928 resultados para Designated Germplasm


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Arachis section is the most important of the nine sections of the genus Arachis because it includes the cultivated peanut, Arachis hypogaea. The genetic improvement of A. hypogaea using wild relatives is at an early stage of development in spite of their potential as sources of genes, including those for disease and pests resistance, that are not found in the A. hypogaea primary gene pool. Section Arachis species germplasm has been collected and maintained in gene banks and its use and effective conservation depends on our knowledge of the genetic variability contained in this material. Microsatellites are routinely used for the analysis of genetic variability because they are highly polymorphic and codominant. The objective of this study was to evaluate the transferability of microsatellite primers and the assay of genetic variability between and within the germplasm of some species of the Arachis section. Fourteen microsatellite loci developed for three different species of Arachis were analyzed and 11 (78%) were found to be polymorphic. All loci had transferability to all the species analyzed. The polymorphic loci were very informative, with expected heterozygosity per locus ranging from 0.70 to 0.94. In general, the germplasm analyzed showed wide genetic variation. © 2006 Sociedade Brasileira de Genética.


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Pimenta-de-macaco é uma espécie que possui propriedades que permitem o desenvolvimento de defensivos agrícolas naturais e medicamentos, apresentando, portanto, grande potencial de uso pela humanidade. Com o objetivo de determinar a variabilidade fenotípica, foram estudadas 41 matrizes amostradas nos Estados do Pará e Amazonas. Utilizou-se análises de componentes principais e critério de Jolliffe para descarte de variáveis, subsidiado pela correlação de Pearson. Foram necessários sete componentes para explicar 80% da variação. O rendimento de óleo essencial e o número de folhas por ramo foram sugeridos para descarte por serem as características que menos contribuíram para a variação total. A dispersão gráfica 3D formou um grupo relativamente homogêneo e contínuo, permitindo identificar um par divergente: PA-020 (Marabá-PA) e PA-035 (Santa Isabel-PA). Concluiu-se que os caracteres analisados possuem variabilidade potencialmente capaz de discriminar as matrizes, com 83,3% de tais caracteres podendo ser utilizados para este objetivo. Os genótipos divergentes, identificados na análise gráfica 3D, podem ser usados em programas de melhoramento para obtenção de genótipos superiores. A comparação com os dados moleculares, previamente existentes, de alguns desses genótipos permite concluir, também, que a caracterização molecular, apesar de apresentar certo grau de concordância com a caracterização morfológica, teve maior poder discriminatório, utilizando um menor número de genótipos e procedências, identificando grupos dissimilares e genótipos divergentes, embora analisado por método estatístico multivariado diferente.


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Piper aduncum L. é uma planta que ocorre na Amazônia Brasileira com elevado teor de óleo essencial e que apresenta propriedades biológicas utilizáveis na agricultura e saúde humana. Com o objetivo de avaliar germoplasma visando ao melhoramento genético e cultivo econômico, realizaram-se coletas (inflorescências, estacas, folhas e ramos finos) em dez municípios da Amazônia Brasileira (Manaus, Marabá, Goianésia, Moju, Belém, Santa Izabel, Americano, Bonito, Santarém Novo e Aveiro). Tomaram-se dados do ambiente, populações e de doze caracteres morfoagronômicos (número de folhas por ramo, comprimento da folha, largura da folha, circunferência do ramo mais velho, altura da planta, número de ramos ortotrópicos, número de ramos plagiotrópicos, comprimento do entrenó, número de espigas por ramo, rendimento de óleo, teor e produção de dilapiol). As inflorescências e estacas foram identificadas e encaminhadas para a UFRA em Belém-PA e, as folhas e ramos finos, para o Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi-MPEG, para extração do óleo essencial (hidrodestilação). Utilizaram-se estimadores de média, desvio padrão, coeficiente de variação e amplitude total para estudo da variabilidade fenotípica. As matrizes prevalenceram em ambientes antropizados, solos argilosos, condições de drenagem variáveis, terrenos planos e clima Ami, como também predominaram populações definíveis pela agregação dos indivíduos, em terra alta e a pleno sol, serrapilheira, tamanho das populações e presença de plântulas no chão muito variáveis. Os caracteres de maior variabilidade foram número de ramos ortotrópicos, número de espigas por ramo, circunferência do ramo mais velho (morfológicos), teor e produção de dilapiol (agronômicos). Concluiu-se que a espécie apresenta adaptação a diferentes ambientes com relação à vegetação, solo, clima, relevo e drenagem, facilitando o cultivo e domesticação. Há variabilidade morfoagronômica favorecendo a seleção e fitomelhoramento.


