985 resultados para Destructive method
In the last 20-30 years, the implementation of new technologies from the research centres to the food industry process was very fast. The infrared thermography is a tool used in many fields, including agriculture and food science technology, because of it's important qualities like non-destructive method, it is fast, it is accurate, it is repeatable and economical. Almost all the industrial food processors have to use the thermal process to obtain an optimal product respecting the quality and safety standards. The control of temperature of food products during the production, transportation, storage and sales is an essential process in the food industry network. This tool can minimize the human error during the control of heat operation, and reduce the costs with personal. In this thesis the application of infrared thermography (IRT) was studies for different products that need a thermal process during the food processing. The background of thermography was presented, and also some of its applications in food industry, with the benefits and limits of applicability. The measurement of the temperature of the egg shell during the heat treatment in natural convection and with hot-air treatment was compared with the calculated temperatures obtained by a simplified finite element model made in the past. The complete process shown a good results between calculated and observed temperatures and we can say that this technique can be useful to control the heat treatments for decontamination of egg using the infrared thermography. Other important application of IRT was to determine the evolution of emissivity of potato raw during the freezing process and the control non-destructive control of this process. We can conclude that the IRT can represent a real option for the control of thermal process from the food industry, but more researches on various products are necessary.
In this work we study a model for the breast image reconstruction in Digital Tomosynthesis, that is a non-invasive and non-destructive method for the three-dimensional visualization of the inner structures of an object, in which the data acquisition includes measuring a limited number of low-dose two-dimensional projections of an object by moving a detector and an X-ray tube around the object within a limited angular range. The problem of reconstructing 3D images from the projections provided in the Digital Tomosynthesis is an ill-posed inverse problem, that leads to a minimization problem with an object function that contains a data fitting term and a regularization term. The contribution of this thesis is to use the techniques of the compressed sensing, in particular replacing the standard least squares problem of data fitting with the problem of minimizing the 1-norm of the residuals, and using as regularization term the Total Variation (TV). We tested two different algorithms: a new alternating minimization algorithm (ADM), and a version of the more standard scaled projected gradient algorithm (SGP) that involves the 1-norm. We perform some experiments and analyse the performance of the two methods comparing relative errors, iterations number, times and the qualities of the reconstructed images. In conclusion we noticed that the use of the 1-norm and the Total Variation are valid tools in the formulation of the minimization problem for the image reconstruction resulting from Digital Tomosynthesis and the new algorithm ADM has reached a relative error comparable to a version of the classic algorithm SGP and proved best in speed and in the early appearance of the structures representing the masses.
The three-dimensional documentation of footwear and tyre impressions in snow offers an opportunity to capture additional fine detail for the identification as present photographs. For this approach, up to now, different casting methods have been used. Casting of footwear impressions in snow has always been a difficult assignment. This work demonstrates that for the three-dimensional documentation of impressions in snow the non-destructive method of 3D optical surface scanning is suitable. The new method delivers more detailed results of higher accuracy than the conventional casting techniques. The results of this easy to use and mobile 3D optical surface scanner were very satisfactory in different meteorological and snow conditions. The method is also suitable for impressions in soil, sand or other materials. In addition to the side by side comparison, the automatic comparison of the 3D models and the computation of deviations and accuracy of the data simplify the examination and delivers objective and secure results. The results can be visualized efficiently. Data exchange between investigating authorities at a national or an international level can be achieved easily with electronic data carriers.
This work is a preliminary studio of the possibility of assess a relationship between solar radiation and watercore development on apple fruit, during maturation, using a non destructive method such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). For such purpose, several low cost solar radiation sensors were designed for the trial and placed at 2 different heights (1.5 and 2.5 m) on 6 adult ?Esperiega? apple trees, in a commercial orchard in Ademuz (Valencia). Sensors were connected along 27 days, during the end of the growth period and start of the fruit maturation process, and radiation measurements of the a-Si sensors were recorded every 1 minute. At the end of this period, fruits from the upper and the lower part of the canopy of each tree were harvested. In all, 152 apples were collected and images with MRI. A Principal Component Analysis, perfomed over the histograms of the images, as well as segmentation methods were performed on the MR images in order to find a pattern involving solar radiation and watercore incidence.
