935 resultados para Diabetes typ 1


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Der Free Fatty Acid Receptor 1 (FFAR1) ist ein G-Protein gekoppelter Rezeptor, welcher neben einer hohen Expression im Gehirn auch eine verstärkte Expressionsrate auf den β-Zellen des Pankreas aufweist. Diese Expressionsmuster machen ihn zu einem idealen Target für die Visualisierung der sogenannten β-Zell-Masse mittels molekularer bildgebender Verfahren wie der PET. Eine Entwicklung geeigneter Radiotracer für die β-Zell-Bildgebung würde sowohl für die Diagnostik als auch für die Therapie von Typ-1- und Typ-2-Diabetes ein wertvolles Hilfsmittel darstellen.rnAufbauend auf einem von Sasaki et al. publiziertem Agonisten mit einem vielversprechendem EC50-Wert von 5,7 nM wurden dieser Agonist und zwei weitere darauf basierende 19F-substituierte Moleküle als Referenzverbindungen synthetisiert (DZ 1-3). Für die 18F-Markierung der Moleküle DZ 2 und DZ 3 wurden die entsprechenden Markierungsvorläufer (MV 1-3) synthetisiert und anschließend die Reaktionsparameter hinsichtlich Temperatur, Lösungsmittel, Basensystem und Reaktionszeit für die nukleophile n.c.a. 18F-Fluorierung optimiert. Die abschließende Entschützung zum fertigen Radiotracer wurde mit NaOH-Lösung durchgeführt und die Tracer injektionsfertig in isotonischer NaCl-Lösung mit radiochemischen Ausbeuten von 26,9 % ([18F]DZ 2) und 39 % ([18F]DZ 3) erhalten.rnZusätzlich wurde ein Chelator zur 68Ga-Markierung an den Liganden gekoppelt (Verb. 46) und die Markierungsparameter optimiert. Nach erfolgter Markierung mit 95 % radiochemischer Ausbeute, wurde der Tracer abgetrennt und in vitro Stabilitätsstudien durchgeführt. Diese zeigten eine Stabilität von mehr als 90 % über 120 min in sowohl humanem Serum (37 °C) als auch isotonischer NaCl-Lösung.rnMit einem ebenfalls synthetisierten fluoreszenzmarkierten Derivat des Liganden (Verb. 43) wurden erste LSM-Bilder an sowohl Langerhansschen Inseln als auch FFAR1-tragenden RIN-M Zellen durchgeführt, welche einen vielversprechenden Uptake des neuen Liganden in die Zellen zeigen. Weitere Untersuchungen und biologische Evaluierungen stehen noch aus. Mit den Referenzsubstanzen wurden zusätzlich Vitalitätsstudien an Langerhansschen Inseln durchgeführt, um einen negativen toxischen Einfluss auszuschließen.rn


