974 resultados para Dental prostheses
A finite element analysis was used to compare the effect of different designs of implant-retained overdentures and fixed full-arch implant-supported prosthesis on stress distribution in edentulous mandible. Four models of an human mandible were constructed. In the OR (O'ring) group, the mandible was restored with an overdenture retained by four unsplinted implants with O'ring attachment; in the BC (bar-clip) -C and BC groups, the mandibles were restored with overdentures retained by four splinted implants with bar-clip anchor associated or not with two distally placed cantilevers, respectively; in the FD (fixed denture) group, the mandible was restored with a fixed full-arch four-implant-supported prosthesis. Models were supported by the masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joints. A 100-N oblique load was applied on the left first molar. Von Mises (σvM), maximum (σmax) and minimum (σmin) principal stresses (in MPa) analyses were obtained. BC-C group exhibited the highest stress values (σvM=398.8, σmax=580.5 and σmin=-455.2) while FD group showed the lowest one (σvM=128.9, σmax=185.9 and σmin=-172.1). Within overdenture groups, the use of unsplinted implants reduced the stress level in the implant/prosthetic components (59.4% for σvM, 66.2% for σmax and 57.7% for σmin versus BC-C group) and supporting tissues (maximum stress reduction of 72% and 79.5% for σmax, and 15.7% and 85.7% for σmin on the cortical and trabecular bones, respectively). Cortical bone exhibited greater stress concentration than the trabecular bone for all groups. The use of fixed implant dentures and removable dentures retained by unsplinted implants to rehabilitate edentulous mandible reduced the stresses in the periimplant bone tissue, mucosa and implant/prosthetic components. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The invention of a modified nylon mesh for structural reinforcement of dental prostheses is described, said modified nylon mesh comprising polyamide fibres and 0.3%-0.5% v/v silicon dioxide (SiO2), which enables chemical binding between the acrylic resin and the polyamide mesh in order to increase the strength of the resin/polyamide complex in said dental prosthesis.
Aims: To evaluate the severity of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) of women in the municipality of Araraquara (Brazil) as well as the contribution of the perception of oral health, mandibular functional limitation, and sociodemographic variables on the severity of TMD. Methods: The participants were interviewed by telephone. Information regarding age, marital status, economic level, education, and use and type of dental prostheses was surveyed. To evaluate TMD severity, mandibular functional limitation and perception of oral health, Fonseca's Anamnesic Index (IAF), the Mandibular Function Impairment Questionnaire (MFIQ), and the General Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) were used. To evaluate the contribution of these variables on TMD severity, a structural equation model (SEM) was fitted to the data and assessed by usual goodness-of-fit indices. Results: A total of 701 women with a mean age of 44.36 years (SD = 16.31) participated. According to the IAF, 59.6% (95% confidence interval = 56.00%-63.2%) of the women were classified as having TMD, of which 63.9% presented light, 26.8% moderate, and 9.3% severe TMD. Mandibular functional limitation was low in 91.0% of the women, moderate in 7.1%, and severe in 1.9%. Goodness-of-fit for the structural model was adequate. The predictors explained 43% of the variation in the TMD severity, with significant contributions of the variables dental prostheses (beta = -.008; P = .006), perception of oral health (beta = -.43; P < .001), and mandibular functional limitation (beta = .014; P = 014). Conclusion: The severity of TMD among Brazilian women was greater in non-users of dental prostheses and was also associated with greater mandibular functional limitation and poor perception of oral health.
Este trabalho avaliou a qualidade das adaptações cervicais de coroas totais metálicas, tendo como fonte de variação: a) o término do ombro cervical do preparo - biselado, inclinado em 1350; reto em 900, chanfro e gume de faca; b) o alívio ou não das superfícies internas das coroas; e, c) os tipos de agente de cimentação permanente, cimentos - fosfato de zinco Harvard; ionômero de vidro Ketac-Cem, policarboxilato de zinco Durelon e resinoso Panavia Ex. Inicialmente, foram confeccionados corpos-de-prova em modelos-padrão de aço inoxidável usinado, de acordo com o tipo de preparo dos términos cervicais experimentais. As cápsulas metálicas de aço inoxidável preparadas, tendo ou não alívio da superfície interna de 30 micrometros até a distância de 0,5 mm do limite do término cervical, justapunham-se precisamente e formavam um conjunto com adaptação e assentamento exatos. Estas foram cimentadas nos corpos-de-prova com os diferentes agentes cimentantes, os quais foram manipulados de acordo com as instruções dos fabricantes. Desenvolveram-se metodologias de reaproveitamento dos corpos-de-prova, estabilidade das cápsulas impedindo seu deslocamento durante a tomada das medidas e mensuração precisa. Concluiu-se que: a) as melhores médias de adaptações cervicais, semelhantes entre si, foram obtidas em modelos-padrão com ombros: lâmina de faca, ombro inclinado em 1350 e chanfro; b) as piores médias de adaptações cervicais, semelhantes entre si, foram obtidas em modelos-padrão com ombros reto em 900 e degrau em 900 com bisel de 450; c) houve melhora significativa na adaptação quando cápsulas metálicas foram cimentadas com alívio de sua superfície interna; d) os cimentos...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The aim of this work was to evaluate the corrosion resistance of AuPdAgIn alloy, submitted to laser beam welding, in 0.9% NaCl solution, using electrochemical techniques. Measures of the open circuit potential (OCP) versus time were applied to electrochemical experiments, as well as potentiodynamic direct scanning (PDS) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) on AuPdAgIn alloy, submitted to laser beam welding in 0.9% NaCl solution. Some differences observed in the microstructure can explain the results obtained for corrosion potential, Ecorr, and corrosion resistance, Rp. EIS spectra have been characterized by distorted capacitive components, presenting linear impedance at low frequencies, including a non-uniform diffusion. The area of the laser weld presented corrosion potential slightly superior when compared to the one of the base metal. The impedance results suggest the best resistant corrosion behavior for laser weld than base metal region. This welding process is a promising alternative to dental prostheses casting.
The use of different methods and materials should be considered during the planning of implant-supported prostheses. Complications such as fractures of the acrylic resin base, wear and fracture of teeth can occur frequently, creating the need for careful planning for each patient, which can make the selection of the type of treatment more complex. Thus, this article describes the oral rehabilitation of a completely edentulous patient with bimaxillary fixed implant-supported prosthesis, with complaints on aesthetics, loss of vertical dimension and fracture of acrylic resin teeth of the upper arch. After the restoration of vertical dimension, his dentures were replaced with new bimaxillary implant-supported fixed prostheses, ceramic and acrylic resin were used as veneering material for maxilla and mandible, respectively. At the end of the treatment, the patient received bimaxillary flat occlusal splints to protect the teeth and implants of possible parafunctional habits. The approach for the treatment allowed a quick and effective resolution, with aesthetic and functional outcomes very favorable for the patient.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)