997 resultados para Diffused ionized gas


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We present an improved version of FIT3D, a fitting tool for the analysis of the spectroscopic properties of the stellar populations and the ionized gas derived from moderate resolution spectra of galaxies. This tool was developed to analyze integral field spectroscopy data and it is the basis of PIPE3D, a pipeline used in the analysis of CALIFA, MaNGA, and SAMI data. We describe the philosophy and each step of the fitting procedure. We present an extensive set of simulations in order to estimate the precision and accuracy of the derived parameters for the stellar populations and the ionized gas. We report on the results of those simulations. Finally, we compare the results of the analysis using FIT3D with those provided by other widely used packages, and we find that the parameters derived by FIT3D are fully compatible with those derived using these other tools.


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During our Herschel Lensing Survey (HLS) of massive galaxy clusters, we have discovered an exceptionally bright source behind the z = 0.22 cluster Abell 773, which appears to be a strongly lensed submillimeter galaxy (SMG) at z = 5.2429. This source is unusual compared to most other lensed sources discovered by Herschel so far, because of its higher submm flux (∼200 mJy at 500 μm) and its high redshift. The dominant lens is a foreground z = 0.63 galaxy, not the cluster itself. The source has a far-infrared (FIR) luminosity of L_FIR = 1.1 × 10^14/μ L_⨀, where μ is the magnification factor, likely ∼11. We report here the redshift identification through CO lines with the IRAM-30 m, and the analysis of the gas excitation, based on CO(7–6), CO(6–5), CO(5–4) detected at IRAM and the CO(2–1) at the EVLA. All lines decompose into a wide and strong red component, and a narrower and weaker blue component, 540 km s^−1 apart. Assuming the ultraluminous galaxy (ULIRG) CO-to-H_2 conversion ratio, the H_2 mass is 5.8×10^11/μ M_⨀, of which one third is in a cool component. From the CI(^3P_2−^3 P_1) line we derive a C_I/H_2 number abundance of 6 × 10^−5 similar to that in other ULIRGs. The H_2O_p(2, 0, 2−1, 1, 1) line is strong only in the red velocity component, with an intensity ratio I(H_2O)/I(CO) ∼ 0.5, suggesting a strong local FIR radiation field, possibly from an active nucleus (AGN) component. We detect the [NII]205 μm line for the first time at high-z. It shows comparable blue and red components, with a strikingly broad blue one, suggesting strong ionized gas flows.


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In the past, many papers have been presented which show that the coating of cutting tools often yields decreased wear rates and reduced coefficients of friction. Although different theories are proposed, covering areas such as hardness theory, diffusion barrier theory, thermal barrier theory, and reduced friction theory, most have not dealt with the question of how and why the coating of tool substrates with hard materials such as Titanium Nitride (TiN), Titanium Carbide (TiC) and Aluminium Oxide (Al203) transforms the performance and life of cutting tools. This project discusses the complex interrelationship that encompasses the thermal barrier function and the relatively low sliding friction coefficient of TiN on an undulating tool surface, and presents the result of an investigation into the cutting characteristics and performance of EDMed surface-modified carbide cutting tool inserts. The tool inserts were coated with TiN by the physical vapour deposition (PVD) method. PVD coating is also known as Ion-plating which is the general term of the coating method in which the film is created by attracting ionized metal vapour in this the metal was Titanium and ionized gas onto negatively biased substrate surface. Coating by PVD was chosen because it is done at a temperature of not more than 5000C whereas chemical Vapour Deposition CVD process is done at very high temperature of about 8500C and in two stages of heating up the substrates. The high temperatures involved in CVD affects the strength of the (tool) substrates. In this study, comparative cutting tests using TiN-coated control specimens with no EDM surface structures and TiN-coated EDMed tools with a crater-like surface topography were carried out on mild steel grade EN-3. Various cutting speeds were investigated, up to an increase of 40% of the tool manufacturer’s recommended speed. Fifteen minutes of cutting were carried out for each insert at the speeds investigated. Conventional tool inserts normally have a tool life of approximately 15 minutes of cutting. After every five cuts (passes) microscopic pictures of the tool wear profiles were taken, in order to monitor the progressive wear on the rake face and on the flank of the insert. The power load was monitored for each cut taken using an on-board meter on the CNC machine to establish the amount of power needed for each stage of operation. The spindle drive for the machine is an 11 KW/hr motor. Results obtained confirmed the advantages of cutting at all speeds investigated using EDMed coated inserts, in terms of reduced tool wear and low power loads. Moreover, the surface finish on the workpiece was consistently better for the EDMed inserts. The thesis discusses the relevance of the finite element method in the analysis of metal cutting processes, so that metal machinists can design, manufacture and deliver goods (tools) to the market quickly and on time without going through the hassle of trial and error approach for new products. Improvements in manufacturing technologies require better knowledge of modelling metal cutting processes. Technically the use of computational models has a great value in reducing or even eliminating the number of experiments traditionally used for tool design, process selection, machinability evaluation, and chip breakage investigations. In this work, much interest in theoretical and experimental investigations of metal machining were given special attention. Finite element analysis (FEA) was given priority in this study to predict tool wear and coating deformations during machining. Particular attention was devoted to the complicated mechanisms usually associated with metal cutting, such as interfacial friction; heat generated due to friction and severe strain in the cutting region, and high strain rates. It is therefore concluded that Roughened contact surface comprising of peaks and valleys coated with hard materials (TiN) provide wear-resisting properties as the coatings get entrapped in the valleys and help reduce friction at chip-tool interface. The contributions to knowledge: a. Relates to a wear-resisting surface structure for application in contact surfaces and structures in metal cutting and forming tools with ability to give wear-resisting surface profile. b. Provide technique for designing tool with roughened surface comprising of peaks and valleys covered in conformal coating with a material such as TiN, TiC etc which is wear-resisting structure with surface roughness profile compose of valleys which entrap residual coating material during wear thereby enabling the entrapped coating material to give improved wear resistance. c. Provide knowledge for increased tool life through wear resistance, hardness and chemical stability at high temperatures because of reduced friction at the tool-chip and work-tool interfaces due to tool coating, which leads to reduced heat generation at the cutting zones. d. Establishes that Undulating surface topographies on cutting tips tend to hold coating materials longer in the valleys, thus giving enhanced protection to the tool and the tool can cut faster by 40% and last 60% longer than conventional tools on the markets today.