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La diabetes comprende un conjunto de enfermedades metabólicas que se caracterizan por concentraciones de glucosa en sangre anormalmente altas. En el caso de la diabetes tipo 1 (T1D, por sus siglas en inglés), esta situación es debida a una ausencia total de secreción endógena de insulina, lo que impide a la mayoría de tejidos usar la glucosa. En tales circunstancias, se hace necesario el suministro exógeno de insulina para preservar la vida del paciente; no obstante, siempre con la precaución de evitar caídas agudas de la glucemia por debajo de los niveles recomendados de seguridad. Además de la administración de insulina, las ingestas y la actividad física son factores fundamentales que influyen en la homeostasis de la glucosa. En consecuencia, una gestión apropiada de la T1D debería incorporar estos dos fenómenos fisiológicos, en base a una identificación y un modelado apropiado de los mismos y de sus sorrespondientes efectos en el balance glucosa-insulina. En particular, los sistemas de páncreas artificial –ideados para llevar a cabo un control automático de los niveles de glucemia del paciente– podrían beneficiarse de la integración de esta clase de información. La primera parte de esta tesis doctoral cubre la caracterización del efecto agudo de la actividad física en los perfiles de glucosa. Con este objetivo se ha llevado a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura y meta-análisis que determinen las respuestas ante varias modalidades de ejercicio para pacientes con T1D, abordando esta caracterización mediante unas magnitudes que cuantifican las tasas de cambio en la glucemia a lo largo del tiempo. Por otro lado, una identificación fiable de los periodos con actividad física es un requisito imprescindible para poder proveer de esa información a los sistemas de páncreas artificial en condiciones libres y ambulatorias. Por esta razón, la segunda parte de esta tesis está enfocada a la propuesta y evaluación de un sistema automático diseñado para reconocer periodos de actividad física, clasificando su nivel de intensidad (ligera, moderada o vigorosa); así como, en el caso de periodos vigorosos, identificando también la modalidad de ejercicio (aeróbica, mixta o de fuerza). En este sentido, ambos aspectos tienen una influencia específica en el mecanismo metabólico que suministra la energía para llevar a cabo el ejercicio y, por tanto, en las respuestas glucémicas en T1D. En este trabajo se aplican varias combinaciones de técnicas de aprendizaje máquina y reconocimiento de patrones sobre la fusión multimodal de señales de acelerometría y ritmo cardíaco, las cuales describen tanto aspectos mecánicos del movimiento como la respuesta fisiológica del sistema cardiovascular ante el ejercicio. Después del reconocimiento de patrones se incorpora también un módulo de filtrado temporal para sacar partido a la considerable coherencia temporal presente en los datos, una redundancia que se origina en el hecho de que en la práctica, las tendencias en cuanto a actividad física suelen mantenerse estables a lo largo de cierto tiempo, sin fluctuaciones rápidas y repetitivas. El tercer bloque de esta tesis doctoral aborda el tema de las ingestas en el ámbito de la T1D. En concreto, se propone una serie de modelos compartimentales y se evalúan éstos en función de su capacidad para describir matemáticamente el efecto remoto de las concetraciones plasmáticas de insulina exógena sobre las tasas de eleiminación de la glucosa atribuible a la ingesta; un aspecto hasta ahora no incorporado en los principales modelos de paciente para T1D existentes en la literatura. Los datos aquí utilizados se obtuvieron gracias a un experimento realizado por el Institute of Metabolic Science (Universidad de Cambridge, Reino Unido) con 16 pacientes jóvenes. En el experimento, de tipo ‘clamp’ con objetivo variable, se replicaron los perfiles individuales de glucosa, según lo observado durante una visita preliminar tras la ingesta de una cena con o bien alta carga glucémica, o bien baja. Los seis modelos mecanísticos evaluados constaban de: a) submodelos de doble compartimento para las masas de trazadores de glucosa, b) un submodelo de único compartimento para reflejar el efecto remoto de la insulina, c) dos tipos de activación de este mismo efecto remoto (bien lineal, bien con un punto de corte), y d) diversas condiciones iniciales. ABSTRACT Diabetes encompasses a series of metabolic diseases characterized by abnormally high blood glucose concentrations. In the case of type 1 diabetes (T1D), this situation is caused by a total absence of endogenous insulin secretion, which impedes the use of glucose by most tissues. In these circumstances, exogenous insulin supplies are necessary to maintain patient’s life; although caution is always needed to avoid acute decays in glycaemia below safe levels. In addition to insulin administrations, meal intakes and physical activity are fundamental factors influencing glucose homoeostasis. Consequently, a successful management of T1D should incorporate these two physiological phenomena, based on an appropriate identification and modelling of these events and their corresponding effect on the glucose-insulin balance. In particular, artificial pancreas systems –designed to perform an automated control of patient’s glycaemia levels– may benefit from the integration of this type of information. The first part of this PhD thesis covers the characterization of the acute effect of physical activity on glucose profiles. With this aim, a systematic review of literature and metaanalyses are conduced to determine responses to various exercise modalities in patients with T1D, assessed via rates-of-change magnitudes to quantify temporal variations in glycaemia. On the other hand, a reliable identification of physical activity periods is an essential prerequisite to feed artificial pancreas systems with information concerning exercise in ambulatory, free-living conditions. For this reason, the second part of this thesis focuses on the proposal and evaluation of an automatic system devised to recognize physical activity, classifying its intensity level (light, moderate or vigorous) and for vigorous periods, identifying also its exercise modality (aerobic, mixed or resistance); since both aspects have a distinctive influence on the predominant metabolic pathway involved in fuelling exercise, and therefore, in the glycaemic responses in T1D. Various combinations of machine learning and pattern recognition techniques are applied on the fusion of multi-modal signal sources, namely: accelerometry and heart rate measurements, which describe both mechanical aspects of movement and the physiological response of the cardiovascular system to exercise. An additional temporal filtering module is incorporated after recognition in order to exploit the considerable temporal coherence (i.e. redundancy) present in data, which stems from the fact that in practice, physical activity trends are often maintained stable along time, instead of fluctuating rapid and repeatedly. The third block of this PhD thesis addresses meal intakes in the context of T1D. In particular, a number of compartmental models are proposed and compared in terms of their ability to describe mathematically the remote effect of exogenous plasma insulin concentrations on the disposal rates of meal-attributable glucose, an aspect which had not yet been incorporated to the prevailing T1D patient models in literature. Data were acquired in an experiment conduced at the Institute of Metabolic Science (University of Cambridge, UK) on 16 young patients. A variable-target glucose clamp replicated their individual glucose profiles, observed during a preliminary visit after ingesting either a high glycaemic-load or a low glycaemic-load evening meal. The six mechanistic models under evaluation here comprised: a) two-compartmental submodels for glucose tracer masses, b) a single-compartmental submodel for insulin’s remote effect, c) two types of activations for this remote effect (either linear or with a ‘cut-off’ point), and d) diverse forms of initial conditions.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq


