619 resultados para Depósito Visconde


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the coverage of spray droplets on coffee plants as well as their deposition using a sprayer with and without adaptation of an auxiliary branch for tall plants. The experiment was conducted following a randomized block design with six treatments and four replications to evaluate the percentage of coverage for the spraying liquids in water sensitive paper fixed at four quadrants and two heights (lower and upper) of the plants, and the spray deposit with metallic marker (MnSO4) on sheets in the same positions of the water sensitive paper in two spray volumes (450 and 750 L h(-1)). The experiment was conducted in October 2011 in the town of Patroc nio-MG, and the experimental plots consisted of 30 plants of Catua IAC-99, with approximately 12 years of age and average height of 3.50 meters. The experiments were conducted following a randomized block design with six treatments and four replications to evaluate the coverage and deposition, in two spray volumes (450 and 750 L ha(-1)). Leaves were collected in four positions and also at the top four in the lower canopy. The results of the evaluations were analysed statistically by F test and for comparison of means by Tukey test at 5% probability. The auxiliary branch installed at the rear of the equipment is the most suitable when compared to use of equipment without this feature or installed in the front of the equipment. Furthermore, the application volume of 450 L ha(-1) results in coverages and deposits of spraying liquids equivalents to volume of 750 L ha(-1), considered sufficient according to the parameters evaluated.


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The Cu-Au mine of Chapada is located in the municipality of Alto Horizonte, in the northwestern portion of Goiás state and is inserted in the geological context of the Brasilia Belt, specifically the Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc, which hosts important deposits of Au and Cu-Au. The rocks found in the study area belong mainly to the Volcano-Sedimentary Sequence of Mara Rosa and are composed of basic to acidic metavolcanic rocks, psammiticpellitic metasedimentary rocks, chemical rocks and also hydrothermal products. Late intrusions occur and are represented by pegmatitic dikes and tonalitic bodies. The ore deposit of the Chapada mine is formed predominantly by the chalcopyrite-pyritemagnetite association, where pyrite is the most abundant mineral. Through the structural mapping of the mining fronts, it was able to recognize three deformational phases (Dn, Dn +1, Dn +2). During the Dn phase, isoclinal recumbent folds were formed, in association with amphibolites facies metamorphism. Later, in phase Dn +1, there was formation of drag folds and intrafolial folds in association with retrograde metamorphism in the greenschist facies. The deformational phase Dn +2, in its turn, was responsible for late symmetrical folding of the foliation, with NS and EW axes, resulting in an interference pattern of the dome-and-basin type


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The mining research is a complex activity, which should preferably involve the combination of direct and indirect techniques of geological research. The increasing demand for base metals in domestic and international markets provide the revaluation of mineral occurrences, which can be converted into deposits and mines. This paper presents the results of the application of geophysical methods of electric resistivity and induced polarization in main foliation parallel to the arrangement of the area, in a deposit of oxides and hydroxides in massive and disseminated ores, docked in gneisses and quartzites, located in the municipality of Itapira, in the North of the State of São Paulo in Brazil. Inversion models indicate the predominance of high cargabilidade that partially coincide with low resistivity values. Integration of geophysical data made possible the drafting of sections of electric walking with cross-checking distance x depth, for detailing your target. The integrated analysis of geophysical and geological structural data leads to the conclusion that the primary mining suffers structural control with the regional foliation in ores


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The Roosevelt-Domain Aripuanã that by Filho et al 2004 is characterized by a metavolcanic sedimentary sequence, containing acidic to interemediary metavolcanic rocks and clastic and chemical sediments, deformed and metamorphosed at low grade, with U-Pb age of 1.743 +- 4 Ma, (by Granito Zé do Torno), and circumscribed bodies of granites late to post-orogenic (Aripuanã)...


