualitative nature with an interpretative basis. The analysis of the data permitted us to confirm that the pedagogical didactic material discourse of MEB was produced in a social-historical-ideological context in what the education was seen as a social liberation instrument, being able to transform the Brazilian people and the Brazilian unequal structure. The results reveal that the booklet and the classes assume a position remarkably in favor of the popular classes, structured by the argumentative techniques that intended to convince, and to persuade the auditorium. Thus, the argument was based initially on the convincing of youths and of adults for, afterwards, to construct a persuasion to the learners, in terms of referring to act on the reality to transform it, according to their desires of social justice
Considering the necessary approaches with the quotidian of the pedagogical field mentioned in the recent productions in Psychology about the insertion of psychologists in the school field, the objective of this work was to know and to understand the dynamics of functioning of a team of pedagogical coordination, intending to produce reflections on the possibilities of action in school psychology with these professionals. Our field of research was the Municipal School Teacher Emília Ramos (EMPER), considering its peculiar history, distinguished by a constant effort of achievement of the school success by its pupils. As subject of the study, six pedagogical coordinators participated, who worked at the school in the diurne turns, where regular classrooms of 1º cycle of basic education functioned. As procedures, we use participant observations and open interviews, focusing the activities performed by the coordinators and its possible demands to psychology. We use the analysis of content for the production of results. These results evidenced a work of coordination realized on a structured routine, but flexible, centered around the activity of conduction of groups of studies with the teachers. We grouped the demands to psychology in four thematic groups: diagnosis and attending the pupils; orientation to the families, contribution in the formation of the professionals and clinical listening of the professionals of the school. In this way, it is made clear that, in a context where happens a well articulated and consistent pedagogical work, the possible performance in school psychology is not scrumbled or confused with social and pedagogical practical others which many times takes attendance. With these information, we expect to contribute for the theoretical and practical elaborations, in Psychology and the Pedagogy, compromised with the success of the educative work realized in the public schools
To present research had for study object to understand the social representations of the school geography for the students of the Municipal Schools Lions Prata and Dr. Francisco Brasileiro, located in the neighborhood of Catolé, and in Santa Terezinha District, respectively, in the municipal district of Campina Grande/PB. The objective of that study consisted of identifying, to understand and to analyze those apprehensions in the form as they are communicated and executed at the school and in the society. That search is due to the fact that the constant reproduction of the same ones in the current world context in that we are inserted doesn't to the understanding of the being's complexity and of the knowledge in the educational and social extent. Like this, we considered urgent their dialogues in practice didactic-pedagogic of the geography for ressignificar the geographical knowledge produced in the city. Authors as Moscovici; Jodelet; Bourdieu; Tuan; Foucault; Castoriadis; Morin among others contributed in the reflexive mediation of the imaginary symbolic emitted by the interior speeches of the 281 (two hundred and eighty and a) researched students. Those corresponded to 64,0% (sixty four) integral of the enrolled ones in the two schools of the municipal public system of teaching (INEP, 2005). A qualitative-quantitative survey was used and its answers were categorized by using the statistical description of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS Program. The freeassociation of words technique was also used in order to verify some information. The results revealed that the social representations of geography are still grounded in fragmented, content-based, positivistic and functional conceptions of man, society and the world. Manifestation of a traditional and organicistic teaching, this unveiling excludes the historical capacity of the students creative construction of knowledge, as well as a competent and demanding educational mediation
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
A atual dinâmica sociocultural tem pressionado o ensino para formar cidadãos críticos e compromissados com o bem estar coletivo. Privilegiando esse tipo de formação, apresenta-se como alternativa na Educação em Ciências a prática pedagógica das Ilhas Interdisciplinares de Racionalidade (11 R) apoiada nas relações entre Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS). Na presente pesquisa, analiso a aplicação de uma IIR, cujo tema foi "reciclagem de lixo urbano", numa turma da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). Esta investigação foi registrada em um diário de bordo, questionários e o produto elaborado pelos estudantes. Os resultados mostraram alguns desafios impostos aos sujeitos participantes, como o ensino centrado no professor, a organização do tempo, a adoção de uma prática interdisciplinar em contexto disciplinar e o cumprimento de tarefas em equipe; indicaram a necessidade de se assumir compromissos quando se considera uma perspectiva de cooperação em sala de aula, tais como o estabelecimento de um clima favorável para a aprendizagem, a disponibilização de recursos humanos, materiais e audiovisuais, o abandono de zonas de conforto e a responsabilidade pela própria aprendizagem; além disso, evidenciaram aspectos na aprendizagem potencializados pela experiência, relacionados ao desenvolvimento de conteúdos da formação para a cidadania, como a visão humanista, a argumentação crítica e a ecocidadania.
