994 resultados para Desertion and non-support


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Two arsenic- and heavy metal-contaminated mine-spoil sites, at Carrock Fell, Cumbria and Devon Great Consols Mine, Devon, were found to support populations of the earthworms Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister and Dendrodrilus rubidus (Savigny). L. rubellus and D. rubidus collected from the Devon site and an uncontaminated site were kept for 28 days in uncontaminated soil and in soil containing sodium arsenate (494 mg As kg-1). The state of the specimens was recorded every 7 days using a semi-quantitative assessment of earthworm health (condition index, C. I.). The C. I. remained high for all specimens except those of L. rubellus and D. rubidus from uncontaminated sites, which displayed 60 and 10% mortality, respectively. L. rubellus collected from the Carrock Fell site, and L. rubellus and D. rubidus from an uncontaminated site, burrowed as rapidly into soil containing up to 1235 mg As kg-1 in the form of sodium arsenate as into uncontaminated soil when placed on the soil surface. When earthworms were allowed a choice between uncontaminated soil and soil contaminated with sodium arsenate in concentrations of up to 1235 mg As kg-1, the threshold concentration for avoidance of contaminated soil was lower for L. rubellus and D. rubidus from uncontaminated soil than for specimens from contaminated soil. There was no significant effect of pH on soil discrimination. The LC50 concentration of As for L. rubellus from Devon Great Consols was significantly higher (P < 0.001) than for L. rubellus from the uncontaminated site: 1510 and 96 mg As kg-1, respectively. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ao longo das últimas três décadas, o envolvimento das comunidades na formulação de políticas locais tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais atenção como uma abordagem sustentável para o desenvolvimento rural na União Europeia (UE) e no mundo. Emergendo da globalização, novas estruturas de governação têm desafiado a base territorial restricta da autoridade do Estado soberano através do envolvimento de uma rede complexa e de autoorganização de atores governamentais e não-governamentais na tomada de decisões coletivas. A reestruturação territorial e institucional das zonas rurais, associada à expansão da governança rural, ganhou atenção considerável na literatura. No entanto, o potencial de empregar princípios de governança como fatores que determinam as direções de desenvolvimento rural através de desempenho organizacional e apoio no turismo não tem sido amplamente explorado na literatura. Deste modo, o principal objetivo desta tese consiste no emprego de ‘integração’, ‘participação’ e ‘empowerment’ como fatores críticos que influenciam os rumos do desenvolvimento rural (1) através do desempenho organizacional das organizações de governança rural e (2) apoio no turismo de organizações de desenvolvimento rural tendo em vista a validação da abordagem de governança para o turismo integrado. Ao longo deste duplo objectivo geral, a tese é dividida numa componente qualitativa de ‘desempenho’ e numa componente quantitativa de ‘apoio’. Seguindo uma abordagem sistemática baseada num sistema conceptual, foram realizadas 38 entrevistas em profundidade com pessoas chave envolvendo gestores do programa LEADER da UE na Hungria (34% do número total de Grupos de Ação Local [GAL]), seguido por um levantamento de campo transversal realizado através de um sistema de recolha de dados na Internet, tendo resultado em 662 questionários válidos para uma taxa de resposta de 63.6%. Os resultados da componente “desempenho” revelaram padrões na implementação dos princípios de governança, que por sua vez permitiram a identificação de fatores que permitem e restringem o desempenho organizacional. Os resultados da componente “apoio” permitiram destacar que o ponto de vista de redes de desenvolvimento local nos princípios de governança não é homogéneo. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas entre organizações responsáveis pelo planeamento e os grupos de aconselhamento. Contudo, os resultados sugeriram que a dimensão sustentável de turismo rural integrado é um prognosticador da contribuição do turismo para o desenvolvimento global da comunicade e para o apoio do turismo ao longo das redes de desenvolvimento local. Este estudo responde a uma necessidade crescente de investigação, que resulta da proliferação à escala mundial de formações de governança em sistemas de administração pública, tanto no lado dos investigadores como no lado dos praticantes.