A atividade humana tem contribuído com as emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) associadas, principalmente, com queima de combustíveis fósseis e mudanças no uso da terra. Assim, se faz necessário que sejam adotadas medidas visando o retardamento dos efeitos das mudanças climáticas. As florestas exercem papel essencial no balanço de carbono principalmente por funcionarem como sumidouros de CO2. Por outro lado, se desmatadas, promovem emissões e liberam parte do carbono estocado. A quantidade de biomassa florestal e o teor de carbono podem variar em função do tipo florestal, bem como de sua localização. Entretanto, fator importante diz respeito à confiabilidade dos dados mensurados neste tipo de pesquisa. A biomassa e o carbono da parte aérea podem ser determinados via método destrutivo, ou estimados via método não destrutivo. A construção do Rodoanel Mário Covas trecho norte e a supressão de uma área de Mata Atlântica possibilitou a realização de estudo de biomassa da parte aérea via método destrutivo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o tamanho e forma de parcelas, a intensidade amostral, quantificar a biomassa e o carbono na parte aérea, comparar métodos destrutivos e não destrutivos para a quantificação de biomassa e carbono na parte aérea, estudar a variação da densidade básica da madeira das espécies nas diferentes classes de DAP e grupos sucessionais e comparar as medidas de altura total e DAP obtidas a campo no inventário com as medidas coletadas após o corte. O tamanho mais conveniente de parcela foi 400 m 2, com forma retangular e dimensão de 10 x 40 m. A intensidade amostral variou entre 39 e 75 unidades amostrais. A biomassa da parte aérea obtida, via método destrutivo, foi de 188,3 Mg ha-1 e o carbono, 85,1 Mg ha-1. A biomassa estimada por equações alométricas da literatura foi subestimada, quando comparada ao valor real, obtido via método destrutivo. As menores classes de DAP apresentaram as maiores densidades básicas da madeira. A densidade básica foi 0,488 g cm-3 na média das espécies. A porcentagem de carbono contida nos troncos e galhos não diferiu entre as classes de DAP. O teor de carbono foi 45,41%, na média dos troncos e galhos. Espécies pioneiras acumularam maior quantidade de biomassa e carbono nos galhos e apresentaram maior densidade básica que as não pioneiras. A utilização dos dados coletados na fase de inventário e após o corte não afetaram os valores de biomassa estimados.
El uso específico de la termografía infrarroja como técnica no destructiva permite el estudio de sistemas constructivos en edificios históricos (caracterización de materiales, disposición constructiva o identificación de elementos originales). Así, se muestra una aplicación práctica en templos en la provincia de Alicante construidos entre finales del siglo XVII y principios del xix, donde se analiza la complementariedad de las imágenes termográficas de 140 cúpulas (junto con datos recopilados in situ, dibujos originales y levantamiento de planos) como herramienta de estudio en fases de análisis previas a una restauración. En conclusión, la investigación detalla una aplicación termográfica al estudio de distintos aspectos como el reconocimiento de materiales empleados (90,71 % ladrillo macizo, 6,43 % ladrillo hueco y 2,86 % piedra), variaciones de espesor interior y exterior (75,71 % perfil apuntado, 17,86 % perfil semiesférico y 6,43 % perfil rebajado), caracterización de grietas/fisuras (estado de conservación) e identificación de cúpulas originales (96,43 %) o restauradas (3,57 %).