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Dendrobium is a large genus in the family Orchidaceae that exhibits vast diversity in floral characteristics, which is of considerable importance to orchid breeders, biotechnologists and collectors. Native species have high value as a result of their medicinal properties, while their hybrids are important as ornamental commodities, either as cut flowers or potted plants and are thus veritable industrial crops. Thus, preservation of Dendrobium germplasm is valuable for species conservation, breeding programs and the floriculture industry. Cryopreservation represents the only safe, efficient and cost-effective long-term storage option to facilitate the conservation of genetic resources of plant species. This review highlights 16 years of literature related to the preservation of Dendrobium germplasm and comprises the most comprehensive assessment of thorough studies performed to date, which shows reliable and reproducible results. Air-drying, encapsulation-dehydration, encapsulation-vitrification, vitrification and droplet-vitrification are the current cryopreservation methodologies that have been used to cryopreserve Dendrobium germplasm. Mature seeds, pollen, protoplasts, shoot primordia, protocorms and somatic embryos or protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) have been cryopreserved with different levels of success. Encapsulation-vitrification and encapsulation-dehydration are the most used protocol, while PLBs represent the main explant explored.


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The University of So Paulo Gracilariaceae Germplasm Bank has 50 strains collected mostly in Brazil, but also elsewhere in the world. This bank has been used as a source of material for research developed locally and abroad. With over 200 species, some of which have high economic value, the family Gracilariaceae has been extensively studied. Nonetheless, taxonomic problems still persist by the existence of cryptic species, phenotypic plasticity, and broad geographic distribution. In the case of algae kept in culture for long periods of time, the identification is even more problematic as a consequence of considerable morphological modification. Thus, the use of molecular markers has been shown to be an efficient tool to elucidate taxonomic issues in the group. In this work, we sequenced the 5'-end of the cox1 gene for 41 strains and the universal plastid amplicon (UPA) plastid region for 45 strains, covering all 50 strains in the bank. In addition, the rbcL for representatives of the cox1/UPA clusters was sequenced for 14 strains. The original species identification based on morphology was compared with the molecular data obtained in this work, resulting in the identification of 13 different species. Our analyses indicate that cox1 and UPA are suitable markers for the delineation of species of Gracilariales in the germplasm bank. The addition of DNA barcode tags to the samples in the Gracilariaceae germplasm bank and the molecular identification of the species will make this bank even more useful for future research as the species can be easily traced and confirmed.


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Low temperatures at the initial stages of rice development prevent fast germination and seedling establishment and may cause significant productivity losses. In order to develop rice cultivars exhibiting cold tolerance, it is necessary to investigate genetic resources, providing basic knowledge to allow the introduction of genes involved in low temperature germination ability from accessions into elite cultivars. Japanese rice accessions were evaluated at the germination under two conditions: 13 degrees C for 28 days (cold stress) and 28 degrees C for seven days (optimal temperature). The traits studied were coleoptile and radicle length under optimal temperature, coleoptile and radicle length under cold and percentage of the reduction in coleptile and radicle length due to low temperature. Among the accessions studied, genetic variation for traits related to germination under low temperatures was observed and accessions exhibiting adequate performance for all investigated traits were identified. The use of multivariate analysis allowed the identification of the genotypes displaying cold tolerance by smaller reductions in coleoptile and radicle lenght in the presence of cold and high vigour, by higher coleoptile and radicle growth under cold.


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Background. Various aspects of sustainability have taken root in the hospital environment; however, decisions to pursue sustainable practices within the framework of a master plan are not fully developed in National Cancer Institute (NCI) -designated cancer centers and subscribing institutions to the Practice Greenhealth (PGH) listserv.^ Methods. This cross sectional study was designed to identify the organizational characteristics each study group pursed to implement sustainability practices, describe the barriers they encountered and reasons behind their choices for undertaking certain sustainability practices. A web-based questionnaire was pilot tested, and then sent out to 64 NCI-designated cancer centers and 1638 subscribing institutions to the PGH listserv.^ Results. Complete responses were received from 39 NCI-designated cancer centers and 58 subscribing institutions to the PGH listserv. NCI-designated cancer centers reported greater progress in integrating sustainability criteria into design and construction projects than hospitals of institutions subscribing to the PHG listserv (p-value = <0.05). Statistically significant differences were also identified between these two study groups in undertaking work life options, conducting energy usage assessments, developing energy conservation and optimization plans, implementing solid waste and hazardous waste minimization programs, using energy efficient vehicles and reporting sustainability progress to external stakeholders. NCI-designated cancer centers were further along in implementing these programs (p-value = <0.05). In comparing the self-identified NCI-designated cancer centers to centers that indicated they were both and NCI and PGH, the later had made greater progress in using their collective buying power to pursue sustainable purchasing practices within the medical community (p-value = <0.05). In both study groups, recycling programs were well developed.^ Conclusions. Employee involvement was viewed as the most important reason for both study groups to pursue recycling initiatives and incorporated environmental criteria into purchasing decisions. A written sustainability commitment did not readily translate into a high percentage that had developed a sustainability master plan. Coordination of sustainability programs through a designated sustainability professional was not being undertaken by a large number of institutions within each study group. This may be due to the current economic downturn or management's attention to the emerging health care legislation being debated in congress. ^ Lifecycle assessments, an element of a carbon footprint, are seen as emerging areas of opportunity for health care institutions that can be used to evaluate the total lifecycle costs of products and services.^


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The purpose of this research is to explore the extent and significance of possible interacting factors on the viability of stored germplasm. Our work begins with characterizing the kinetics of TAG and water phase changes in peanut (Arachis hypogaea) and Papaya (Carica papaya) seeds equilibrated to different water contents and stored at temperatures between -5 and -80°C. Water and TAG phase was measured using a Perkin Elmer Differential Scanning Calorimeter. Cytoplasm ultra-structure was visualized without chemical fixatives using low temperature scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM) performed with a Zeiss DSN 960 scanning microscope equipped with a Cryotrans CT-1500 cold plate (Oxford, UK).