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In the present study the development of bioreactors for nitrifying water in closed system hatcheries of penaeid and non-penaeid prawns. This work is an attempt in this direction to cater to the needs of aquaculture industry for treatment and remediation of ammonia and nitrate in penaeid and non-penaeid hatcheries, by developing nitrifying bacteria allochthonous to the particular environment under consideration, and immobilizing them on an appropriately designed support materials configured as reactors. Ammonia toxicity is the major limiting factors in penaeid and non-penaeid hatchery systems causing lethal and sublethal effects on larvae depending on the pH values. Pressing need of the aquaculture industry to have a user friendly and economically viable technology for the removal of ammonia, which can be easily integrated to the existing hatchery designs without any major changes or modifications. Only option available now is to have biological filters through which water can be circulated for the oxidation of ammonia to nitrate through nitrite by a group of chemolithotrophs known as nitrifying bacteria. Two types of bioreactors have been designed and developed. The first category named as in situ stringed bed suspended bioreactor(SBSBR) was designed for use in the larval rearing tanks to remove ammonia and nitrite during larval rearing on a continuous basis, and the other to be used for nitrifying freshly collected seawater and spent water named as ex situ packed bed bioreactior(PBBR). On employing the two reactors together , both penaeid and non-penaeid larval rearing systems can be made a closed recirculating system at least for a season. A survey of literature revealed that the in situ stringed bed suspended reactor developed here is unique in its design, fabrication and mode of application.


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The idea of a community of practice (CoP) has been offered as the engine to unlock the potential of organizational resources, mainly knowledge and people, to achieve the strategic goal of sustained competitiveness. The relevance and application of CoPs in large UK contracting companies was investigated using two case studies. Contrasting variations in the understanding of the concept between the two contracting companies were observed. While a CoP was applied in one company with strategic intent, the concept was not fully understood in the other. In one company, only a third of CoP members surveyed agreed that CoPs were a vehicle for driving best practice and innovation throughout the business; this compared with more than 60% in agreement in the other contracting firm. The higher agreement and satisfaction of CoP members in the latter case study was the result of the management's understanding and commitment. CoPs require time and organizational support to mature. The strategic inception and management support of CoP application is vital for their maturation and progress. Although the construction industry change discourses portray CoPs as fostering an environment of trust, and hence serving as innovation and competiveness enablers, their potential contribution to contracting firms does not provide a compelling case and hence merits further research studies.


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Background and aims: In addition to the well-known linguistic processing impairments in aphasia, oro-motor skills and articulatory implementation of speech segments are reported to be compromised to some degree in most types of aphasia. This study aimed to identify differences in the characteristics and coordination of lip movements in the production of a bilabial closure gesture between speech-like and nonspeech tasks in individuals with aphasia and healthy control subjects. Method and procedure: Upper and lower lip movement data were collected for a speech-like and a nonspeech task using an AG 100 EMMA system from five individuals with aphasia and five age and gender matched control subjects. Each task was produced at two rate conditions (normal and fast), and in a familiar and a less-familiar manner. Single articulator kinematic parameters (peak velocity, amplitude, duration, and cyclic spatio-temporal index) and multi-articulator coordination indices (average relative phase and variability of relative phase) were measured to characterize lip movements. Outcome and results: The results showed that when the two lips had similar task goals (bilabial closure) in speech-like versus nonspeech task, kinematic and coordination characteristics were not found to be different. However, when changes in rate were imposed on the bilabial gesture, only speech-like task showed functional adaptations, indicated by a greater decrease in amplitude and duration at fast rates. In terms of group differences, individuals with aphasia showed smaller amplitudes and longer movement durations for upper lip, higher spatio-temporal variability for both lips, and higher variability in lip coordination than the control speakers. Rate was an important factor in distinguishing the two groups, and individuals with aphasia were limited in implementing the rate changes. Conclusion and implications: The findings support the notion of subtle but robust differences in motor control characteristics between individuals with aphasia and the control participants, even in the context of producing bilabial closing gestures for a relatively simple speech-like task. The findings also highlight the functional differences between speech-like and nonspeech tasks, despite a common movement coordination goal for bilabial closure.