The present study gives a contribution to the knowledge on the Na-feldspar and plagioclases, extending the database of the Raman spectra of plagioclases with different chemical compositions and structural orders. This information may be used for the future planetary explorations by “rovers”, for the investigation of ceramics nanocrystal materials and for the mineralogical phase identification in sediments. Na-feldspar and plagioclase solid solution have been investigated by Raman spectroscopy in order to determine the relationships between the vibrational changes and the plagioclase crystal chemistry and structure. We focused on the Raman micro-spectroscopy technique, being a non-destructive method, suited for contactless analysis with high spatial resolution. Chemical and structural analyses have been performed on natural samples to test the usefulness of Raman spectroscopy as a tool in the study of the pressure-induced structural deformations, the disordering processes due to change in the Al-Si distribution in the tetrahedral sites and, finally, in the determination of the anorthitic content (Anx) in plagioclase minerals. All the predicted 39 Ag Raman active modes have been identified and assigned to specific patterns of atomic vibrational motion. A detailed comparison between experimental and computed Raman spectra has been performed and previous assignments have been revised, solving some discrepancies reported in recent literature. The ab initio calculation at the hybrid HF/DFT level with the WC1LYP Hamiltonian has proven to give excellent agreement between calculated and experimentally measured Raman wavenumbers and intensities in triclinic minerals. A short digression on the 36 infrared active modes of Na-feldspar has been done too. The identification of all 39 computed Raman modes in the experimentally measured spectra of the fully ordered Na-feldspar, known as low albite, along with the detailed description of each vibrational mode, has been essential to extend the comparative analysis to the high pressure and high temperature structural forms of albite, which reflect the physical–chemical conditions of the hosting rocks. The understanding of feldspar structure response to pressure and temperature is crucial in order to constrain crustal behaviour. The compressional behaviour of the Na-feldspar has been investigated for the first time by Raman spectroscopy. The absence of phase transitions and the occurrence of two secondary compression mechanisms acting at different pressures have been confirmed. Moreover, Raman data suggest that the internal structural changes are confined to a small pressure interval, localized around 6 GPa, not spread out from 4 to 8 GPa as suggested by previous X-rays studies on elasticity. The dominant compression mechanisms act via tetrahedral tilting, while the T-O bond lengths remain nearly constant at moderate compressional regimes. At the spectroscopic level, this leads to the strong pressure dependencies of T-O-T bending modes, as found for the four modes at 478, 508, 578 and 815 cm-1. The Al-Si distribution in the tetrahedral sites affects also the Raman spectrum of Na-feldspar. In particular, peak broadening is more sensitive than peak position to changes in the degree of order. Raman spectroscopy is found to be a good probe for local ordering, in particular being sensitive to the first annealing steps, when the macroscopic order parameter is still high. Even though Raman data are scattered and there are outliers in the estimated values of the degree of order, the average peak linewidths of the Na-feldspar characteristic doublet band, labelled here as υa and υb, as a function of the order parameter Qod show interesting trends: both peak linewidths linearly increase until saturation. From Qod values lower than 0.6, peak broadening is no more affected by the Al-Si distribution. Moreover, the disordering process is found to be heterogeneous. SC-XRD and Raman data have suggested an inter-crystalline inhomogeneity of the samples, i.e., the presence of regions with different defect density on the micrometric scale. Finally, the influence of Ca-Na substitution in the plagioclase Raman spectra has been investigated. Raman spectra have been collected on a series of well characterized natural, low structural plagioclases. The variations of the Raman modes as a function of the chemical composition and the structural order have been determined. The number of the observed Raman bands at each composition gives information about the unit-cell symmetry: moving away from the C1 structures, the number of the Raman bands enhances, as the number of formula units in the unit cell increases. The modification from an “albite-like” Raman spectrum to a more “anorthite-like” spectrum occurs from sample An78 onwards, which coincides with the appearance of c reflections in the diffraction patterns of the samples. The evolution of the Raman bands υa and υb displays two changes in slope at ~An45 and ~An75: the first one occurs between e2 and e1 plagioclases, the latter separates e1 and I1 plagioclases with only b reflections in their diffraction patterns from I1 and P1 samples having b and c reflections too. The first variation represents exactly the e2→e1 phase transitions, whereas the second one corresponds in good approximation to the C1→I1 transition, which has been determined at ~An70 by previous works. The I1→P1 phase transition in the anorthite-rich side of the solid solution is not highlighted in the collected Raman spectra. Variations in peak broadening provide insights into the behaviour of the order parameter on a local scale, suggesting an increase in the structural disorder within the solid solution, as the structures have to incorporate more Al atoms to balance the change from monovalent to divalent cations. All the information acquired on these natural plagioclases has been used to produce a protocol able to give a preliminary estimation of the chemical composition of an unknown plagioclase from its Raman spectrum. Two calibration curves, one for albite-rich plagioclases and the other one for the anorthite-rich plagioclases, have been proposed by relating the peak linewidth of the most intense Raman band υa and the An content. It has been pointed out that the dependence of the composition from the linewidth can be obtained only for low structural plagioclases with a degree of order not far away from the references. The proposed tool has been tested on three mineralogical samples, two of meteoric origin and one of volcanic origin. Chemical compositions by Raman spectroscopy compare well, within an error of about 10%, with those obtained by elemental techniques. Further analyses on plagioclases with unknown composition will be necessary to validate the suggested method and introduce it as routine tool for the determination of the chemical composition from Raman data in planetary missions.