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Bakgrund: Diabetes mellitus typ 2 (DMT2) ökar i världen och kan leda till allvarliga fotkomplikationer. Det har påvisats brister i den förbyggande vården för att undvika fotkomplikationer. Sjuksköterskan ansvarar för att stötta personer med DMT2 och målet är att få dem att känna sig självständiga och delaktiga i sin egenvård. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa omvårdnadsåtgärder och egenvård som förebygger fotkomplikationer för personer med DMT2 Metod: En litteraturstudie som utgår ifrån 20 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvantitativ uppbyggnad. Sökningarna av Artiklarna är sökta i databaserna Cinahl och Pubmed. Samtliga artiklar är kvalitetsgranskade. Resultat: Identifiering av risker är en viktig faktor i förebyggandet av fotkomplikationer. Dagliga inspektioner och undersökningar av fötterna är viktiga egenvårdsråd som sjuksköterskan bör tilldela genom individuell undervisning. Sjuksköterskan skall efter bästa förmåga stötta och motivera personer med DMT2 till god egenvård. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskan bör undervisa och ge personer med DMT2 tillräcklig kunskap, för att självständigt kunna utföra förebyggande egenvård.


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Introdução: A vida dos jovens adultos com diabetes tipo 1 (DM1) tem muitas exigências e as consequências psicológicas da adesão contínua aos aspetos do tratamento pode afetar a qualidade de vida. Objetivos: Conhecer o suporte social, satisfação com a vida, ansiedade, stresse e depressão nos jovens adultos com DM1. Material e Métodos: Estudo quantitativo realizado com 278 jovens adultos com DM1 (18 - 35 anos). Resultados: Os jovens consideram ter bom suporte social. A média de satisfação com a vida é 6,6 ±1,7 (escala 0-10). A maior parte dos jovens não apresenta estados persistentes de ansiedade e de excitação e tensão (stresse), pelo que têm resistência à frustração e desilusão. A maioria dos jovens não apresenta sintomas de depressão, revelando auto-estima, sentimentos positivos, motivação, entusiasmo e perceção da probabilidade de alcançar objetivos de vida que sejam significativos. A análise fatorial das escalas de ansiedade, stresse e depressão permitiu encontrar 3 fatores que explicam 50% da variância total: stresse (36%), ansiedade (8%), depressão (6%). Conclusões: Os jovens adultos com DM1 têm bom suporte social e satisfação com a vida. A maior parte dos jovens não revela sintomas de ansiedade, stresse e depressão. O suporte social e a satisfação com a vida poderão contribuir para uma boa saúde mental.


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14.1 Drugs for diabetes 14.1.1 Diabetes mellitus 14.1.2 Physiology of the pancreas 14.1.3 Insulin replacement therapy 14.1.4 Metformin 14.1.5 Acarbose 14.1.6 Sulfonylureas 14.1.7 Glitazones 14.1.8 Glucagon-like peptide-1, exenatide and sitagliptin 14.2 Drugs for obesity 14.2.1 Introduction 14.2.2 Amphetamine 14.2.3 Phentermine 14.2.5 Orlistat


