570 resultados para Digit Amputation
Men and women differ statistically in the relative lengths of their index and ring fingers; and the ratio of these lengths has been used as a biomarker for prenatal testosterone. The ratio has been correlated with a wide range of traits and conditions including prostate cancer, obesity, autism, ADHD, and sexual orientation. In a genome-wide association study of 979 healthy adults, we find that digit ratio is strongly associated with variation upstream of SMOC1 (rs4902759: P = 1.41 × 10(-8)) and a meta-analysis of this and an independent study shows a probability of P = 1.5 × 10(-11). The protein encoded by SMOC1 has recently been shown to play a critical role in limb development; its expression in prostate tissue is dependent on sex hormones, and it has been implicated in the sexually dimorphic development of the gonads. We put forward the hypothesis that SMOC1 provides a link between prenatal hormone exposure and digit ratio.
This paper describes two studies examining links between personality and performance on a cognitive test in online and laboratory settings. Study 1 was completed online. 345 participants passively recruited through a personality assessment website completed a Five Factor Model personality inventory derived from the International Personality Item Pool. They then completed an online text-based digit span test. This required participants to repeat increasingly longer strings of digits, either in the same order (forward) or in the opposite of the presentation order (reverse). Conventional digit span tasks ask participants to respond verbally; in this instance they responded by typing the digits. Agreeableness and Openness to Experience each had small but significant associations with forward and reverse digit span. In a second, laboratory based, study, 103 participants completed paper versions of the IPIP Five Factor inventory, the NEO-FFI, and a battery of cognitive tests including the WAIS 4 digit span test. In this instance, Agreeableness and Openness to Experience were not significantly correlated with digit span measures. Taken together, these studies suggest that personality characteristics may influence performance on an online cognitive test. This effect was not seen in an offline version of the study. The paper will consider potential implications for online testing, for equivalence of online and offline methods, and for links between personality and performance on this cognitive test.
This thesis compares the responses of regenerating forelimb tissues of the newt Notophthalmu..f vlridescens to the stresses of hyperthermia and ID.echanical injury of amputation. In particular, both quantitative and qualitative changes in the synthesis of soluble proteins in stump tissues, including those of the heat shock protein family (HSP70-1ike) were examined. Results from SDS-PAGEfluorography indicate that the trauma of amputation mimics the heat shock response both quantitatively and temporally in its transient repression of the synthesis of most normal cellular proteins, and qualitatively. in the locaJized expression of two unique proteins (hsp30 and hsp70). Fluorography of proteins separated by twodimensional gets revealed that thelCl4:alizedt amputation induced 70kDa protein (amp70) was distinct from the more basic newt hsp/hsc70 isoforms. Although limb amputation resulted in an increase in the synthesis of HSP70 mRNA analogous to that induced by heat 3.b.OCKf amp70 did not cross-react with murine monoclonal antibodies directed against both the inducible and cognate HSP70 proteins of the human. Thus, the possible relationship of amp70 to other members of the HSP70-1ike protein family remains unclear. Western analyses indicated that the levels of the constitutive form of HSP70 (hsc70) were found to be regulated in a stage-dependent manner in the distal stump tissues of the regen,erating forelimb of the newt. The highest levels were found in the mid-late bud stage, a period during which rapidly dividing blastema cells begin to redifferentiate in a proximodistal direction. Immediately after amputation) hsc70 synthesis and accumulation was depressed below steady-state levels measured in the unamputated limb~ The results are discussed in light of a possible role for HSPs and amputatio~ induced proteins in the epimorphic regeneration of the amphibian limb.
Several stresses to tissues including hyperthermia, ischemia, mechanical trauma and heavy metals have been demonstrated to affect the regulation of a subset of the family of heat shock proteins of70kOa (hsp70). In several organisms following some of these traumas, the levels of hsp70 mRNA and proteins are dramatically upregulated. However, the effects of the stress on limb and tail amputation in the newt Notophthalmus viridescens, involving mechanical tissue damage, have not adequately been examined. In the present study, three techniques were utilized to quantitate the levels of hsp70 mRNA and protein in the tissues of the forelimbs and tails of newts during the early post-traumatic events following surgical resection of these:: appendages. These included quantitative Western blotting of proteins separated by both one and twodimensional SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and quantitative Northern blot analysis of total RNA. In tissues of both the limb and tail one hour after amputation, there were no significant differences in the levels of hsp70 protein measured by one-dimensional SOSPAGE followed by Western blotting, when compared to the levels measured in the unamputated limb. A 30 minute heat shock at 35°C failed to elicit an increase in the levels of hsp70 protein in these tissues. Further analysis using the more sensitive 20 PAGE separation of stump tissue proteins revealed that at least some of the five hsp70 isoforms of the newt may be differentially regulated in limbs and tails in response to trauma. It appears also that amputation of the tail and limb tissues leads to slight 3 elevation in the levels of HSP70 mRNA when compared to those of their respective unstressed tissues.