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La galaxie spirale barrée NGC 5430 est particulière en ce sens qu’elle présente un noeud Wolf-Rayet très lumineux et des bras asymétriques. Des spectres longue-fente le long de la barre et dans le bras déformé ainsi que des données SpIOMM couvrant l’ensemble de la galaxie ont été analysées. L’absorption stellaire sous-jacente a été soustraite des spectres longue-fente à l’aide d’un ajustement de modèles théoriques de populations stellaires fait avec le programme GANDALF. L’absorption a un impact très important sur le calcul de l’extinction ainsi que sur les différents diagnostics propres aux régions HII et aux populations stellaires jeunes. Enfin, cette étude montre que NGC 5430 comporte une composante gazeuse ionisée diffuse sur toute son étendue et qu’il est important d’en tenir compte afin d’appliquer correctement les diagnostics. Un des scénarios évolutifs proposés au terme de cette étude est que le noeud Wolf-Rayet constitue le restant d’une petite galaxie ou d’un nuage intergalactique qui serait entré en collision avec NGC 5430. Une structure englobant le noeud Wolf-Rayet se déplace à une vitesse considérablement inférieure (50 - 70 km s-1) à celle attendue à une telle distance du centre de la galaxie (200 - 220 km s-1). De plus, le noeud Wolf-Rayet semble très massif puisque l’intensité maximale du continu stellaire de cette région est semblable à celle du noyau et est de loin supérieure à celle de l’autre côté de la barre. Le nombre d’étoiles Wolf-Rayet (2150) est aussi considérable. Il n’est toutefois pas exclu que la différence de vitesses observée témoigne d’un écoulement de gaz le long de la barre, qui alimenterait la formation stellaire du noeud Wolf-Rayet ou du noyau.


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L’arrivée du spectromètre imageur à transformée de Fourier SITELLE au télescope Canada-France-Hawaï souligne la nécessité d’un calculateur de temps d’exposition permettant aux utilisateurs de l’instrument de planifier leurs observations et leurs demandes de temps de télescope. Une grande partie de mon projet est ainsi le développement d’un code de simulation capable de reproduire les résultats de SITELLE et de son prédecesseur SpIOMM, installé à l’Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic. La précision des simulations est confirmée par une comparaison avec des données SpIOMM et les premières observations de SITELLE. La seconde partie de mon projet consiste en une analyse spectrale de données observationelles. Prenant avantage du grand champ de vue de SpIOMM, les caractéristiques du gaz ionisé (vitesse radiale et intensité) sont étudiées pour l’ensemble de la paire de galaxies en interaction Arp 72. La courbe de rotation dans le visible ainsi que le gradient de métallicité de NGC 5996, la galaxie principale d’Arp 72, sont obtenues ici pour la première fois. La galaxie spirale NGC 7320 est également étudiée à partir d’observations faites à la fois avec SpIOMM et SITELLE.