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BACKGROUND: Diabetes in South Asia represents a different disease entity in terms of its onset, progression, and complications. In the present study, we systematically analyzed the medical research output on diabetes in South Asia. METHODS: The online SciVerse Scopus database was searched using the search terms "diabetes" and "diabetes mellitus" in the article Title, Abstract or Keywords fields, in conjunction with the names of each regional country in the Author Affiliation field. RESULTS: In total, 8478 research articles were identified. Most were from India (85.1%) and Pakistan (9.6%) and the contribution to the global diabetes research output was 2.1%. Publications from South Asia increased markedly after 2007, with 58.7% of papers published between 2000 and 2010 being published after 2007. Most papers were Research Articles (75.9%) and Reviews (12.9%), with only 90 (1.1%) clinical trials. Publications predominantly appeared in local national journals. Indian authors and institutions had the most number of articles and the highest h-index. There were 136 (1.6%) intraregional collaborative studies. Only 39 articles (0.46%) had >100 citations. CONCLUSIONS: Regional research output on diabetes mellitus is unsatisfactory, with only a minimal contribution to global diabetes research. Publications are not highly cited and only a few randomized controlled trials have been performed. In the coming decades, scientists in the region must collaborate and focus on practical and culturally acceptable interventional studies on diabetes mellitus.


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Background: At present there are no large scale nationally-representative studies from Sri Lanka on the prevalence and associations of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR). The present study aims to evaluate the prevalence and risk factors for DR in a community-based nationally-representative sample of adults with self-reported diabetes mellitus from Sri Lanka. Methods: A cross-sectional community-based national study among 5,000 adults (≥18 years) was conducted in Sri Lanka, using a multi-stage stratified cluster sampling technique. An interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Ophthalmological evaluation of patients with ‘known’ diabetes (previously diagnosed at a government hospital or by a registered medical practitioner) was done using indirect ophthalmoscopy. A binary-logistic regression analysis was performed with ‘presence of DR’ as the dichotomous dependent variable and other independent covariates. Results: Crude prevalence of diabetes was 12.0%(n=536),of which 344 were patients with ‘known’ diabetes.Mean age was 56.4 ± 10.9 years and 37.3% were males. Prevalence of any degree of DR was 27.4% (Males-30.5%, Females-25.6%; p = 0.41). In patients with DR, majority had NPDR (93.4%), while 5.3% had maculopathy. Patients with DR had a significantly longer duration of diabetes than those without. In the binary-logistic regression analysis in all adults duration of diabetes (OR:1.07), current smoking (OR:1.67) and peripheral neuropathy (OR:1.72)all were significantly associated with DR. Conclusions: Nearly 1/3rd of Sri Lankan adults with self-reported diabetes are having retinopathy. DR was associated with diabetes duration, cigarette smoking and peripheral neuropathy. However, further prospective follow up studies are required to establish causality for identified risk factors


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Background: Increased hospital readmission and longer stays in the hospital for patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiac disease can result in higher healthcare costs and heavier individual burden. Thus, knowledge of the characteristics and predictive factors for Vietnamese patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiac disease, at high risk of hospital readmission and longer stays in the hospital, could provide a better understanding on how to develop an effective care plan aimed at improving patient outcomes. However, information about factors influencing hospital readmission and length of stay of patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiac disease in Vietnam is limited. Aim: This study examined factors influencing hospital readmission and length of stay of Vietnamese patients with both type 2 diabetes and cardiac disease. Methods: An exploratory prospective study design was conducted on 209 patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiac disease in Vietnam. Data were collected from patient charts and patients' responses to self-administered questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, bivariate correlation, logistic and multiple regression were used to analyse the data. Results: The hospital readmission rate was 12.0% among patients with both type 2 diabetes and cardiac disease. The average length of stay in the hospital was 9.37 days. Older age (OR= 1.11, p< .05), increased duration of type 2 diabetes (OR= 1.22, p< .05), less engagement in stretching/strengthening exercise behaviours (OR= .93, p< .001) and in communication with physician (OR= .21, p< .001) were significant predictors of 30-dayhospital readmission. Increased number of additional co-morbidities (β= .33, p< .001) was a significant predictor of longer stays in the hospital. High levels of cognitive symptom management (β= .40, p< .001) significantly predicted longer stays in the hospital, indicating that the more patients practiced cognitive symptom management, the longer the stay in hospital. Conclusions: This study provides some evidence of factors influencing hospital readmission and length of stay and argues that this information may have significant implications for clinical practice in order to improve patients' health outcomes. However, the findings of this study related to the targeted hospital only. Additionally, the investigation of environmental factors is recommended for future research as these factors are important components contributing to the research model.


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Aims: To determine if an educational DVD increases knowledge and changes attitudes of women with diabetes towards preconception care.