Les amphibiens urodèles (e.g. les axolotls) possèdent la remarquable capacité de régénérer plusieurs parties de leur corps. Ils peuvent, entre autres, régénérer parfaitement un membre amputé par épimorphose, un processus biphasique comprenant une phase de préparation, spécifique à la régénération, et une phase de redéveloppement, commune à l’épimorphose et au développement embryonnaire. Durant la phase de préparation, les cellules du moignon se dédifférencient en cellules pseudo-embryonnaires, prolifèrent et migrent distalement au plan d’amputation pour former un blastème de régénération. Parmi les vertébrés, la dédifférenciation est unique aux urodèles. Afin de mieux comprendre le contrôle moléculaire de la régénération chez les urodèles, nous avons choisi d’étudier BMP-2, un facteur de croissance, en raison de son implication dans la régénération des phalanges distales chez les mammifères. Le facteur de transcription MSX-1 a également été sélectionné en raison de sa capacité à induire la dédifférenciation cellulaire in vitro et de son interaction potentielle avec la signalisation des BMPs. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse démontrent que BMP-2 et MSX-1 sont exprimés lors des phases de préparation et de redéveloppement de l’épimorphose, et que leur profil d'expression spatio-temporel est très semblable, ce qui suggère une interaction de leurs signaux. En outre, chez les tétrapodes amniotes, l’expression de Shh est restreinte au mésenchyme postérieur des membres en développement et chevauche l’expression de BMP-2. Toutefois, l’expression de BMP-2 n’est pas restreinte à la région postérieure mais forme un gradient postéro-antérieur. Shh est le principal régulateur de la formation du patron de développement antéro-postérieur du ii membre. Étant donné les domaines d’expression chevauchants de BMP-2 et Shh et la restriction postérieure d’expression de Shh, on croit que Shh régule la formation du patron de développement de postérieur à antérieur par l’activation de l’expression de BMP-2. Fait intéressant, l’axolotl exprime également Shh dans la région postérieure, mais le développement des pattes se fait de la région antérieure à la région postérieure au lieu de postérieur à antérieur comme chez les autres tétrapodes, et ceci durant le développement et la régénération. Nous avons utilisé cette caractéristique de l’axolotl pour démontrer que la signalisation Shh ne structure pas l’autopode via BMP-2. En effet, l’expression de BMP-2 n'est pas régulée par l'inhibition de la signalisation Shh, et son expression est du côté opposé à celle de Shh durant le développement et la régénération des pattes de l’axolotl. Il a été observé durant le développement du membre chez la souris que MSX-1 est régulé par la signalisation Shh. Nos résultats ont démontrés que chez l’axolotl, MSX-1 ne semble pas régulé par l'inhibition de la signalisation Shh au cours de la régénération du membre. De plus, nous avons démontré que contrairement à l’expression de Shh, l’expression de BMP-2 est corrélée avec l’ordre de formation des phalanges, est impliquée dans la condensation cellulaire et dans l'apoptose précédant la chondrogenèse. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggère un rôle de BMP-2 dans l’initiation de l’ossification endochondrale. Enfin, nous avons démontré que la signalisation BMP est indispensable pour l’épimorphose du membre durant la phase de redéveloppement.
Decimal multiplication is an integral part of financial, commercial, and internet-based computations. This paper presents a novel double digit decimal multiplication (DDDM) technique that performs 2 digit multiplications simultaneously in one clock cycle. This design offers low latency and high throughput. When multiplying two n-digit operands to produce a 2n-digit product, the design has a latency of (n / 2) 1 cycles. The paper presents area and delay comparisons for 7-digit, 16-digit, 34-digit double digit decimal multipliers on different families of Xilinx, Altera, Actel and Quick Logic FPGAs. The multipliers presented can be extended to support decimal floating-point multiplication for IEEE P754 standard