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Observations of continuous radio and sporadic X-ray emission from low-mass objects suggest they harbor localized plasmas in their atmospheric environments. For low-mass objects, the degree of thermal ionization is insufficient to qualify the ionized component as a plasma, posing the question: what ionization processes can efficiently produce the required plasma that is the source of the radiation? We propose Alfv´en ionization as a mechanism for producing localized pockets of ionized gas in the atmosphere, having sufficient degrees of ionization ( 10−7) that they constitute plasmas. We outline the criteria required for Alfv´en ionization and demonstrate its applicability in the atmospheres of low-mass objects such as giant gas planets, brown dwarfs, and M dwarfs with both solar and sub-solar metallicities. We find that Alfv´en ionization is most efficient at mid to low atmospheric pressures where a seed plasma is easier to magnetize and the pressure gradients needed to drive the required neutral flows are the smallest. For the model atmospheres considered, our results show that degrees of ionization of 10−6–1 can be obtained as a result of Alfv´en ionization. Observable consequences include continuum bremsstrahlung emission, superimposed with spectral lines from the plasma ion species (e.g., He, Mg, H2, or CO lines). Forbidden lines are also expected from the metastable population. The presence of an atmospheric plasma opens the door to a multitude of plasma and chemical processes not yet considered in current atmospheric models. The occurrence of Alfv´en ionization may also be applicable to other astrophysical environments such as protoplanetary disks.


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We present a detailed study of the neutral and ionized gas phases in the galactic wind for the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 5394 based on new integral field spectroscopy obtained with the INTEGRAL fibre system at the William Herschel Telescope. The neutral gas phase in the wind is detected via the interstellar Na I D doublet absorption. After a careful removal of the stellar contribution to these lines, a significant amount of neutral gas (∼10^7 M_⊙) is detected in a central region of ∼1.75 kpc size. This neutral gas is blueshifted by ∼165 km s^−1 with respect to the underlying galaxy. The mass outflow of neutral gas is comparable to the star formation rate of the host galaxy. Simultaneously, several emission lines (Hα, [N II], [S II]) are also analysed looking for the ionized warm phase counterpart of the wind. A careful kinematic decomposition of the line profiles reveals the presence of a secondary, broader, kinematic component. This component is found roughly in the same region where the Na I D absorption is detected. It presents higher [N II]/Hα and [S II]/Hα line ratios than the narrow component at the same locations, indicative of contamination by shock ionization. This secondary component also presents blueshifted velocities, although smaller than those measured for the neutral gas, averaging to ∼−30 km s^−1. The mass and mass outflow rate of the wind is dominated by the neutral gas, of which a small fraction might be able to escape the gravitational potential of the host galaxy. The observations in this system can be readily understood within a bipolar gas flow scenario.


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Semiempirical molecular orbital calculations on the unimolecular mass spectrometric fragmentation of tetrahydroimidazole-substituted methylene beta-diketones are carried out by Austin Model 1 method, and the calculated results give a strong support to our experimental results reported previously. The optimum of the investigated molecular configuration indicates that the two hydrogen atoms attached to nitrogen atom have different activities due to their chemical environment; the relative energies of the ions in fragmentation pathway of ionized tetrahydroimidazole-substituted methylene beta-diketones provide indirectly an evidence for both the existence of ion/neutral complex and the stabilities of these ions.


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The dissociation of gaseous metastable ions of m/z 153 and the formation of ions of m/z 139 from the unimolecular fragmentations of ionized tetrahydroimidazole-substituted methylene beta-diketones were examined by tandem mass spectrometry. In addition, some other fragments accompanying the elimination of either an H2O molecule or an CHO. radical were also observed in the collision-induced dissociation spectra of molecular ions of the compounds bearing an aromatic ring. Collision-induced dissociation and isotopic labeling showed that these processes may involve reactions of intermediate ion/neutral complexes and multistep rearrangements. The corresponding mechanisms are discussed. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We present intermediate-resolution HST/STIS spectra of a high- velocity interstellar cloud ((LSR)-L-upsilon = + 80 kms(-1)) towards DI1388, a young star in the Magellanic Bridge located between the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds. The STIS data have a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 20-45 and a spectral resolution of about 6.5 km s(-1) (FWHM), The high-velocity cloud absorption is observed in the lines of C II, O I, Si II, Si III, Si IV and S III. Limits can be placed on the amount of S II and Fe II absorption that is present. An analysis of the relative abundances derived from the observed species, particularly C II and O I, suggests that this high-velocity gas is warm (T-k similar to 10(3)-10(4) K) and predominantly ionized, This hypothesis is supported by the presence of absorption produced by highly ionized species, such as Si IV, This sightline also intercepts two other high-velocity clouds that produce weak absorption features at (LSR)-L-upsilon = + 113 and + 130kms(-1) in the STIS spectra.