Methods: Ninety-seven women with diabetes (Type 1, n = 89; Type 2, n = 8), aged 18–40 years, completed a pre-DVD and post-DVD intervention study by postal questionnaire. Beliefs and attitudes associated with preventing an unplanned pregnancy and seeking preconception care were assessed using a validated questionnaire; scales included benefits, barriers, personal attitudes and self-efficacy. Knowledge of pregnancy planning and pregnancy-related risks were assessed by a 22-item questionnaire.

Results: After viewing the DVD there was significant positive change in women’s perceived benefits of, and their personal attitudes to, receiving preconception care and using contraception: change in score post-DVD viewing 0.7 (95% confidence interval 0.3, 1.2), P = 0.003, and 0.8 (0.3, 1.2), P = 0.001, respectively. The DVD significantly improved self-efficacy, that is, self-confidence to use contraception for prevention of an unplanned pregnancy and to access preconception care [3.3 (1.9, 4.7), P < 0.001], and significantly reduced perceived barriers to preconception care [-0.7 (-1.2, -0.2), P = 0.01]. Knowledge of pregnancy planning and pregnancy-related risks increased significantly after viewing the DVD: mean increase was 37.6 ± 20.0%, P < 0.001, and 16.9 ± 21.2%, P < 0.001, respectively.

Conclusions: This study demonstrates the effectiveness of a DVD in increasing knowledge and enhancing attitudes of women with diabetes to preconception care. This DVD could be used as a prepregnancy counselling resource to prepare women with diabetes for pregnancy.


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A diabetes mellitus do tipo 1 (DM1) é o distúrbio endócrino-metabólico mais frequente em crianças. É uma doença autoimune resultado da destruição selectiva das células beta pancreáticas. A velocidade de destruição das células beta pode ser rápida em algumas pessoas e lenta em outras; esta última é típica de adulto é conhecido como diabetes autoimune latente em adulto (LADA). A sua etiologia envolve factores ambientais e genéticos, dos genes envolvidos a maior contribuição vem da região do genoma onde estão localizados os genes do Complexo Principal de Histocompatibilidade (MHC). A combinação de diferentes alelos do sistema de antigénio leucocitário humano tipo II (HLAII) esta associada a susceptibilidade da doença e as principais molécula envolvidas são a DQ e DR. O estágio pré-clínico da doença se caracteriza pela presença de auto-anticorpos, sendo o anti-GAD o mais sensível nesta patologia. OBJECTIVO: Analizar a frequência dos polimorfismos HLA-DR/DQ em angolanos portadores de diabetes tipo 1, residentes em Luanda. O tipo de estudo adotado foi casocontrolo num universo de voluntários provenientes da consulta externa de hospitais e clínicas locais no período de outubro de 2012 a outubro 2013. A amostra biológica utilizada foi sangue total, tendo sido processada no laboratório LABGENE, da Faculdade de Medicina (FM) da Universidade Agostinho Neto (UNA). Os auto-anticorpos, anti-GAD, foram doseados pelo método de ELISA. O ADN genómico foi extraído à partir de sangue total periférico e tipagem genética foi realizada mediante PCR-SSP.O alelo DQB1*02 (DQ2/DQ2) (p=0,033, OR= 4, IC (1,2-13,3) foi associado a susceptibilidade da DM1; os alelos DQB1*06 (DQ6/DQ6) (p=0,000, OR=0,30, IC (0,17-0,54); *11 (p=0,011, OR=0,14, IC=0,032-0,62); *13 (p=0,006, OR=0,13, IC=0,049-0,588) e *15 (p=0,001, OR=0,044, IC=0,005-0,39) foram associados a proteção. Foi encontrado 29,2% de positividade para o anti-GAD, não houve associação significativa (p=0,69) entre a resposta positiva do anti-GAD e a idade. Não foi encontrada associação significativa (p=0,39) entre o tempo de diagnóstico e resposta humoral. Observou-se associação significativa entre os alelos de risco DQB1*02 (p=0.000) e resposta positiva para anti-GAD; da mesma maneira houve uma associação significativa para os alelos DQB1*06 (p=0,002), DRB1*11 (p=0,048); *13 (p=0,004) e *15 (p=0,021) e a resposta negativa do anti-GAD.Os dados demostram o forte envolvimentos do gene HLA-II (DQ) com a suceptibilidade a DM1 e sugere que a autoimunidade se desenvolve na presença de susceptibilidade genética, quer dizer, em associação com alelos HLA-II específicos.