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En la actualidad, las técnicas de crioconservación poseen una importancia creciente para el almacenamiento a largo plazo de germoplasma vegetal. En las dos últimas décadas, estos métodos experimentaron un gran desarrollo y se han elaborado protocolos adecuados a diferentes sistemas vegetales, utilizando diversas estrategias como la vitrificación, la encapsulación-desecación con cuentas de alginato y el método de “droplet”-vitrificación. La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo aumentar el conocimiento sobre los procesos implicados en los distintos pasos de un protocolo de crioconservación, en relación con el estado del agua presente en los tejidos y sus cambios, abordado mediante diversas técnicas biofísicas, principalmente calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC) y microscopía electrónica de barrido a baja temperatura (crio-SEM). En un primer estudio sobre estos métodos de crioconservación, se describen las fases de enfriamiento hasta la temperatura del nitrógeno líquido y de calentamiento hasta temperatura ambiente, al final del periodo de almacenamiento, que son críticas para la supervivencia del material crioconservado. Tanto enfriamiento como calentamiento deben ser realizados lo más rápidamente posible pues, aunque los bajos contenidos en agua logrados en etapas previas de los protocolos reducen significativamente las probabilidades de formación de hielo, éstas no son del todo nulas. En ese contexto, se analiza también la influencia de las velocidades de enfriamiento y calentamiento de las soluciones de crioconservación de plantas en sus parámetros termofísicos referente a la vitrificación, en relación su composición y concentración de compuestos. Estas soluciones son empleadas en la mayor parte de los protocolos actualmente utilizados para la crioconservación de material vegetal. Además, se estudia la influencia de otros factores que pueden determinar la estabilidad del material vitrificado, tales como en envejecimiento del vidrio. Se ha llevado a cabo una investigación experimental en el empleo del crio-SEM como una herramienta para visualizar el estado vítreo de las células y tejidos sometidos a los procesos de crioconservación. Se ha comparado con la más conocida técnica de calorimetría diferencial de barrido, obteniéndose resultados muy concordantes y complementarios. Se exploró también por estas técnicas el efecto sobre tejidos vegetales de la adaptación a bajas temperaturas y de la deshidratación inducida por los diferentes tratamientos utilizados en los protocolos. Este estudio permite observar la evolución biofísica de los sistemas en el proceso de crioconservación. Por último, se estudió la aplicación de películas de quitosano en las cuentas de alginato utilizadas en el protocolo de encapsulación. No se observaron cambios significativos en su comportamiento frente a la deshidratación, en sus parámetros calorimétricos y en la superficie de las cuentas. Su aplicación puede conferir propiedades adicionales prometedoras. ABSTRACT Currently, cryopreservation techniques have a growing importance for long term plant germplasm storage. These methods have undergone great progress during the last two decades, and adequate protocols for different plant systems have been developed, making use of diverse strategies, such as vitrification, encapsulation-dehydration with alginate beads and the dropletvitrification method. This PhD thesis has the goal of increasing the knowledge on the processes underlying the different steps of cryopreservation protocols, in relation with the state of water on tissues and its changes, approached through diverse biophysical techniques, especially differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and low-temperature scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM). The processes of cooling to liquid nitrogen temperature and warming to room temperature, at the end of the storage period, critical for the survival of the cryopreserved material, are described in a first study on these cryopreservation methods. Both cooling and warming must be carried out as quickly as possible because, although the low water content achieved during previous protocol steps significantly reduces ice formation probability, it does not completely disappear. Within this context, the influence of plant vitrification solutions cooling and warming rate on their vitrification related thermophysical parameters is also analyzed, in relation to its composition and component concentration. These solutions are used in most of the currently employed plant material cryopreservation protocols. Additionally, the influence of other factors determining the stability of vitrified material is studied, such as glass aging. An experimental research work has been carried out on the use of cryo-SEM as a tool for visualizing the glassy state in cells and tissues, submitted to cryopreservation processes. It has been compared with the better known differential scanning calorimetry technique, and results in good agreement and complementary have been obtained. The effect on plant tissues of adaptation to low temperature and of the dehydration induced by the different treatments used in the protocols was explored also by these techniques. This study allows observation of the system biophysical evolution in the cryopreservation process. Lastly, the potential use of an additional chitosan film over the alginate beads used in encapsulation protocols was examined. No significant changes could be observed in its dehydration and calorimetric behavior, as well as in its surface aspect; its application for conferring additional properties to gel beads is promising.