High throughput next generation sequencing, together with advanced molecular methods, has considerably enhanced the field of food microbiology. By overcoming biases associated with culture dependant approaches, it has become possible to achieve novel insights into the nature of food-borne microbial communities. In this thesis, several different sequencing-based approaches were applied with a view to better understanding microbe associated quality defects in cheese. Initially, a literature review provides an overview of microbe-associated cheese quality defects as well as molecular methods for profiling complex microbial communities. Following this, 16S rRNA sequencing revealed temporal and spatial differences in microbial composition due to the time during the production day that specific commercial cheeses were manufactured. A novel Ion PGM sequencing approach, focusing on decarboxylase genes rather than 16S rRNA genes, was then successfully employed to profile the biogenic amine producing cohort of a series of artisanal cheeses. Investigations into the phenomenon of cheese pinking formed the basis of a joint 16S rRNA and whole genome shotgun sequencing approach, leading to the identification of Thermus species and, more specifically, the pathway involved in production of lycopene, a red coloured carotenoid. Finally, using a more traditional approach, the effect of addition of a facultatively heterofermentative Lactobacillus (Lactobacillus casei) to a Swiss-type cheese, in which starter activity was compromised, was investigated from the perspective of its ability to promote gas defects and irregular eye formation. X-ray computed tomography was used to visualise, using a non-destructive method, the consequences of the undesirable gas formation that resulted. Ultimately this thesis has demonstrated that the application of molecular techniques, such as next generation sequencing, can provide a detailed insight into defect-causing microbial populations present and thereby may underpin approaches to optimise the quality and consistency of a wide variety of cheeses.
Hysteresis measurements have been carried out on a suite of ocean-floor basalts with ages ranging from Quaternary to Cretaceous. Approximately linear, yet separate, relationships between coercivity (Bc) and the ratio of saturation remanence/saturation magnetization (Mrs/Ms) are observed for massive doleritic basalts with low-Ti magnetite and for pillow basalts with multi-domain titanomagnetites (with x= 0.6). Even when the MORB has undergone lowtemperature oxidation resulting in titanomaghemite, the parameters are still distinguishable, although offset from the trend for unoxidized multidomain titanomagnetite. The parameters for these iron oxides with different titanium content reveal contrasting trends that can be explained by the different saturation magnetizations of the mineral types. This plot provides a previously underutilized and non-destructive method to detect the presence of low-titanium magnetite in igneous rocks, notably MORB.