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This work presents a procedure based on spatially-resolved near-infrared imaging, in order to observe temperature and composition maps in gas-solid packed beds subjected to effects of aspect ratio and non-isothermal conditions. The technique was applied to the water vapour flow in a packed bed adsorber of low aspect ratio, filled with silica gel, using a tuneable diode laser, focal planar array detector and tomographic reconstruction. The 2D projected images from parallel scanning permitted data to be retrieved from the packing and above the packing sections of 12.0×12.0×18.2mm at a volume-resolution of 0.15×0.15×0.026mm and a time-resolution of less than 3min. The technique revealed uneven temperature and composition maps in the core packed bed and in the vicinity of the wall due to flow maldistribution. In addition, the heat uptake from the packed bed and local cross-mixing were experimentally ascertained by local profiles of the water vapour composition and temperature under various aspect ratios and feed flow rates. The relative deviations in temperature and compositions were 11.1% and 9.3%, respectively. The deviation in composition, which covers the packing and above the packing sections, was slightly higher than the deviation of 8% obtained up-to-date but was limited to the exit of a packed bed adsorber. © 2011.


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The accurate control of the relative phase of multiple distinct sources of radiation produced by high harmonic generation is of central importance in the continued development of coherent extreme UV (XUV) and attosecond sources. Here, we present a novel approach which allows extremely accurate phase control between multiple sources of high harmonic radiation generated within the Rayleigh range of a single-femtosecond laser pulse using a dualgas, multi-jet array. Fully ionized hydrogen acts as a purely passive medium and allows highly accurate control of the relative phase between each harmonic source. Consequently, this method allows quantum path selection and rapid signal growth via the full coherent superposition of multiple HHG sources (the so-called quasi-phase-matching). Numerical simulations elucidate the complex interplay between the distinct quantum paths observed in our proof-of-principle experiments.


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In this work, a laser-produced plasma extreme ultraviolet source and a free electron laser were used to create Ne photo-ionized plasmas. In both cases, a radiation beam was focused onto a gas stream injected into a vacuum chamber synchronously with the radiation pulse. Extreme ultraviolet radiation from the plasma spanned a wide spectral range with pronounced maximum centered at lambda = 11 +/- 1 nm while the free electron laser pulses were emitted at a wavelength of 32 nm. The power density of the focused plasma radiation was approximately 2 x 10(7) W/cm(2) and was seven orders of magnitude lower compared with the focused free electron laser beam. Radiation fluences in both experimental conditions were comparable. Despite quite different spectral characteristics and extremely different power densities, emission spectra of both photo-ionized plasmas consist of the same spectral lines within a wavelength range of 20 to 50 nm, however, with different relative intensities of the corresponding lines. The dominating spectral lines originated from singly charged ions (Ne II); however, Ne III lines were also detected. Additionally, computer simulations of the emission spectra, obtained for photo-ionized plasmas, driven by the plasma extreme ultraviolet source, were performed. The corresponding measured and calculated spectra are presented. An electron temperature and ionic composition were estimated. Differences between the experimental spectra, obtained for both irradiation conditions, were analyzed. The differences were attributed mainly to different energies of driving photons.


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The size dependence of the ionization potential I_p(n) of van der Waals (vdW) bound clusters has been calculated by using a model Hamiltonian, which includes electron hopping, vdW interactions, and charge-dipole interactions. The charge-density and dipole-density distributions for both neutral and ionized n-atom clusters are determined self-consistently. The competition between the polarization energy of the neutral atoms surrounding a partially localized hole and the tendency toward hole delocalization in the ionized clusters is found to dominate the size dependence of I_p(n). To test our theory, we culculate I_p(Xe_n) and I_p(Kr_n) for n \le 300. Good quantitative agreement with experiment is obtained. The theory is also applied to calculate I_p(Hg_n). Comparison with experiments suggests that in Hg_n^+ clusters with n \le 20 the positive charge is mainly distributed within a trimer which is situated at the center of the cluster and which polarizes the n - 3 surrounding neutral atoms.