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PURPOSE: Investigation of the incidence and distribution of congenital structural cardiac malformations among the offspring of mothers with diabetes type 1 and of the influence of periconceptional glycemic control. METHODS: Multicenter retrospective clinical study, literature review, and meta-analysis. The incidence and pattern of congenital heart disease in the own study population and in the literature on the offspring of type 1 diabetic mothers were compared with the incidence and spectrum of the various cardiovascular defects in the offspring of nondiabetic mothers as registered by EUROCAT Northern Netherlands. Medical records were, in addition, reviewed for HbA(1c) during the 1st trimester. RESULTS: The distribution of congenital heart anomalies in the own diabetic study population was in accordance with the distribution encountered in the literature. This distribution differed considerably from that in the nondiabetic population. Approximately half the cardiovascular defects were conotruncal anomalies. The authors' study demonstrated a remarkable increase in the likelihood of visceral heterotaxia and variants of single ventricle among these patients. As expected, elevated HbA(1c) values during the 1st trimester were associated with offspring fetal cardiovascular defects. CONCLUSION: This study shows an increased likelihood of specific heart anomalies, namely transposition of the great arteries, persistent truncus arteriosus, visceral heterotaxia and single ventricle, among offspring of diabetic mothers. This suggests a profound teratogenic effect at a very early stage in cardiogenesis. The study emphasizes the frequency with which the offspring of diabetes-complicated pregnancies suffer from complex forms of congenital heart disease. Pregnancies with poor 1st-trimester glycemic control are more prone to the presence of fetal heart disease.


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INTRODUCTION: Several studies have shown an increased risk of type 2 diabetes among smokers. Therefore, the aim of this analysis was to assess the relationship between smoking, cumulative smoking exposure and nicotine dependence with pre-diabetes. METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional analysis of healthy adults aged 25-41 in the Principality of Liechtenstein. Individuals with known diabetes, Body Mass Index (BMI) >35 kg/m² and prevalent cardiovascular disease were excluded. Smoking behaviour was assessed by self-report. Pre-diabetes was defined as glycosylated haemoglobin between 5.7% and 6.4%. Multivariable logistic regression models were done. RESULTS: Of the 2142 participants (median age 37 years), 499 (23.3%) had pre-diabetes. There were 1,168 (55%) never smokers, 503 (23%) past smokers and 471 (22%) current smokers, with a prevalence of pre-diabetes of 21.2%, 20.9% and 31.2%, respectively (p <0.0001). In multivariable regression models, current smokers had an odds ratio (OR) of pre-diabetes of 1.82 (95% confidential interval (CI) 1.39; 2.38, p <0.0001). Individuals with a smoking exposure of <5, 5-10 and >10 pack-years had an OR (95% CI) for pre-diabetes of 1.34 (0.90; 2.00), 1.80 (1.07; 3.01) and 2.51 (1.80; 3.59) (p linear trend <0.0001) compared with never smokers. A Fagerström score of 2, 3-5 and >5 among current smokers was associated with an OR (95% CI) for pre-diabetes of 1.27 (0.89; 1.82), 2.15 (1.48; 3.13) and 3.35 (1.73; 6.48) (p linear trend <0.0001). DISCUSSION: Smoking is strongly associated with pre-diabetes in young adults with a low burden of smoking exposure. Nicotine dependence could be a potential mechanism of this relationship.


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To examine the association between sleep disorders, obesity status, and the risk of diabetes in adults, a total of 3668 individuals aged 40+ years fromtheNHANES 2009-2010 withoutmissing information on sleep-related questions,measurements related to diabetes, and BMI were included in this analysis. Subjects were categorized into three sleep groups based on two sleep questions: (a) no sleep problems; (b) sleep disturbance; and (c) sleep disorder. Diabetes was defined as having one of a diagnosis from a physician; an overnight fasting glucose > 125 mg/dL; Glycohemoglobin > 6.4%; or an oral glucose tolerance test > 199mg/dL. Overall, 19% of subjects were diabetics, 37% were obese, and 32% had either sleep disturbance or sleep disorder. Using multiple logistic regression models adjusting for covariates without including BMI, the odds ratios (OR, (95% CI)) of diabetes were 1.40 (1.06, 1.84) and 2.04 (1.40, 2.95) for those with sleep disturbance and with sleep disorder, respectively. When further adjusting for BMI, the ORs were similar for those with sleep disturbance 1.36 (1.06, 1.73) but greatly attenuated for those with sleep disorders (1.38 [0.95, 2.00]). In conclusion, the impact of sleep disorders on diabetes may be explained through the individuals’ obesity status.


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre Aix-Marseille Université et l'Université de Montréal