Os métodos tradicionais para a quantificação de clorofilas implicam na destruição das folhas, além de serem demorados e dispendiosos. Uma alternativa aos métodos destrutivos é o uso de medidores portáteis, dentre eles o SPAD 502, que mede a intensidade da cor verde das folhas, resultando no índice SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development). No entanto, o índice SPAD deve ser ajustado para o teor de clorofilas, conforme a espécie de interesse. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi calibrar o índice SPAD para a quantificação de clorofilas em folhas de plantas de vime ( Salix viminalis ). Folhas desta espécie, com tonalidade variando de verde-amarelada (clorótica) a verde-escura, foram avaliadas individualmente com o SPAD-502, seguido de quantificações destrutivas dos teores de clorofilas a, b e totais, expressos em unidade de área e massa fresca foliar. Houve elevado coeficiente de determinação (R²) entre os valores de índice SPAD e os teores de clorofila a, b e totais nas folhas, expressos em μg cm-2 de área foliar (R² de 0,86; 0,88 e 0,93, respectivamente) e entre os valores de índice SPAD e os teores de clorofilas b e totais, expressos em μg g-1 de massa fresca (R² 0,79 e 0,81, respectivamente). Os resultados mostram que existe viabilidade no uso do clorofilômetro SPAD 502, como alternativa aos métodos destrutivos, para a quantificação de clorofilas (em unidade de área; μg cm-2) em folhas de vimeiro.
The split cylinder resonator method is improved for nondestructive and accurate measurement for low permittivity materials at multiple frequency points. The dielectric constants of flat substrate materials are calculated based on a rigorous mode match analysis of the TE/sub 011/ mode. The loss tangent is also approximately calculated. The dielectric properties of two commercial substrates have been measured at multiple frequencies. The results demonstrate that this technology is capable of accurately characterizing the dielectric properties of flat substrate materials versus frequency in a nondestructive way.
Quality control on fruits requires reliable methods, able to assess with reasonable accuracy and possibly in a non-destructive way their physical and chemical characteristics. More specifically, a decreased firmness indicates the presence of damage or defects in the fruit or else that the fruit has exceeded its “best before date”, becoming unsuitable for consumption. In high-value exotic fruits, such as mangoes, where firmness cannot be easily measured from a simple observation of texture, colour changes and unevenness of fruits surface, the use of non-destructive techniques is highly recommendable. In particular, the application of Laser vibrometry, based on the Doppler effect, a non-contact technique sensitive to differences in displacements inferior to the nanometre, appears ideal for a possible on-line control on food. Previous results indicated that a phase shift can be in a repeatable way associated with the presence of damage on the fruit, whilst a decreased firmness results in significant differences in the displacement of the fruits under the same excitation signal. In this work, frequency ranges for quality control via the application of a sound chirp are suggested, based on the measurement of the signal coherence. The variations of the average vibration spectrum of a grid of points, or of point-by-point signal velocity allows the go-no go recognition of “firm” and “over-ripe” fruits, with notable success in the particular case of mangoes. The future exploitation of this work will include the application of this method to allow on-line control during conveyor belt distribution of fruits.
DNA-based studies have been one of the major interests in conservation biology of endangered species and in population genetics. As species and population genetic assessment requires a source of biological material, the sampling strategy can be overcome by non-destructive procedures for DNA isolation. An improved method for obtaining DNA from fish fins and scales with the use of an extraction buffer containing urea and further DNA purification with phenol-chloroform is described. The methodology combines the benefits of a non-destructive DNA sampling and its high efficiency. In addition, comparisons with other methodologies for isolating DNA from fish demonstrated that the present procedure also becomes a very attractive alternative to obtain large amounts of high-quality DNA for use in different molecular analyses. The DNA samples, isolated from different fish species, have been successfully used on random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) experiments, as well as on amplification of specific ribosomal and mitochondrial DNA sequences. The present DNA extraction procedure represents an alternative for population approaches and genetic studies on rare or endangered taxa.
This work presents an investigation into the use of the finite element method and artificial neural networks in the identification of defects in industrial plants metallic tubes, due to the aggressive actions of the fluids contained by them, and/or atmospheric agents. The methodology used in this study consists of simulating a very large number of defects in a metallic tube, using the finite element method. Both variations in width and height of the defects are considered. Then, the obtained results are used to generate a set of vectors for the training of a perceptron multilayer artificial neural network. Finally, the obtained neural network is used to classify a group of new defects, simulated by the finite element method, but that do not belong to the original dataset. The reached results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach, and encourage future works on this subject.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)