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ARRUDA, E. AND G. F. A. MELO-DE-PINNA (Departamento de Botanica, Instituto de Biociencias. Universidade de Sao Paulo, Rua do Matao, travessa 14, Cidade Universitaria, Butanta, Caixa Postal 11461, 05422-970. Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil). Wide-band tracheids (WBTs) of the photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic stems in species of Cactaceae. J. Torrey Bat. Soc. 137: 16-29. 2010.-The absence of WBTs and wood polymorphisms in some species of the Caryophyllales may be related to the particular area of plant analyzed. The present research has the objective of studying the photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic stems of different species and stages of differentiation to register wood polymorphisms and to understand the distribution and occurrence of WBTs. Wood polymorphism was observed in the non-photosynthetic stern of young and adult plants of Opuntioideae and Cactoideae and is also found in the photosynthetic stem of young plants of some species of Cactoideae. Cactoideae present WBT/fibrous dimorphic wood that can be related to cambial variation associated with growth habits and plant development. As expected, in the photosynthetic stem of the adult columnar cacti the wood is monomorphic fibrous in which WBTs were not found. This wood contains a great amount of fibers due to necessity of the mechanical support. In contrast, the globular species do not possess fibers in this area of the stem in either adult or young plants. Opuntia monacantha Haw. had non-fibrous wood in which WBTs were observed in the axial system and in the inner parts of the rays. Fiber clusters were present in the axial system. This wood represents a variation in the wood types described for Opuntioideae. Also, in O. monacantha, cells similar to the WBTs were observed in the pith, which can be interpreted as variation in the morphogenic processes during the ontogeny of the plant, probably a case of homeosis. Monomorphic fibrous wood without WBTs was found along the entire stem of Pereskia bahiensis Gurke. This feature has been observed in other pereskias, and in addition to the others, indicates its proximity to the ancestral cacti.


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In this paper preparers’ and non-preparers’ positions regarding accounting for goodwill are examined through studying submitted comment letters on ED3 ‘Business Combinations’. Preparers have, because of economic consequences, incentives to lobby for the non-amortisation approach and non-preparers for the amortisation approach. As hypothesised, non-preparers are found to support amortisation of goodwill to a greater extent than do preparers. Moreover, the two groups’ supportive arguments, i.e. how they argue for or against the non-amortisation or amortisation approach, are studied. Again, as hypothesised, the results show that the two groups use the same type of ‘sophisticated’ framework based arguments instead of economic consequences arguments. Taken together the examination of the comment letters thus indicates that both preparers and non-preparers point at conceptual strengths and weaknesses, instead of pointing at the real cause of the lobbying activities, i.e. perceived economic consequences, when they try to affect the final outcome of the standard. These findings confirm earlier research which has suggested that self-interested lobbyists use accounting theories and concepts as useful justifications.


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The importance of a positive self-concept as an educational outcome and a facilitator of other desirable outcomes are well established within the education research field. Although the multidimensional and hierarchical model of the self-concept is widely accepted within the educational psychology, this perspective is not widely used within the mental health research. Hence, the purpose of the present investigation is to compare the psychometric properties of the short version of the Self-Description Questionnaire (SDQII-S) based on responses by a large sample of female adolescent high school students (N= 829) and a clinical sample of adolescent girls who have been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa (N= 75). The well-established psychometric properties of the longer version of the SDQII generalise well to both samples of adolescent girls, and analyses provided good support for the invariance of the factor structure across the two samples. Furthermore, analyses employing new structural equation modelling approaches to comparing the latent mean differences indicated that there were differences (although surprisingly small) between the two groups that were generally consistent with a priori predictions. The important educational and clinical implications of these results are discussed.


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Background and objectives: 

The World Health Organization (WHO)’s monitoring of risk factors for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) does not include ’upstream’ monitoring of many aspects of food environments that influence population diets. INFORMAS (International Network for Food and Obesity/NCDs Research, Monitoring and Action Support) is a global network of public-interest organisations and researchers that aims to monitor, benchmark and support public and private sector actions to create healthy food environments and reduce obesity and NCDs. This monitoring of public and private sector policies, and their impacts on the healthiness of food environments, seeks to complement existing WHO monitoring efforts.

Monitoring areas are divided into process, impact and outcome modules. The two process modules focus on monitoring and benchmarking the policies and actions of the public and private sector. The seven impact modules focus on monitoring and benchmarking the impact of those policies and actions on key aspects of food environments, such as food composition, labelling, promotion, provision, access, availability, affordability, and trade and investment. The three outcome modules focus on monitoring and evaluating changes in behavioural, dietary, physiological and metabolic risk factors, as well as health outcomes. Some aspects of these outcome components are being developed by WHO as part of their global NCD monitoring framework.