Este estudo tem como foco de investigação a prática pedagógica das professoras de Educação Infantil da Escola de Aplicação da UFPA. A pesquisa analisa como estão constituídos o tempo e o espaço das atividades lúdicas na educação infantil e que possibilidades a prática pedagógica das professoras oferece para a manifestação de situações lúdicas. Tendo como base da investigação o brincar como fenômeno social, realizaram-se incursões no campo da Sociologia, especificamente em Benjamin (2002) e Brougère (1995, 1998) que caracterizam o brincar como uma atividade essencial na formação cultural e social da criança e nas contribuições procedentes do campo da Psicologia Sócio-Histórica, principalmente nas obras de Vygotsky (1984), Leontiev (1978), Elkonin (1998) que compreendem o brincar como uma atividade/necessidade humana, considerando a situação lúdica como geradora potencial de desenvolvimento e principal atividade da criança. O estudo tem também como referência os trabalhos de Kishimoto (1990, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1998b, 2001), Friedmann (1990,1996), Oliveira (1992), Campos de Carvalho; Rubiano (1994), Wajskop (1995, 1996) e Faria (l999a, 1999b), os quais privilegiam a análise de questões relacionadas ao tempo e ao espaço na educação infantil na perspectiva da criança e a valorização da cultura lúdica na prática pedagógica. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, tem a abordagem sócio-histórica como orientadora da investigação e utiliza a observação direta, o questionário-inventário e o projeto pedagógico da educação infantil como instrumentos de recolha de dados. Tais fontes permitiram identificar a presença das atividades lúdicas no cotidiano da educação infantil desta instituição. Existem momentos na rotina reservados às brincadeiras, além de espaços e materiais destinados a este fim. Há uma compreensão quanto à organização de espaços que possam potencializar aspectos do imaginário, lúdico, artístico, criativo. Entretanto, tais dimensões possuem uma posição periférica na prática pedagógica das professoras, pois é dada prioridade às atividades consideradas mais escolares. A homogeneidade e a uniformidade compreender grande parte do formato e da dinâmica dos trabalhos ali realizados, constituindo-se em tempo e em espaço institucionalizado engessado pelo modelo escolar. É preciso repensar este modelo rígido de ensinar e aprender, de forma a colocar a criança com suas especificidades e singularidades como foco de toda e qualquer atividade, o que implica na compreensão da cultura lúdica como expressão social e cultural da criança e, como tal, não pode ocupar uma posição secundária e periférica na educação infantil, mas ser incluída como uma atividade privilegiada e um fator educativo por excelência.
Ce travail vise à etudier le genre lettre de lecteur publiés dans deux magazines. La lettre de lecteur est un texte publié dans une section spécifique du jornal et du magazine à travers lequel les lecteures dialoguent avec les éditeures du magazine et avec les autres lecteures, généralement ayant comme thème les textes du maganize publié dans les éditions précédentes. Pour Bakhtine (1997, p.302), “ nous apprenons à mouler notre discours aux formes du genre ». En reliant les genres de discours à l’activité sociale, à l’interaction, Bakhtine affirme que c’est la situation sociale e les participants immédiats qui déterminent la forme e le style de l’énoncé. Compte tenu de la nécessaire présence des genres de discours dans des actvités langagières des sujets, justifie l’importance de l’étude des genres dans les diverses pratiques sociales. À partir des questions soulevées par Circle de Bakthine, en particulier ceux par rapport à genre de discours, ce travail a pour but discuter, dans une perspective dialogique bakhtinienne, les différentes destinataires des magazines Veja et Nova Escola conduirait à des changements du genre lettre de lecteur, principalement en ce qui concerne les aspects stylistiques. Ainsi, nous avons l’intention de discuter le genre lettre de lecteur e de sa ralation à la sphère de l’activité journalistique dans le but de réfléchir sur la stabilité et l’instabilité du genre. Le corpus se compose des lettres de lecteurs tirés de quatre éditions des magazines Veja et Nova Escola, a été diffusé en 2011. La recherche montre qu’il y a une instabilité dans le genre lettre de lecteur dans la sphère journalistique, affecté par d’autres genres comme genres de la sphère pédagogique, didactiques et de instruction. Les lettres aussi dialoguent avec le genre confessionnel et de confidence