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The study area of the Guarda-Mor target (Israelândia-GO) contextualizes the terrains of the estaern portion of the Arenópolis Magmatic Arc, more accurately, the Neoproterozoic associations inserted in the field of the Jaupaci volcano-sedimentary sequence. The mapped area is located in the central-western of Goiás state. The presente paper has as main objective to characterize the structural, petrographic and litogeochemistry of the target rocks beyond to compare these factors with the Mina Bacilândia rocks (Fazenda Nova-GO) in order to assess the genetic similarity of volcano-sedimentary units and deposits associated. The Guarda-Mor target is represented by the Jaupaci metavolcanic rocks sequence presenting bimodal volcanism. This sequence consists in metafelsic rocks like sericite/muscovite quartz schist, phyllite and metarriolites and/or metariodacites with calc-alkaline geochemical signature and metamafic rocks with tholeiitic character formed by actinolite - chlorite schist and chlorite - quartz schist. Besides the package of supracrustal rocks also can be observed the occurrence of a local intrusion syn- to late - tectonic named Granito Subvulcânico. In the study area beyond the marked volcanism also seen an event of crustal melting granitogênese evidenced by the presence of 2 granites at the east and the west of the map, Granito Israelândia and Granito Iporá respectively. Structural analysis both at the macro and micro have identified 3 deformation phases. The types of rock on the region record features in the metamorphic facies top and down. These features were subdivided into 3 metamorphic areas: the east and West areas show thermal metamorphism due to intrusion of adjacente granites while the central domain displays features of regional metamorphism. Gold mineralization of the Guarda –Mor deposit target suggests a possible structural control beyond pronounced the hydrothermal alteration. The mineralization may also be...


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Le but de cet article est de démontrer que la production de textes biographiques a été une activité constante pendant toute la carrière intellectuelle et politique du vicomte de Taunay, de façon à contribuer pour rendre célèbres des personnalités brésiliennes et étrangères qui, selon lui-même, ont joué un rôle important dans le projet de constitution de la nationalité brésilienne. Em outre, ce texte vise signaler un aspect caractéristique de la méthode biographique adoptée par l’écrivain, puisqu’il va au-délà de la chronologie tradionnelle qui considère la naissance et la mort comme points de répère identifiant le début et la fin du récit: d’autres textes (écrits ou non par lui) s’y ajoutent toujours, de manière à le rendre fragmentaire et, par conséquent, plus proche de la discontinuité et du caractère aléatoire de l’existence humaine.


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Cet article se propose à analiser les relations discoursives autour de la thémathique de l'émancipation féminine dans le roman Inocência (1872), de Visconde de Taunay, dans le but de constater la présence d'éléments polyphoniques, d'après la théorie du roman polyphonique de Mikhaïl Bakhtine.


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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[ES] El propósito de este artículo es suministrar al lector los primeros pasos para la comprensión de la metodología Value at Risk (Var). La necesidad de comprender esta metodología está justificada por el acuerdo de Basilea y la Directiva sobre los requerimientos de capital impuesta por la Unión Europea. Ambos proponen los métodos VaR para determinar el capital mínimo de los bancos comerciales en su operativa pero, ¿Qué es el riesgo exactamente?. El riesgo puede ser definido como la volatilidad de los resultados esperados.


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El análisis económico de las instituciones jurídicas ha adquirido una importancia considerable en los últimos años. Precisamente, el objetivo esencial de este trabajo se centra en el estudio del análisis económico del contrato de depósito irregular de dinero mediante tres enfoques metodológicos diferentes. El primer capítulo de este trabajo analiza la naturaleza jurídica del contrato de depósito irregular de dinero, examinando las principales características respecto al contrato de préstamo o mutuo. Igualmente, este capítulo estudiará la lógica jurídica propia de ambas instituciones, y cómo los principios generales del derecho fueron descubiertos desde el derecho romano clásico. El segundo capítulo trata de analizar la historia de los hechos económicos y, en particular, el proceso histórico de la violación de los principios tradicionales del derecho en relación al contrato de depósito irregular de dinero. Por último, el capítulo tercero examina los distintos intentos doctrinales realizados para elaborar un nuevo tipo de contrato de depósito bancario de dinero, con el único objetivo de legitimar un sistema bancario con un coeficiente de caja de reserva fraccionaria.


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