The development of protocols and pilot testing is planned for 2013-2015. The monitoring framework will be trialled in large and small, and high- and low-income countries globally. Within five years, it is expected that all countries will be invited to collect their own data and contribute those data to a global database for benchmarking food environments. 

Benchmarking data and good practice exemplars will be communicated to policymakers, civil society and the food industry with the aim of stimulating improvements in the healthiness of food environments.


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Quantitative comparisons of subjective wellbeing (SWB) between samples of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian adolescents are scarce. This paper contributes to this literature by studying adolescents 'at-risk' of disengaging, or who have already disengaged, from school, their families or society. A three-group cross-sectional comparative design was employed, comparing Indigenous (N = 3,187) and non-Indigenous (N = 14,522) 'at-risk' adolescents with a mainstream sample of Victorian high-school students (N = 1,105). Age and gender differences in SWB within the three groups were also explored. All participants completed the Personal Wellbeing Index-School Children (PWI-SC), which measures SWB. Mean SWB was significantly higher in the mainstream sample than in both the Indigenous and non-Indigenous 'at-risk' groups. However, within the at-risk adolescents, the Indigenous sample scored higher than the non-Indigenous. In the mainstream sample, male and female SWB did not significantly differ, whereas males scored higher than females in both at-risk groups-with males scoring higher on all seven PWI-SC domains. Finally, in all three samples, a decline in SWB from early to mid-adolescence was observed. This suggests that mid-adolescence is a challenging time for all young people as they approach adulthood. The implications of this research for educational and government policy concerning youths in Australia is discussed. For example, the importance of obtaining normative data that will assist in the identification of young people who are most at-risk for experiencing low personal wellbeing and who are in the greatest need of support. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The shortage of kidney donors and benefits of kidney transplantation make graft success imperative. Medication adherence is critical to prevent the risk of graft rejection. This paper examines how adults are prepared and supported by renal transplant co-ordinators and pharmacists to take their medications as prescribed in kidney transplantation. METHODS: Renal transplant co-ordinators and pharmacists of all five hospitals offering adult kidney transplantation in Victoria, Australia, were interviewed between November 2013 and February 2014. All data underwent qualitative descriptive analysis. RESULTS: Nine renal transplant co-ordinators and six pharmacists were interviewed. Although there was no standardized approach to education or other evidence-based strategies to facilitate medication adherence, there were similarities between sites. These similarities included printed information, pre-transplant education sessions, the use of medication lists and medication administration aids, intensive education in hospital and ensuring an adequate supply of medications post-discharge. CONCLUSIONS: Renal transplant co-ordinators and pharmacists recognized the importance of early patient education concerning immunosuppressant medication. However, each site had developed their own way of preparing a patient for kidney transplantation and follow-up in the acute hospital setting based on experience and practice. Other non-educational strategies involving behavioural and emotional aspects were less common. Differences in usual care reinforce the necessity for evidence-based health care for best patient outcomes.


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BACKGROUND: Dementia residential facilities can be described as traditional or non-traditional facilities. Non-traditional facilities aim to utilise principles of environmental design to create a milieu that supports persons experiencing cognitive decline. This study aimed to compare these two environments in rural Australia, and their influence on residents' occupational engagement. METHODS: The Residential Environment Impact Survey (REIS) was used and consists of: a walk-through of the facility; activity observation; interviews with residents and employees. Thirteen residents were observed and four employees interviewed. Resident interviews did not occur given the population diagnosis of moderate to severe dementia. Descriptive data from the walk-through and activity observation were analysed for potential opportunities of occupational engagement. Interviews were thematically analysed to discern perception of occupational engagement of residents within their facility. RESULTS: Both facilities provided opportunities for occupational engagement. However, the non-traditional facility provided additional opportunities through employee interactions and features of the physical environment. Interviews revealed six themes: Comfortable environment; roles and responsibilities; getting to know the resident; more stimulation can elicit increased engagement; the home-like experience and environmental layout. These themes coupled with the features of the environment provided insight into the complexity of occupational engagement within this population. CONCLUSION: This study emphasises the influence of the physical and social environment on occupational engagement opportunities. A non-traditional dementia facility maximises these opportunities and can support development of best-practice guidelines within this population.


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An experiment was conducted to assess the response of juvenile barramundi (Lates calcarifer) to four diets containing either marine- or non-marine derived neutral lipid (NL) or polar lipid (PL) sources for eight weeks in a 2 × 2 factorial design. The four diets contained 8.2% added lipid composed of a 1% fish oil base with 7.2% test lipid (n - 3 NL: Fish oil, n - 3 PL: Krill oil, n - 6 NL: Soybean oil, n - 6 PL: Soybean lecithin). The results demonstrated that the different lipid sources (either n - 3 or n - 6 omega series from either NL or PL class) had significant effects on growth performance and feed utilisation with some interaction terms noted. Growth was negatively affected in the n - 6 NL fish and the feed conversion (FCR) was highest in the n - 6 PL fish. Digestibility of total lipid and some specific fatty acids (notably 18:2n - 6 and 18:3n - 3) were also negatively affected in the n - 6 PL fish. Analysis of the whole body neutral lipid fatty acid composition showed that these mirrored those of the diets and significant interaction terms were noted. However, the whole body polar lipid fatty acids appeared to be more tightly regulated in comparison. The blood plasma biochemistry and hepatic transcription of several fatty acid metabolism genes in the n - 6 PL fed and to a lesser extent in the n - 6 NL fed fish demonstrated a pattern consistent with modified metabolic function. These results support that there are potential advantages in using phospholipid-rich oils however there are clear differences in terms of their origin. Statement of relevance: Juvenile barramundi may benefit from dietary phospholipid.


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Ethanol can compromise the body mineral composition and affect bone, and when associated to hypogonadism is considered an important risk factor for osteoporosis in man. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of androgen deficient and chronic ethanol consuming on mineral contents by biochemistry and non-destructive techniques. Wistar rat (n=54) were divided in orchiectomy (ORQ) or SHAM-operated and subdivided by diet. They were daily fed with a Lieber DeCarli diet model for 8 weeks long. The controls groups were free-diet and pair-fed. Ca and P were analyzed by biochemistry test in the blood and by nX-ray fluorescence and FT-Raman on the femur area. Serum analysis revealed hypocalcaemia and hypeiphosphataemia in ethanol groups more than pair-fed and free-diet. In similarity, spectroscopy indicated a decrease in bone Ca content in ORQ groups, mainly for ethanol groups. Phosphorus content and Ca/P molar ratio, otherwise, doesn't diverge in all 6 groups. Ethanol consumption impaired Ca and P homeostasis in ORQ rat more than SHAM. The relationships among ethanol consume and androgen deficit support the hypothesis that ethanol affects the mineral-regulating hormones and may mediate some effects on bone. These findings demonstrate that ethanol seemed to interfere with the normal compensatory response to these Ca and P levels and is more significant M androgen deficiency rats.


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This study aimed to evaluate the motor response time and ability to develop joint torque at the knee and ankle in older women with and without a history of falls, in addition to investigating the effect of aging on these capacities. We assessed 18 young females, 21 older female fallers and 22 older female non-fallers. The peak torque, rate of torque development, rate of electromyography (EMG) rise, reaction time, premotor time and motor time were obtained through a dynamometric assessment and simultaneous electromyography. Surface EMGs of the rectus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL), biceps femoris (BF), gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles were recorded. Knee extension and flexion peak torques were lower in older fallers than in non-fallers. Knee extension and flexion and ankle plantarflexion and dorsiflexion peak torques were lower in both older groups than in the younger group. The rate of EMG rise of the BF and the motor time of the TA were lower and higher, respectively, in older fallers than in the younger adults. The time to reach peak torque in knee extension/flexion and ankle plantarflexion/dorsiflexion and the motor times of the RF, VL, BF and GL were higher in both older groups than in the younger groups. The motor time of the TA during ankle dorsiflexion and the knee extension peak torque were the major predictors of falls in older women, accounting for approximately 28% of the number of falls. Thus, these results further reveal the biomechanical parameters that affect the risk of falls and provide initial findings to support the prescription of exercises in fall prevention programs. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.